

Three months later.

I'm finishing my exams to pass the next year.

"Why the hell do I have to take this stupid exam."- I muttered in annoyance.

Honey: "Because it's compulsory Richard and how are you doing with your super glue formula."

Richard: "I'm failing miserably, chemistry is not my thing."- I said with a sigh.

Teacher: "Richard, I know the exam is very easy but don't fail so badly."- She said it looking at me.

I just nodded.

Richard: "Yes teacher, can I see some of my personal projects?"- I asked calmly.

Teacher: "You know you can do it but don't blow up the room I don't want to have to go to PE that teacher is very disruptive."

Richard: "Yeah Mr. Frank and his cart how the hell is he the P.E. teacher."

Teacher: "Because he mysteriously passed the test Richard."- She said it with a touch of grace.

"I understand."- I said it to look for an opaque white cube to squeeze and it would decompress.

Honey: "You got the idea of compressing inorganic matter."- She said it excitedly.

I just nodded.

The object that decompressed is John's portable plasta torch that he couldn't find.

I decompressed other objects to begin assembling my prototype mob shotgun.

It looks like a tactical shotgun with a phosphorescent orange sight, the housing is a combination of black and white with a shoulder rest and a large barrel in the middle that holds six rounds of ammunition while the trigger is behind the large barrel.

Teacher: "Richard what did I say about bringing a gun."

Richard: "Teacher, this is my anti villain prototype, it doesn't fire deadly ammunition, it fires an electric net that will immobilize the villains and it doesn't fire just one, it fires six per barrel."- I said it with excitement.

Teacher: "Richard I know you like to build equipment for the cops, but don't bring it with you, someone might try to steal it."

Richard: "Well I have Amarok and my physical strength."

She just sighed.

Teacher: "Well, just don't let it explode."- She said it seriously.

I just nodded as I check the ammunition to regulate the electrical charge so that it is harmless and doesn't kill anyone.

Honey quickly finishes the test to start helping me with some ideas in the making.

Honey: "Why don't you make a gun that shoots an immobilising liquid."

Richard: "I have no idea how to make a super glue honey."- I said reminding him.

Honey: "If you want I can help you, you know chemistry is my forte."

I just hugged her tightly to start thanking her I didn't notice she blushed.

Richard: "I can't wait for you to help me."- I said excitedly.

She just nodded excitedly so we started walking to our chemistry class.

Teacher: "Good morning guys as you know we have final exams and although it is too early for some of you for chemistry love we will just start with the exams for how to make chemical compounds."

Teacher: "Richard and honey are excluded for the exam one because he knows the theory, but he blows up every chemical he combines and the second one is my little star."- She said it with a smile.

Honey was flattered.

"Richard, don't spoil my star."

Richard: "Yes, teacher."- I said sighing.

Honey began to form the idea of how to build the super glue she began to form different compounds to use her eraser to stick it to the table she would make me lift it up and with my strength I would peel it off easily.

We went on for a while so that she could do it when she tried to separate the eraser from the table and lifted it and the table.

Richard: "You did it in less than an hour."- I said that looking at it, it doesn't come off.

Honey: "Well, you already had the base of the super glue, only instead of putting the inhibitor you put nitroglycerine."- She said it seriously.

I just nodded in compression.

Richard: "But nitroglycerine is good for everything."- I said, holding up my hands.

She gave me a blank look.

Teacher: "remember he's just a kid who has explosive tendencies."- She said it by squeezing a stress dummy.

Honey: "Like your house hasn't been blown to bits."

Richard: "John has a test area in the workshop where I test my chemical creations."- I said it thoughtfully to remember something.

Richard: "You want to see something."- I said smiling.

She didn't respond to start combining some chemicals so I used some nitroglycerine and other chemicals and then grabbed it and put it all together and then threw it on a chair.

You just watched as the chair was covered in a light blue ice.

Honey: "You created a freezing grenade."- She said impressed.

Richard: "It's not freezing, it's like ice, but it's not, touch it."- I said so I could touch it.

She proceeded to do the same and noticed it was warm.

Richard: "It's like express drying cement isn't it amazing."- I said smiling.

Honey: "You just have a talent for making weapons Richard."- She said it looking at me blankly.

Richard: "Well I'm always thinking about how to improve people's safety."- I said proudly.

Professor: "Mr. Parker how will you remove your little experiment from my chair you know I don't like you using my classroom as an experiment area."

Richard: "Don't worry Professor it will dissolve in an hour or two."- I said this to ring the bell.

