
The galliard's sister Attack on titan fanfic

basically you are Marcel and Porco's sister. you were given the scythe titan. this titan can create a scythe from anywhere on it's body. your only objective is the mission.

esi_boke14 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Eren pov:

I got up and turned to y/n. "I'm going to see Armin now but I'll talk with you later.

I waved at her and she waved back.

I opened the back door and went to sit on the steps of the meeting place Armin had told me and mikasa to go. As I expected, they were already there.

"Eren, when you were talking about your decision..." Armin asked.

"Yeah, I got that from you."I told him. "To be free to live outside the walls not Inside, caged like an animal. I want to see what's out there. That's why I'm joing the survey corps."

"I'll join aswell. I need to achieve my goal remember."


"Hey eren" I glance to my right to see Armin running at me with an old book.

"What's up Armin?"

"Look, this book contains what it's like outside the walls. Mountains of ice. Rivers of sand. A huge area of land covered with water. And get this, it's all salty. " He laughed at his own joke.

"Wow, sounds cool." I'm intrigued.

"I'm gonna join the scouts and see life beyond the walls." He raised his fist into the air and cheered.

"I'll help you."

(End of flashback)

I smile to myself at remembering it. "Don't forget, I'll help you."

"I'm joing the survey corps too." I turn to mikasa.

"Huh, why?"

"If you join the scouts, I join the scouts. If you join the military police, I'll join the military police." She persisted.

"Ok" he sweatdropped.

Y/n pov:

I waited for eren to walk outside and slowly followed him. I saw him sitting with Armin and mikasa.

They are happy.

I can faintly make out their conversation. It seems like they are discussing about which group they are joining. From what I can tell, they are all joining the scouts.

Same as me, although they have a choice. I don't.

"You'll send yourself to the grave without me eren." I hear mikasa say clearly.

He isn't that bad at killing titans. Better than me atleast.

Eren holds his head and seems to get embarrassed.

"I don't want to loose anymore family." Mikasa states with no emotion.

I gasp. I knew that eren wasn't her real brother but I have no idea on her real past. It must hurt to loose your real parents then your adoptive ones. Just how much loss have we caused.

Is this what people call guilt.

I leave the eavesdropping and go find Annie. But instead I run into Ymir again. I don't know what it is, but something about her is familiar. Like it isn't her but it's something about her. It all confuses me.

"Hey Ymir," I call to her. She walks over to me. "Say you stood on an ants nest and killed the majority of them, would you feel guilty is you knew that it would cause suffering for them."

"Hey, hey, calm down. I have no idea whats got I to you but why would you feel guilty about that. There ants."

"What if the ants became people, then what?"

"Where is this coming from?" She questions.

"A dream." I simply reply.

"If they were humans I guess. I mean humans have feelings and experience pain. So," she paused for a second." Yeah probably."

"Thanks Ymir." I loosly try to look glad.

"Anytime." She goes to Krista and hugs her.

I guess I am feeling guilt right now.

It's a strange feeling.