

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs


I climbed back on top of Amarok so that John could climb back on with some trepidation.

"Where are we going Mr. John."- I said in a childish tone.

John: "Let's go to my workshop, I'll show you the things you can do and I'll show you a bit of what I do so you can see if you like it."- He said smiling.

I just nodded with excitement.

'Yes, with this I can advance in a big way in my favour because I will have at my disposal a lot of technology and materials that I can use.'- I thought smiling.

We arrived at the workshop.

I just looked at the building with a lot of surprise.

John: "What do you think?"- He said smiling.

"It's amazing."- I said it as much as I could get out of my mouth.

In front of me a building that occupies an entire city block, its walls are made of high density polished steel and it shows the symbol of three shooting stars, I touched the door and then I sniffed it a little bit.

"That's high density platinum."- I said in surprise almost breaking my childish mask.

John: "Yeah, it's amazing, you don't have to look inside, kid."- He said it, treating me like a grown-up to lift me up and use his eye, fingerprint, and blood detector to make the thick doors open.

Inside was my dream come true, but to a lesser extent.

There were mechanized systems, some robots that check the simplest systems, a section for each type of large studies where there is a testing area for each section especially an elevator to take us underground areas, a high capacity computer, an area to do physical tests, physical training room, room for weapons handling, area where I can study plans made.

John: "Let's go where I think it will help you."- He said this to take me to a library where he has all the information about current technologies and other dimensions.

John: "You can read wherever you want and you big guy can't be here and you can't eat that."- he said pointing to Amarok who is about to bite into some platinum.

Richard: "Amarok you heard what he said."- I said it seriously only to have him put his head down and walk away.

Richard: "You have anything he likes"

John: "he can eat the junk and failed prototypes I have in my failure room."- He said this to make Amarok happy so he starts licking John.

John: "I understand you want to eat follow me if you want you can read the beta zone I know you might be ok so I'll let one of my machines take care of you."- He said it so he started to call out some machines that stood near me.

I just ran to the books to start reading.

This will greatly improve my passive over my mind. I weigh it as I start to read a little bit about the information on the construction generated by the gumdan dimension, the first terraforming on mars and their ships.

'There are so many things, but they are still using energy methods that don't fully satisfy the ships really barely have anything functional a plasma engine or an ion engine they are all extremely large.'- I thought about it as I continued reading.

Richard: 'This made it clear to me that there is no smaller power source that has the same size capability.'- I thought about it calmly.

I started drawing up plans to build the ARK reactor, just the first prototype to its full potential.

After about 30 minutes John returned with a smile on his face because he was able to get rid of all his failed or dangerous prototypes with ease, something he had been looking for with great need.

John: "Tell me Richard, what have you discovered?"

Richard: "There are many energy sources, but there is not one that is compact and can be used cleanly and without the danger of explosion."- I said it with a smile.

John: "You came to that conclusion very quickly, tell me what you have come up with."- He asked, bending down to my size.

I just showed the plans I created for him to start reading them and he started smiling a big smile.

John: "this, this, this is amazing how no one came up with this power source it's less dangerous and it looks like it's functional but it only looks like a theory tell me do you think you can do it."

I just smiled and nodded with confidence.

John: "Tell me how long do you think it will take to achieve that."

Richard: "I think a whole year to do the tests."

John: "With the plans you made and that ability with your quirk I don't think mom will deny that you can pull off something amazing."- He said confidently.

Richard: "When do we start?"- I ask smiling.

[one legend bows to a bigger legend]

(builds something that breaks John's expectations of what you can do)


Being able to use john's workshop freely.

John's trust.

Support in everything you do.

Improved way of life.

500 points


Everything stays the same until you're 17.

Rule: you have to impress him before the age of four.

Rule: must be something that is in John's own area which is the study of environmental energy, robotics, aerospace studies.

Richard: 'helpi buy me the overexertion skill.' I thought about it seriously.

[wait a moment]

[purchased skill overexertion]

[overexertion] {01/50}


Richard: 'I'm going to overexploit this passive with all my effort.'- I thought about it smiling.


[has reached the maximum passive]

A year later.

It just looks like I'm sitting on my bed.

Ariza: "guys get ready everybody because there are people coming to adopt so put on your best smile."- She said it coming.

Richard: "Good morning mama Ariza."

Ariza: "Good morning my baby."- She said it smiling to hug me.

Ariza: "Let's hide you sweetheart."- She said it while carrying me to try to move me to the side.

Maria: "Ariza what have we talked about."

Ariza: "Come on sister maria you know that no one will adopt Richard because they don't like him."- She said it seriously.

Maria: "This time may be different."- She said it smiling.