We started to go to another room which is history where we can see something where the history of the multiple realities is similar in some aspects and that is kept respected and they have put up multiple books that deals with the history of the different realities and where they separate.

I just grabbed the history of the quirk for honey to join me so we can start reading.

History teacher: "Miss Lemon, you really like that kind of history, don't you."- He said it looking at her and seeing her engaged in reading with me.

Honey: "Well I like it, it's very interesting that the quirks appeared overnight and started using people as test subjects, it shows how dark humanity itself can be."- She said it in an innocent way.

History teacher: "Yes the story about the birth of the quirk sounds fantastic but it is a real event and it is very interesting that it doesn't lead to what stage the quirk have reached today."

Richard: "Well I am the ninth generation with quirk which makes our gene more stable and it is very beneficial because quirkless people tend to be superior to the average person."

History teacher: "That's right, quirkless people are super human compared to a normal person, even though they have no power, their bodies have far superior limiters."

In that we read a little bit about the space wars, the discovery of the gumdan and the birth of the new humanity that is known as the new type.

Then the history of martial arts and its antiquity and I introduced a bit more about the history of the magical creatures that inhabit this new dimension.

He just put a quiz according to what we have been reading and the common questions is where the different realities match.

We just finished to hear the bell to go out.

Richard: "I think it's PE."

Honey: "noooo I suck at that subject."- She said sadly.

We get outside to see the different classes where I see zelda she notices me but ignores me.

Richard: 'Great, the family that adopted her is brainwashing her.'- I thought sadly.

Physics teacher: "Alright ladies, we will start with ten laps and you Richard, I want you to do ten laps, I know your physical capabilities and I hope you finish it before they do or you will have another ten laps."- He said it seriously.

I just sighed honey she looked at me with pity.

Richard: "I hate that he knows about my physical capabilities."

Zelda watched me for a moment to get into jogging position and they started jogging.

She only stopped me to take off my shoes to avoid breaking them and they watched with some derision.

Honey: "And why would they make fun."

Boy: "The freak took off his shoes to look cool, he's just going to hurt his feet."

Honey: "but Richard when he's in PE he takes them off so he doesn't break them because...."

Only a blur of speed was seen overtaking them with the greatest of ease they only saw while they are half way down the road I've already done three laps.

I started to force myself to run faster.

When they are close to the end of the third lap I overtake them to get there first.

Richard: "Ready teacher."- I said it breathing heavily.

"You have very good abilities, but you don't have much stamina, you should see how to increase that stamina, boy."- He said it seriously.

"I have already tried, but apparently my body is made for explosive strength, I would have to force my abilities to generate a little more stamina or grow more to have more resistance."

"It's understandable, everyone, I want you to rest, that was just a warm-up, we'll start with the physical exam."- He said it seriously.

Solo honey dropped almost fainting, I just grabbed her to stop her from hitting the ground.

I just sat in meditation position to start.

"onigami style: Paradaisu (paradise)."- I said it so that the ps becomes ki which starts to eliminate the tiredness.

Honey: "how do you do that."- She ask watching me as I breathe in a controlled manner while my body is surrounded by a red layer of energy.

Richard: "It's my sou type ki which is more like negative energy that is fueled by anger."- I said it as I feel my whole body is recovered.

Honey: "what is that ki, sou and stuff."- she ask interested.

Richard: "We all have ki just don't have the means to tap into it like I'm doing right now."

Honey: "would you teach me how to do it."

Richard: "I don't think the techniques are very good for you."- I said it nervously.

Honey: "And why is that."

Richard: "they can kill you almost immediately."

Honey: "tell me you just don't want to teach me."

Shigure: "Onigami."- She said it appearing behind honey.

teacher: "who are you little girl."

Richard: "shigure what have i told you to not follow me secretly."

Shigure: "mean, rude and a lot of love."- She said it without taking her eyes off honey.

Honey: "hi nice to meet you shigure what are you doing here."

Shigure: "He's...doing his family line technique."- She said it pointing at me.

Honey: "family line that of breathing and meditation."

Shigure just nodded.

Honey: "But his last name is Parker."

Richard: "That's the first and last name Grandma Maria gave me, I have to go visit her more often."- I said it thinking about her.

Honey: "What's your name on the familiar side."

Richard: "Asura Onigami."

Richard: "which means that the techniques that I know are only good for my kind of body and the horns are not part of the quirk from what shigure has told me, the onigami have always had horns that represent their level of strength."

PE teacher: "The horns are not part of your quirk, what is your quirk."

Richard: "Four extra arms."- I said that to make four extra limbs.

