
The Gal Sitting Next to Me Hated Me Very Much

In the bustling city of Shinjuku, high school student Aki Yukito finds himself seated next to the notorious "gal" of the class, Futaba Hinata. With her flashy fashion sense, Hinata quickly becomes the attention among their classmates. Despite Hinata's harboring a hatred on Yukito, Yukito always discovers a different side of Hinata. "Good morning, Futaba-san" "Please don't ever talk to me again"

KanaKaze · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


23rd of June,

"That mean I still got a chance."


"Fhuhu, Let's go. Everyone is waiting for us." She stands up and walk away from the room.

"Wait senpai… what do you mean by that?" I try to catch senpai and then-



My stomach felt heavy, and I was in pain.

"Big bro, you said you'd accompany me to ComiFes today!"

Right… It's a dream, huh? A memory from that day...

Why did I dream of that day…?

"That mean I still got a chance…" Senpai voice is still clear as crystal in my head when she said that….

"Fhuwahhhh" I yawn as I snap back into reality.

Rubbing my eyes, I saw my sister, Yumi. She was waking me up... and why was she sitting on top of me?

She's heavy… and lacks any sense of delicacy.

Thinking about that day, I felt a warm sensation on my face.

"Big bro?"

"Alright, alright... Let me take a shower first. What are you doing in your school uniform?"

"Oh, this? You could say it's cosplay!"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Eh? Why?"

"It doesn't make sense."

"But it's a school uniform, a JK uniform!" Yumi said, flashing a peace sign.

...This little sister of mine... she's incorrigible.

"Ah, you must be thinking, 'This little sister of mine, she's no good!'" she said, mimicking my tone.

"What are you? An esper?"

"The point is, I'm going in this uniform, and that's the end of the discussion," Yumi said as she got up and walked to the door.


She closed the door, leaving me alone in my room. I stretched my arms and got up from the bed, ready to take a shower.

After showering, I went downstairs and found Yumi playing with her CommuStation.

"Hey, we're going now," I said.


No response.

I gently flicked her forehead, and she finally noticed me. "C'mon, we're going now."

"Alright... Big bro, you put in an effort today, huh?"

"Well, of course, because Futaba-san will be joining us."


"Hey, did you just click your tongue?"

"Just your imagination. Alright, let's go," Yumi said, putting down the controller and grabbing her bag.

On our way to ComiFes, Yumi and I took a taxi to ComiFes Square. After arriving, we walked around, looking for Futaba.

[Where are you?] - Hinata

[We just arrived. Where are you?] - Yukito

[By the tree, on the right side of the building.] - Hinata

[Alright, got it.] - Yukito

"Where is she, Big bro?" Yumi asked.

"She's on the right side, let's go" I said.

We then walked to the right side of the building and we find Futaba who was sitting on the bench near the tree…

"Took you long enough"


"Ah, sorry…um… you look beautiful today…"

Futaba look flushed and then she said, "Th-thank you… you too, you look good in that jacket…"


Yumi was staring at us.

"Ah right, let me introduce you to my sister, Aki Yumi" I said as I introduce Yumi to Futaba.

"I'm Aki Yumi, nice…to meet y…ou…." Yumi said with a low voice.

Is she embarrassed?

Futaba got up from the bench and she walked to Yumi as she smiles, she said, "Nice to meet you, Yumi-chan. My name is Futaba Hinata, you can call me Hinata"

Whoa… a mature woman aura…

Yumi nods as she was surprised to see Futaba who was smiling. She then gave me a code to get closer, I put my head closer to hers and she whispers, "Is that your girlfriend, Big bro?"

"Hmm… why don't you ask her?"

… There's no way she's going to ask that haha

"H-hinata-san… are you my big bro's girlfriend?"


Futaba looks at me and then she smirked as she said, "Yep, I'm your big bro's girlfriend" and then she walked to me and hug me by my hand.

"Wha-" Yumi was surprised by Futaba's action.

"Nyehehe" she laughed.

"I can't believe it…"

Right? Well, our relationship is just an act though…

"I can't believe Onii-chan finally got himself a girlfriend… I thought he was into that YAOI stuff"

"Wait Yumi-chan… what is that YAOI stuff about?" I said.

"Hmm? Didn't you always hang out with that friend of yours?"


"Right, Shuuta-san. I thought that's why you never got yourself a girlfriend..."


"O little sister of mine… your big brother is a straight man, so never think of me that way, okay?"


Yumi was looking at us, siblings having a discussion about my life and then she laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"No, no, it's just rare to see you like this" She said.


"You know, everyone in school thinks that you're a cool guy and never faze"

"That's what everyone thought of me?"

"You never realize?"

