
The Game God

if interested read my other work they have different pace's and I have to be in a different mindset to write either novel kinda going to draft the rest of the chapters and mass release all at once since it doesn't State in comp they have to released at different times this story is hard to write so I will continue when I can somehow the upload went screwy and chapters out of order no idea how to fix it

Frostbite2023 · Games
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My humble beginnings chapter 1

My name is jack I'm 16 years old I'm just your advantage teenager tall I'm 6 ft 5inches tall I'm not a super model but I'm not ewwe yuk ugly I have blond hair and brown eyes and I'm here today to tell you my story first things first I'm not a nerd anymore not since she came so sit back and relax and join me on my epic journey to been just pure awesome.

the 16th of December 2021 I just finished my class and was walking to the door to leave from my first day at my new school. don't forget your permission slips to go to the game convention class they need to be back by tomorrow do I make myself clear yes Mrs Carter the class responded as everyone left for home jack was walking home hey wait for us sprat oh great enter the goon squad for my daily Jack thought as the group surrounded him so you forgot something today sprat said the older of the boys said oh pre Tell what could have I forgotten to do today jack said with a slight smirk you forgot to enjoy the welcome we are going to give you said the older boy we're here to take you around the area of course some monetary compensation for this service is required said another boy so let me get this straight you guys are the welcoming committee jack said with him air quotations with his fingers and you want me to give you cash to do it keep dreaming I haven't got a dime Jack finished saying the older ones frown you know the drill boys they started beating into jack he tried to fight back but there was too many of the they punched and kicked him till he was almost unconscious alright boys stop before we kill him said 1 of the older boys let's take out the trash so 4 of the boys picked him up and they carried jack to a near by Alley and threw jack into the dumpster and closed the lid and walked off. sometime later breaking News there is a meteor heading towards the city we have our expert scientist with us to explain if we should worry welcome professor po thanks for the introduction we shouldn't fear the meteor due to its size the Earth's atmosphere will take care of most of it if not all of all of it if something does survives entry in to earth it wouldn't be any bigger then a rock the size of my fist so we don't need to stress about it there are thousands of meteor's entering our atmosphere each year this one just happened to head to a populated area thank you for that information you heard it here folks it's nothing to worry about I'm Kelly McDowell reporting from channel 11 hope you stay safe and keep enjoying your day.

jack regained consciousness ahhh well that hurt just when my day was Soo well I run into those thugs where am I he thought to himself jack looks around and uses his hands to feel around he places his hand down *squish* gross he pulls his hand back it's covered in Gooey sticky smelly grime great jack said to himself least I know where I am he stands up and pushes open the lid and starts to climb out. the meteor entered the atmosphere and did exactly what professor po said a fist size piece survived it travelled towards the city it hit the top of a building slowing it's momentum slightly and changing it's trajectory slightly it bounced off 1 building after another it decelerating and changing it's trajectory heading towards where jack was as jack climbed out the dumpster it exploded knocking jack to the building Wall the back of jack head hit the wall knocking him out again. the meteor rock slowly melted into a liquid and pooled together scanning for signs of life a robotic voice said as it scanned the area life form found it inches it's way to jack as it gets close to jack scanning if life form suitable to be a host the robotic voice said as it scanned jack power low must find host immediately a warning sounded the liquid crawls to jacks left wrist curls around it binding to new host power low sleep mode in 2 minutes a warning sounded again as the liquid solidified into a black bracelet shutting down now the voice said. jack woke up god damn this day sux jack thought by this time it was dark better head home then as jack head's towards his house it takes jack about 10 minutes of walking to get to his house he opens the door I'm home he yells out he gets no response closes the door behind him my day has been terrible why did we move here said jack again silence is the response he got I'm glad at least you guys had a better day he said as he headed to have a shower jack shower's and gets into some new clothes and puts his old ones in the wash what's for dinner tonight he asks while heading to the kitchen oh I'll find out when I get there he replies to no one he opens the fridge and cooks himself food while he places 3 plates on the kitchen table and dishes up food and sits down thanks for dinner mum jack says and starts eating he gets halfway done you guys still aren't hungry you need to eat something jack says it's okay I'll put it away after I have finished my dinner he finishes his food and takes the other plates from the table and puts the 2 full meals into the fridge and begins to was the dishes no mum let me do the dishes you cooked go join dad jack said as he was finishing the dishes he calls out I'm going to bed now mum and dad I have school tomorrow I'll be a bit late tomorrow I start my job after school again silence was the reply he got he turned out all the lights and climbed into bed set his alarm and thought to himself a new day tomorrow I wonder what it would bring as he closes his eyes and goes to sleep

you may get confused but explanation in chapter 2 you will understand jack through out the story

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