
The Gal Sitting Next to Me Hated Me Very Much

In the bustling city of Shinjuku, a high school student Aki Yukito finds himself seated next to the popular "gal" of the class, Futaba Hinata. With her flashy fashion sense, Hinata quickly becomes the attention among their classmates. Despite Hinata's harboring a hatred on Yukito, Yukito always discovers a different side of Hinata. "Good morning, Futaba-san" "Please don't ever talk to me again"

KanaKaze · Realistic
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18 Chs

Parade of Heart

Profile Character:

Yamamoto Mizuha

Hair colour: Grey

Eyes colour: Yellow

Height: 164 cm

BWH: 90-57-88 cm

Date of Birth: 21 December 199X

Aki Yumi

Hair colour: Dark Brown

Eyes colour: Dark Brown

Height: 154 cm

BWH: 70-52-83 cm

Date of Birth: 4 january 20XX

20th of June

I stepped into the school grounds; I couldn't help but notice all eyes turning towards me. A nervous gulp escaped me as I braced myself for what was to come. Summoning my courage, I approached Shuuta, calling out to him in an attempt to break the tension that seemed to linger in the air.

"Hey, Shuuta," I called out tentatively.

"What?" he responded, his tone a mix of curiosity and guardedness.

"Have you sensed that something feels off lately?" I asked, trying to broach a topic that weighed heavily on my mind.

"What do you mean 'us'? There's no 'us,' dude, but there does seem to be something bothering you," he replied bluntly, his words carrying a hint of concern.

"Me?" I questioned, feeling a knot of apprehension tighten in my stomach.

"Like I said yesterday, just be careful," he warned cryptically before falling silent, leaving me to ponder his words as we made our way to class.

As we walked along our usual path to the classroom, a sense of unease settled around me like a heavy shroud. The familiar chatter of students and the bustling atmosphere of the school felt strangely distant, as if a veil separated me from the usual camaraderie.

Upon reaching our classroom, I took my seat and placed my bag beside me, my thoughts still consumed by the cryptic warning and the strange atmosphere pervading the day. Futaba-san, was notably absent. Just as I began to wonder about her whereabouts, a notification on my phone jolted me from my thoughts.



[What is it?] I typed out a response.

[Hinata-senpai has come down with a fever. Would you like to visit her after school?]

'She's sick?' I pondered, concern evident in my message.

[Sure, where should we meet?]

[At the school gate, okay?]

Deciding it would be nice to have company for Futaba's visit, I considered asking some classmates to join us.

[Suzune, do you mind if I invite some classmates along?]

[I think you shouldn't…]

'That's strange,' I thought, furrowing my brows.

[Why not?]

[Just trust me on this. Let's meet after school, okay!]

With a sense of confusion lingering, I pocketed my phone only to feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I found Kurohime-senpai standing there, her presence catching me off guard.

"Senpai?" I greeted her, curious about her unexpected visit.

"I just wanted to remind you about our training session after school," she said with a friendly smile.

"Ah, about that…" I hesitated, unsure of how to explain my absence.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" she inquired, her expression shifting to concern.

"Well, actually, I won't be able to make it today…" I started, choosing my words carefully.

"Why's that?" she pressed; her curiosity piqued.

"…I have an appointment," I replied vaguely, not wanting to disclose too much.

"And what might that appointment be?" she prodded gently.

"You remember Futaba, right?" I asked, hoping she would recall our friend.

"The cheerful girl?" she recalled with a hint of fondness.

'Cheerful…' I mused silently before continuing, "She's caught a fever, and a few of us plan to visit her today."

"Oh, that's unfortunate. Please give her my best wishes," Kurohime-senpai replied warmly, her concern genuine.

"Thank you, senpai," I nodded gratefully, appreciating her understanding.

After wrapping up our first lesson, I made my way to the school gate where I knew Suzune would be waiting for me. As expected, she was already there, ready to go.

"Senpai, there you are," Suzune greeted me with a smile. "Shall we head out? Oh, maybe we should pick up some souvenirs along the way?"

