
The Game's Villain: Turns Out My Harem is Full Of Yanderes!

young man woke up to a world of magic and endless possibilities. He was transmigrated. Great! Only that he now had three huge problems. One, he had no idea how he got here. Two, he was a villain destined to die no matter the outcome. And three, the heroines were all kinda... should he say, obsessed? Yeah, he was fucked. [Note] No Yuri. Conflicting emotions of MC due to loss of memory for the first part. Huge plot twist, so don't fall for whatever you see. NTR? Not. But probably netori. Beta MC? Big No. Harem? Yes! Don't ask me how but I'll make it possible.

Secretly_A_Villian · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Samael's POV: 

Imagine, if you will, a world utterly devoid of emotion. How would life unfold in such a barren landscape?

The answer is simple actually—lifeless and devoid of meaning.

Emotions are the very essence that shapes and defines us. They have the power to elevate us to unimaginable heights or plunge us into the depths of despair. And yet, we are powerless to control them. Perhaps fate and emotion are two sides of the same coin, inseparable and relentless.

Consider the emotions of love, hate, anguish, and despair. We like to believe we can master these forces, but the harsh truth is... we are at their mercy.

Destiny... Fate... Emotions... I hold them all in contempt. Yet, of these forces, it is emotions that I despise most—not merely out of sentiment, though that plays its part. The truth lies deeper... I have never once truly experienced this elusive thing called 'emotion.'

This absence has been the source of my isolation, the root of my estrangement from others. Society, and even my own family, labeled me as the odd one, the freak. Yet I never felt sorrow over this, because I simply couldn't. As time passed, they abandoned me, and still, I felt nothing. My emotional canvas remained a blank slate.

Perhaps I never accepted them as family. Or perhaps it was something else entirely. Whatever the reason, I remained numb.

But then... for the first time in my life, I felt something. It wasn't the mundane irritation or annoyance that I had occasionally known. This was different... astonishing.

Tears streamed uncontrollably down my face as I gazed at the mysterious woman before me. A strange sensation overtook me, as though... I was suddenly complete. It was as if the missing pieces of my life, the pieces that should have been there from the beginning, had finally been found. For the first time, I felt happiness. I didn't understand why I felt such a profound connection to this woman, but I was happy... happy to see her again. But why?

"It's alright, Arael, you can rest a little longer," she murmured, placing my head on her bosom, and a wave of warmth washed over me. I felt calm... content... and drowsy.

This was far from normal.

"When you wake up, Arael, remember to survive. Survival above all," she whispered, gently running her fingers through my hair.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, my confusion as deep as my growing drowsiness.

"My life is nearing its end..." she said, her hand pausing mid-stroke.

"WHAT?!" My feeble voice croaked, as I tried to pull away from her embrace and the strange drowsiness that threatened to consume me.

But her only response was a smile, a warm smile that reminded me of... her. "Don't worry, this is not goodbye. I will find you, I promise." As those words left her lips, an unfamiliar sensation enveloped me. It wasn't just the drowsiness—though that played a part—it was something else, something I couldn't quite identify, yet it was undeniably present.

I stared into her eyes, and my mind froze. Her gaze was captivating—those crimson orbs bore into me with such intensity, such passion. But... the intensity unsettled me. It wasn't a gaze filled with motherly love... no, it was something else. Something darker, more sinister... something eerily familiar yet foreign. Something I once possessed.

What is happening to me?

"But... how?" The question slipped from my lips, as tears streamed down my cheeks with unrestrained intensity.

"Don't worry, Arael... just remember these words and hold them dear," she said, cupping my cheeks and drawing my gaze into hers.

I felt strange... as though I was falling into a trance. I knew something was wrong and tried to resist, yet... I couldn't move.

Then... her lips parted.

"Trust no one, adore no one, believe no one, and most of all, love no one," she said, her voice carrying a predatory seriousness.

"Why...?" was all I could manage to ask.

"Because... only I can truly love you," she whispered.

In that moment... it felt as though those words were meant for me. She had said these exact words to me once before... but I didn't believe her. How could I? Why should I? I was a freak! A monster. I didn't deserve love.

"Once I die, the spell will break, and THEY will come for you," she said with a smile, though I could see a darkness lurking in her eyes. An ominous feeling gripped me. I don't know why, but... I felt oddly at ease.

"Who are THEY...?" I asked, tears pouring down my face with even greater fervor.

"The ones who hate us... the ones who detest your existence... the ones who will stop at nothing to bring about your end," she said coldly, her words causing my heart to race.

I felt as though I knew who THEY were, but... how? And why?

"PLEASE, don't go... 'sobs' don't leave me, maybe... maybe there's a way..." I pleaded, clutching her hands as I fought against the drowsiness.

But then...

"Huh...?" I gazed at my palms and realized they weren't there...

Something was terribly wrong.

Looking up, I saw her smiling, but noticed cracks appearing on her cheek.

"What's happening...?" I asked in disbelief.

It was as though my body was fading. I was... dying.

"Try to survive until I find you, my love," she said, and then... darkness.

As the young boy vanished into nothingness, a twisted grin spread across the woman's face. A grin so unnerving, it distorted her beautiful features.

"Finally, it has begun," she laughed maniacally, as her body cracked and shattered into dust.