
The Gal Sitting Next to Me Hated Me Very Much

In the bustling city of Shinjuku, high school student Aki Yukito finds himself seated next to the notorious "gal" of the class, Futaba Hinata. With her flashy fashion sense, Hinata quickly becomes the attention among their classmates. Despite Hinata's harboring a hatred on Yukito, Yukito always discovers a different side of Hinata. "Good morning, Futaba-san" "Please don't ever talk to me again"

KanaKaze · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Prologue: A girl name Futaba Hinata

Profile Character:

Aki Yukito

Hair colour: Brown

Eyes colour: Dark Brown

Height: 170 cm

Date of Birth: 6 February 20XX

Futaba Hinata

Hair colour: Dark Brown

Eyes colour: Purple

Height: 155 cm

BWH: 89-55-86 cm

Date of Birth: 21 May 20XX

10th of June

On Monday morning, at the beginning of my second year of high school, I walked to my school like any typical student. Suddenly, a good-looking classmate of mine tapped my shoulder and greeted me,

"Good morning, Yukito!"

That's right, my name is Aki Yukito. A normal 17 years old high school student living in the Shibuya district. I'm just a regular high school guy trying to make it through another day. 

"Morning, Shuuta," I replied to the handsome guy, who happened to be my friend, Kamihate Shuuta.

"What's gotten into you? You seem quite lively today."

"Hey, hey! Today marks the start of the welcoming ceremony days. We'll be seniors now."

"We're on the second-year dude."

"Do you not feel excited? About having a cute kouhai?"

"…So, that's what's making you so lively today, huh?"

Kamihate Shuuta, an ikemen high school student. He's the type of guy who became popular in school because of his looks. Well, I've been friends with him since middle school, so yeah, I know what kind of person he is.

Instead of being someone special, like I said before, I'm just a typical high school student. All I wanted is to experience a typical high school life. Falling in love, having a girl to date… That's one of my dreams, but so far…

"…And what's new with you?" 

"Huh? About what?"

"Have you found a girlfriend yet?"

"If I had, I wouldn't be talking to you this morning. I would have chosen to spend time with my girlfriend… if I even have one…"

"…Ah sorry, it seems I have stepped into the landmine"

"I guess you did…"

After arriving at school and participating in the welcoming ceremony led by the principal, it's time for me to head to my new classroom. 2-A class will be my new home for the next year.


I open up the door to the class 2-A and noticed that everyone was busy on their own. Glancing around, I searched for an available seat.

"Ah, there's one," 

I murmured to myself as I made my way towards the seat positioned in the middle of the classroom. I hang my bag on the left side of the table and then,

"…It's you again…"

I glanced up and noticed a girl… no, a gyaru (gal) seated on my left. She cast an annoyed glance in my direction. It's always been like this… this gyaru… why… WHY DOES SHE HATED ME VERY MUCH?!

Futaba Hinata, the epitome of a top-class gyaru. Her fashion sense is a combination of trendy streetwear and elegant accessories, and her confident demeanor radiating an aura of allure, being one of the top Gyaru in this school, Futaba stand out amidst the sea of students not only because of her kindness but also because of her sharp intellect. And for some reason, she hates me… I still don't know why she hates me but…

"*Gulp* G-good morning, Futaba-san" 

"Please don't talk to me" She exclaimed as she looked away with me.

"*Gulp*" I thought, deciding it would be best to change my seat given the circumstances.

As I attempt to stand up, 

*Cough- Cough!*, 

I noticed that she's coughing while glaring at me. I can feel the intensity of her gaze directed at me.

"What did I do wrong…?" I murmur to myself as I retreat and sit back on my seat. 

"Hey, Yukito! Looks like we're in the same class again, huh?" Shuuta's voice echoed through doorway as he entered the room.

"Ah, what an interesting pairing… Yukito and the top-class gyaru, Futaba Hinata-san," he remarked.

Yep, one of Shuuta's characteristics is that he can't read the situation.

"Ha?! What makes you think that I was an interesting pairing with this guy?! Just thinking about it feels disgusting"

"Pfft… Hahaha, as expected from you, Futaba-san" 

As they conversed, I was busy on my own world, scrolling through my cellphone when a message suddenly appeared.

[Don't forget to attend the first meeting of this semester, 'kay? Q_Q] My senpai texted me.

[Alright, I'll be there right after school]

[See ya there, Kouhai *&*]

"What's with that emoji, haha" I mutter to myself.

"H-hey, my man Akito. Are you still around?"

Realizing Shuta called me, I turn at him and asked, "What's up?"

"N-no, um… I catch you at lunchbreak dude… may you survive…" 

Shuuta shuttered before returning to his seat. Wondering what was happening, I glanced at Futaba, who seemed even more annoyed than before.

Did I just make another mistake that I wasn't aware of??

After homeroom, It's time for the lunch break. Shuuta and I headed to the cafeteria together and had our meal there.

"Hey, what's happening between you and Futaba-san?" Shuuta asked me while grabbing a bite of his Yakisoba-pan.

