

looking over the edge of the woods...I find it odd that is not the view am used too ....staring down at my hand was an axe that was bloody...I felt sick to my stomach because that was the axe I designed while playing the game .....And that game was a GAME FROM HELL...

Ngozi_Umunna · Games
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2 Chs

how it started

driving home in my Porsche I realized that life isn't stressful if you have the money of course....let me give you a brief description about me

am Jared,6ft tall,blond with blue eyes ,born as an American citizen,freaking rich and lives in a mansion miles away from town..am on the swimming team in my school owkland high and I literally can get anything I want with my parents money of course...that said let me give you a walk on how my hell started all in the name of a game...