
The Game of Ice and Fire

When a ROB decides to give little Jon Snow a small blessing , this small change completely changed the song of ice and fire if you want to support my work visit my patreon https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon I am 10 chapters ahead there

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Chapter 11 Years go by

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298 AC (Jon 14) (year that cannon starts)

Moat Cailin

Eddard Stark pov

North has changed a lot in the last few years, and all of it was because his nephew Jon and for the better ,we are stronger than we had been for at least a century

It is kind of shameful that as the warden I should be one to strive to make north better, but while I was still grieving and looking after my children a little boy had to step up make changes

As I ride in through the main gate I am still in awe of the castle that Moat Cailin had become now, I have been here a lot of times over the last few years but it still leaves with awe and wonder every time

This ancient castle that pushed back countless southern armies is now back to its full glory with all the 20 towers rebuilt that can defend the castle from all sides which are now interconnected through stone bridges and the huge wall that is restored and looks stronger than ever

While the castle is stronger and defensive it is also made more beautiful with its magestic main keep which stands tall even amongst the towers, the entire structure is breathtaking with open balconies, littered with statues of gargoyles, direwolves and most importantly dragons, it even has lifts incorporated in the keep

The main keep is not the only thing in the castle it has open gardens, glass gardens, hot springs, godswoods, guest towers, etc This castle has been the talk of the seven kingdoms for years now

When he gave Jon Moat Cailin 9 years ago he didn't expect such a result, Ben said they took a huge loan from the Ironbank a year into the rebuilding it but they paid it back in just 3 years, I don't know how much gold Jon borrowed but it has to be substantial

But the surprises didn't end there, 2 years later a normal tree suddenly turned into a heart tree and two direwolves came and started living there, there were multiple rumours that it's a sign from God, I and multiple northern lords had come to check the heart tree but is was true a heart tree suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and first time in hundreds of years there are direwolves south of the wall

It didn't stop there, in the next few years Jon went on multiple voyages in the seas and brought back many wonderful things, things like boar-rabbits which are small boar like creatures that can survive the harsh climate of the north and multiply like rabbits, Jon released thousands of them all over the north, and in a few years these animals were everywhere in the north, they made easy catch for hunters and easy meat and pelts for smallfolk

Jon also brought hundreds of crops that can grow in cold, most of them didn't survive in North but those that did completely changed farming in the north, the lands near Moat Cailin have become the largest producer of food in North by far, they supply food to the entire north

Jon also brought furry cattle called yaks that can survive and thrive in the north and sold them to the Northern lords, all of this made surviving the winters made far easier

In just two years Jon did more for the north than the last few generations of Starks, but he didn't stop there when he was just 10 nameday old he went to essos and made the company of rose come back to north, those northern men who had left for essos when Torren stark knelt to the dragons came back to follow a 10 nameday old boy, jon brought back 3000 fighting men and their families

These 3000 men formed the first wolfgaurds, northern rangers that protects the north from bandits, ironborn, wildlings raids etc under Jon

North is big, nearly as big as rest of the six kingdoms, if the lords decide to root out and kill bandits their men would be spread out too thin, and even if lords decide fight the bandits they just hide away

But the wolfgaurds were formed with express intent to deal with such threats, in just a few years there are no bandits in North due to the wolfgaurds, they fought and killed any bandits that dared attack any villages

The bandits could not even hide from Jon and wolfgaurds, I had heard tales how Jon would lead men in battle with his giant white direwolf and slay any man that dare face him in battle, how in night bandits camps are attack by wild wolves and lay waste

There are many tales of Jon or the white wolf as they call him, how battleworn men piss themselves when they face the white wolf, how the wild animals help him in battle , how the old gods favour the white wolf etc

The wolfgaurds who started with 3000 men are now 10,000 strong, the wolfgaurds are now respected everywhere in the north by smallfolk and lords alike, they became an order with glory and protection of the north, the spare sons, noble bastards, and men who want to prove their poweress come to try and join the wolfgaurds, as the wolfgaurds accept anyone regardless of birth or gender, anyone can rise high here

Jon Snow, Lord of Moat Cailin now commands the largest host in the entire north with 15,000 men made of wolfgaurds and 5000 personal men,he is also the richest lord in the north due to trading across the narrow seas, first time in years the north has a fleet with hundred ships at White harbour

Today I and the entire stark household came to attend Jon's 14 nameday celebration, Jon is just 14 this year but he has completely changed the face of north and how its treated across the seven kingdoms