

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs


I just looked calmly at Bayonetta.

"well let's start with the master-servant pact kiss my foot."- I said it without hesitation.

She looks at me for a moment to drop down to take off my shoe to kiss my foot I feel her tongue as it circles my big toe and she gives me an interesting look to see how she sucks my toe as if it was fellatio.

'not like that well let's get it over with.'- I thought about it as I lift her off the ground to let my energy flow into her body to feel how her body she looked at me with excitement.

For her to push herself to kiss me I felt my energy push more into her.

After she finished she tried to pull me away.

But she held on.

Richard: "you are already my servant you can let go."- I said seriously.

"call me Cherry master only you can say that name with it I mark that I am completely faithful to you."- Bayonetta said it so that at that moment I feel a bridge.


[a second soul bridge has been generated with it special attributes have been gained]

[gained abilities witch time, inner beast, witch walk].

After that everything went dark so that we find ourselves in a place where I see souls begging for their life and crying for mercy.

"I expected this, but I didn't think you would bring my soul to hell."- I said it with a blank stare she just smiled at me.

"well I love you and I want you to know that if you didn't listen to me I will bring you here and force you to listen to me my "master"."- She said it in a mocking tone.

Richard: "you know I was friendly and I hoped that the contract we made was respectable, but if you want to step on my toes let me tell you that you failed and if I want I can turn you into a puppet."- I said it seriously.

She just smiled and snapped her fingers.

In that of the shadows appeared a demon with a strange appearance with a butterfly wings with a provocative dress with a blue skin with purple hair that look like butterfly wings.

"And you are."- I asked quietly.

Madama Butterfly: "You are a very disrespectful demon, I don't think you should call your superiors like that."- She said it with mockery.

Richard: "You know we're out of juice." I said it seriously.

"Light me in the hope of ridding the evil that covers this world."- I said it while a ray of golden energy fell on me so that my body was covered by an armor my face was covered so that it showed a full face and showed three peaks so that it looked like a crown I invoked a sacred sword that released a large trail of divine energy.

Madama Butterfly: "you are not a demon because you're not getting weakened when you step on the demonic ground."- She said it in surprise.

Richard: "surrender now and your life will be spared."- I said seriously.

I watched as she lunged towards me yes, but I only clenched my fist to punch her face to send her into the shadows.

Richard: "please stay there I have to talk cherry right now."- I said it seriously so she looked at me with surprise.

I just walked towards her.

She was paralyzed and I grabbed her by the neck.

Richard: "you know I thought it was a fair deal to give you a percentage of my power for bringing you in, but it's not going to be like that anymore you will be my personal slave when I ask you to jump you will jump, when I say give me a blowjob you will do it I will no longer be friendly you were pushing me every second even one of my women didn't push me as much as you a complete stranger who is dedicated to killing angels I felt it in your body you reek of angels and demons blood."- I said it in a serious tone.

Cherry: "I will never be someone's pet."

Richard: "you wouldn't be, but you made me."- I said it without hesitation for me to return to my human form and let my appearance be fully marked my horns grew so that my height settled at about two meters 50 centimeters to kiss her hard she at first.

She stopped struggling as she stuck her tongue inside me so that my hand went down to her ass squeezing it.

Richard: "I Richard Agustus Parker mark this woman as my property and my personal toy."- I said it seriously as my eyes sparkled with power.

[+20 cherry] (she loves to feel her M side and find her S)

Richard: 'shit I turned her into a masochist.'- I thought.

She kissed me back grabbed my other hand clutched her legs behind my back to kiss my neck to leave me a hickey.

Richard: "say it right now."- I said it in a possessive tone.

Cherry: "I am your property Richard."- She said it in a sweet tone.

Richard: "good girl you just want someone to put a leash on you don't you."- I said it in a playful tone.

She began to kiss me with desire and to make her eyes sparkle with pleasure.

I squeezed her ass hard to bite her lip until she bled a little.

She caressed my cheeks to rub her hips.

Cherry: "can you tell me what are you going to do with me, my lord."


[ha your title has risen in rank you are a demon god (media) with it you have the ability to dominate demons weaker than you]

"Well, bring us back to our world,"- I said it seriously.

Cherry: "Of course, master."- She said it with emotion.

At that her hair generated a portal that brought us back to my world, she clung to me while she continued kissing me hard, Susan looked at me angrily.

Cherry: "you see human I am with my master."- She said it to lay her head on my chest. She said it in a cold tone.

Johnny: "old man as always you attract women who despise humans to the weak."- He said it looking at me.

Richard: "Don't tell me that I'm regretting becoming a god."- I said it caressing me.

Richard: "That reminds me Johnny you have a desire for the offering and why the hell did you join the cult that Emma and Illyana made."- I asked annoyed.

