
The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC.

[I was given permission by my good friend AngelusSangius to continue posting this here] My name is Zeref, a transmigrator who found himself in a Universe filled with many dangers and world-ending crises and beings of unbelievable power. Oh, yeah. Did I mention I own a small gaming cafe, a system, and am no longer human? No? Doesn't matter. Now, why don't you come to check out the new games offered through our unique VR computers and unlock the goods offered in my shop? Hey, why are you aiming a gun at me? Are you stupid or something?

Unholy_Bird · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

15 - An Amazon roaming the Wastes

[Please Select Two Traits]

[Ambidexterous - The ability to use both of your hands equally well]

"I already have such a 'trait,' so it would be useless to select it."

[Heavy-Handed - Your melee and unarmed attacks do more damage, but less critical damage]

"What's Critical Damage?"

[Good Natured - Grants +5 to all non-combat skills at the cost of -5 to all combat skills]

[(New) Bad Natured - Grant +5 to all combat skills at the cost of -5 to all non-combat skills]

"Those are...not worth it."

[Skilled - +5 to every skill at the cost of 10% less experience]

"Good, depending on what these 'Skills' are and do."

[Small Frame - +1 Agility at the cost of 25% more damage to limb condition]

"Good for nimble warriors."

[Cat's Eyes - Provides low-level nighvision]

"That...would be very useful for me and my sisters."

[Desensitized - You won't panic in even the most dangerous of situations]

"Such a trait is treasured among my Amazonian Sisters."

[Four Eyes - +1 Perception when wearing glasses but -1 Perception when not]

"That...seems redundant."

[Built To Destroy - All weapons have an increased chance(3%) to cause a Critical Hit but at the cost of higher maintenance(+15%)]

"Your weapon's condition is crucial in battle, the more damage would not be worth it, especially if your weapon could break mid-battle."

[Hot Blooded - +15% damage when your health is below 50% at the cost of -2 Perception and Agility when at 50% or lower health]

"Ah, a Berserker's Rage, though the loss in agility doesn't make sense."

[Wild Wasteland - Adds additional "wacky" content. Note that some Supernatural Elements will be added to the wasteland if this trait is chosen]

"Define 'Wacky' and 'Supernatural Elements.'"

[Sex Appeal - Opposite sex reacts more favorably at the cost of sometimes annoying members of the same sex]

"A very useful ability any woman could have in battle or daily life."

[(New) Man's Best Freind - You have an unnatural gift when it comes to Man's canine friends, Dogs, Wolves, Mongrels, and other Canine creatures are friendly to you and will come to your help when endangered]

"Seems...useless, though could come in handy if I were to be alone."

[(New) Ghoul-ish - Congratulations, your part Ghoul! You have a much greater resistance to Radiation and can even heal from it! Your life span has increased to AT LEAST 250 Years, although due to your still human appearance, you have only a 30% chance of a Feral Ghoul not attacking you on sight! Warning! Absorb too much radiation in a small amount of time will result in you becoming a full-on ghoul!]

"A Ghoul? As in an undead?"

[(New) Thick Skin - You were born with unnaturally tough skin, weak small caliber firearms, and dull/blunt melee weaponry will deal less damage to you]

"Such a trait would surely be valued by man."

[(New) Super Immune - You were born with an unnaturally strong immune system, granting you a much higher tolerance and resistance to Toxins, Poisons, Venoms, and illnesses]

"A crucial trait that could mean life or death for any survivor."

[(New) Iron-Stomach - Your stomach is now as tough as iron! Your stomach can digest and break down most food with little trouble!]

"Yet another trait that would be incredibly useful for survival."

Looking over all the options before her, Diana wondered what two she should pick.

There were a couple she had her sights on, [Skilled], [Cat's Eyes], and [Thick Skin].

Some of the traits she already had due to her Demi-God status, but the three she wanted to choose from, she did not have.

The description of Skilled makes it seem that it would be greatly useful due to its seemingly unimportant drawback.

Cat's eyes and Thick Skin seems would be useful for any warrior, being capable of seeing in the dark would be greatly useful for any Warrior while having Thicker Skin could save a warrior's life.

