

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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Thanks guys for your support till now and read the message I've given at the end of the chapter and We've reached 100th chapter

This is very big milestone for us....




I took a breath to drop to one knee on the floor.

Karen approached with concern.

Karen: "Richard, are you okay?"

Richard: "yeah just a little magic fatigue, but I need to finish this before it starts."- I said it to stand up again.

""WORLD OF ANGER"" - I said it so that all the negative energy that was a massive concentration I never felt.

I just sighed when I heard the pleas for justice.

Richard: "don't worry what they think is revenge is just justice that is not seen by the eyes in a good way I will help them to have peace."- I said it calmly.

My horns changed to a bluish purple hue my skin darkened my hair turned white and my eyes turned to gold I noticed that I only have the shackle on my neck as the shackles on my arms disappeared and I feel lighter.

""GRAVITY"" - I said it to lift myself off the ground and start floating.

They looked at me with surprise.

"Gust of Wind"- I said it pointing to the horizon and the five titans drew their swords to launch a slash of air pressurized by the movement of their sword by the force and speed.

They watched as the air bullets flew away to see how they caused an explosion.

"behemoth, Winston we will attack shortly get ready."- I said it calmly they nodded to take off from the ground and start flying towards where the attack was.

"Karen will you come."- I asked so she would feel it.

She stood up so I could see Cherry stretching out her hand, I just sighed and floated her up so she could reach my back and settle in.

Cherry: "That's better Mr. Demon."- She said it with a smile.

Richard: "don't get comfortable."- I said it in a blank tone and she just let out a smirk.

Cherry: "you won't be able to live without me honey."- She said it in a playful tone.

Richard: "I don't think so little one."- I said it in a bored tone to see a horde of roaring parademons approaching to look intimidating.

""BLACK GUN"" - I said it stretching out my hand generating a cannonball of pure demonic energy and releasing it to make it make a sonic boom.

I watched as the bullet hit one of them.

""EXPAND""- I said it calmly so that it would grow monstrously and devour half of the parademon army.

Cherry: "throw me against them I'm bored."- She said it in a tired tone looking at the destruction.

"If you want."- I said it to grab her and throw her against the remaining parademons she prepared her guns.

"witch time."- She said it in a whisper for me to feel my body freeze.

Richard: 'it's like the feeling I had when she moved her arm fast to point it at my head.'- I thought about it watching her get to the parademons to start shooting them in the head.

Richard: 'their weapons are not common they are magical they draw their magic to make it an interesting projectile.'- I thought about it watching interestedly.

Then time returned to normal for me to watch as Winston and behemoth flew to my side and joined the battle.

Winston uses the plasma bullets from his miniguns that are on the Viking as I listen to him laugh maniacally.

Winston: "die you inferior pieces of garbage are just a stone in my master's shoe."- He said it while listening to the sound of dismembered beings and howling in pain.

Behemoth only roared as it ripped off heads or limbs or spat a green flame that burns everything it hits.

Just watch as a pink arrow hit the head of a parademon that made his circuits change from blue to pink so he could start attacking his own.

Alice: "and that's a great shot."- She said it with mockery while continuing to shoot making the parademons attack each other.

Richard: "I didn't know you could do that."

Alice: "my sin is lust master as long as I still have an organic part I can make him my slave."- She said it with pride.

Richard: "that's beneficial to how many you can control." I asked.

Alice: "all that my mana has as long as they are not very smart beings I can control them."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "Excellent, keep going, don't stop, and what are you going to do?"- I said it looking at them making them shudder because of my presence.

Donna: "What can we do, they are far away."

Richard: "You already have your blessings back use your magic and bow skills because we won't do all the work."- I said seriously as I generated another bullet of demonic energy.

'it's not much energy I must reduce the expense and model the shape of the bullet.'- I thought about it while I concentrated my energy in a conical shape so that only the noise of the sonic boom made by the bullet could be heard and then I expelled a sling of wind that whipped the island with a force so that the energy bullet pierced in a straight line everything that was in front of it.

Just look calmly at all the devastation it caused.

'It has more piercing damage, let's see how much damage it causes to its expansion.'- I thought to snap my fingers and it instead of growing it exploded making a slingshot impact that ripped off body parts of parademons or knocked them down or damaged their mechanical parts.

"It didn't generate a sphere of energy but rather an explosion that was on a smaller scale than an atomic bomb."- I said this while rubbing my chin.

We continued fighting and destroying I summoned hell Frost splitting in half the parademons running away from cherry, Winston, Alice, and behemoth I saw some arrows and magic attacks pass by me as I cut.

