
The Game's Villain II: Supremacy

(This is not a Sequel but a New Story) Thrown into the game he created, Marek's faced with a big question: how to keep himself and his beloved characters safe? Make the world safer for you. How? The solution seems clear: take control and establish a supremacist rule over it. In a world where Marek trusts only his characters, strength, deception, cruelty and manipulation become essential tools to ensure his safety and prepare for the grim future. *** ◊ English isn't my native language, thus don't hesitate to correct him if you want.

NihilRuler · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Village Of Aurham [2]


The space in front of Marek blurred heavily before Raizel appeared, her head slightly bowed and hand over her chest in a sign of respect.

"Lord Marek," she greeted.

"What about Aurham? Did you notice anything suspicious?" Marek asked.

"Nothing threatening to us, Lord Marek. They are all as weak as ants. If you wish to trample them right now, I can make it happen," Raizel said with a serene smile.

Marek let out a weary sigh. "Raizel, I want to maintain a safe identity, free from any trouble, where I can at least find some peace without having to constantly look over my shoulder. Besides, I want Anastasia to have a peaceful life. I dragged all of you into my ambitions and desire for vengeance out of selfishness and egoism. I don't want to subject her to that, as I did to you."

"M-Milord! We chose to serve you! Please don't speak as if we were forced into it!" Raizel exclaimed, clearly upset by Marek's words.

[I agree with the Lady Queen, Lord Marek. Although you gave us a new life, your desires are our desires, and we are more than honored to work under a divine being like you.]

"Divine, huh?" Marek smiled wryly at the notion.

To his followers, he was akin to a god, while to the residents of Ajekreia, he was the embodiment of evil, the source of all their suffering.

They had wished for his death and nearly succeeded, if not for Marek's careful plans.

"Then you understand? Anastasia is like a younger sister to you, Raizel, and to you, Prometheus. She's unaware of what transpired in Ajekreia or my plans for the future, and I intend to keep it that way for as long as necessary," Marek stated.

"Of course, Lord Marek."

[Yes, Milord.]

"For now, and for the foreseeable future, I prefer to keep you and Prometheus a secret from others. Another matter: Anastasia isn't the only one of my Apostles in this world. We must find the others. More importantly, I need to reclaim all the pieces of my strength scattered across this world. We have time for this; let's proceed slowly as I summon the others," Marek explained.

"There are others...?" Raizel expressed surprise.

"Yes," Marek nodded.

If Anastasia shared similar characteristics with Raizel, then there were indeed others. Marek had designed additional characters for the sequel game, apart from Anastasia, and he intended to bring all of them to his side, as they rightfully belonged to him.

"The plan is straightforward for now. We're in the Holy Lumeira Empire, and I aim to settle in the capital. Information flow and our reconstruction efforts will be much easier from there. Additionally, I want Anastasia to attend the Imperial Academy," Marek explained. He knew Anastasia better than anyone, and one of her lifelong wishes had been to attend an academy and make friends like a normal girl before she became known as a witch.

"I think that's a wonderful idea!" Raizel exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"But before that, we need to prepare ourselves, and this village of Aurham is the right place to do so before heading to the capital. Until then, you all will need to find somewhere else to stay," Marek said, particularly looking at Raizel.

"W-Why? Just when we've reunited!" Raizel asked, tears gathering in her golden eyes.

"I'm not asking you to leave for another country, Raizel. I want you to stay close to this village. Prometheus, is there a place nearby where Raizel can live?" Marek asked.

[I've identified a forest near this location, Milord. The villagers seem to venture there to gather vegetables and other plants for food, but the presence of dangerous beasts deters them from going deeper.]

"I see. Raizel, you should scout the area without causing much damage. Perhaps you'll find a suitable place to stay. With Prometheus, we can keep in touch," Marek suggested.

"That sounds wonderful!" Raizel's eyes gleamed. "As long as I can sense your presence, my Lord, I'll be fine," she said with a happy grin.

"..." Marek observed Raizel's expression, the undeniable resemblance between her and Nihil, though they were distinct individuals.

"But regardless," Marek said, gently caressing Raizel's cheeks as she affectionately grasped his hand.

After a brief moment of tenderness, Marek withdrew his hand.

"Now, you should go. I have to clean up this mess," Marek said, glancing around the dusty hut.

