
The Gambler’s Deceit

In the glittering world of London's elite, the Whitmore family reigns supreme - until a mysterious stranger, Victor Mallory, arrives and upends everything. The Whitmores become entangled in Victor's web of secrets and lies, With a gripping blend of high-stakes thrills, simmering romance, and suspenseful twists, Can the Whitmores survive Victor's machinations unscathed? Victor’s Motto - “The ends justify the means when it comes to fulfilling my goals.” Warning: 1. There will be no set word limit, according to need some chapters can be large and some small. 2. Read at least 4 chapters before giving a review. 3. Some scenes can be detailed so be prepared. 4. Be attached to any characters at your own risk. 5. There will be many businesses, which means deals, and long negotiations, so be prepared. Disclaimer -All characters and settings are fictional, any similarity with reality is purely coincidence. PS: It's my first work, I'm hoping it turns out well. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully, I'll improve as this novel progresses forward.

Victor_Mallory · Realistic
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Chapter 7: A Family Outing (Part-3)

But before tragedy could strike, a firm hand gripped the horse's bridle, arresting its deadly descent with a powerful tug. Sarah's breath caught in her throat as Victor Mallory suddenly materialised, stepping squarely between her father and the plunging deathblow of those murderous iron-shod hooves.

One moment Victor was calmly striding from the Whitmore estate, that customary intensity coiled inside him like a tightly wound spring. The next, he had inserted himself directly into the maelstrom, deftly sidestepping the rearing stallion's assault with an almost preternatural grace.

Sarah could only gape in stunned awe as Victor moved with an economy of motion that bordered on teleportation itself. As the stallion's lethal hooves slashed through the space where Jonathan had stood frozen mere heartbeats before, Victor's powerful hands clamped down upon the bridle with a brutal strength that seemed to defy his lean frame.

Taut tendons rippled beneath the sun-kissed skin of his forearms as he wrenched the beast's head aside, absorbing the brunt of its thrashing weight and momentum through sheer indomitable force of will. The great stallion screamed in fury and panic, tearing deep gouges in the loosened earth with its flailing hooves as it fought against Victor's restraining grip.

But the dark-haired man refused to yield, forcing the frenzied animal down onto its haunches as easily as swatting a fly. Victor's expression remained an inscrutable mask of intensity throughout the entire struggle, his eyes blazing like twin shards of diamond-bright focus amidst the raging hurricane.

At last, sensing the utter dominance radiating from this preternatural being in human form, the stallion fell still and submissive. Jonathan gaped in utter astonishment, chest heaving with each ragged intake of breath as he regarded his saviour with naked awe.

As if in a trance, Victor extended one hand in Jonathan's direction, never once releasing his steely grip on the bridle with the other. His fingers remained splayed stiffly, beckoning the patriarch closer with the slightest crook.

Jonathan wasted no time in complying, his legs carrying him forward in trembling strides, as though drawn in by an irresistible force far beyond his understanding or control. When their palms finally met, calloused flesh greeting slick, work-hardened skin, it was as if the world itself exhaled a pent-up breath at that moment.

All at once, the explosive tension bled from the scene as Victor effortlessly exerted his primal dominion over the now-subdued beast, reducing it to a state of deferential tranquillity beneath his masterful command.

With an easy, athletic grace born from years in the saddle, he danced around the enraged animal's strikes, never once relinquishing his grip on the lead rope. Sweat beaded on Victor's tanned brow, tracing the angular contours as taut muscle and sinew strained against the stallion's terrified fury.

Finally, with one last powerful wrench of his arm, Victor forced the beast's head down until their faces were nearly touching. Then, he leaned in close and blew a soft, steady stream of air across the stallion's quivering nostrils in a gesture of gentle reassurance.

Immediately, the skittish animal settled, its sides heaving with the exertion of the earlier struggle as the final statute of rebellion seeped from its body.

In the sudden stillness that followed, every eye remained locked raptly onto the figure of Victor Mallory. Sarah found herself utterly transfixed, captivated by the sheer, commanding presence of the man before her. This was power rendered in its most feral, intoxicating form – a force of nature-given flesh.

"Well then," Victor's low, rich baritone rumbled through the weighty silence like the resonant tones of a finely tuned cello. "Shall we return these beasts to their stalls before anyone else gets hurt?"

The stable erupted into a fresh flurry of activity as the chastened stable hands rushed to obey Victor's authoritatively spoken suggestion. Deftly, he relinquished the lead rope back to Matthews, the grizzled stable master's gnarled hands accepting it like a father reclaiming a child torn from his embrace.

"Sarah? Sarah, are you quite alright?"

Emily's concerned voice finally managed to pierce the hazy spell of want that had settled over her sister. Sarah blinked rapidly, dazed, only then realising her lips were parted in a most unladylike moue of slack-jawed longing.

