
The Galaxy Link

ZendoNuggiez · Fantasy
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14 Chs


As Luna woke up ,she couldn't see anything till a sack was pulled off her head. Even then ,she had been so used to the darkness of Space and her home Planet Spacio that she was blinded by the bright lights. When her vision had finally cleared, she looked up to see a man upon a gold throne. -He must be an important person- She had thought to herself. Her eyes then wondered. Nothing here was familiar at all. The people were pale and some dark. Some a mix and some colors she'd never seen. He looked down at her with a disgusted face. "Look down at the floor, for you are nothing more than what I oppose you to be, and because of your impolite manners of looking me right in the eyes and eyeing my beautiful palace, you will be a slave." He made a wave to his gaurds. "Put her with the other three." Before she knew it, she had the sack upon her head again, and she felt something hard and cold collapse around her wrists and then a tug. "Do not malinger and walk you ugly slave." She giggled and followed the wierd pull she felt. She then felt the sack lift off her head, and the things around her wrists seperated. The dull lighting blinded her once again, not having time to clear her vision she felt herself being lifted and thrown. She landed against what felt like a fellow Spacian. She felt them put her down as her vision cleared. She looked up to see three faces. Three kids that looked her same age. Her curiousity smacked her in the face with a smile. "Oh my goodness, you species are different too!!!" They would look at her confused and just stare at each other, then shrug. Their were two girls and a boy. They'd turn and start whispering to each other as he helped her up. "Hi, I'm Luna." She offered out her hand with a big smile. He chuckled a bit and took her hand as she started to shake his. "I'm Onyx." She giggled and looked at the two girls and smiled. "Hi!" They looked at her, and their faces were full of disgust. "Don't talk to us, you blue rat." She tilted her head in confusion as Onyx placed his hand on her shoulder and pointed at them. "That's Ulta, She's from a high-tech planet called Tique. Most of her species are pink with white hair." She smiled."Ulta's pretty." He gave a nervous laugh. "Perhaps on the outside." Luna looked at him confused. He then pointed to the second girl. "Thats Jeruae, she's from a far-out planet called Clilk, their supposed to be the most intelligent species, most being purple with beautiful, long, black hair. All three of us are royals." She would look at him with an even bigger smile. "Me Tooooo!!!" The lights then shut off, and Ulta and Jeruae started screaming. Light from the moon shined down on them. Luna's hair glowed a rare blue, making their jaws drop. Luna tiredly yawned and layed in the sack she was brought in. It kept her warm, and she was small enough to fit. Onyx chuckled at her smart idea and sat in the corner, falling asleep. The two girls fought for the hard chain bed in the other corner till Onyx got tired of it and layed there himself. They both frowned and fell asleep in the corner. When Luna woke up, she looked up to see Onyx standing above her with a tray of food. "What's this, Onyx?" He giggled. "Breakfast." "Oh, for me?" He would nod and hand it to her as she sat up. "Thank you." She would start to eat the hard buscuit and wierd gravy on the tray as Ulta and Jeruae looked at her and Onyx in disgust. "How could you two eat that!?" Jaruae would chime in. "It's probably nasty pig guts." Both girls would laugh at them. Luna looked up at them confused. "Whats a pig?" Jeruae would raise a brow. "Another name for your species." Ulta would bite her lip trying to hold in a laugh but then would burst along with Jeruae. Onyx would frown and set the empty trays under the tray slot in the cell. "It's actually an earthly animal that lives on a farm and plays in the mud, they were trying to insult you Luna, but don't listen to what they say." Luna's brow would raise and she'd tilt her head. "I almost forgot to ask, when can I go home?" Onyx's jaw dropped. He hadn't realized she didn't know. "Uhm- Luna?" "Yeah Onyx?" He bit his lip then scooted closer to her. "I don't think- I don't think were ever gonna go home." He hung his head and then slowly look at her. She was just smiling at him. "Thats silly, of cour-" "Stop it Luna, were never gonna see our familys again!!!" This time when he looked at her, she was still smiling a big smile, and her eyes were closed and she looked happy, but tears fell from her eyes and she couldn't speak without pausing. "I..Its... Its ok, Onyx, th..they"ll, They'll find us." She'd cover her face with her arm and cry too embarrased to look at him. Onyx would wrap his arms around her to try and comfort her with a hug. "Its ok to cry Luna, you dont have to smile." He saw her smile fade and pure sadness cover her face as she practically jumped on him and hugged him back tightly, gripping his back. She'd burry her face into his shoulder and he would gently pat her head. Ulta and Jeruae had just been in the corner quietly making fun of how much a cry baby Luna was. A gaurd would show up and bang at the gates. Onyx thinking they were all about to get beaten, he would hold Luna close to him tightly, making sure she didnt look up at the whip he was holding. He figured she had, had enough tear shed for one day, even if it meant getting double beatings for her. "The King ask"s for Lady Ulta's presence." Two gaurds would come in and escort her out. While the gaurd holding the door open was distracted, Onyx put a now dry teared, sleeping Luna upon his back and ran. The gaurd felt the rush of energy and looked down to see him running past, sparks left behind every step. "Stop them!!!" Gaurds started running for them as he started running up the stairs. Luna had awoken and was confused. She rubbed her eyes and he found a closet and hid in it. "Onyx, what are we doing?" He would slow his breathing as all the gaurds pass and then peak out the door. When it was clear he would grab her hand and start running slowly so sleepy Luna could catch up. She'd follow him up the steps till they heard gaurds from both below and above coming. As the gaurds saw them Luna would notice the worried look on Onyx's face then tighten her grip on his hand, getting his attention. She would then run over and jump out the window. Onyx would panic, but then smile at her idea, with the water below they should be fine. But then he felt something forcfully grab him and he let go of Luna so she could save herself, but someone had caught her as well. When they had them both back up, they dragged Onyx back to his cell and he looked back for Luna. "Wait, what about Luna?" "She will be delt with for forcing you to go along with her." His eyes would widen as he looked back to see them picking her up by her throat and he'd start freaking out and trying to fight the gaurds. "Leave her alone!!!" They'd pin him down as Luna dropped to the floor unconscious . "Luna!!! He screamed. His vision suddenly went black and he himself, was unconscious. When Luna woke up she was in the big shiny room again. A colar around her neck and the chain attached to it was attched to a gold pole. Her wrists were tied to that same pole.

