
The Gacha System : Road to Artifact Master

Aaron always knew that he would become a teacher and was resigned to a life of routine and predictability. "I am going to school for the rest of my life, sounds absurd. But fact it did," he often joked to others. However, fate took an unexpected turn when he came across a mysterious system that gave him powerful abilities and valuable items. Will Aaron be able to resist the temptation of gaining more power and stick to his morals, or will he be trapped by the mysterious and unclear aspects of the system? *Quite slow paced *No rush for romance yet *Wont contract this btw, so yeah sorry if I just disappear for no reason

AeRoK1D · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 20 : Meeting with Laura’s Father

As Laura's father attempted to contact her, Aaron stood by her side and quietly suggested that they keep their conversation brief. Gradually, his doubts about her father intensified, fueled by the unmistakable tone he had heard in her father's previous conversations with her. Aaron grew increasingly annoyed by the apparent indifference her father displayed towards his own daughter.

Laura appeared lost, her mind consumed by thoughts of her once loving and caring father from years past. She couldn't help but notice the gradual changes in him over the years, transforming him into the person he had become now, a father seemingly unconcerned about his daughter's well-being.

"It's alright," Aaron said softly, observing the tears welling up in Laura's eyes.

"He did mention that he's on his way here, didn't he? You'll have the chance to meet him sooner or later. But for now, focus on getting the rest you need to recover properly."

It was still early in the morning, leaving Aaron with ample free time on his hands. The option of taking on a mercenary mission for the headquarters presented itself, but he hesitated. Engaging in such missions was reserved for the mandatory monthly tasks assigned by the HQ, which he preferred to save for later.

Letting out a sigh, Aaron found himself sitting on the sofa inside Laura's treatment room. His mind wandered, contemplating the irony of having amassed a substantial amount of money while struggling to find the time to enjoy it.

"I've accumulated so much wealth," he thought, frustration etched on his face. "Yet, I can't even spare a moment to spend it."

Meanwhile, Laura had taken it upon herself to remotely manage his work as the school principal, utilizing his laptop. Aaron assured her that he would return during the lunch hour to complete at least two of his daily tasks.

Shortly before lunchtime, Aaron managed to finish his running and reading tasks, albeit with a slight delay during the reading portion. With only his right eye at his disposal, the process took a bit longer than usual. Finding himself with some spare time before lunch, he decided to enjoy his meal right there in Laura's ward. The hospital had kindly granted him a special pass, allowing him unrestricted access to visit Laura whenever he pleased.

Taking advantage of the pass, Aaron savored his lunch in the peaceful surroundings before teleporting back to the hospital, ready to resume his presence by Laura's side.

Entering Laura's private ward, Aaron found her just finishing up her work. Since she couldn't leave the room yet, the hospital graciously provided her with luxurious meals on demand. The lunch she had recently ordered was already laid out on the table, prompting her to invite Aaron to join her. Politely declining, as he had already eaten, he pulled up a chair and sat next to her.

As Laura began to share her thoughts about work and occasionally delved into stories about her family, Aaron listened intently, offering her a sympathetic ear. He understood the significance of having someone to talk to during her recovery. They spent their time together, with Laura opening up and confiding in him, while he remained a steadfast and caring companion by her side.

Ringggg Ringggg

The telephone in the ward suddenly rang, catching Laura's attention. After a few seconds, she picked it up.

"Yes... It should be my father... Okay... Let him come through."

Aaron overheard the conversation and considered leaving, but then Laura insisted on him staying.

"Wouldn't it be awkward later to explain our relationship... Ugh..."

Knock knock..

A skinny and tall man stepped into the room, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Laura. He shared the same brown hair, blue eyes, and the matching skin tone. Aaron was convinced that this man must be Laura's father.

Aaron rose from his seat and extended a friendly greeting. "Hello. I'm Aaron Deen, a friend of Laura's," he introduced himself, offering his hand for a simple handshake.

"Hmm, hello. I'm Edward Williams, Laura's father," the man responded, his voice filled with a hint of nostalgia. "It's been a while since I last saw my daughter with one of her friends... Are you..."

Before Edward could finish his sentence, Laura interjected, diverting the conversation's focus by inquiring about her mother's whereabouts. Her tone carried a touch of seriousness, taking Aaron by surprise.