I sat down next to the other children so that I could see Zelda smiling at me but she was further away.

Richard: 'Since it was discovered that her quirk is called a multiplier and it doubles all of her abilities it made her move away from me.'

Maria: "Come on, the kids are excited to meet the parents-to-be."- She said it smiling so that behind them came two particular people since they are people with quirk who saw all the children.

Woman: "They are all so cute."- She said it smiling looking at everyone.

Maria: "Then remind me why you want to adopt."

Woman: "Because my quirk only let me give birth to one child I have not been able to give birth to another child so we are looking for a little brother or sister for my daughter and I always wanted to have two children."- She said this with a lot of emotion.

They passed the children and saw Kitty who passed quickly.

Woman: "I'm sorry you are too old to qualify as a baby sister."- She said goodbye.

They came up to me to see me for a while.

Man: "I don't like the way you look, you look too dangerous and those horns don't look good and those teeth make you look nasty, you look more like a threat to be near my son and you are very ugly."- He said it looking at me with disdain.

Ariza: "Who are you calling ugly son..."- maria covered her mouth so she wouldn't say anything.

I just sighed looking at him.

Richard: "So we're done."- I said it looking at them so that I got off the bench to start leaving.

Woman: "That boy is strange."- She said it to keep looking to see Zelda.

Woman: "This one is perfect that angelic look with that hair that looks like mine will not be distinguished."- stops to grab Zelda's little hand.

Zelda stops to get to Maria to see her.

Maria: "What's wrong Zelda"- She ask looking at her.

Zelda: "I want to say goodbye to Richard."- She said it in a hurry.

Ariza: "I am going to look for my baby."- She said it to run to find me sitting on my bed to hold me.

She pulls me in front of Zelda who gives me a tight hug as she starts crying into my chest.

Zelda: "I'm going to miss you so much Richard."- She said it hugging me tightly.

'Thank heavens I managed to buy overexertion.'- I thought about it since my most strengthened characteristic is agility which is focused on my speed and the second one is my endurance since strength is not increased as much since I don't focus on carrying a lot of weight.

"I will miss you too Zelda."- I said hugging her so that she would relax and cling to my chest.

After a while the two adults looked at me with disgust to take Zelda and start the paperwork to take her to their car, I just said goodbye.

Amarok arrived I just got in to keep up with the speed of the car.

Man: "Where did that thing come from."

Zelda: "It's Richard's dog, he calls him Amarok, he likes to eat junk."- She said it by saying goodbye.

Woman: "He's a beast tamer, how old is he?"

Zelda: "He is three years old."- She said it smiling to see that I start to detour to go to where John's workshop is.

'Today I finished the preparations and with the help of John who helped me which made it take longer because I had to give him instructions, but it was worth it."- I thought it was coming.

John: "Richard you are early what happened."

Richard: "I lost Zelda, all I have left is Mama Ariza and the stray cat and Grandma Maria."- I said it sad to run to where I am assigned to see the last pieces to form the ARK reactor and other pieces for another reactor.

Richard: "Mr. John, today we will completely finish the reactor."- I said happily.

I put on my glasses for him to come with me so that he could also put on his glasses so that we could start the construction of the two reactors in a synchronized way.

Richard: "Starting infusion of pure energy."- I said seriously to start pushing the energy from the generator into the reactors.

Richard: "Commencing full reactor operation."- I said this to start the reactors glowing brightly.

Richard: "ARK reactor complete."- I said that to get into the room to grab the reactors.

John: "It's amazing, it really worked."

Richard: "Yes, all the calculations were perfect."

John: "Sometimes I forget you're a three year old."- He said this while ruffling my hair.

John: "now comes the main test we will disconnect from the network to do the tests."- He said smiling.

He began to disconnect from the electrical system of San Francisco to activate the panel that is connected to the new electrical system of the base.

He placed the ARK reactor so that it began to glow brightly and it shut down so that the entire base was turned back on.

John: "We'll see what the base is doing."- He said it to go and see to start to see the readings that mark its functioning at maximum.

Richard: "It works, we'll put it in my house."

John: "Come on, boy, mom will be happy not to have to pay for electricity again, and that will save a lot of money."- He said happily.

I went up to the Amarok and he went in the car so Ariza could see me with a serious look on her face.

Ariza: "Tell me why you left without saying goodbye young man, you will be in big trouble."

Richard: "Mom Ariza I made it."- I said it happily.

Ariza: "What did you accomplish honey."- She asked curious.

John: "He created a new means of clean energy and is about to implement it here."- He said it happily.

Maria: "So I hope it will be good because you showed me the plans very excited John."- He said it coming.

Richard: "Activate the base."- I said it happily.