"Let's go to the nearest market and grab some fresh fruits," I suggested, and off we went to the bustling market nearby.

After selecting a variety of fruits, Suzune expressed her gratitude, promising to pay me back later. "Nah, don't worry about it," I reassured her with a grin. "It's no trouble at all."

Suzune then led the way to Futaba's house, which turned out to be closer to the school than I had imagined. Upon arrival, Suzune knocked on the door, and a woman with dark brown hair greeted us. She seems to be Futaba's mother

"Suzune-chan, you've come to see Hinata?" the woman inquired warmly.

"Yes, ma'am," Suzune replied politely.

At that moment, the woman's attention turned to me. "And who might you be?" she asked with a friendly smile.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Aki Yukito, a classmate of your daughter," I introduced myself respectfully.

"Welcome, Aki-kun. Thank you for visiting my daughter," Futaba's mother said graciously, offering a light bow, which I reciprocated.

"Please, come inside," she invited us, gesturing for us to follow her to Futaba's room.

As we walked down the hallway, a nervous feeling settled in my stomach. This would be my first-time stepping foot into a girl's room, and I couldn't help but gulp nervously at the thought of what lay ahead.

"Hinata-senpai, we're coming in," Suzune exclaimed as she swung open the door, ushering us into the room where we found Futaba-san lying on her bed.

"Senpai, we came to visit you," Suzune announced cheerfully.

"Thank you, Suzune-chan," Futaba replied, turning her attention towards me. "Aki-kun?!"

"Hey, I came to visit you," I greeted with a smile.

"Uh... Thank you," she responded softly, a slight surprise in her tone.

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted the moment, Snapping me back into reality.

"Senpai, what's wrong?" Suzune inquired, noticing my sudden change in demeanor.

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied, attempting to compose myself.

"Hmm, Senpai is acting strange now, haha. By the way, Hinata-senpai, how's your condition?" Suzune asked, shifting the conversation.

"I'm getting better, probably," Hinata reassured with a hopeful tone.

Suzune then moved closer to Futaba-san and placed her forehead against hers, checking her temperature.

"Whoa, you really have a fever," Suzune remarked, concerned.

"Did you think I'm lying?" Futaba responded defensively.

As they conversed, I felt a bit awkward witnessing their closeness.

Just then, Suzune's phone rang, prompting her to excuse herself from the room briefly.

Now alone with Futaba, I tried to make conversation. "So, how is your condition, Futaba-san?" I asked.


Futaba chuckled, finding my behavior amusing. "Haha, you really are strange," she teased lightly.

Realizing my strange behavior, I laughed nervously. "Yeah, I guess I am," I exclaimed.

"Why don't you try and find it out?" She said.


I shouldn't say that, that's what I thought right now.

"What do you mean by that?" I tried to fool her.

"Mumu, thickheaded…" She pouts.

"Hey, I'm not that thickheaded, haha"

Drawing closer to Futaba, I leaned in and placed my forehead against hers, mimicking Suzune's earlier gesture.

"It's warm," I observed softly.

"Futaba…" I call her, hesitating slightly.

"W-what?" Futaba responded, curious about his actions.

"You should lie down now," I suggested, pulling away from her.

"Aren't you a bit embarrassed?" Futaba teased, smiling.

"Haha, yeah, a little," I admitted.

Changing the subject, I mentioned souvenirs we had brought for Futaba. "We bought you some souvenirs… what fruit would you like?"

Futaba thought for a moment before replying, "Orange?"

"Orange it is," I said, fetching an orange and peeling it for her.


"Ahh…Ahm…" She ate a piece of orange that was on my hand.


"Suzune pick this orange."

"Hmm, what did you pick then?"

"Eh, I can't choose the best thing because… I didn't know what fruit that you like."

"…Hey…" She calls me as she tugs my shirt.

"What is it…?"

Futaba's demeanor shifted slightly. "Hey… You didn't want to know me better?" she asked softly, tugging at my shirt.

