
The Game of A Blood Mage

What do you do when you wake up and find yourself inside the very game you loved? Follow a 'normal' person on his journey, follow him as he tries to survive in the very game he used to love.  But when games become reality... what will he do...  He knows the true dangers of this world... and how to survive in it...  The Game world was a cruel place where even hundred year old NPCs were smart... the players used to lose to those old monsters continuously.... will he survive his journey... or will he just be another spec in the dust of time...

Numera · Book&Literature
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78 Chs

Chapter 76: Soul Sect

In the Wayne Kingdom, the Sword Mountain, which was the place that had become quite popular lately. Normally a Sect or any other organization would have a fee to join, some could allow you to join but you had to be already strong or have some great family background.

Still, though, the Soul Sect who was in Sword Mountain would accept anyone talented. Even farm boys who were over thirty but had some talent could join, of course, the higher the age, the better the talent needed to be to qualify for joining.

Within the Soul Sect, there were many strange people, like the happy homunculus who worked as the administrative personnel and teachers in the Sect. Many students had already been enamored by the perfect-looking females with red eyes and silver hair. 

The Sect Master had allowed students to get into a romantic relationship with an emotionless homunculus as long as they reached Rank 4 and the homunculus also developed feelings. It was beneficial for both ways.

The Sect Master, Alex, was a very mysterious person. Almost no students have ever seen him as of late, and those who have say that he had red eyes and silver hair, just like those of a homunculus. Though his skin had a healthier shine of tan so he wasn't pale like the homunculus.

Of course, that's what other people said, so some didn't believe them since Alex was known to look like a normal person with dark hair and eyes when he was in the Magic Academy.

The young man who was now at the age of sixteen was filled with mystery. His connections with both the Holy Kingdom and the Vampire Camilla have painted a strange picture of him. Where did his morality lay? Nobody knew.

At this time, that 'mysterious' person was in his mansion at the top of the Sword Mountain. He's staring at a normal flower very intently.

His bothered, Ya Fei looked at him weirdly. And Ain, the first homunculus to gain free will was with her.

"What's he doing?" Asked Ya Fei, confused. "He has been staring at that flower for three days straight."

She looked at Ain for an answer, the homunculus had grown as a close assistant and intelligent person within Alex's circle. So she knew most of the things he was up to.

"Ah, I think Master is enchanting every blade of grass and every flower. I think flowers get a Death Ray Enchantment or something similar." Ain explained.

"No!" Yelled out Alex, for some unknown reason he was annoyed. "It's not a Death Ray, this time it's a Heart String Curdle Curse!"

"Ah, he is angry again." Ain rushed towards him.

"Again?" Ya Fei was even more confused by the situation, also by what Ain said, it seemed like this wasn't the crust time this happened. 

Ya Fei had no idea what they were talking about, and for some reason, Ain and Alex seemed close to each other… a little too close for her to feel comfortable. She liked the homunculus and would even consider her the best friend she had. But, still, the time her husband spent with Ain was way more than he spent with Ya Fei, his wife.

Still, though, she was bewildered when Ain, with a smile on her face out on fake cat ears. "Nya~ Alex, calm down."

Like always, Alex's face was unreadable. But he nodded. "Very nice Ain, this time my heart almost skipped a beat."


( Ya Fei POV )

As a princess, I should have more value to Alex than a fake human imitation that he created… right? After all, I will give him a Kingdom.

Does he even like me? What does he think about our relationship, am I someone important to him? We have spent six years together and yet, he never sent any real sign of love towards me. Alex would rather cover himself in work than mess around with a wife like me. 

We have consummated the marriage, and even though it was my first time… I don't think it was Alex's first time. His hands moved too skillfully and he knew just the right places to touch and hit.

Even after we had sex, he seemed to still spend more time with his homunculus. That pissed me off, he is a young teenage man. He probably does something indecent with those homunculi when I am not looking.

Though I could understand where he was coming from. Back in the Royal Palace, I was famed for my beauty, just like my sisters. Yet here I'm nothing, all these artificially created homunculi don't even need makeup. Ain ate ten times the normal sweets recommended for a human, yet her body shape didn't change at all. She was handcrafted to be perfect.

But I had to use Maker up to even appear decent in front of them! Ahhh!! I wanna go and yell out loud to my stupid husband! Some strong people have harems, but they don't mess with other women in front of their wife!

Ain then came back after putting on fake cat ears and bunny ears too. Also, she had them on her person, meaning that she had to use them often enough that she didn't bother storing them in a storage magic space.

"Ahhh~ playing cat girl and rabbit girl is so nice~" Ain had a satisfied expression on her face. "You should try it sometime Ya Fei. Alex might like this in the bedroom."

Ohoho~ so she knows what Alex likes in the bedroom? Now I am convinced that Ain had a strange relationship with my husband.

Looking at Alex, I noticed that he wasn't at the flower where he had been previously staring at. "Where did he go?"

"Ah, he probably went to his secret lab under the mansion," Ain said, a frown overtaking her face. "Even I do not know what he does there." 

She then smirked and turned at me. "Do you think he conducts human experimentation?"

Uhhh… as his wife I should support Alex… 

But holy hell!! He totally is the kind of guy who would do something like that!

Also not only was he sketchy, but he also knew a lot of sketchy people. For example, he knew Camilla, the Vampire Queen who has killed thousands and turned many legendary heroes into her servant vampires.

Then there was the Magic Academy who he used to be best friends with and then betrayed later on. After that, there were rumors of him being very close with the Underworld of the Wayne Kingdom. Gangs, human traffickers, spies, assassins, those were just some of the kinds of bad people Alex knew.

If this had been a story she used to read when young, then Alex would be the bad guy who would act good and know every bad guy in town. Also, he was a little bit of a mad scientist to the side with an unhealthy dose of god complex.

Wait! That sounds like a total villain! 

My husband is a Villain~ wait, that sounds like some kind of book. Have I read that before? Usually, very good authors came about every once in a while with books like Titanic and such, the writer of that book had jokingly said that he had gotten the ideas from another world.

Though the man was later killed not long after saying these words. My father suspected that this 'other world knowledge' might have activated some people who wanted to keep some things secret.

I started walking off, with Ain following me like always when my brother, who had now grown quite a bit. Ya Xiao had just become eleven years old and looked like the cute little brother he should look like.

Though something has been weird lately. My brother had no talent in either Mana or Ki. But lately, he went to gather some medicine and after that trained himself half to death. Awakening Ki and within six months went to become a Rank 2 Warrior. 

"Ah sister, I am glad to see you here." Said her brother, on his face was a gentle smile. "Do you know where Alex is? I would like to meet up with him for something."


A/N: Though Ya Fei knows how her husband is. She doesn't necessarily see him in a bad light. Also some things will be explained a othe story goes on, as in this chapter a lot things have been shown only a glimpse of them.

P.S: The Humans have no idea that the Beast War has already started. Even though beasts have started acting strange already.


 Don't forget to throw some power stones :)


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