
The frozen world:I stocked up on billions supplies

The world entered an ice age, the ice end came, 95% of the planet's human species all died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the man he had helped because of his kindness. Rebirth back to a month before the end of the ice, Zhang Yi awakening space powers, began crazy hoarding supplies! Lack of supplies? He hollowed out a $10 billion warehouse in a superstore! Uncomfortable in your stay? He built a super safe house worthy of Fortress Doom! The end comes, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite to eat will give up everything. But Zhang Yi is more comfortable than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, I promise to be your girlfriend as long as you let me into your house. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I would like to exchange all my money for a meal in your family! Beast neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the material with us, not be so selfish! Looking at these past life betrayed their own people, Zhang Yi lying in the safe room, comfortable living the life of Xanadu general. Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me whether you die or not? I don't feed my stuff to the dogs!

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78 Chs

【69】Have a good sleep.

It's gonna be a long night.

Zhou Ke 'er got the warm room she wanted.

Now, for the first time since the end of time, she could have a good night's sleep.

Zhang Yi locked the door from the outside, and the only key was put away by him.

Business is business, and there are basic principles.

Even if Zhang Yi knows that Zhou Ke is a kind person, but let her enter the door and live is the most humane.

He's not going to let his guard down on her any time soon.

He took a bath and went back to his bedroom to rest.

This sleep half a day, wake up, Zhang Yi refreshed, eyes are more bright than usual.

With a woman by his side, life would be more fun. Living alone all the time, he also worried that one day he would have a nervous breakdown.

Man is, after all, a social animal.

But the premise is that Zhou Ke must be obedient, and absolutely harmless.

Zhang Yi opened the monitor a look, Zhou Ke is still asleep in bed.

She had not had a good rest for so long that she had a good sleep and has not woken up since.

Zhang Yi picked her eyebrows, put on good clothes and finished washing up.

After the morning cleaning, he went into the living room, ready for breakfast.

Zhang Yi took out some food from the different space and put it on the coffee table.

Then he went to Zhou Ke's door and unlocked it.

Zhang Yi knocked on the door: "Come out to eat something!"

It's funny, obviously everything in the room was seen by Zhang Yi, but he still knocked on the door out of politeness.

After all, if you want to be together in the long run, basic respect needs to be there.

Zhou Ke's voice came soft, with a hint of fatigue: "OK, I'll be right over."

Zhang Yi came to the table, picked up a beef cheeseburger and ate it while walking to the window.

The big lump of ice next door had grown larger over the night, and the snow was so white that you could see the contorted shape of ten bodies inside.

Zhou Ke came out of the room and saw Zhang Yi. Her face was a little red.

As a medical doctor graduated from a prestigious university, she is a straight heart proud, not false rhetoric to men.

That's why I've been so clean up till now.

After all, polite people take such things very seriously.

But unexpectedly, she did not give her husband, even did not give his lover.

Instead, in the midst of the apocalypse, he gave it to a man he didn't know very well in exchange for survival.

But looking at Zhang Yi that Xin long figure, cold and rational handsome face, and let her feel extra peace of mind.

Women always have special feelings about their first man.

Zhang Yi likes Zhou Ke, because she is beautiful. What man does not love a beautiful woman with a good body and a beautiful face?

But love is definitely not on the table right now.

Maybe later, when he fully trusts her, he'll start to pour in his feelings.

After all, one is too tired to live in the end of the world, and always needs some feelings to rest on.

Zhang Yi shows Zhou Ke that there is food on the table.

Zhou Ke looked over and saw steaming hamburgers, fried chicken and French fries.

These were ordered in bulk by Zhang Yi from KFC, McDonald's and other fast food restaurants before the end of the world.

They're still warm when you take them out, thanks to the freshness of the space.

Zhou Ke took a gulp of water and couldn't help but go over and pick up a hamburger and eat it.

Fast food, which she used to disdain, is now so delicious that she wants to cry.

In less than ten minutes she had finished the pile of food.

Zhou Ke 'er lay down in a chair and burped comfortably.

When seeing Zhang Yi half-smiling expression, she was shy to cover her mouth, a face of embarrassment.

Zhang Yi doesn't care.

"Are you finished?" he asked.

Zhou Keer tilted his head and said earnestly, "I haven't eaten enough. But don't eat too much at once, otherwise it's easy to cause gastroenteritis."

"So you're done? Come and work."

Zhang Yi pointed out with his chin.

Zhou Ke 'er obediently walked over.

Zhang Yi took out two sets of winter clothes from the different space, Zhou Ke's eyes stared big, although not the first time to see, but still feel particularly magical.

In her heart, she was more determined to follow Zhang Yi.

Not many people survive the apocalypse. only

Follow someone powerful to increase your chances of survival.

Zhang Yi gave Zhou Ke a suit for her to wear, he also put on a suit.

"What are we going to do?

Zhou Ke asked curiously.

Zhang Yi pointed to the next balcony on the block of ice, "Go to the block of ice to break!"

Zhou Ke 'er shuddered.

Their bodies had become fused with the ice, and if they smashed the ice, their bodies would fall apart.

"Why would they do that when they must be dead?"

Zhang Yi shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe it's because I just hate them!"

See Zhou Keer surprised eyes, Zhang Yi smiled: "This

Almost everyone in the building was trying to kill me and take my room and supplies."

"I had to do something to show them I'm not a pushover."

His mouth curled. "They used to think I was a stay-at-home turtle. Of course, I don't care what they think of me."

"But over time, it's always a little annoying. It's good for them to learn."

There was another reason Zhang Yi did not say, nor did she bother to tell Zhou Ke.

He Zhang Yi is a man who always pays back his revenge.

Chen Zhenghao three times twice want to kill him, Zhang Yi heart very angry.

Just freeze them to death, Zhang Yi thought it was too cheap for them.

Zhou Ke Er seems to realize something, pointing to his nose

The son said, "You... You're not going to make me do it again, are you?"

She was speechless.

It seems that from beginning to end, the pit death Chen Zhenghao and others are her a person in power.

Now that Chen Zhenghao and others are dead, Zhang Yi is still a wuss?

Zhang Yi positive color way: "This is called steady!"

Nonsense. What would I do if I got there and you closed the window?

Although Zhang Yi's supplies are in the space, they are not worried about starvation.

But who wants to suffer after being used to a comfortable life?

Zhou Ke 'er rolled her eyes. She could hardly laugh or cry.

Secretly teasing, how can there be such a steady person ah!

She is not a fool to do such a thing against others and herself.

Ignoring that, Zhang Yi gave her a "please" sign and handed her a baseball bat.

Zhou noticed that Zhang was clearly on the defensive when he handed her the baseball bat.

She was angry to death, Zhang Yi too steady said speechless.

But she was not willing to mouth, body is very honest to take the baseball bat, and then climbed over the fence to the next balcony.

Zhang Yi is to take out his mobile phone, began to record.