

It seemed like endless hordes of machines coming out of the subway.

"why there are so many."- I said annoyed.

Tony: "You built the model, did you make it for quick assembly?"- He asked as I watched the robots crawl out of the hole.

Richard: "yes I made them for mass production sometimes I hate myself for what I do."- I said this in annoyance as he took a deep breath and let out a flare and then there was the sound of something coming so that next to Tony, Clark fell.

Clark: "What's going on."- He said it to shoot his heat vision at a machine that was about to attack an innocent bystander.

Tony: "well we are holding back an almost endless horde of genocidal machines that want to reform the planet and what have you done super boy."- He said it calmly while looking at a store selling burritos.

Richard: "Tony attack ... the super boy already ruined the plan... attack with everything we have to go in."- I said it seriously so that it began to divide the metal generating a force field with a lot of density, but with my strength and the edge of alala cut the metal like butter.

Richard: 'Every time I cut, it's harder for me.'- I thought seriously to continue cutting while throwing a flame of fire coming out of my mouth.

I watched as the flow of machines slowed down.

Richard: "We have to go in."- I said it to reduce my size to about ten feet along with Alala.

Superman: "And who is the new guy."

Tony: "It's Richard."- He said it following me.

While firing his repulsors at all the robots that were coming out, little by little different robots were coming out, bigger and more efficient.

"Tony, the mass models are over, others are coming."- I said it to throw a blow in the chest to one of them so that it was ejected against the concrete wall.

The robot is intact.

Richard: 'It shows more resistant than the others, but it moves slower, what happens to it, these machines take a long time to adapt.'- I thought seriously while dodging a plasma shot that tried to hit me in the face.

I squeeze hard the hilt of alala to hit with a vertical cut that split the robot to explode.

I use my demonic energy to surround my hand and pierce the chest of another robot.

'helpi will I be able to adapt to magic.'- I asked while I hit another machine with the same technique that took out its reactor to throw it to another one that had tony by the neck.

Tony: "Thanks for the help kid, I think I can upgrade you, you'll be a contingency avenger before the contingency."

Richard: "And how is that"- I asked strangely.

Tony: "If something happens to us you will be the second backup with Jennifer and others."- He said it while firing the chest repulsor.

Richard: "I am part of the second wave"- I said it while I tear off the head of another one and I remain thoughtful until I feel that they go through my scales to roar and with the mouth tear off the head.

We continued down we came out of the narrow descent to reach an oversized subway floor.

We heard some clapping for more machines of my size to appear while we heard some footsteps.

Apotheosis: "I see you finished with the first models."- He said it calmly.

Richard: "you already had everything planned right."- I said it while I approach him.

Apotheosis: "yes after all first it was my mind then I created a body I was able to enter the system and completely study humanity create different models and prepare another body that is almost perfect."- He said this as he stepped into the light.

It looked the same, but all its parts are of a dark hue.

Apotheosis: "how do I look Richard."- he said it in an arrogant tone.

Richard: "I don't think you will make it all your army was wiped out before you started."- I said it seriously as I started to de-transform.

Richard: "It's over apotheosis just let me reprogram you so you can realize your true purpose."- I said as I held out my hand.

Apotheosis: "You really think I will listen to you, you are all inferior beings, I was born to surpass you all," he said as he looked at me reluctantly.

Apotheosis: "Kill them."- He said it so that his remaining robots would launch themselves against us. Superman launched himself against the biggest one, which was about three and a half meters tall, and both collided with his fist so that the robot would not overcome his strength and would be thrown against the wall.

Richard: "Kill him before he assimilates your strength."- I said it seriously so Clark would understand to shoot his heat ray with all his strength to melt his chest so it would hit his reactor and it would explode.

Apotheosis: "interesting temperature, thanks for that information."

Richard: "Tony, do you have the lacerations."- I ask this as I hit the chest of a machine that is smaller than my size and has great agility, but it doesn't compare to my speed.

I reduce my size to be at a size of one meter 80 centimeters to move with more agility to use my mana and crush the head.

Richard: 'it will be very agile and fast, but it is more fragile than the other models I destroyed.'- I thought about it while I compressed the head and threw it as a bullet to another similar model destroying its head.

The more we destroyed the robots the more I learned apotheosis, but that was inevitable, I was only contained while I destroyed the robots, but Clark will make some things difficult for me because although he is contained he is stronger than me.

Richard: 'the only way would be to attack him with only magic'- I thought seriously.

We kept on destroying until we were just waiting.

Apotheosis: "I'm done."- He said it while analyzing all the data so that silver sand began to come out of his body that began to consume the bodies of the machines already defeated or destroyed.