And with the entity's barest of explanations, Diana could only assume she would be going into a battlefield that surpassed any other she had ever encountered, so, without any hesitation, she selected [Cat's Eyes] and [Thick Skin].

[Please select your tag skills]

Before Diana's eyes, a long list of 'skills' appeared.

There were a total of thirty available skill options to choose from and they were divided into three sections, Combat, Technical, and Survival.

The thing is, quite a few of these skills, Diana was already well trained in.

The only skills she was not trained in were most of the Technical skills such as Engineering, Robotics, Computers, and most of the other Technical Skills.

She had three skills she had to choose which be granted a bonus of +15 points, and taking into account of what she already knew, she chose [Repair], [Surgery], and [Lockpicking].

Suddenly the white space she found her standing in upon starting the game was consumed by darkness.


By the time the two heroes, Frank, and I started spectating Wonder Woman, she was already a few hours into her playthrough due to the time acceleration.

And well...it seems she was having a rough time without her Demi-God physique and skills.

From what I gathered, she has died twice now...

The first time due to her now mortal strength and lack of experience with Firearms and getting swarmed by Giant Rats.

The second time from having a run-in with a pack of Feral Ghouls.

Currently, the four of us were floating on an invisible platform above Wonder Woman, who was wearing her vault suit and a gun in hand and heading east, towards the second vault, Vault 15.

"What is this?! Where are we?!" Batman asked in alarm due to my sudden action of transferring all of us into the Mental Realm to spectate Wonder Woman's playthrough.

"Currently? We are in California, not far from Vault 13. Wonder Woman is currently heading east, to Vault 15."

"Vault?" Firestorm asked.

"Vaults, subterranean structures constructed by the Pre-War company, Vault-Tech, these Vaults were designed to protect the remnants of humanity until it was safe to leave the Vaults after the Fallout. Little did anyone know, the Vault Tech was working with the shadow government that called themselves the 'Enclave', and a great many of the vaults were actually just used to commit horrifying and highly unethical experiments on the population dwelling inside. Most of these experimental vaults did not make it."

"And she is going to one of these...'Vaults?'" Firestorm asked as Batman and Frank gazed far into the Wasteland, not seeing much if any resemblance to how Earth should have looked.

"That is correct, as for if it's a 'Controlled' or 'Experiment' Vault, we shall wait and see."

"How did this happen?" Frank asked, still staring off into the distance.

"Arrogance, Greed, Anger, Stupidity, there were many different reasons why the world was plunged into Nuclear Fire, the biggest reason, however, was War."

"War between who?" Frank finally spoke.

"In the end, The United States of America was at war with China, and fighting on three different fronts."

"Who first launched the Nukes?" Batman questioned.

"For that, you'll have to find out on your own," I told them, letting out a dark and ethereal chuckle that made Firestorm flinch.

Little did they know, if they wanted to find out who really launched the first nuke, they'd either have to cross the oceans and reach China or go digging for one of the very few large Communist outposts scattered across the US Soil.

Or, they'd have to breach incredibly secure US Military Bases that may or may not even exist anymore that have the technology to detect who launched a missile first.

I should also mention that I am almost done with Project Zomboid, just adding the finishing touches with one part of my mind.

Once that is done, all that would be left is Infamous, which would differ from Fallout and Project Zomnoid. Infamous has three specific protagonists the players can play over the entire series, Cole MacGrath, Delsin Rowe, and Abagail Walker.

Each Protagonist was a Conduit, Conduits were essentially people much like Marvel's mutants and Inhumans, and DC's Metahumans, only Conduits seemed to lean more toward forms of Energy manipulation.

For example, Cole MacGrath, the Protagonist of the first two Infamous Games had Electrokinesis and Electromagnetism, which gives Cole the ability to channel lightning through and into his body and manipulate it to form devastating attacks.

He also unlocked the ability of Ice and Napalm Manipulation based on his Karma in Infamous through a Power Transfer device.

But not all Conduits were the same, some just became stronger, more durable, or simply remained dormant, or there were those like Delsin, who could absorb and use the powers of other conduits.

I wonder how Batman would react if he and so many others could become Conduits after a couple of weeks of playing games in my Cafe?

Wonder Woman would soon arrive at Shady Sands, what will she do? I guess we shall wait and see.

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