"I...yes, of course," she stammered, scrambling to gather the tattered shreds of her composure. "Simply...relieved that catastrophe was averted."

"Mr. Mallory," Jonathan began once he'd found his voice again, extending a hand towards the younger man in a gesture of immense gratitude. "Words cannot express the extent of my appreciation for your timely intervention here today."

"Think nothing of it," Victor demurred with an easy smile, though his eyes still smouldered from the banked intensity of the recent altercation. "Evidently, these fine animals simply required a...gentler touch to see reason."

Clearing her throat, Sarah desperately willed her features into a mask of composure. She would not allow herself to be so easily undone in Victor's overpowering presence.

"I had no idea you were so skilled with horses, Mr. Mallory," she managed in a tone she desperately hoped sounded even and controlled, fighting against the swell of heated longing that urgently whispered for her to discard propriety entirely.

"There are many hidden talents one picks up along the road, Miss Whitmore," Victor replied with eyes filled with maturity.

Sarah's treacherous eyes couldn't resist one last furtive roam across the masculine perfection that was Victor Mallory. From the tousled waves of his sweat-dampened hair to the scorching heat of his azure stare, he was unchained virility given human form.

"Well then!" Forcing herself to tear her gaze away before she melted into an unseemly puddle, Sarah turned to face her dubious audience with her shoulders squared. "Since the...unpleasantness has been resolved, I see no reason to delay our plans any further."

Shooting James a pointed look laden with a challenge, she marched towards the stallion's stall with her chin jutting out defiantly. As she reached for the latch, Emily gasped in alarm.

Sarah, wait! Let Victor and others handle that beast before you get yourself trampled!"

But Sarah was already unlatching the gate, the heavy iron grille swinging open with a protracted groan to reveal the massive, coal-black stallion. The horse laid its ears back in warning, wild eyes rolling as its powerful haunches tensed for a potential attack.

"Easy now," Sarah murmured, allowing her tone to soften into a gentle croon as she extended her palm. "You do not need to fear me."

For a handful of heartbeats, the two regarded one another - woman and beast evaluating the other's nerve. Then, with a snort of acceptance, the stallion lowered its head to delicately lip at Sarah's outstretched hand.

Sarah turned back to her stunned onlookers, a slow smile of vindication curving her lips as the massive animal nuzzled against her in unmistakable submission.

"Well?" she purred, eyes gleaming with hard-won triumph and newfound boldness. "Shall we ride?"

A chorus of conflicting responses rippled through the group...

Jonathan regarded his daughter with a weighty frown etched into the proud lines of his face. He was unaccustomed to this new, defiant persona she had begun exhibiting. For so long, Sarah had been

the perfect daughter - reserved, obedient to propriety and tradition down to the letter. Now, it seemed she was finally unfurling from that tightly constrained cocoon, and he couldn't decide whether to be proud or deeply unsettled by her metamorphosis.

Emily, meanwhile, beamed with a radiant joy that threatened to split her delicate features. This was the Sarah she had silently yearned for all along - a vibrant, fearless spirit who could hold her own against their father's formidable expectations. Part of Emily swelled with vicarious pride at her sister's daring turn...while another part felt a small pang of envy that she could not be the one to publicly flaunt such rebellion.

Victor, too, seemed intrigued by Sarah's display. A faint smile played across his lips.

The only dissenting voice came from the pale, pinched features of James Shaw. His lips pressed into a harsh line of displeasure as he regarded his betrothed with naked fury simmering in those flinty eyes.

"Sarah..." he began in a tone dripping with condescension. "This unseemly display is hardly befitting a woman of your breeding and status. Do try and collect yourself before you tempt any further embarrassment."

James' eyes narrowed as they flicked over to Victor, catching the other man's openly admiring study of Sarah's lithe form. His jealousy flared, an ugly, shameful thing coiling like a venomous serpent in his breast.

"Your...uncustomary rebellion may impress our rough-hewn guests," he spat the word like an insult. "But it cuts a rather pathetic figure when paraded before your actual peer society."

James stalked forward, sinuously inserting himself between Sarah and Victor's smouldering appraisal with a pointed look of challenge. "Unless you mean to take up residence amongst the stables from this point onward? I hear the company is quite...rustic, if not completely devoid of class."

Sarah's hands flexed with the urge to lash out - to rake her nails across James' sneering, supercilious countenance until he bled. But she managed to halt the violent impulse through sheer force of will, glacial frost settling over her features to conceal the raging torrent of defiant emotion roiling beneath.

"I pity you, James," she breathed at last, each word a carefully measured shard of ice. "So mired in the meaningless trappings of elitism that you're blinded to the true triumph happening here."

Spinning on her heel, Sarah beckoned impatiently to the stable hands holding the reins of saddled mounts. Without a hint of trepidation, she swung herself up into the saddle of the massive black stallion and gathered the reins in lean-muscled hands.

