
The game of gods

In a world with gods that live eternally, humans are viewed as amusement and gamble. throughout the history of man kind powers was bestowed upon fitting individuals, and with this God's Game slowly came into existence.

Darell_Barnes · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 9: Assassination attempt

"weaken him to the point of death, then bring him to me. oh yes do not let him know" the caller on the other side of the said with contempt in his voice, the thought of Jojo disgusted the mysterious caller.

the ninja replied in a low voice that did not give away his presence "Yes sir".

The ninja then promptly left, leaving no trace of his presence. Jojo returned and created a hideout, there was a eerie sensation. However Jojo shook it off and focused on his tasks, Jojo found a place where the sun light shined throughout the day and placed a piece of wood there. Jojo read a book telling how to tell the time in the past, he was always interested in science, despite his strict schedule as a disciple he still forced reading books in his days and gathered a plethora of knowledge. He could easily survive in the wilderness.

The purpose of the object was to tell the time of the day. seeing the object the ninja looked at JoJo with mockery in his eyes after all this was such a primitive way to tell the time. The ninja inwardly ridiculed JoJo for his primitivism, he could easily tell the time with a clock or phone there was no need for such hard work and poor results.

- he is from a lower realm, this really give me wonders - the ninja thought. At this moment JoJo went back to the river to bathe, the ninja took advantage of this and emerged from the silhouette of a tree. No one could notice him no matter how professional, each tree looked the same and with the effect of the sun going down it looked as if the forest extended endlessly. This sight could send a eerie feeling down ones spine, however this didn't affect the ninja as he poured sedatives in Jojo's herbs. he quickly fled the seen tracelessly and found a cozy spot to watch the primitive Jojo get poisoned.

Time went by and JoJo came back to his hideout, he took the fish he caught and put it in the pot he won from the system raffle. JoJo placed the poisoned herbs in the pot and stirred continuously for a hour straight, he placed the delicacy on the clay plate he made and started to devour.

The ninja in the tree looked at Jojo with contempt, Jojo couldn't even tell that a simple poison was in his meal. While eating Jojo heard the system notification.

System notification [you have been poisoned, releasing antibodies]

"What is this system going on about now, what is an antibody?" Jojo was a bit intrigued at what the system said.

System [antibody: a substance released by the body to eliminate bacteria and other nuisances].

"WHAT!! you talk now!!" Jojo was surprised, after all the system only delivered news to him and would not answer questions.

System [yes]

"so can I ask you questions?" Jojo asked in a bewildered state slowly regaining his calm.

System[only if it is in my range of knowledge]

"perfect, who poisoned me?"


"are there any humans in a kilometer radius?"

system[cannot detect normal humans, do you wish to use 10 kami points to activate search]

"search" Jojo said this without hesitation, he needed to know who poisoned him and why.

system notification [one human detected. look to the left in the hollow tree branches]

Jojo turned and looked in the direction of the ninja with frosty eyes, the killing intent radiating from him was immense. Jojo abruptly jumped at the distracted ninja who was on his iPhone, the object piqued Jojo's interest and like a wild beast he hit the ninja out of the tree with his now improved physique. He grabbed the iPhone and threw it to the ground. the ninja turned upright before hitting the ground like a agile cat, he then looked at Jojo and said with mockery and disdain "it looks like the monkey has a brain"

"who are you calling monkey?" Jojo said with his voice becoming frosty.

"you obviously. Now if you don't mind, rollover and die!!" the ninja said before abruptly charging at Jojo.


"a higher realm fighting a lower realm, I must say it is obvious who will prevail as the champion. I'm putting my bet on shadow ninja" a silhouette of a god said excited at the thought of his winnings.

in this room the faces of the individuals could not be seen, only the silhouette or shadow figure of the god was present. there was a long table that accommodated each god, if the gods were present in flesh and bone it would bring about havoc in the lower realms.

"make that 2"

"my bet is on shadow" more and more figures began to bet on shadow ninja.

"I put my bet on Jojo" Arcedeus bravely placed his bet on Jojo leaving the other figures speechless.