The gaurd and man on the big gold throne had seemed to be in the middle of a conversation. "So this little blue rat tried to escape and tried to force a mouse to go with her?" "Indeed, your majesty!" He looked at her pulling against the chains and then looking around. "What is its name?" The gaurd would slap her and she'd look up at him terrifed as he raised his hand again. "Answer the King's question, or get it again." A scared tear fell from her cheek. "L..L..Luna" She said quickly as she could, her lips trembling. "Well Luna, you seem to be looking for somone, or something, I saw your eyes wondering." He said raising a brow. She felt as if she had just shrunk. "I..w..was looking for Onyx, m..my friend." The king chuckled in amusment. "Give her to the tender and if he refuses offer him 20 pounds in Gold." "Uh- but sir, she's quite younge to be at a tendershop!" "Do as I say!!!" "Y..yes sir!?" They picked her up by her hair after unlocking her chains. She whimpered from the pain of her hair being pulled.When they were back down in the prisons, they threw her into a cell two cells away from Onyx. The thud of her body collapsing with the wall caught his attention and he looked over. Jeruae was sleeping in her sack and Ulta was still gone. But Onyx had found a small bear in the bag and levitated it to her. She picked it up immediatley and hugged it tightly while crying to herself. Onyx frowned, how could they hurt little kids. What did they do to deserve this. He wasn't sure if Ulta was even coming back or not. But one thing was for sure, when they got out, Onyx would treat Luna like the princess she is and make every bad memory fade into a new beautiful one.

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