
The Frozen Winter War

The year is 1937, with winter fast approaching the 2 countries, The empire of Arduel, and the people's republic of Labronsk are having heated discussions over trade deals, and possible sabotage work towards one another. We follow Daniel, a 17 year old young man who has been living with his grandfather for the past 5 years, he was propelled into this situation at the age of 12 when his mother was murder while away on a "business trip". The last 5 years proved difficult for him, but Daniel had acquired skills in hunting, along with scouting and tracking thanks to his grandfather. With all the skills he has, will Daniel prove himself an asset, or a liability for when it comes time for him to prove himself on the frost bitten fields of war.

Nerdsin · War
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25 Chs

Painful goodbyes

When we get to town it's a little quiet today, "General White, where is everyone?" The answer I'm hoping for is a good one, and not something bad, "The future front line from this town is only fifty miles away, so some people have been moving farther away, but for those who stay here, I pray for there safety." The answer wasn't the best one, but fifty miles is outside of artillery range but only by twenty or so miles, so for now I'm relieved.

The frist place we come to is the recruitment center, "wait here Daniel, I need to grab something inside, if you wish you can visit any place near by." There is one place that comes in mind, actually two places that come to mind, "yes White I do have a place, or two to visit alright, I'll meet you back here after both are taken care of if that is alright?" The swift agreement from him sends me running to the book store first, I know she works today so I have to tell Rebekah first before I leave.

The time to get to the book store was decent, and when I get there I'm greeted by Rebekah, "hey Daniel it's been, a few days, how's it going?" her smile is bright, however I feel guilty for what I'm about to say. When I get down to business I explain the whole story to her, making sure not to leave out any details.

After everything is said I start to wish I hadn't said anything, when I look her directly in the face, I see tears, lots of tears roll down her face. This is definitely what I had expected, but I didn't clearly think on it to much, "why can't you choose a simple life Daniel?" The simplest question, but I feel its also the most difficult one as well, "because Rebekah if I don't help in this war, this town may not exist in the future."

The answer I gave her, made even more tears run down her face, "then promise to come back no matter what, is that clear Daniel, I shall wait for your return." The atmosphere was rather bad, but I felt something in me decided to say something, "I promise I'll come back, also if I do come back," I lower my head down to her ear, and whisper something to her.

When I come back upright, I see her face smile, still filled with tears, "absolutely, that's a promise Daniel," I feel relieved, I hug her tightly, with her arms also rapping around me. The embrace is for a bit of time until I remember where else I had to be.

When I'm about to leave to head to my next destination, I get a light tug on the back of my jacket, "be safe, and stay strong Daniel," I hug Rebekah one more time, then I hurry my way down to the cemetery, as usual the walk is always quiet, nothing moves much in here, except for the works and the wind.

When I reach my mother's grave the flowers are still there, even under some snow the white roses stay strong, "hello again mother, I know it hasn't been long since our last meeting, however I got a lot of talking to do."

The conversation between me and the air seemed to last forever, sure seems pointless to talk to someone who isn't there, but I just know she is listening. "That basically does it, so yes mother I ended up joining General White, sure it will be hard at frist but I believe in my skills, also if you were here I know you would too." When I look up, I see the sun has come to almost mid day, in the end I know I should go back, but I stay a little longer.

Eventually I do turn to leave, as I'm leaving I decide to turn one last time, "take care mother, your young boy will return home, I promise that on my words, and my heart." After I say those last things I swiftly make my way out of the cemetery, hopefully I won't be late getting back to the recruitment center where General White is.

When I get back to the recruitment office, I see that General White still hadn't returned to his car yet. This is odd, since he said it would only take a little bit of time, I guess it's taking more time then he thought it would take. Eventually I decide to go inside, to see for myself what could be taking so long.

When I get to the front desk no one is there, it's a bit odd sure, but I feel that somthing else may have happened. That's when I catch ear of talk coming from one of the rooms, they are yelling, but it's not General White doing the yelling. When I get closer I can hear a bit more clearly as to what is going on, "how dare you White, for the last time I already told you that my son will not be participating in this possible upcoming war!"

The anger from the man can be felt even through the door way, I understand his anger, it's the same level of anger my grandfather had until I cooled him off. "I understand your pain sir, but your son has already signed up, I can't remove his name off the papers, if he wishes to fight then let him do so." That makes me also think back, I didn't really think to much on it, but I still gave it my though, and I'm heading to a possible war now, but I know I'll be safe, I just have that feeling.

The conversation between the two drag on, going back and forth, kind of reminds me of how White and my grandfather fought. When I hear the room go quiet I assume the conversation is over, that is until the door swings open, and I see a big man standing there, it's not General White, but he looks angry enough that I didn't want to get in his way, so I quickly slide out of his way.

When the man looks at me, he looks confused, probably as to why it looks like a kid is in a recruitment center. "why would a kid be in a recruitment center?" The fact he called me a kid doesn't sit well with me, but I decide to just keep quiet. "That kid is known as Daniel, and he has already demonstrated his level of skills to me, so I would suggest not calling him a kid, since he can shot a rifle out to over three hundred meters away."

The distance I'm not to sure on, but I agree my skills aren't anything to just brush off, thanks to General White the gentleman stops talking. "Mr White I don't want my son to join the damn military, if he joins and dies because of you I'll-" I cut him off by tapping his shoulder, "sir you cannot deny your son any rights, if he wishes to fight, then he is full aware of what might happen." The man's face contort's in anger, I feel like I'm about to get slammed in the face, until General White steps in.

"That's enough out of you, young Daniel here is correct, besides, your son signed up for the sniper training, it would look bad if his father hit the instructor." The man's face turns confused, as he looks at me again, then I can see some sweat form on his face, "so what your saying White is that this boy here, is going to be my son's sniper instructor?!" That part is true, I did also in a sense agree to be the sniper instructor, however I along with everyone else has a lot to learn at base.

When the man is done arguing he storms off, "fine Mr White you can take my son, however if he loses his life, I'll make sure to curse you till your a dead man!" After he's done yelling his last bit he storms off, and out of the recruitment center. "General White who was that?" he frowns a bit, then sighs, "that was an old friend, and also the father to another young man who will be joining you, see for yourself, you may enter."

When General White says that another person enters, I would say he's around my age or possibly a year older, I wouldn't know, "hello you two my name is James, I know my father was very rough with his words, but I know he means well, but even so, I wish to fight for the Empires future, and to become a hero." The wishful thinking on him is amazing, but at the same time that's what will keep him going.

After everything is settled, the three of us get into White car, and head fpr the air port. while on the way there I feel something in one of my pant pockets, when I get it out I know exactly who gave it to me, "sir Daniel what do you got there, is that a ring on a necklace, let me guess a good luck charm?" I shake my head "no General White it isn't a good luck charm, it came from someone I promised to come back too."