Caught off guard, I hesitated before admitting inwardly that I did want to know her better.

Before I could respond, the sound of the door opening caught my attention, revealing Futaba's mother and Suzune standing there.

"Ah, we got caught…"


"I leave it to you, Suzune-chan!" Futaba's mother walked away from the door.

"Eh… Good to see you both got to know each other…" She tilts her head.

"Suzune, how much did you guys have heard?" I asked.

"Um… Yukito-senpai, that's an orange right, Peeled it up for me, pretty please?"

"Don't change the subject you little-"

After spending some time in her room without realizing it's already afternoon.

"Time for us to leave now."

We get ready to leave now and walks to the hall.

Before I step outside of the door, Futaba tugs my shirt, and she said, "Thank you… I'm happy that you visit me today… Yu… Yukito-kun."

"The pleasure is all mine, Hinata." I said without realizing that I'm calling her by her first name.

After that me and Suzune said goodbye to Futaba and her mother.

As we walked along, Suzune posed a question to me, "So, senpai… How did it go?"

Confused, I asked, "About what?"

"You know, Hinata-senpai."

"Oh… well, it was fine, I guess?"

"Ehhh, even though I actually gave you a chance earlier."

"…Say Suzune…"


"What made you want me to get closer to Futaba?"

"Oh, um… no particular reason?"


"Well, I think I just want the right person for Hinata-senpai."


Suzune then began explaining, "You see, senpai, Hinata-senpai was one of the most awkward people I knew. Sometimes she isn't honest about her own feelings... and, you know about her expressions, right?"

"…" Just thinking about it made me feel down…

"When she makes that expression *Imitating Futaba*, it means that she's not being honest with herself."

"…wait, really?"

"You didn't know about that?"

"Eh… no, I didn't…"

"Wow… even though you guys were in the same junior high back then…"

"Ah… now that you mention it… I think Futaba was different…"

"Her appearance?"


"Pfftt hahaha. Yeah, thanks to someone," Suzune laughed as if she were recalling a fond memory.


After we had walked and reached the intersection, Suzune said, "Alright, see you tomorrow, Yukito-senpai, and thanks for accompanying me today," as she walked away.

I nodded in acknowledgment and then made my way back home, my mind still processing all that had been discussed.

After arriving at home, I was welcome by my little sister,

"Welcome home, big bro," greeted Yumi as I entered the house.

"I'm home, Yumi. Where's Mother?" I inquired, setting down my bag.

"She went out to the supermarket," Yumi replied.

"Ah… alright," I murmured, heading upstairs to my room until interrupted by Yumi's voice.

"Big bro, can you help me?" she asked as I paused on the stairs to listen.

"What is it?" I replied, curious about her request.

"Can you accompany me this Sunday?" she pleaded.

"…To Comifes?" I guessed.

"As expected of my brother," she teased.

"No, I was planning to rest that day," I explained.

"EHHH, PLEASE BIG BRO!!!" Yumi pleaded, walking up to me, tugging on my shirt, and holding me down.

"…" I hesitated, considering her request.

"Please….?" she continued, her eyes pleading.

"What do you want to buy?" I finally relented.

"Figurines? And also, a doujinshi," she revealed eagerly. 

"You should have some shame, Yumi…" I teased lightly, knowing her interests well. Yumi, my sister, Aki Yumi, was a third-year junior high school girl who many people saw as a role model. However, in my reality, she was just an otaku little sister.

"…Alright, alright… but no more than 3 hours, okay?" I set a limit reluctantly.

"Thank you, big bro, you're the best, I love you," she thanked me with a hug before returning to the sofa to play with her phone.

'This brat…' I chuckled to myself, shaking my head.

*Sigh* I settled into my room, changed my shirt, and relaxed on the bed, taking a moment to check UnstaGram.

[I got a visit from my friends today] Futaba's post showed our souvenirs that we bought earlier and her hand.


I liked the post and commented, [Get well soon].

