
Chapter 2: Death is always near

Everyone on the team got their gear ready and made sure that it was in working order. That was the problem with being one of the most hated units on the ship, no one checked to make sure our equipment worked and we hardly saw any of the newer equipment that got issued to the more favored of the groups. Luckily when all you can really rely on is yourself, you really learn more about your equipment than any other unit and it's gotten us out of a lot of sticky situations when there has been a malfunction of one sort of another.

We were able to get this out of the way all the while of feeling explosions that caused the artificial gravity to turn on and off again. It was just as we were ready that tragedy struck and fate decided to prove our namesake true. Whoever was who was attacking us, well thought was attacking us, was actually probing to find the weak point and of course it found the area that we were in.

The explosion that tore the room in two was massive, I would say that it ranked in my top five of the explosions that I had personally been a part of, and would have taken any of the guys out if we weren't efficient at getting prepped for deadly missions. Doesn't mean we weren't hurting after it, after all there's only so much the body armor could endure before it was more of a hindrance than a help.

As we were starting to get up off the floor, shaking the stars from our vision, we saw the end of what we kept being told was a lasting era of peace and the start of a bloody conflict. It turns out that a faction in the Tuatha had either gained the majority of votes and, as the new leaders, sent this attack or this was an unsanctioned op sent by them that had a high probability of starting a conflict immediately.

After all this was the first time some attacked a human vessel in a while and well you know what they say about idle hands. Either way we see the first Dark Elf come through the newly formed breach just to have a bullet ricochet off the bulkhead that was closing behind us, which was just enough to bounce into Ron's arm and almost knocking him fully out of action. "Damn," he curses as he dodges out of the way.

Lucas and I quickly decided that cover was needed after that and promptly headed there. We didn't really panic though since for our company, death was always near