"Well duh"

"Are you guys going to flirt all day? Come on, we're going inside"

We look at each other and then smiles,

"Let's go" I said as I hold Futaba's hand.

The three of us stepped inside the building, and I was immediately amazed by the sight of numerous stands overflowing with anime merchandise. The colorful displays and bustling crowd filled me with excitement.


Yumi walked in front of me, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Welcome to the paradise of Otaku."

"Yumi-chan, are you an otaku?" Futaba asked, still taking in the vibrant surroundings.

"Don't judge by appearances, haha," I laughed, shaking my head.

"Hurry up, Big Bro! I need that stuff!" Yumi said, tugging at my sleeve with a sense of urgency.

"What stuff?" I asked, trying to keep up with her.

"Kirameki Doki Doki Game!" she exclaimed.

That's an eroge, right...?

"What's a Kirameki Doki Doki Game?" Futaba asked, looking curious.

"It's a game," I replied, hoping to avoid a detailed explanation.

"As expected of my big brother, you even know about eroge," Yumi said with a mischievous grin.

I flicked Yumi on the forehead. "Don't say that so loud, idiot."

"Ouch! That hurt, baka-nii!"

"Let's go," I said, leading the way toward the stands.

The three of us headed toward the section of the event dedicated to the game circle. When we arrived, we saw a woman with dark green hair and piercing blue eyes, sitting while many people waited in line for her autograph.

"Who is that?" I asked, curious about the crowd.

"That's… that's…"

"Yumi-chan?" Futaba prompted.

"That's the artist of Kirameki Doki Doki Game… HaruHime-sensei!!!" she exclaimed, almost jumping with excitement.


"Don't just 'oh' me, go get in line, Onii!" Yumi pushed me toward the queue for HaruHime-sensei's signature.

"Really…" I muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Yumi then whispered something to Futaba, and they both giggled.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, feeling left out.

"Onii-chan, just stay in line. We need to go for a second," Yumi said mysteriously.

"That's your way of playing, huh…" I sighed.

"I leave it to you, Onii-chan," Yumi said, and she and Futaba disappeared into the crowd.

"Keep up the spirit, Yukito-kun," Futaba added with a smile.

After what felt like an eternity, it was finally my turn. I stepped forward, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"H-hello, nice to meet you, HimeHaru-sensei," I stammered, trying to keep my composure.

"…Pfftt… hahaha, you mean HaruHime-sensei?" She laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

I felt a strange familiarity with this woman, but I couldn't quite place it. Where had I seen her before…?

I handed her the game. "Please sign it for me."

"Alright… what should I write?" she asked, pen poised.

"Oh, just write, 'For Aki Yumi-chan, from HaruHime-sensei.'"

"Done, here you go," she said, handing the game back to me.

"Thank you very much," I said as I was about to leave.

"Hey, you, you seem familiar," she said, her gaze intense.

"Oh… really?"

"Yeah… somehow, you remind me of my little brother."


"Yeah, a dummy little brother of mine," she said, her voice softening with nostalgia.

Wait… does that mean I'm dumb?

"Not that I called you dumb," she clarified quickly.

"Ah, no, no…" I stammered, feeling a bit awkward.

"Hey, how about a drink after this?" she asked suddenly.

…Is she hitting on me?

"Not that I want to hit on you," she said with a smile.

'It's like she read my mind,' I thought. "Alright, but I have company with me. Is that okay?"

"Sure, that's fine. Besides, my little brother will be there," she said.

After getting the signature and arranging to meet up after the event, I walked away from the stand. A few minutes later, I heard a familiar voice calling out to me.

"Big Bro…!!!"

I turned and saw Yumi… and…!!!


It was Futaba in her high school uniform… a sailor outfit, to be precise. She looked stunning.


She looked at me, her cheeks tinged with pink. She's beautiful!!!!

"Y-yo…" I managed to say, feeling my face heat up.

"PFFTT HAHAHA, Big Bro, your face… hahaha," Yumi laughed at my stunned expression.

"H-how do I look?" Futaba asked, her voice shy.

"…You look beautiful…" I replied honestly, unable to tear my eyes away from her.

Of course… she's the top girl at my school. Everyone here was staring at her.

"Hehe, how's that? My idea is top-notch, right?" Yumi said, looking proud of herself.



Futaba walked up to me and hugged my arm tightly. "I want us to stay like this for a while," she said, burying her face in my arm.

As we stood there, surrounded by the bustling crowd and the vibrant atmosphere of the event, I felt a warm sensation spread through me. Being here with Yumi and Futaba, experiencing this moment, felt incredibly special. And as we made our way through the various stands, exploring the ComiFes together, I realized that this day would be one I'd never forget.