PE teacher: "I wasn't expecting that."

Richard: "Well back to Shigure what happened."

She pulls out a scroll for me to just start reading it.

Richard: "I understand, I'm going to go."- I said it quietly.

She just hugs me and caresses her head to leave.

After all that we continued with our physical activities.

I see we finish the school day quietly.

Richard: 'Ariza is not coming I can see a bit of the city and I have some savings I can buy a manga.'- I thought about it.

'I remember there's a comic book store around here.'- I thought about it to walk to where I remember the bookstore.

I managed to find it to start looking for a manga or comic I was interested in.

Richard: 'Look at this sailor moon the complete first volume.'- I thought it interested to try to take it so that my hand collides with another hand.

I look at the person I bumped into she has long black hair that can reach up to her waist beautiful light blue eyes a creamy fair skin an attractive body a huge chest if we look at it with the height must be a D cup with nice hips her height is one meter 45 centimeters.

I just looked at her for a moment my sense of survival screamed that she is dangerous.

?? : "Hello little one, how are you, would you give me the sleeve?"- She said it with a playful smile.

Richard: "I don't like fake smiles."- I said it calmly as I took the sleeve from her.

She just stood there looking at nothing.

?? "Wait, what fake smile...my smile is real smile?"- She said it in a cheerful tone.

Richard: "I know when a person is faking it, you must have been doing it for years, but my eyes don't deceive me, you are suffering and you keep it hidden behind that smile."- I said it calmly as I pay for the sleeve.

As I'm leaving a magic circle appears under my feet to be teleported into a forest.

I just look around me.

To see that it wasn't the girl who teleported me but a jerk who is smiling arrogantly at me while next to him he has many girls of different looks or clothes.

Richard: 'Well who is this idiot.'- I thought to myself in bewilderment.

Young Devil: "I see you are surprised, aren't you, weak human."

I just looked at him for a moment to pull out my phone to see where I was.

I notice that the signal from the satellites john has in his possession doesn't reach, but I have an internet class just check a bit to see that social networks are very different.

Richard: "where the hell am I."- I said seriously.

Young devil: "don't worry weak human I have a proposal that you can't refuse."- He said it mockingly.

Richard: "I'm not interested you can take me back home I have a sailor moon manga and I've only seen her anime and I want to see the difference of the two."- I said it bored.

Young devil: "I see you don't understand, do you."- He said it snapping his fingers.

One of the other devils shot a bullet of fire that only grated my cheek.

I looked at him with boredom, but inside I was really scared.

'Shit if everyone can use magic of some element it will be very difficult as soon as I reach level 50 onigami style I have no way to attack them multiple times I will have to use the second phase of my quirk to have any chance of winning.'- I thought seriously.

I just relaxed my muscles while looking at it calmly.

Richard: "What is your proposal?"- I said it calmly.

Young devil: "looks you have two pretty girls next to you and they look like they are very well prepared and I like to train my girls while they are young and moldable it's fun to watch."

I just listened to that and my desire to kill became more concentrated inside me.

Richard: "Speak up."

Young Devil: "I'll let you come back if you bring them to me at this address."- He said this by throwing a piece of paper on the ground.

I just looked at the paper on the ground to see that it is a wasteland that is laid out.

Young devil: "pick it up and kiss my feet and I will let you live with your little family and possibly not play with your mother."

Richard: "tell me do you have a family or loved ones."- I asked as my horns began to grow like my muscles my skin got a little darker my height increased and my hair was so white it reflected the light.

[your threat level is D]

Young devil: "what do you care you stupid fucking creature."- He said it with mockery.

Richard: "It's to know who I will have to kill if I want my family to be safe."- I said it calmly.

I felt the presence of the girl I met with the sleeves I ignored her apparently she is just spying.

Young Devil: "It's a pity I would have liked to see you sink into despair knowing how I kill everyone and have fun."- He said it to snap his fingers.

"onigami style: Wārudoburēkāfisuto (world shattering fist)."- I said it to disappear in a blur of speed so that they only see my fist embedded in the stomach of one of those women.

The words that came out at that moment only made the young devil tremble.

From my back another four arms came out for me to see as he easily catches the other women to start slamming them to the ground.

"You want to hurt my loved ones and you think I will leave you alone because I am a child."- I said this angrily as he watched my hair stand up so that he could see the horns on my head.

Young devil: "If you hurt me they will kill you and all your loved ones and we will declare war on the yokai."- He said it hastily.

He only saw me stop.

That gives him a smirk.

Up to here.


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