John was activating the base where the reactor will be placed so that it began to glow with in the base so that it began to sink into the base so that John began to disconnect the house so that it would run out of light to activate the reactor and turn on the house completely.

Maria: "How long is the life span of that thing."- she ask John.

John: "I'm sorry mom, but that's beyond me, the one who knows is little Richard." He said pointing at me.

Ariza: "How long does it last baby."

Richard: "It will last about 10 to 15."

Ariza: "Well hours is great."- She said it smiling at me.

Richard: "no mom Ariza years 10 to 15 years, but I think that's too short."- I said thoughtfully.

Maria: "You know Richard honey what you mention is unbelievable why do you think it's too little."

Richard: "My goal is that it lasts a thousand years or more and that it can feed an entire city, I want that to be San Francisco for a long time."- I said smiling.

Maria: "Honey, that's very ambitious."

John: "That's wonderful boy it's always good to think big."- He said it with a smile.

Richard: "I will make it."- I said confidently.

John just stroked my head to smile at me while Ariza lifted me up and kissed my forehead.

Ariza: "Those little horns are growing and they are no longer on your forehead."- She said it by touching them so I put my hands on my forehead to notice that they are disappearing and I touch between my hair and I feel something prickling my fingers.

Richard: 'What's wrong, the horns are not on my forehead, not on the sides.'- I thought seriously.

[Sir, remember the title "like father, like son"?]

Richard: 'yes I remember I would miss that title.'- I thought it interested.

[his secret ability kicks in]

Richard: "what is his secret ability."

[he is returning his Nephalem blood sir as he grows older he will become a pure Nephalem again and with that some abilities or one ability that is the most representative of when he was alive]

Richard: "I understand you expect I will have the same base appearance as my brothers."- I asked in surprise.

[yes sir why would that always have to be your base appearance]

Richard: 'Well let's see how I do.'- I thought smiling.

One year later.

I got out of bed and just stretched a little bit, I've grown a lot taller than kids my age, apparently the title does come into force with a vengeance as I'm 3'6", you could say I'm as tall as a 6 year old.

Richard: 'Well, let's enjoy things.'- I thought about it as I stood up for a machine to come over with my clothes.

I just got dressed calmly and I see Ariza arrive with a smile to carry me.

She took me to the table where all the kids were.

Kitty: "ho freak, how was your dream."- She said teasingly

Richard: "I dreamt that I caught a cat and modified its brain so it wouldn't be an idiot."- I said it smiling.

In that time I got some titles that are really very beneficial.

[title achieved unparalleled genius]

(your ability to find the solution overcomes with great ease the problems that appear in your life, you have an increase in intelligence and wisdom of 50% and 70% respectively).

[title obtained pain addict]

(pain stopped making you suffer just to give you a pleasure, you have a 30% of ignoring the pain)

[title achieved super human]

(by constantly breaking your limits you have proven that you are above your own race you have a 35% increase in all physical stats and a 50% increase in Ps)

All of these made my threat level increase to an F++ rank.

Which is something incredible for someone my age and my size I'm really dangerous and I still don't have my quirk that the roulette wheel will start in less than two minutes.

Kitty: "Tell me Richard what are you going to do I want to introduce you to my friends they have brothers for you to make friends with...."


[the possibility of having quirk is activated]

[starting in 3...2...1...]

I felt my body burning like it was on fire I just screamed in pain.

[quirk gained four arms]

[quirk mutating by asura title]

[modifying body for quirk support]

I just started screaming in more pain I could only see Ariza who was looking at me with concern apparently she was screaming at grandma mary for her to run.

I felt my bones break to be rebuilt again I felt my skin peel off to make another skin come out my eyes burned the colour of my eyes changed my sclera remained black but my eyes turned a dull golden colour my hair became longer and thicker I felt my muscles get stronger as my organs and all my insides and I felt some parts of my body burn more I felt lines appear where they ran through my magic and Ps together glow in a shade of red.


[modifications made...]

I couldn't read anymore even though I endured a lot of pain my body couldn't take it anymore and I just fell to the ground breathing heavily and barely conscious.

I saw how Grandma Maria arrived, Ariza carried me to a sofa that she managed to buy for the saving of the light.

My breathing calmed down.


[a title to evolved from pain addict to masochist]

(when you take more damage you feel an incredible pleasure you have a 50% increase in strength when your health is at 50% you have a pain resistance of 50%)

Richard: 'helpi delete that damn title.'- I thought it annoyed.

[I'm sorry sir, but I think it's a suitable title for you.]

'great I have a crappy title.'- I thought about it as I let out a groan.

So much for that.


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Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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and guys read a new book that my friend is working on it's name is

An Otherworldly Magician [HP X Marvel]

give it a try!!