

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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231 Chs


I continued on my way remembering that someone tried to enter my system, I quickened my pace to get to my laboratory faster, arriving at the dock, I deactivated the shield and rushed in, I see everything dark and I sigh.

"SIF can you please turn on the light I don't have the ability to see in the dark at the moment."- I said it calmly when the light came on to see my dear green girl asleep and I saw Agent Coulson sitting in a chair with my Don Quixote de la Mancha book, he just looked at me and greeted me.

Agent Coulson is an adult with pale skin, light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a well-cared-for physical structure.

"Victoria who did you let in."- I said it annoyed.

"Excuse me, sir, he said he knew you so I let him through and SIF has all the lasers on him."- She said it quietly victory as she brought a cup of coffee to a coulson who got nervous when he heard the last comment.

"I would like to know the reason why a S.H.I.E.L.D agent is sitting in my lab."- I said sitting up as Winston came over and settled on my lap to rub behind his ear.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Parker, I'd like to discuss a few things with you, but first, would you be so kind as to disable the lasers."- He said something nervous I just gave the deactivation signal the sigh and he relaxed.

"Before I speak, I have something important to do. Wait a minute."- I said it calmly.

"Well how is all the information retrieved or extracted by those who tried to steal from us." Ask quietly.

"Don't worry sir, everything is done, the information was erased and I successfully extracted some project plans from them, they are from the lex corp company."- SIF said it calmly while showing me all the extracted information.

"How's the making of the thinks going for your SIF body." Asked.

"Everything is going as specified sir let me add that I am excited to return to having a body that is not the bot spider."- She mention it in an animated tone.

"Well, I already finished the diagnosis then now what S.H.I.E.L.D wants with a person as humble as me."- I said it in a friendly tone.

"Well I didn't just come here to talk to you, I was escorting my boss who's sitting behind you."- He said it pointing behind me only to turn to see Nick fury.

Nick Fury is a hairless older man of black hair with one patch covering his missing eye the other is an onyx color, with a definite physical build for battle.

"Nice to meet you, Nick Fury."- I said it quietly looking at him.

"the pleasure is my young Richard and there is also the hulk's cousin. I never expected you to meet such different people."- Fury said it seriously.

"Why are you here in my lab?"- I asked bluntly.

"We would like you to work for S.H.I.E.L.D as you have shown very beneficial abilities that we could help you develop."- He said it without losing his serious tone.

"And what are those capabilities?"- I asked quietly.

"His mind, his ability to learn by sight, and his constant physical development that I see became a gamma-class mutant."- He said it looking calm.

"You know that I can make myself stronger, right? I don't need to be the government dog to become strong."- I said it suspiciously.

Fury : "I've seen it but it can also help you by giving you impunity in any case that it's a large-scale fight S.H.I.E.L.D would take care of cleaning up the wreckage like we do with the Avengers."

"Sounds interesting but I don't have the desire to protect the world yet."- I said it selflessly.

"Young Richard, I know that your reluctance to accept becoming a hero is due to the fear of losing what little you have left of your family, so I better give you a better offer that will benefit us both, you will work for me, not for S.H.I.E.L.D, help us to manufacture certain things and this at the time when requested and I will give you all the materials you want and an immunity to certain areas of the world including the United States that is our homeland that seems to you and another thing your family will have the right to shelter in a of my safe houses that are all over the world."- I said it seriously.

'Now that's a tempting offer.' I thought about it with surprise.

"what do you think of that helpi." Asked

[I would recommend that you accept, sir, with this you can advance your projects by leaps and bounds that would take years and you will have access to areas where you can test his creations without fear of killing someone]

"I accept the offer tell me what you want to build."- I said it seriously, he looked at me and he gave me a smile that was not very noticeable.

"I want you to build me a very special shield I will send you the specifications of the necessary material and the material will be provided by me and you can do it however you want, but the only thing I want is that it is easy to transport and can be hidden with the same ease."- He said it seriously I just gave him a fierce smile.

"That will be interesting and where are the avengers."- I asked seriously.

"why do you want to know about them. "- he ask seriously.

"because crime is overflowing a bit and I've had a lot of work these days and let's say it's green he hasn't come to visit me as usual to tell me how I crushed his enemies or to repair his pet."- I said it calmly.

"They are not on the planet, they went to recover a ship that we sent 2 years ago that appeared recently."- He said it serious.

"That already answered what I needed to know, thanks for answering my question."- I said thankful.

"Not that I'm running you off, but we're done with our conversation and I need to see some private things so I'd like you to back off."- I said it quietly pointing to the exit.