Johnny: "great I want to go on a date with this girl."- He said it pulling out a magazine.

Richard: "if I have it I'll call you.."- I said it to snap my fingers.

And his phone rang and he smiled and ran to his room.

Susan: "why do you do miracles you didn't mention you wouldn't do that already."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "I tried but being a demon god I have to make a minimum of one wish a month and I set high requirements to make a wish."- I said it annoyed.

Richard: "And how is Reed? I already managed to find Karen's dimension so I can keep my word,"- I said tiredly.

[Sir, I remind you that you have to see your status to see your points.]

Richard: 'thank you helpi for reminding me.' I thought about it quietly.

'let's see status.' I thought it serious.

Name: Richard Parker

Karma: very good

Race: Nephalem (mutant ability: locked until 17 years old)

Specialty: the gamer, engineer(medium), mage(apprentice), demon god(minor).

Titles: like father, like son, military apprentice, mad scientist, fool with a heart of gold, prince charming, hero's soul, above average, Guardian of the spider totem, symbol of hope, light bearer, son of the sea, son of life, warlord, he who is above all, asura (minor).

Life: 2,400,000/2,400,000 (level 100:max)(kill 1,000 beings) (regeneration 10,000 every 1 minute)

Points: 700,520 (points are used to buy skills or to improve oneself)

Mana: 1,100,000/1,100,000 (level 89) (regen 4,000 every 1 minute)

Sp: 2,200,000/2,200,000 (level 100) (regeneration 9,000 every 1 minute) (stamina will be used up when activating a skill or doing an extremely demanding activity) (temporarily blocked)

Vitality: 850,523

Strength: 925,922

Agility: 1,502,562

Intelligence: 350,600

Wisdom: 460,000

Charisma: 570,050

Luck: 350,252


Player's mind:

Player Body:



Knife Handling (minor):

Martial art (high):

Combat art (high):

Double axe mastery (master):

Master chef:

Regeneration (medium):

Hardened leather (medium):

Steel skin (medium):

Poison resistance(medium):

Pain resistance(medium):

Titan strength(minor):

Scent of life:



Mana Boost:

Sense danger(minor):

World of Wrath (expert):

Raises your stats 125% for the cost 25 in intelligence per hour of use.

Semi-photographic memory: (150 intelligence).

Enhanced senses (medium):

Unstoppable (beginner):

Mana control (expert):

human graces (max):

(has the right to show all the rights of a human being and show why the human can break the rules of logic with only his will).

(the grace of living) (unlocked)

(shows the fangs and fights for life without hesitation increases the statistics 70%)

(the grace of virtues) (unlocked)

(fight with all the show the limits you have and increase in all stats 120% and if you fall and still breathing break the reality 10 minutes of 250% of all stats)

(¿??????????????????) (locked)

(¿??????????????????) (locked)

(¿??????????????????) (blocked)

(vestige of the beast) (second stage)

(violent unstoppable insatiable is your form mowed down by anger when you enter the world of anger and activate the ability will accumulate 150% in physical stats)

(biting to do)

(double strike)

(lord of the beasts)

(you have absolute domination of any beast that is put in front of you)

(instant teleportation)

(allows you to travel to any place you've already been) (cost 100,000 mana to use)

(witch time)

(you can move in a slower time)

(witch step)

(can walk on walls)

(inner beast)

(you can turn into a fantastic or non-fantastic animal that represents you)


She looked at me in a dull way.

Susan: "Reed has not left his lab since you gave more income to our sector and I think he must be entertained with other inventions."- She said it giving me a blank look.

Richard: "susi don't look at me like that you know you are the people who can do the most things and Reed is a genius in the study of space, time and matter as a whole."

Cherry: "why these humans are different?"- She said it playfully.

Richard: "because they are people with powers, you could see it."

Cherry: "I don't see anything special about creating invisible barriers, I've seen birds that can do that with their light magic."- She said it with reluctance.

Ben: "Alicia, how was the date."- He said it with a smile.

Ben: "We'll be right back."- He said it happily.

Cherry: "I didn't know they had a golem-like him did that has a personality."

Richard: "it's not a golem, it's a person."

Richard: "well Reed is in his room and he was able to help Pamela."- I asked interested.

Susan: "yes he is inside and I can't deny that he helps in the manufacture of a product that helps the development of plants is very beneficial."- She said it seriously.

I stood up, but she didn't let go. I walked to Reed's door so I was about to knock on the door only to have it burst open and a thick bearded Reed come out, stinking from not bathing in weeks maybe months.

Richard: 'I can see why Susi gave me the look.'- I thought to myself, annoyed.

Richard: "Reed, could you do me the favor of finding Karen's world?"- I asked seriously.

He looked at me with surprise as if he had come to his senses.

Reed: "Yes, I finished that two weeks ago, at this moment I found the construction of clothes with unstable atoms."- He said it with emotion.