"You're asking me, dude… it's been a year since she started looking at me with disgust" 

"Lucky you," Shuuta remarked.

"Huh? What do you mean lucky? You're my friend, but you're kinda strange, dude."

"Then tell me, what is normal?"

"I take back what I said"


"You know, dealing with her… it just… it's exhaust me"


I noticed Shuuta had fallen silent, his gaze fixed on something behind me.

"…She's behind me, Isn't she?"

Shuuta nodded, his attention already drifting away from whatever was about to happened to me.


I turned my gaze slowly and looked behind me, where I spotted a woman with dark brown hair, big purple eyes, and piercings on her ear. It's her… the top-tier Gyaru…

"Good morning, Futaba-san" I greeted.

Crap, it's already daylight…

"Tch" She clicked her tongue in response.

Beside Futaba stood another girl —a gyaru, much like her, with short wavy hair and a loose jacket. But this girl… I never seen her before… she must be a first-year student.

"So, this must be the rumored senpai, huh?" She remarked.

"Um… who are you?"

"Let's go, Suzune" Futaba said, walking away while ignoring me.

"Ah, sorry, senpai, I have to go too. The name's Asamiya Suzune. Just call me Suzune, o'right, Yukito-senpai?" Suzune followed Futaba, giving me a slight wave as she left.

"Wow, that caught me off guard" Shuuta said, watching as both Futaba and Suzune walked away from us.

"Can't you have my back for a moment?" I said.

"Uh, sorry, it's not that I don't want to, but… it's the top-tier gyaru, dude. If word got out that she has a problem with someone like me, my status would be plummet" He replied.

"So, you're implying that my status is already low?"

"Not likely. You're still a basketball player. It's not like you're just an ordinary high school kid like you always said. Well, you were last year. Remember when you helped our school basketball team win that match against the other school? That's why you're still popular" 

"Are you trying to cheer me up? I'm not going to buy you another drink" I said.

"I'm just spitting a fact. Anyway, let's head back to class"

Glacing at the time, I realized that the lunch break was almost over.

"Yeah, let's go back"

After discussing about the class structure, it's time to head to the basketball court.

"What are you doing… senpai?"

Upon arriving at the basketball court, I noticed a girl with long, dark hair. She was clad in a school pe jersey and enthusiastically promoting our basketball team's plans for the year.

"Okay everyone, let's make this year a fantastic one as a team, shall we, guys?!!"

"YEAHHH/LET'S GO!!!/UWOOOGHHH!!!!" Another member of the team roars their battle cry as if they were in the match.

I headed to the locker room to change into my basketball jersey.

"Alright, all set" I said, tying my shoelaces.

"Finished already"

"WHOA!!?" I jumped at the sudden voice behind me. I turned around to see Kurohime-senpai standing there with holds her hand on her back.

"What's wrong, Yukito-kun?"

"You startled me, Kurohime-senpai"

She chuckled and offered me her hand. I took it and got up, ready to head to the court.

"What's our menu for today?"

"The usual one"

"We're not recruiting a new member?"

"They'll probably join on their own. Remember, one of their great senpais helped this team to win a league match last year" She smirked.

"Quit teasing me, senpai…"

"…After all, Yukito-kun was cute"


"You're teasing me again, senpai"

"Hahaha, let's go"


After training, we took a break and headed home. Well, in my case… I went back with Kurohime-senpai.

"Hehe, you know… a boy and a girl walking together like this… it's almost like we're on a date, don't you think?"

"Do you really think so?"

"What else could it be?"

"Hmm… I suppose people might assume you're my sister, senpai"

"Haha, yeah, you might have a point there…"

As we made our way to the school gate, we encountered a girl who seemed familiar to me.


Upon seeing me, the girl's expression shifted to annoyance. Yes, it's Futaba Hinata-san.

"Y-yo, Futaba-san, you're not going home yet?"

"…" She ignored me, engrossed in her smartphone.

"A friend of yours, Yukito-kun?"

"Um… well…"

"A classmate…"

"Huh?" I caught Futaba muttering the word 'Classmate' with a small voice.

"Oh, a classmate huh"

"Y-yeah, she's my classmate" I said, glancing at Futaba, whose expression subtly changed.

Did she just…?

I glance a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet, Futaba-san. I'm Shimotsuki Kurohime, the manager of the basketball team. And, of course. I supervise this guy on the team" Senpai said, pointing her finger at me.

"Likewise, my name is Futaba Hinata. I'm a second-year student, and I… I…"


"…I NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Futaba said as she walked away quickly, then broke into a run.


"It's the first time I saw her like that…"

"…What an interesting fellow" Senpai said.

"…ah, Senpai, you're teasing Futaba-san right?"

"Pfftt ahaha, you caught me, as expected from my kouhai"

"Now, shall we go back"


I finished the first day of this semester just like that…

I wonder if someday…


With someone…


I'll be focusing on this story from now.

Cheer me up if you like it!

and if you have some idea about the story, comment down below, okay!

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