They just nodded they left my lab I checked the cameras and sensors in case they left any camera or microphone and finally I released an interruption signal that only affects all the devices mine install a device to avoid the blows of EMP explosions (electromagnetic pulse) .

After verifying that he had everything protected, I reviewed the information that Diana gave me that he had Superman's weaknesses, which are only two in a certain sense, and that his skin is a thousand times harder than Kevlar, he can release an icy breath, X-ray view , sight laser beams, power to fly, super sonic speed, ability to survive a certain time in space, slow aging in a nutshell the son of a bitch is omnipotent and his only weaknesses are kryptonite which is very scarce or rather non-existent on the planet and magic I don't know anyone who uses magic or has a magical ability.

'This is very frustrating. The guy is very powerful and has almost no weaknesses.' I thought annoying.

[Sir, I would recommend that you buy a skill that needs mana, with it you could open your mana capacity, the one that would be necessary would be mana control]

"how many points do I have."- Asked.

[You have 2000 points since you have been facing many common enemies and some rare ones, your gain will increase when fighting large scale enemies]

"how many points equals mana control."

[worth like 1000 points sir]

'That would be half of everything I've saved.'- I thought dejected.

'buy it.'- thought sad.

[understood wait a moment]


[mana control] (lower)

(gives you the ability to sense the mana in the environment with it and be able to absorb it to generate your own) (the ability will activate when it is put in meditation position)

"One other thing you should know."- I Asked.

[if your mana will depend on your intelligence and your mana regeneration on your wisdom, but the disadvantage the more mana you have the stronger the body should be]

'Got it right now my physical stats far outweigh my intelligence and wisdom so I don't have to worry at this point.'- I thought calm.


[has managed to fulfill a secret mission proposed by one of the gods]

100 on all your stats.

A grimmy you want

Ability: Mana Boost

(strengthen your muscles by drowning them in mana gives a 20% physical improvement)

50 mana per minute

Item: Horned Wolf Egg

At that moment I felt how my body felt more powerful my mind is clearer until my height increased I left the meter 85 to meter 90 my hair grew a little more and it bristled I had more white strands in my hair.

"what happened."- I asked

[this is a secondary effect of your mana conduits being released there, assuming it is necessary for your body to be forced to adapt to the new energy that runs through yours body so as not to suffer permanent damage]

[choose your grimonium lord]

'Give me a white magic grimmy.'- I thought about it excited since I have the physical strength but it would not be bad to be able to heal myself in it, a white book materialized that seemed old, I just checked it, the first page was written in an ancient language that I could understand.

'why do I understand this language.'- I thought about it in surprise as I glanced a little at the parts that seemed like an unknown language.

[it is written by an ancient you being an ancient is in your DNA to be able to understand the writing]

"But I'm an old arterially no."- I asked questioningly.

[no sir, what the spider did was stimulate that genome, activating it so that it is in this current process, but even so there were residues of the DNA of the spider that bit it, giving it capabilities that its ancestors did not have, for example, the smell of life, that is why it is a pseudo totem of the spider, the one that completely modified the DNA is the spider of your brother]

"tell me it's a wolf egg."- I asked interested

[The horned wolves were a peaceful species, but due to their large size they were hunted to extinction. This species has the ability to consume minerals and expel them in their purest state. They mostly hide or unite with the first strong being they see, like this that you are advised not to leave him alone for a long time]

After his explanation, a large egg about 60 centimeters in diameter materialized that was very colorful and very heavy for an average person.

Richard: "Time for my new mate to hatch."

[it will be within 3 days if you infuse it with mana so that it develops faster and gives you the possibility of Nasca being stronger depending on how much mana it gives]

"That's interesting. I don't want to get into the magic thing too much, but maybe I can combine it with technology."

I carefully picked up the egg and placed it close to me to put my hand on the egg.

"how do I I direct my mana to my hand."- I asked helpi

[just relax let your mind go blank, look inside yourself]

I proceeded to relax, search inside myself I felt two energies one red that was thick while the other was white and light I approached the red one that was cloudy and violent I felt how my body automatically entered a world of anger I quickly moved away that the sensation I had was greater than the previous occasions that I used it, I went to the white energy that was warm and peaceful, I felt how my body was lighter but without having the desire to fight or an insatiable anger.

When I come back to myself I see my body the same size, the marks that pass through my body are no longer dark red but glow white

Richard : "I have two energies because why's that"

[Your body is divided into two physical energy that is red and that of your soul that is white that is connected to your mana if you have noticed is that your physical energy is greater than that of your soul how do you feel in this moment]

'This feels different. I feel strong but not as strong as when I use that ability.'- I thought stretching.

