
Those that remain

The remains of whatever was created or fought for can always be seen either through history or in the people itself.

As the Jackrixis grew and changed, we could see how they evolved in thoughts and cultures, such as with the various clans, tribes who all were at the start of a very long journey, so they are changing and experimenting and learning from the world but also everything around them within it.

Tribal elders tried to learn and preserve as much as they could for the future as the old would always remember the pains of the past. The leaders had to make sure the tribe or clan stayed away from the pitfalls that previous predecessors had fallen into.

There were so many chaotic elements both leaders had to deal with, from magic to monsters and the very gods themselves. So now what would the remains of the strongest warriors of rixis all put together for one mission. So now that they had completed the job, now they wondered the lands or tribes in confusion as they felt as if their memories had been changed or taken.

So they began to find each other and try to make sense of what had happened and if they had displeased the gods. Some didn't want an explanation and would go on long journeys to evenutally end up in the dark corners of the world. Where evil plotted against the gods and the knowledge they still had would be given to those powers.

As for the rest, they decided they needed to do a ritual, so speak to the most mighty of the gods to receive an answer.

Now, as for Jack, he didn't know about this until he got the notification, which was rare since his ritual was the nsot costly to make and time consuming.

He accepted and soon appeared in front of the men and women who were grasped hand in hand in the infinity symbol with 2 sacrifices in the centres.

Jack never really knew what to say he didn't want to just say hello or how you were doing. Since he needed to keep some sort of image, he just decided to be nice and hoped it lasted.

"Hello, my glorious warriors. I hope you have had a good life since I've last been down here"-Jack

All those present quickly kneeled while the former leader of the defence team walked towards him and kneeled Naga far seer. She looked into her creators glowing eyes as light seemed to bend and twist around him as his form stood before her.

"My most powerful creator we have served you faithfully and complete our glorious holy mission, but we feel broken and lost please give us guidance"-Naga

Jack felt this was going to happen, so he was just going to tell the truth but with a slight twist on it.

"I understand your pain, and the reason for your loss of memory was because we fear that so much advanced knowledge would harm both you. And the Jackrixis as a whole as knowledge can be a dangerous thing to hold, and we don't want to disrupt the path that you are all walking on"-Jack

Many rixis had different thoughts on this, with some believing that the gods didn't trust them or believe they were too weak to handle the information.

"I know you are the strongest and most loyal of my creations, and I want nothing but the best for you all"-Jack

"But my lord, we are confused. What should our purpose be now?"-Naga

"I never wanted to be in control of your lives. I only chose you for this mission as it was to safe gaurd the entire race"-Jack

"I never wanted this for you to be confused and to risk your lives for me, but I am sure you will all do even greater things with the lives you still have"-Jack

"So we must go back to our former life after all the training and blessings we received and all the destiny with it"-Naga

Jack decided to crouch down, hoping it would give them an idea of him being humble and kind as he was lowering himself to their level.

"All of you have done enough, but if you feel you must have some place to reach or destiny to achieve, i could give a task"-Jack

This seemed to make them happy as they were warriors who wanted nothing but to have a life greater than any other. When gods could talk to you, a person was much more likely to be a martyr or go on lifelong holy quests.

"Yes, my lord, please, we are not meant to live boring lives. We are warriors who wish to protect the weak and battle the most deadly foes"-Naga

Jack thought it was a bit strange, but religious zeolts and battle junkies were always going to be the rare few, not the majority.

"Alright, your task is to roam the lands in secret, protecting those who can't protect themselves and destroying those who wish to do harm to your race"-Jack

The rixis all seemed excited by this task, and all started to shout and roar in joy at their new task given by the highest god of the pantheon.

"We will take to our duties with grace and swiftness, my lord no evil shall be allowed to walk our lands. While the weak will grow strong under our watch"-Naga

"Do not worry about the future as I and the gods we be their to make sure everything goes as it should just enjoy the lives you have"-Jack

Jack then returned to his space while also remembering to ask Minerva to fix some of the memory confusion they had received.

Once Minerva did her magic, the jackrixis felt much better, and their minds were no longer clouded but still didn't have the removed memories back.

They all decided to have one last big celebration, and then they would all go to all corners of the lands by themselves or in groups of 3.

here's what happened to the teams after the war.

thanks for reading.

MRgold1creators' thoughts