"Lord Marek, such tasks are beneath your status! Please, let Prometheus handle it!" Raizel protested.

"I can handle this much on my own, Raizel. Besides, Prometheus hasn't fully recovered yet," Marek replied.

[I apologize, Milord...]

"T-Then I'll do it!" Raizel offered, eager to help.

"Raizel, I've already assigned you another task," Marek reminded her, his gaze serious.

"Yes..." Raizel pouted before disappearing.

"Now." After Raizel left, Marek unrolled his sleeves and started the cleaning up.


"Ten years..." An old man muttered, his voice weathered with time.

"Father..." Alan called out as he entered the familiar house.

Inside, Colin, the village chief, sat alone on a chair, a mix of weariness and curiosity in his eyes.

"I suppose you enjoyed yourself, venturing beyond our village. That's what you always craved, Alan. Freedom? You left us for freedom, didn't you?" Colin asked with a hint of amusement, though a sudden cough cut his words short.

"F-Father?" Alan hurried over, concern etched on his face, but Colin raised a hand, signaling him to stop.

"You weren't here when your sister lost her husband. You missed seeing your niece and nephew mourn their father," Colin spoke, his voice tinged with disappointment.

"I..." Alan began, but the weight of Colin's words left him speechless.

Seeing his son's struggle, Colin let out a heavy sigh. "After all these years, Alan, why return now?"

Alan's fists clenched. "I've found independence, Father. I have a good job in the capital, earning more than I ever could here. You always called me useless, constantly comparing me to Mark. Humiliating me in front of the village, and now..." His voice trailed off, frustration evident.


"I met someone who believed in me. He treated me with respect, unlike you. He even entrusted me with his restaurant. He's been more of a father to me than you ever were," Alan's words held a mixture of anger and hurt.

Colin's gaze dropped. "...You were meant to be the next chief of Aurham. I thought tough love was the way to push you forward, to prepare you..."

"You weren't wrong about that," Alan replied, a sense of conviction in his voice. "I've grown in ways I never would have if I had stayed here."

Now, independent and with a life in the capital of the Lumeira Empire, Alan knew many would envy his position.

"Then why return?" Colin's gaze was sharp, seeking an answer from his son.

Alan's smile was bittersweet. "I started to miss this village. I wanted to see my sister, my niece, my friends... and yes, even my father."

Colin's surprise was fleeting, quickly replaced by a dismissive wave of his hand. "You've seen enough, I think. It's time for you to leave."

"Is that all you have to say to your son? Guilt him for leaving and then tell him to go again?" Alan's laughter held bitterness.

"This village is no longer your concern. Leave, Alan," Colin repeated, his tone firm.

Alan's anger flared at the dismissal. "Who are you to decide that, old man?! If I want to stay and care for my sister, niece, and nephew, I will!"

"I am the village chief, you fool!" Colin's retort was cut short by a heavy cough.

"You can barely stand, old geezer!"

Before their argument could escalate further, the door burst open with a bang.

"C-Chief!" A man, Giles, rushed in, his voice urgent and his arm visibly injured, blood staining his sleeve.

Colin and Alan were shocked as they took in Giles's appearance.

"W-What happened, Giles?!" Alan asked concerned.

"I-It's the Orcs! They're attacking again! The village walls won't hold much longer!" Giles's urgent words echoed through the room, filling it with a sudden sense of dread.

"O-Orcs?!" Alan's shock was evident as he turned to his father for answers.

Colin's expression was conflicted as he rose from his chair. "Summon all the guards! Tell every villager to gather in the underground safety house!"

"Y-Yes!" Giles nodded, his injured arm a stark reminder of the danger outside, before rushing out to relay the orders.

"W-Wait! What's happening, Giles?!" Alan hurried after him, desperate for answers.

Giles grimaced, his breath coming out in heavy gasps. "It all started two years ago. The Orcs began attacking us when we ventured beyond the village, but recently they've been brazen enough to assault the village directly. Our walls have held, but if these attacks persist, they will eventually breach our defenses."

"T-Two years ago... don't tell me... Mark's death..." Alan's voice trailed off, realization dawning on him.

Giles clenched his jaw, his eyes reflecting the pain of the memory. "Yes, they killed him when he was trying to protect Colette and Agnes." 

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