[since you have your mana active I suggest he touch the egg]

I just nodded and placed my hand. I felt how the egg devoured my mana and weakened me, causing me to fall to my knees. After a while, the glowing egg stopped devouring my mana.

"I am very tired."- I said it in a whisper as I carried the egg and placed a pillow on it to accommodate the egg. I stretched a little and went over to the bed where Jennifer was sleeping. I moved her a little and slept next to her.

'I think I'll make a bigger bed.' I thought as I closed my eyes and fell into the world of dreams.

**In dream**

I am floating in the immense darkness that cannot be seen beginning or end, I just sighed.

"I really died."- I said it out loud with a sad look.

'???' : "not my dear totem."- Said a serene voice that came from behind me, I just turned around to find a woman sitting on a throne that she is hanging by a spider web.

"Who are you?"- I asked the woman sitting on the throne.

"you can call me madame web and from what I see you are not a totem you are not completely something strange."- She said it herself looking at me fascinated as if she saw something new.

She is a fair-skinned woman with auburn hair, curvy body with DD cup breasts, with a peaceful gaze.

"Could you tell me why I'm here?"- I asked quietly.

"I had the wrong person, sorry, but you also have to listen to this since this will affect all the spider totems in the multiverse."-Madame web said it she would be.

In that hundreds of shadows appear and I see that I am no longer in the previous emptiness I see myself in a coliseum where the so-called madame web is standing in front of all many guys dressed as spider-man asking and disoriented.

"you could pay attention to me."- She said it loudly everyone paid attention to her some who were close to me walked away from her they were spider-noir, spider-gwen, spider-girl (Mayday Parker).

"in a few years the spider hunters will be free and they will hunt every spider man call them for that reason."- She said it would be I was going to say something, but she looked at me.

"that includes you pseudo totem."- She said it pointing at me.

"great where they are."- I asked seriously.

Madame web : "in dimension 001 I keep them."

"You know I don't give a shit about these bastards. I have to take care of my brother. If they come to my dimension, I'll wait for them with open arms."- I said it while the physical energy filled my body grew up to two meters my hair stood on end like a lion's mane the marks that cross my body shine with ferocity

"I don't know how your dimension is .. Richard Parker brother of Peter Benjamin Parker, but you need to know."- Madame web said it seriously.

"he would be like my uncle from another dimension."- Mayday said it in a low whisper and looked at me excitedly.

Spider-man : "I have a brother in another dimension." One of the many Peters that were there.

Madame web : "they are very powerful with the more spiders hunted the stronger they become so be prepared because they will not hesitate to kill everything you love to get to you."- She said it by showing the spider hunters or better known as the heirs.

"understood I need to advance my projects thanks I'm leaving."- I said it calmly.

"How do I get back?"- I said it nervously rubbing the back of my neck with his hands.

"if it's my uncle he makes almost the same gestures."- Mayday said holding back a laugh at my somewhat silly behavior until she teleports him out of the area.

"any questions."- She said it would be some raised their hands she pointed to one at the halasar.

Mayday : "He really is a Parker."

"yes, but it's not like your father if we compare it is like he is a playboy and someone who can build a freeze grenade with a blender and liquid nitrogen, someone who does what he thinks and says and with the ability to use Magic."- She said it pointing out some defect of me and my virtues.

Mayday : "why did you called him a pseudo totem."

Madame Web : "Because he's not quite a spider and he can become the next in the mantle of spider-man if he fails."- She said it serious.

"let's return to our talk."- She said it serious, they all nodded.

While I slept peacefully paying Jennifer more to feel the sweet scent of her.

Up to this point.


A/N - Madame Web is a mutant that possesses psychic sensory powers including telepathy, clairvoyance, prescience, and the ability to sense the presence of psionic powers in others. She can also perform psychic surgery and appear to others in spirit (astral) form. She has a gifted intellect.


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confirmed harem ( the ones who had sex with mc ) - Storm ( ororo ) , Starfire ( kori ) , Diana Prince ( wonder woman ) , Jennifer ( She-Hulk )

Until now....

Future Harem maybe : Emma Frost ( confirmed ) , hope , jean , rogue , Laura , Felicia , Susan


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well I hope you guys like this chapter and in every or 2 to 3 chapters new characters will be coming... and in future chapters mc will also teleported to another marvel dimension...

confirmed harem ( the ones who had sex with him ) - Storm ( ororo ) , Starfire ( kori ) , Diana Prince ( wonder woman ) , Jennifer ( She-Hulk )


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