His size changed but as he grew in size his body was modified to compress and increase his resistance.

His previous size that was one meter 70 centimeters with the modifications that were made keeping his body as core gave him a size of three meters more than his figure became humanoid as he still stands on two legs his structure looks better protected where you see the joints you can see that it is a purer steel and armed at the atomic level.

Richard: "So with that appearance, you think you will win."- I asked in amazement.

Richard: 'It looks like any other mecha.'- I thought about it while from the back he opens a large number of thrusters to become a blur and I hit Superman with ease and you can see how his fist is charged with an energy that hits his face that sends him crashing into the ceiling that shatters easily and begins to rise until it hits the floor of the sewer.

Richard: 'shit that was strong.'- I thought.

Apotheosis: "the piston punch system is very good, but it wastes a lot of energy."- He said it while from his arm he releases a reactor that is shown without energy.

Apotheosis: "but I'm not worried I just saw a better reactor."- He said it while looking at the reactor that is in Tony's chest.

Tony: "sorry tinfoil, but this one is copyrighted."- He said it to start flying and shooting repulsion rays.

Apotheosis did not pass anything to him the energy shots bounced off a shield that he generates all over his body.

He stretched out his hand to show his palm and shoot a plasma beam that Tony dodged with difficulty I jumped behind him to transform my leg into that of a dragon to see how the shield is deformed and from his back comes out a blade that stabs my leg and shot me in the chest at point-blank range.

I felt my skin burn and the bones in my chest and some ribs were broken.

Tony flew low to catch me and started to fly to escape while escaping I lost consciousness I only felt the burning in my chest my breathing was difficult I have three broken ribs one of them is puncturing a lung.

Tony: "Live boy I will take you to a doctor."- He said it while dodging the attacks.

Richard: "I need....Susan."- I said it with some conscience.

Tony: "yes I think she might be the only one who can cure you."- He said it to throw me in the air as high as he could.

Tony: "Jarvis all power to the main reactor."- He said it seriously.

Jarvis: "Understood sir."- he said it so that all the energy shot out of his chest to throw the debris into the hole that started to fill.

Tony: "that should give us a time where the boy of steel is."- He said it to look for Superman who was inside the building the planet tony flew into the building to see Superman with a slight burn.

Tony: "I will take a toll for saving him and you boy owes me a big favor and you can't refuse with building Ultron if you fight."- He said it to start flying towards new york.

Tony: "Jarvis at full speed to the rear thrusters."- He said it seriously to generate a small sonic boom to start flying and heard the debris start to move and saw a hand come out.

Tony: "Jarvis what's taking you so long."

Jarvis: "I'm recovering power sir don't forget that the main reactor firing spent a lot of energy."- He said it formally.

Tony: "Jarvis, we don't have much time, that thing is on its way out and we have to get away from the city before it discovers our trail."- He said it seriously.

Jarvis: "Understood sir, but the reactor will only have life support left and we'll just get to Madison Avenue and 42nd Street in New York and collapse sir."

Tony: "That doesn't matter, we have to escape, that thing didn't kill the Superman and the other one is on the verge of death."- He said seriously.

Jarvis: "Understood sir prepare for a possible crash landing."- He said it without further ado the inside of the suit turned red from lack of power and increase the speed and begin to pass quickly Smallville that after a few minutes they arrived at the entrance of new york I coughed up golden blood and my.

While in Richard's mind.

I am flying in a void with nothing around me.

Richard: "What happened, I died again and I'm going to a cycle of reincarnation."

Alter: "You could and you were dead boy."- He said it appearing behind me.

Richard: "And why am I here?"- I asked in surprise.

Alter: "You relied on your strength without using any abilities and you are in a struggle between life and death so you are in a kind of limbo after all you can't be judged."- He said it to start floating.

Richard: "And that's why."

Alter: "you are on the threshold boy we well no one in the multiverse can judge someone who is on the threshold."

Richard: "What is the threshold."

Alter: "The threshold is when someone reaches the level of a god, even if it is lesser or inferior which is your case and you have both energies which leaves you as two gods of different classes."

Richard: "In a few words, a god cannot judge another god."- I was serious.

Alter: "Right, that's why there is the tribunal of gods, but it is not necessary since as I mentioned you are not dead, so that's all there is to it."- He said it while snapping his fingers so that everything changes and becomes a beautiful garden with everything.

Richard: "Why are we in Eden."- I asked in amazement.

Alter: "You're pretty good for your first time here."

Richard: "In the ancient book of genesis it tells what Eden looks like."- I said it with surprise.

Alter: "That book if it's true you are its bearer well you know why you are here."-

Richard: "because one all above and the presence and to entertain you."