Richard: "Why didn't you tell me Reed."

Reed: "you were busy with the creation of a cellulose material that can copy muscles to a certain extent without being metal so I didn't want to bother you."- He said it without much importance.

Richard: "ok I accept that you didn't want to bother me, but this is an important matter too."

Richard: "reminding me of that."- I said that to bring out a new model.

Richard: "SIF call Felicia."- I said it quietly.

"Roger calling Felicia."- He said it in a calm tone.

Richard: "you already programmed your AI."- I asked calmly.

Reed: "yes it is very useful it helps me to remember how far ahead I have left some work and it helps sometimes when I leave some problems that don't interest me."- He said it without much importance.

Richard: "That's good."

At that Felicia answers.

Felicia: "Richard, what's wrong?"- She asked curiously.

Richard: "I have a present for you, tell me where you are so I can take it to you."- I asked with a smile.

Felicia: "I'm coming to the Baxter building."- She said it calmly.

At that moment I hear the elevator dinging as the doors are opening I walk towards it to see Felicia smiling at me in a tense way while behind her is a woman with her same appearance only with some wrinkles that looks at me with displeasure.

Richard: "I see you came with a relative."- I said it looking at her calmly.

Layla: "So you are Richard."- She said it looking at me with disgust.

Richard: "well I called you for something I managed to completely finish what you need."- I said it to kneel down to take out the leg I made to place it.

Richard: "every human being is not prepared to lose a limb and suffers the effect of the phantom limb which is something natural try to move your fingers."- I said it calmly.

So that the fingers start to move as if they were real.

Felicia: "how is that possible."

Richard: "I managed to recreate a kinship of nerves that connect superficially making the body think that the limb is there where it has always been, but I could not put the pain senses."- I said it with a smile.

I watched as her eyes filled with tears.

Richard: "you just need to try it."- I said it extending my hand she grabbed my hand.

To stand up with difficulty so she leaned on me and started to walk.

Cherry: "How adorable you are, master, showing your affection to a weakling."- She said it with a smirk watching the action.

Felicia: "who is the giant."- She asked annoyed looking at Cherry.

Cereza: "I am a witch from another human dimension, you don't need to know more about me."- She said smiling.

At that moment, three people arrived, two by the heliport and another one by the stairs.

Alice: "Master we've already left the laboratory because Winston came with me."- She said it arriving with Winston on my shoulder.

Karen: "Richard, is there a dimensional door to return to my dimension."

Galatea: "You really want to go to your world, why don't you stay and enjoy this world, there are so many incredible things like Richard's kitchen, it's amazing."- She said it seriously.

Karen: "Why do you want me to stay Galatea, you can't stand me."

Galatea: "You are the first version that I feel I can stand, I really like you a lot."

Richard: "I don't think you want to stay in your world do you Karen."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "And Reed, I'm done finishing the coordinates, our trip to your dimension is ready, we'll leave when you're ready."- I said it seriously.

Winston: "SIF send on autopilot my Viking I will accompany my master on this trip this time you will not go alone to the other dimension."- He said it while stretching his legs putting a pose of show of imposing.

I only heard an affirmative beep.

Alice: "Well, I am ready to go with you, Master, but what about Behemoth, will he want to go?"

Richard: "I don't know I don't think it would be good to bring him I need someone to guard the city and someone is missing."- I said it to squeak loudly and a portal opened and from there Amarok came out stretching in a lazy way to rub himself with me in an affectionate way.

Richard: "I'm sorry for not calling you boy I was in the lab and I know you don't like being in that place and I know that hopé, Laura, and rogué spoil you a lot, but I need you to come with me to a very important mission boy."- I said it stroking his head so he just nods while he growls playfully.

Richard: "thanks boy well here we all are."- I said it to see how Winston's Viking ship arrives.

I summoned alala to look at Reed who knew what I was going to ask to head to the lab.

Reed: "I gave a little review of Karen's world and set the coordinates for a place that is safe for our world as it has certain problems that she didn't talk about."- He said this looking at Karen.

Richard: "Karen, do you want to contribute to the conversation."- I asked calmly.

Karen: "my world is destroyed, there are only 1,020 people left alive, and the rest of the population are zombies."- She said it nervously.

Richard: "why don't you tell me if is that your whole universe or just planet earth."- I asked.

Karen: "The virus was contained on earth, no one can leave until the infected can be eliminated in its totality and that can't happen because Darkseid doesn't allow the green lanterns to pass."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "Well, I got it, let's go, because I have to finish with this shit."- I said it annoyed.

Up to here...


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Read 14 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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in this chapter mc fought mademe butterfly as she's from Bayonetta world and Bayonetta is officially MC's property and some surprise for Felicia and planning to save Karen's world...

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