…Realizing my mistake, I mused, "Why did I comment on this post…"


 Shuuta messaged me, [Dude, you're actually doing it again…],

[I'm counting on you, my brother!],

[Wow… we're dead then…].

"Pfft… hahaha, this guy…" I chuckled at Shuuta's antics, knowing the trouble we might be in later.

I put down my phone and close my eyes.

*Knock-knock* The sound of someone calling my name rouses me from my drowsiness.

"Bi-….wa…..up," the voice continues, slowly penetrating my sleepy haze.

Opening my eyes, I find Yumi standing before me. "…Yumi…?" I murmur, still trying to fully wake up.

"Finally, you wake up. Hurry up, it's dinner time," Yumi urges me with a hint of impatience.

I struggle to grasp the situation as I let out a big yawn and stretch my arms. "Fhuwahhh….Ughmmm."

"Big bro?" Yumi calls out to me again.

"Alright, alright," I reply as I rise from my bed and make my way downstairs.

"Finally, our boy has descended from his throne," my mother teases playfully as I enter the dining area.

"So, what's for dinner?" I inquire eagerly.

"Chicken steak with barbecue sauce," my mother announces proudly.

"Really?" I respond, surprised by the unexpected meal choice.

"Look and savor for yourself, young man," my mother encourages me with a smile.

Approaching the table, I am greeted by servings of delicious chicken steaks.

"Whoa, so, what's the occasion, Mom?" I ask, noticing the unusually elaborate dinner setup.

"What do you mean?" my mother replies innocently.

"It's not every day you cook such a fancy dinner," I remark.

"Hehe, well, it's because of yesterday," my mother reveals, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"BRUUUUUSSSSHHHH," Yumi suddenly coughs loudly, causing a moment of tension.

"What?!" I exclaim, caught off guard by Yumi's outburst.

"MOM!" Yumi protests, embarrassed by the attention.

"You see, Yukito, yesterday, Yumi spotted you on a date with a girl… no, with girls!" my mother spills the beans, unable to contain her amusement.

I turn my gaze towards Yumi, feeling a mix of irritation and amusement. 'This brat!' I think to myself, sighing in resignation.

"Thank you for the food…" I offer a quick prayer before indulging in the meal, trying to ignore their playful banter and teasing.

After relishing the chicken steak, I wash up my plates and settle on the sofa, seeking a moment of peace.

"So, who is the lucky girl?" my mother probes with a knowing smile.

"There are no lucky girls. It's all a misunderstanding. I've never had a girlfriend," I clarify, hoping to put an end to the conversation.

"…Ara, you're quite shy, aren't you, haha," my mother teases again, earning an exasperated look from me.

"Y-U-M-I!" I call out, trying to maintain some semblance of authority.

"YES SIR!" Yumi responds promptly, standing up straight.

"Come here!" I command with mock sternness.

"ALRIGHT!" Yumi complies, walking over with an exaggerated sense of obedience.

I can't help but notice that she hasn't changed out of her school uniform—a sailor outfit.

"Go change your outfit, silly," I teased gently.

"Ahh, Onii-chan…" Yumi pouted playfully.

I affectionately patted her head and ran my fingers through her hair, making it fluffier with each stroke.

"Alright, alright. I'm going to change," she relented with a grin.

"Good," I replied, smiling back at her.

Yumi then headed off to her room to change.

Taking a glance at the clock, I realized it was getting late.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep," I announced as I made my way to my room.

"Alright, good night, dear," my mom bid me farewell with a warm smile.

Reflecting on my family, I couldn't help but feel grateful. Even though we didn't have a father anymore, my mom never complained about the hardships she faced while taking care of us. It was her strength and resilience that motivated me to work hard, even if it was just part-time jobs for now.

Lying down on my bed, I gazed out the window and admired the beautiful moon casting its serene light across my room.

"It's so beautiful…" I whispered to myself, mesmerized by the peaceful night scene.

Unintentionally, I drifted into a deep slumber, comforted by the tranquility of the night.