

Jiayi reached at home.

Xiaoying was not with him, making him feel sad and a different kind of emptiness envelope him, making him feel anxious for no raeson.

He was the person who left her in the monastery for her betterment and at this moment, he was feeling the whole house empty without her. As if everything around him was dull and tasteless.

Because of the long journey, he was feeling tired. He threw himself upon the bed and closed his eyes.

An innocent sweet smiling face with twinkling eyes of Xiaoying made his sleep to fly away. He took a deep breathe and turned himself around the other side and he again closed his eyes, "How can someone be so cruel!" Those words fell into his ears.

Promptly, he opened his eyes and saw here and there but no one was there. He realized his increased heartbeats.

Though he didn't pay attention to that conversations, still all that words were revolving all over in his mind. Jiayi was likewise also wondering that who can be that evil man, who has done so bad towards that little girl.

On the other hand some one was searching for Xiaoying. It was no one other than her family.

"Hmmm... God knows!" Jiayi was unable to think anymore on the matter and he again he turned on the other side to get small amount of sleep and this time he really went to sleep.

His sleep got disturbed when annoying noise fell into his ears. A bad hunch filled his heart and his palms started sweating, it was as if there was a premonition in his heart.

The next moment he ran towards the window and peeped out to see what was happening over there. Whatever was in front of his eyes Seeing that his heart came into his mouth and spontaneously the words came out of his mouth, "Oh no!"


Two days had passed since Xiaoying was dropped into the monastery by Jiayi.

Xiaoying was still in the monastery, lying calmly on the bed, under observation of master Yi.

As compared to Xiaoying who was lying on the bed calmly, master Yi was being questioned about her, by her parents along with police that, how Xiaoying came here and what has happened to her.

Master Yi them, unhesitatingly told them whatever he knew. He informed them that one young kind man had accompanied her and helped her in getting the treatment.

Based on his treatment Master Yi also told that she was not in good mental state when she arrived and some other observation that he was able to do.

After hearing about her state Xiaoying's parents were tensed while her mother lied limply on her father's body holding her hand on her chest as if she was able to feel the pain bore by her daughter. Looking at them Master Yi gave them some assurance, "But I have done all best possible things to cure her. She will be alright..."

Suddenly, a voice came calling in an anxious tone "Master please come, she is opening her eyes."

As soon as his words were heard by her parents, everybody rushed inside.

On the bed, Xiaoying was blinking her eyes lazily. She was feeling as if she got up from a long sleep, making her feel refreshed as well as tired. She glanced at her mom, "Mom?"

The master silently smiled with a sigh of relief and turned to her parents, "Now you can take her to home."

Xiaoying's parents, were elated on the news of Xiaoying being all well. They happily, thanked to police and started walking towards the road along with Xiaoying who was talking nonstop with her mom. She seemed too excited to see the outside world that her eyes were shining brightly even after seeing small minute things that were colorful.

On the station, the train was about to leave.

Someone's eyes that were full of care and love was looking for someone dear to him desperately. A unknown anxiousness filled him and his heart started beating faster and faster. Hurriedly he was walking briskly, peeping inside of window bars of every coach. Surely he was in search of someone who was closed to his heart.

The man was injured, searching for someone was shabby.... his clothes were dirty with muddy water, his leg was injured, shoes tore, his fore head had a fresh wound from which blood was flowing out, but the man didn't care about anything.

At last in one coach he found the one he was searching for. He tried to get closer, but the crowd didn't allowed him. Standing far away there in front of that window he called the name for so many times, but in vain!

He used some different expressions but was unrecognized, he made various mimicking voices and many things. Anyhow he tried all his best to make him identified. Probably they were not destined.

At last, the train started to depart slowly, without giving up he started running along with that coach calling the name out.

He did his best, but lost in the game of fate.

Will their destiny make them meet again or will they remain apart from each other forever?


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