"If any of you require a...reminder in the ways of civilization," she tossed over one toned shoulder to the assembled group. "I suggest watching closely."

With those words hanging in the air like gunsmoke, Sarah wheeled her mount around and galloped from the stables, hooves thundering in their wake. She rode with the feral, unbridled grace of an untamed spirit finally set free from its gilded cage - limbs astride the bucking steel of muscle and bone like she was born to this thrilling world of liberated power.

Emily was the first to break from her stupor, scrambling into the saddle of her mount with unrestrained glee. The youngest Whitmore let out a whoop of sheer exhilaration as she sailed after her newly reborn sister in a streak of windswept crimson and lace.

Jonathan and Victor exchanged a weighty look, the former's gaze laced with paternal unease and the faintest glimmer of pride for Sarah's daring display. The latter simply offered a subtle lift of his brows - an easy acknowledgement and understanding passing between the two men.

James watched the unfolding spectacle with open revulsion twisting his aristocratic features into a sneer of utter disdain. He sneered at the very notion of the Whitmore daughters cavorting about like a pair of wild banshees without the slightest care for propriety.

His mouth soon twisted into a harsh frown, however, as Victor smoothly mounted his steed - a lithe, graceful movement that highlighted the other man's natural affinity for the saddle. There was an easy power in Victor's movements, a sense that he was more at home astride that powerful beast than on solid ground.

"Come now, Mr Shaw," Victor called out, his rich voice carrying a hint of challenge as he gathered the reins. "Surely you're not going to deprive us of your sparkling company?"

James visibly bristled at the subtle taunt, his thin veneer of aristocratic airs cracking ever so slightly. His hands clenched into impotent fists as his gaze swivelled between Sarah's rapidly disappearing form and the smug amusement playing across Victor's chiselled features.

For an endless moment, it seemed the spoiled heir would simply retreat with what tattered shreds of dignity he could salvage. But then, jaw clenching with renewed determination, James stalked towards the remaining horses and hauled himself into the saddle with jerky, uncoordinated motions.

Ignoring Victor and Jonathan, with a harsh kick to the horse's flanks, James took off after the swiftly departing forms of the Whitmore sisters, his ramrod posture etched from the same unbending stuff as the creatures he rode.

In the heart of it all, a streak of ebony muscle and flashing chestnut mane cut through the tranquil scenery like the fiery tail of a comet searing across the heavens. Astride that indomitable beast, Sarah felt truly, gloriously alive in a way she had never known.

Behind her, Emily whooped with unrestrained delight, her mount straining to keep pace with the frenzied gallop. The youngest Whitmore's infectious laughter rang out like a paean, spiralling through the crisp spring air in buoyant defiance of the constraints that had long tamed her unfettered spirit.

In that moment, the Whitmore sisters were two kindred furies blazing across the countryside, leaving societal decorum and propriety to wither in their incendiary wake. And for once, that fearsome blaze was born of something untamed and uniquely their own.

James followed the wild chase, frustration knitting his brow into an increasingly thunderous scowl. No matter how savagely he spurred his mount, those wretched, unruly women always remained just out of reach.

He watched through narrowed eyes as Sarah masterfully navigated the twisting paths with an almost preternatural grace. Her lithe form moved in perfect concert with the beast between her thighs, undulating with a raw, unbridled sensuality that caused his breath to catch in his throat.

How was it possible for the reserved debutante he had courted to embrace such...primal abandon? It was as if an entirely different woman sat astride that onyx hurricane, beckoning James to follow if only he could shed the last vestiges of his stifling arrogance.

Bile rose in the aristocrat's throat as he watched the fluid, rolling crest of Sarah's hips keeping perfect time with the galloping cadence. The muscles of her thighs clenched and released around the thick girth of the saddle horn in a devastatingly overt display of womanly power and agency that turned his face ruddy with indignant humiliation.

Did she even realise how shameless she appeared in that moment? How does her utter surrender to the call of liberation render her more desirable...more unattainable than any crystal wine glass balanced on those delicate fingertips?

Disgust mingled with an undeniable flicker of desire, one he swiftly quashed beneath the weight of his bruised ego. How could she inspire such wanton longings while simultaneously rendering him a laughingstock among his peers?

The very notion was unacceptable, an insult to the Shaw legacy he had been groomed to uphold. James vowed, at that moment, to reassert his dominance over this wayward woman, to break her of these wild impulses until she was once again the biddable, subservient creature he required.

If she insisted on behaving like an untamed filly, then he would simply have to apply the crop until she learned her place again. The thought brought a cruel smile to James's lips, even as a tendril of unease slithered through his chest.

James clenched his jaw so tightly he could feel the tendons straining beneath his sculpted flesh. This intolerable defiance would not stand, he vowed silently. One way or another, he would break this wild mare to his will – just as generations of men had done before him.

Just one more part left .

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