"She had something to attend to... You know how busy she is," Edward responded casually when asked about Laura's mother. "By the way, how did you manage to afford this room?" he added, his tone lacking genuine concern.

Sighing, Laura replied, her voice carrying a tinge of disappointment, "Shouldn't you have asked about my well-being first before questioning whether I can afford this room or not..."

Aaron had positioned himself on the sofa, giving them space to converse. Despite their lowered voices, his enhanced hearing allowed him to catch their conversation.

As he listened for a few minutes, he couldn't help but notice the stark difference between the father Laura had described to him and the one he was witnessing now. Her father seemed self-centered, lacking empathy, and, worst of all, he appeared forced to visit her.

Ringgg ringgg

Edward's phone rang, and he hastily answered the call, his expression quickly changing. Aaron's acute hearing allowed him to catch snippets of the conversation, and he realized that something significant was happening.

"The emissary from the Diabolic Dominion is already in town?" Edward's voice held surprise and urgency.

"I understand. Yes, I'll meet them as soon as possible. Where should we meet?"

As Aaron eavesdropped on the phone conversation, he discovered that Edward had been requested to meet the emissary promptly at a designated location. The sudden turn of events caught Aaron off guard, but he maintained a composed demeanor, acting as though he hadn't overheard anything. However, he now knew the secret meeting would take place at the abandoned orphanage he and Laura went before.

"Sorry, Laura. I have to go," Aaron said with a stern voice as he hastily left the ward.

Laura was left speechless, her eyes filled with tears. She looked at Aaron for a moment, seeking solace.

Aaron approached her and offered his shoulder, providing a comforting presence as Laura began to cry.

A few minutes passed in silence.

"I need to leave as well. This situation involves your father," Aaron stated, his tone serious. He stood by the bed and posed a question, his voice filled with gravity. "If your father were to be caught for his involvement in criminal activities, how would you feel?"

Laura hesitated, her voice trembling as she responded, "Um um... I don't know. I mean, I know he can be mean, but I don't believe he would commit such crimes. He has always been kind to others." Her answer conveyed her lack of confidence in her response.

"Sorry," Aaron apologized.

"It was just a rhetorical question."

Laura's worried voice broke the silence.

"Is my father in trouble?"

"I don't know yet," Aaron replied, his tone filled with uncertainty. He turned to leave the ward.

Exiting the hospital, Aaron sought a safe location to teleport to, wanting to avoid being caught on the security cameras that surrounded the building.

Aaron swiftly calculated the estimated travel time from the hospital to the orphanage, concluding that it would take around 20 to 30 minutes by car. Wanting to assess the situation and locate Laura's father, he decided to teleport to a spot near the orphanage. His priority was to observe the emissary's presence before taking any further action.

As Aaron materialized near the orphanage, he noticed that it appeared abandoned. The authorities had likely completed their investigation, as there were no longer any yellow police tape surrounding the area.

However, the front gate remained closed, lacking a lock, while wooden planks had been affixed to the building's exterior to discourage unauthorized entry.

After several minutes of waiting, a sleek sports car with fully tinted windows pulled up in front of the orphanage's main gate. A robust driver emerged from the vehicle, displaying his impressive strength as he effortlessly broke the chains securing the gate using only his bare hands. With a forceful push, the gate swung open, granting entrance to the mysterious car.

As the sports car drove inside the orphanage premises and parked, three more individuals dressed in the same attire as before emerged from the vehicle. Their synchronized movements and efficient actions revealed their professionalism as they dispersed throughout the area, meticulously scanning for any signs of other people present.

After meticulously surveying the surroundings, the group of individuals regrouped beside the parked sports car, their eyes fixed on the vehicle's entrance. It was evident that they were awaiting the emergence of a significant figure—the final piece of their puzzle, presumably the emissary.

Meanwhile, Aaron maintained a discreet vantage point atop the nearby house, observing their every move.

"It seems the last person to appear should be the emissary," Aaron whispered to himself, his gaze fixed on the gathering below.

Worldbuilding for a new novel. MC went to live in the dream world and live there for a thousand years before waking up in real world. He had been asleep for 10 days in real life!

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