I push some of my magic that has recovered to throw a rain of ice stakes that went to the direction.

'I just need to direct them to our enemies.'- I thought about it while for the stakes to dodge my allies and shatter the heads of our enemies.

After a while, the amount of enemies decreased so that I went down to the ground and de-transformed to leave me on the sandy ground to take a sharp breath.

"It's the first time I use world of rage for more than 4 hours in a row while constantly spending my mana and demonic energy."- I said it breathing heavily.

Richard: "helpi how many parademons did we kill." I asked.

[ have eliminated 14,205 parademons and 250,000,667 zombies ]

Richard: "you sure work fast alala."- I said it with a smile.

Richard: "the recon troops failed which means another time the real Darkseid army will come."- I said it looking at the sky.

Donna: "wait reconnaissance troops are not all of them."- She said it seriously while tightening her bow.

Richard: "they only sent a fleet of parademons to see how strong we are and with the knowledge of diana and that they lost their divinity they thought they would be enough to take us down."- I said it as I feel my strength returning.

I feel someone lift me from my back.

Behemoth: "Master...up."- He said it lifting me up.

Richard: "thank you behemoth, but leave me in the sand it's a little comfortable."- I said tiredly.

Behemoth: "No...bad."- He said it taking me on his sword to introduce me more in the island being followed by the others.

As we advance I see how most of the island is withered and the city where the Amazons used to be is in ruins.

Richard: "Where do you sleep?"- I asked.

Donna: "we sleep in the dungeons it is the only safe place left my sister is one of the few amazons that have never been there so it is our only safe haven."- She said it tired.

Richard: "Well, let's go to sleep because tomorrow will be another horde of those things."- I said it standing up and walking towards the dungeons to see the place.

Richard: "I was expecting a more gloomy place, but I must say that they have it cleaner and they have something comfortable."- I said it seeing everything is clean and there are some beds as well as some electronics like phones and a supercomputer.

Richard: "this is good because they don't ask for help from outside I know they are surrounded with them, but why don't they ask the nova empire for help."- I asked this on my way to the computer to check its status and what its functions are.

Richard: "there is no satellite signal and there is no field to hide us anymore."- I said it seeing if I can find a signal to the outside of the planet, but I can't get it.

Richard: "they shot down all the satellites there is no way to communicate to the outside of the planet."- I said it seriously.

Susan: "You figured it out."- she said it coming.

Richard: "they already knew it, no why didn't they comment on it, I thought only the allied forces were not approaching because of Darkseid."- I said it seriously.

She looked at me and looked down.

Susan: "they didn't declare the planet dead, it is possible that they sealed the entrance and exit of this galaxy for fear of spreading the infection."- She said it clenching her fists.

Richard: "How did this infection start?"- I asked without taking my eyes off the computer.

Felicia: "it all started from nothing but we know it started with the mutants, they were the first ones to turn into those things."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "that's strange mutants should have a better chance of survival since I don't think zombies are smart or thinking."- I asked, stopping typing.

None of them spoke.

Richard: "I'll take that as a no for the moment."- I said it to look at them that their looks are sad.

Richard: "one of them started the infection, but who."- I said it seriously.

Richard: "hank wouldn't do it because it would be a waste of time and he wouldn't do it because he is very humanistic, there might be a possibility that there is a mutant that turns other people into zombies."- I said it thoughtfully Susan looked at me.

Susan: "wait why do you think it is a mutant ability."

Richard: "because the infection came out of nowhere and there was no time to fight it and it attacked those who could possibly have spread it more effectively since mutants, even if they are zombies, still have powers."- I said it seriously.

Susan: "and with those abilities, it was easier for them to spread the infection."- She said it getting to the point she wanted to get to.

Richard: "it was an internal attack, someone inside them started the infection."- I said seriously as I went back to the computer.

Richard: "tell me Karen commented that there is a version of me in this world I would like to meet him."- I said it while I finish to see the New York girls who look at me as if they already know something.

Gwen: "you are darkseid's dog."- She said it pointing at me.

Richard: "First I don't know darkseid, I only know a little of his information because he invaded my planet once."- I said it removing the finger pointing at me.

Donna: "Karen why the hell did you bring that version of that abomination to our world."

Karen: "He is not the same as that thing he was born into a family he is Richard Parker twin brother of Peter Parker."- She said it seriously.

Felicia: "wait that can't be possible Peter never had any siblings."

Richard: "Mini Catwoman, I'm from another dimension, the possibilities are endless."- I said it looking at them.