Alter: "That would be a point, but don't you see every once in a while we give a system to people who get a lot of karma points or win at the reincarnation roulette."- He said it by taking a cola.

Richard: "And I have to see why."

Alter: "you are the first idiot that doesn't go crazy for power and try to dominate your dimension and enslave and rape the women that cross your path at least you win their hearts and if I keep an eye on you you are more entertaining."

Richard: "You know that's not my problem."- I said that to think of a root beer to turn up.

Richard: 'I hope it tastes like the one from my first world.'- I thought it with excitement to taste it and sigh with satisfaction.

Alter: "boy how do I tell you this if it's your problem."

Richard: "And it is because."

Alter: "You will get to the point where the systems will reach a limit and will need another player to become stronger."

Richard: "In short they will come to kill me for helpi."

Alter: "right but you would be the final boss since you have so much capacity to grow in this world but I better tell you and if you beat another player you get a prize free of any rules that are at your level."

Richard: "You know I can buy an ability to hide helpi right."

Alter: "I know boy but see that helps us control the problems in other dimensions and you earn wishes that are very useful."-;He said it with a tempting smile.

Richard: "I can think about it."

Alter: "Of course, we have all the time in the world."

Richard: "I won't be able to come back until I give you an answer, right."- I said it with a blank stare and he just nodded.

Richard: "Well in that wish I would like to go back to where my mother is, my first dimension."

Alter almost spit out what he took.

Alter: "Yes you can, but if you enter that dimension and stay there for a long time you will lose everything and may even cease to exist."

Richard: "That sounds horrible."

Alter: "boy do you remember that you have a blank dimension."- He said it with a smile.

Richard: "Yeah, what about it."

Alter: "you can make your wishes so you can add things to that dimension like any unique minerals or amazing planets."- He said it with a smile.

Richard: "You're really tempting me"

Richard: "when we say everything can I add a fragment of other dimensions right."

Alter: "right that dimension is blank so it won't affect the others at all because it would be one of a kind."- He said it in a professional tone.

Richard: "if I have problems can I take the girls to another dimension."- I thought tempted.

Alter: "you are already thinking well and you can get other girls from other dimensions don't you like the idea."

Richard: "well it sounds tempting, but I don't think I'll find another Jennifer or Diana as good as I got them."

Alter: "don't think of just one kind of woman in this multiverse there is everything and you have to enjoy it, boy."

Richard: "Ok, I accept when the trip will begin."

Alter: "That's what I wanted to hear. It will start when your friend Reed opens the first portal, it will be to go to the other dimension bridge like this one that is where your Kryptonian friend is."

Richard: "I have two friends."

Alter: "the one you haven't taken to bed."

Richard: "haaa Karen I have to go to her dimension to help her after all I gave her my word."

Richard: "wait you put a player in another dimension."- I said it annoyed.

Alter: "boy look the players are not something strange really they are necessary because they are the ones that connect the worlds both for good and bad they create new worlds and new possibilities without them the worlds would be in an endless loop repeating the same actions."

Richard: "I can understand that since I interact in the world where dc and marvel are and they change it to a great extent."

Alter: "right kid you are an essential part of your world and you can do it in others as the player's stock can alter any world whether it be where you were reborn or another."

Richard: "Well can I go back to reality now."

Alter: "Of course wait, this is a bona fide gift so enjoy it."

Without further ado, I started to open my eyes to see that I am lying on a bed while my chest is bandaged with thick bandages and I see that my foot is missing.

Richard: "what haaaaaaaaa."- I could only scream as the pain came back to me.

I felt like I was short of breath and I took off the ventilator.

At that moment I heard hurried footsteps to see how Susan arrived, scared, hugging me, behind her were the girls, Peter and Aunt May.

Susan: "I thought you wouldn't wake up."- I see Felicia in a wheelchair.

Richard: "How much."- I asked.

Susan: "How long Richard"

Richard: "How long was I out." I ask trying to stop.

She stops me.

Susan: "You were in a coma for two months."- She said it soothingly.

Richard: "I have to stop apotheosis."- She said it in an upset way.

Susan: "you can't go you lost your leg and your chest muscles and some ribs were lost the muscles charred and the ribs turned to dust the foot was only held up by the muscles all the joints and blood vessels were cut clean off."

'there must be a way.' I thought seriously.

Richard: 'wait that madman have given me a present helpi open it.' I thought seriously.

[yes sir wait a moment]


[gift open rare ability achieved]

[extreme regeneration]

(gives you the ability to recover wounds at a faster level than normal with the ability to recover lost body parts).

Cost: 1,000,000 SP

Up to here.


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