"Alright, let's see what else we can find," I said, smiling at Yumi and Futaba. The three of us set off to explore more of the event, our hearts light and our spirits high.

The three of us continued exploring the vibrant event, moving from one stand to another. Each booth seemed to hold a new treasure, from rare anime figurines to limited-edition manga volumes.

"Big Bro, look at this!" Yumi exclaimed, holding up a chibi figure of her favorite character.

"Wow, that's adorable," I said. "Do you want it?"

"Of course!" Yumi beamed.

I bought the figure for her, and we moved on. Futaba, still holding onto my arm, seemed to enjoy the bustling atmosphere as much as Yumi did.

"Yukito-kun, look at these posters," Futaba said, pointing to a stand with beautifully illustrated posters of popular anime series.

"They're amazing," I agreed, admiring the artwork.

As we continued to explore, we came across a booth selling cosplay accessories. Yumi's eyes lit up as she browsed through the various items.

"Big Bro, can I get these cat ears?" she asked, already trying them on.

"Are you going to wear it?" I said.

"Of course, it looks good on me" She said with a confident.

We bought the cat ears, and Yumi pranced around, showing them off to Futaba and me. Futaba smiled, her grip on my arm tightening slightly.

After a while, we decided to take a break and grabbed some snacks from a food stall. We found a spot to sit and enjoy our treats.

"Hey, Yukito-kun, do you think we'll have time to visit the gaming section?" Futaba asked, taking a bite of her taiyaki.

"Definitely," I replied, munching on my own snack. "I heard they have some new VR games we can try."

"Awesome!" Yumi said, her eyes lighting up. "I can't wait!"

With our energy replenished, we made our way to the gaming section. The area was filled with the latest gaming consoles and VR setups. We spent the next hour trying out different games, laughing and cheering each other on.

Eventually, it was time to meet HaruHime-sensei. We headed back to the autograph stand, where she was waiting with her little brother. He looked older than me, he's like on his 20's, with the same dark green hair and blue eyes.

"Hey, you made it!" HaruHime-sensei greeted us with a smile. "This is my little brother, Himeya."

"Nice to meet you, Himeya-san," I said, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too," Himeya replied. "I've heard a lot about you from my sister, she said we looks similiar"

"Oh? All good things, I hope," I said, glancing at HaruHime-sensei"Mostly," she said with a laugh."Oh, and Yukito-san, please just call me Haruka. HaruHime was just my pseudonym" She said.

We found a quiet spot at a nearby café and settled in. Haruka-sensei and Himeya ordered drinks for us, and we chatted about our favorite anime and games.

"So, Yukito-kun, you've got quite the group here," Haruka-sensei said, looking at Yumi and Futaba. "Are you all classmates?"

"No, only me and Hinata goes to the same school," I explained. "Yumi's my sister, and Hinata's a close friend."

"Close friend, huh?" Haruka-sensei said with a knowing smile.

Futaba blushed and looked away, while Yumi giggled.

"Big Bro is the best," Yumi said proudly. "He takes good care of us.

"I can see that," Haruka-sensei said warmly. "It's nice to see siblings getting along so well."

"Yeah, he kinda remind me of you too sis" Himeya said.

"That's a good thing then hehe" She said with a smile.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing, enjoying each other's company. As the sun began to set, we decided to head home.

"Thank you for today, Haruka-sensei," I said as we prepared to leave. "It was great meeting you and Himeya-san."

"The pleasure was mine," she replied. "Let's do this again sometime."

We said our goodbyes and made our way back to the train station. On the way, Yumi and Futaba chatted excitedly about all the things they'd seen and done.

"Today was amazing," Yumi said, hugging her new figure. "Thanks, Big Bro."

"Yeah, thank you, Yukito-kun," Futaba added, still holding onto my arm.

"I had a great time too," I said, smiling at them. "Let's make sure we do this again."

As we boarded the train and headed home, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the day we'd had.


Yumi is sleeping beside me.

"Yumi-chan…she's a good kid right…?" Futaba said.

"She's my proud little sister after all" I said.

"Siscon haha"

"You will be siscon too in the future" I said teasingly.

Futaba doesn't say anything as she was hiding her face.



She hugs me by my arm.

"Stay like this again… for a while…." She said.

"…It can't be helped, my girlfriend asked me to and I have to comply with her" I said with a smile.

"What's with that formal language, that doesn't suit you haha" She said as she giggles.

The two of them then goes into slumber as I watch over the two of them.

"It can't be helped…this two…."

Here ya go, Chapter 4. I brought back the character from Isekai NPC. hope you'll notice it.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

KanaKazecreators' thoughts