Felicia: "don't compare me to that old lady."- She said it annoyed.

Richard: "what bothers you about catwoman they do the same thing and they both play with their enemies."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "leaving that I'm going to sleep so where's my cage." I said stretching out.

Susan: "you can sleep in the cell where hades was before." She said it pointing to the last cell.

Richard: "sounds tempting." I said it to walk towards that place followed by my companions.

I saw how the cell was stained with blood, I only felt the smell of stench, I just denied.

Richard: "Let's make it more comfortable." I said it to place my hand on the ground to push my mana to the ground making flowers, grass, and some bushes in the small cell.

I just smiled as I saw that I was done to lay down on the freshly made grass.

I started to close my eyes to rest when I felt someone lying on my chest.

I only opened one eye to see cherry grab me as a pillow as well as Alice I see behemoth can't get in so he seals the door with his body and lastly Winston who settles close to me.

Winston: "Master, do you have any material for me to make the ammunition to use against those vermin?"- He asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

Richard: "I have a medium cube with gunpowder, another one with an antimatter reactor and the last one with metals."- I say wearily as I stretch out my hand to pull the cubes out of my dimensional space.

He grabs them excitedly.

Richard: "don't open all three at the same time when you finish using one you open the other you know there is not much room."- I said it to start closing my eyes.

Richard: "why do I feel so tired I should feel recovered by now."

[that is due to the lack of mana that the planet has and that it is in a state where the only sustainable life is on this island and the biggest point is where it is sleeping].

Richard: 'this is going to be a very big disadvantage.' I thought it annoying to sleep.

While in the dungeon room.

Donna: "Karen I asked you to get help."

Karen: "I brought help."- See what he did to stop the Parademon invasion.

Donna: "He provoked the invasion, he broke the shield, and the only thing protecting us was gone."

Karen: "It wasn't protecting us at all. Diana knows we're still alive and she would come with an army when she felt like it, she just brought forward the inevitable Donna."

Donna: "That's not true, you know how long before the rocket is ready to escape from this place."

Karen: "Didn't you notice how soon those parademons got to us?" She said it seriously.

Karen: "It was only a matter of minutes before they arrived they would have destroyed the ship before anything could be done."

Susan: "Stop fighting, tell me why you protect him so much, what's so good about him."

Karen: "When I killed Lex the league turned against me and the only person I know was him." She said it clenching her fist.

Karen: "He even though the first time I met him and attacked him he saved me from bruce he locked me up in some damn place and then I saw from afar how he fought an olympian god and I knew he might be our only way to deal with this."

Donna: "What god did he fight."- She asked in trepidation.

Karen: "What I heard he killed Poseidon, but they mentioned that he wasn't at his full strength, he was at 50% of his full strength, but...."

Donna: "He killed a weakened god, that's no big deal Karen, a bunch of us can do it, that's nothing."

Anthea: "let's not compare that guy how much time did he spend on it girl."- She asks coming in.

Karen: "that's about a year old."

Anthea: "and how strong is he right now."

Karen: "He beat Clark with some ease as some of the league and an army of other robots he can recover from extreme injuries like losing an arm and the front of his chest."- She said it making that scene come to her mind.

Anthea: "do you know what abilities he has that can help besides the golem."

Karen: "well I always saw him fighting against the main enemy."- She said it to make memory.

Karen: "well he has a slight control over gravity, he can withstand high temperatures, he can turn into a type of dragon that can spit fire."- She said it seriously.

Karen: "and his last form is the one that attracts the most attention becomes a monster that can destroy the adamantium with his bare hands." She said it seriously.

Anthea: "with him we can take down Clark and Diana."

Donna: "wait you really want to kill Diana I know she's wrong can't we change their minds."

Karen: "donna she went after Clark she killed her own people do you think she deserves forgiveness no one in this place is going to forgive her she killed your mother she killed Hippolyta."- She said it seriously.

Donna: "It's the last thing I have left, it's my last family." She said it looking at the floor.

Karen: "she thought it was more valuable to be with Clark than family and innocent people." She said it seriously.

So far.


Well Thankyou guys for staying with this story until now...as we've finally reached 100th chapter of this fic... I'm very happy as you guys still read this story as it's grammar is very bad and many guys is just leaving it from the start ..but still you guys invested your time in this story.. I'm very thankful to you'll guys...I hope you guys still stay and enjoy this story....

Thanks Guys...🎉🎉




WORD COUNT - 317.14K


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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well in this chapter mc fought with hordes of parademons and they're in open just like zombies....and they're controlled by someone...idk who but we'll see this in upcoming chapter..

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