
The Frozen Alpha

A strange body of a man is found, frozen in ice and is been examined by special scientists... Rona takes the lead in finding out what caused the chemical frost, all to find out that he is mated to the frozen alpha written in tales.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 46

Lora's [P.O.V]

I have my royal duties as a grand Luna since the werewolf moon goddess had to put it all on me.

I had now reached Home and my wolf was beginning to feel its culture again.

My dad threw a party to celebrate my birthday and I have been sitting down together with an alpha calls James. who is now an all-grown-up man?

I knew him when he was little.

He looks so handsome that I tried to take my eyes off from staring at his cute face.

"Guess what?" James says to me from the corner.

I looked at him to see a serious look over his face.

"What?" I asked expecting a funny reply from him as that is what he has been doing to me since I arrived.

"Do You remember Alpha Xavier?" he asked me and I nodded a yes sign speedily to him as I don't only know who Alpha Xavier is but have also heard stories about how dangerous he is.

"Our witch had a vision that he killed a very close friend of ours but she doesn't know who." he says to me and my heart beats thinking about it.

"That guy is not human! His strength is more supernatural than a normal werewolf since you left, he has killed about twelve alphas and Alpha Monaro thinks we might be his next target as the seer says that it would be someone close to our pack" he explains the talk and I shake my head and am still confused.

"Since I left?" I asked him, confused.

"Oh, yeah, your wolf whispered to the alpha that you won't be here for some days, but said you would arrive here today, so everything was postponed" he says to me and processing that was getting difficult for me.

How is it possible to spend days in one day?

He grabs my hand taking me upstairs into my formal room and he closes the door as I got stopped before I could sit over the bed.

"I always wanted to do this with you." he said excitedly and confused me, thinking of what funny thing James had in store for me.

He leaned in closer into me with his broad shoulders covering my entire chest region and I could note what he wanted.

I attempted to take a step back but then I got held by the waist by him.

I felt uneasy as I did not know what to do in this kind of situation.

"I always wanted to do this with you" James repeats himself as he leans in much closer for a kiss but I stopped him.

He's not my mate, I have to find my real mate.

"I'm not your Lora of before anymore, I never kissed you before...when we were kids because I don't feel what you felt for me. just grow up" I said to him as I turned back to leave the room.

But then he grabbed my arm forcefully bringing me back into himself and that is what I hate.

I turned back with the force he had dragged me with and I nodded his forehead seeing him as he staggered back as I used my powers controlling the woods of the wall to seal him.

I used my legs to kick him hard to the balls and he fell to the ground staring at me surprised while the woods arrested him.

"I attended a military university and you don't know how Powerful I can be, so don't mess with me and shit! You changed" I said to him as I left the room disappointed and as well feeling myself.

But then hurt filled my chest when I thought of our relationship.

He always used to tell me that he loved me since we were little but I was so mature to know that I will find my mate one day and will not be able to care for him and that is what he would do to me when he finds his mate too so brush!

I and my girlfriends walked into the forest together with me to play in the flower garden our pack owns.

My girlfriends Sydney and Abigale remembered me about the adventures we used to have in the forest and I laughed so hard thinking about it.

They had all become Luna's but I wondered why today is my birthday yet still I can't find my mate.

Was it James? Lol.

They were so happy that I was laughing because they don't know much about me since they left three years ago when I was just fifteen years old.

We had now reached the garden with a beautiful treehouse by the left.

I climbed up entering the treehouse leaving them below.

I opened the shelf I had claimed when I was fourteen, just to see my wolf paintings book I wrote for demon alpha Xavier.

It was titled; sleeping alpha.

I picked up the book opening the chapters as I read.

Xavier... The black demon wolf of war.

Xavier... The rogue of fire.

Xavier... The murderer of Alphas.

Xavier... Born of legends.

Xavier... Feared by all.

Xavier... Monster of the forest.

What a sexy name!

But fear gripped into me as I read out those titles.

That fucker is still killing people without mercy.

His strength is incomparable.

Then I heard Howls from nowhere.

I popped my head out from the window just to see my girlfriends running away and I mind linked Abigale and she told me to run.

"It's Xavier," she screams, panicking.

"Boom!" A sound that frightened the shit out of me making my every hair to stand.

I jumped from the tree landing over the floor as I ran heading for our pack house for protection and from my back were trees falling down and breaking away as Xavier the monster was coming for me.

Just as legends prophesied - he would find his fire Werewolf and I don't think I can face him.

I dashed my leg against a stone... Feeling my leg broken from the impact.

But that wouldn't stop me from escaping.

My life was in danger.

I struggled. limping with my wolf broken leg.

Trying my possible best to escape.

I felt something.

It was strange... It was his presence.

But something else was felt by me.

Being frustrated I turned to look at him.

I could see his godly muscular body with abs that seemed carved and an extremely broad pumped-up chest that he carried over him.

But he was dressed like a vampire not an alpha.

I looked into his eyes unable to understand myself as a feeling erupted so strong that I did not want to believe it was true or real

He murmurs out in his terror and then calls me by my name "Lora" with his voice sounding familiar.

I fainted - hating myself for sleeping off at such a very important time when I was supposed to be screaming for help… how ridiculous!

I can only hope - he spares my life and leaves.