
The Frozen Alpha

A strange body of a man is found, frozen in ice and is been examined by special scientists... Rona takes the lead in finding out what caused the chemical frost, all to find out that he is mated to the frozen alpha written in tales.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 22

Rona's [P.O.V]

I had now reached the mansion; I saw Aiden by the other side of the building and it was my chance to escape of which I did.

I was now in my room pulling off my clothes and hand washing them immediately and I took my bath as well using different body washes just so Aiden does not trace the smell of the person that he hates so much on me.

It was already my first truest royalty duties day and I came to the gathering late.

"What delayed you for so long?" Allison asked me as the evening sun weakened with a lit darkness appearing over the sky.

"Well, truest royalty has to do what a truest royalty has to do, I'm here now Allison," I said to her as she corks my hand and led me to where I was going to sit.

I sat down as I watched the remaining wolves get matted to their pairs with happiness flowing through their every reaction and that made me jealous of how I am Aiden is meant to be.

We could not mind link, nor was he attracted to my wolf, I am sure that if his wolf really liked me, it would have known when I sneaked back into my room although things are off now.

"Rona, I was looking for you," Aiden says wearing jean shorts with a bulge that himself couldn't hide, and his pumped-up looking bare chest.

I smiled at him as I said "I have been busy with my truest royalty duties"

He turns to walk away but halts and my heart begins to beat really fast.

"Rona, I love you," he says to me and I repeated the same as I watched him walk away.

Soon, the evening sun had disappeared and the light that shone was that of the moon.

I walked back into my room, thinking really hard on the reason that I did not tell Aiden that I met with his brother who had once told me that the real person he was is Aiden himself.

All these complicated stories that they have told me is making me so confused that I feel that I might go crazy after all that has happened.

I Quit my job for my truest royalty duties as all the wealth I can ever ask for was already in my hands even so I miss my former work as a research scientist.

I guess what I am going through can't be analyzed even by a research scientist like myself.

If cave is Aiden talking to me then why did he say that he loves me, and if he was not, why did he miss our ceremonial mating, was it because he didn't feel it? Or was cave only stronger because he felt my mating urge and broke out from the bondage that he was kept in?

All these questions flooding my mind were going to kill me sooner or later and that is what I am avoiding because this might also be a manipulation of the evil one.

I closed my eyes as stressing over this topic was going to kill me for real, then sleep set into me as I dived into a dream world knowing fully well that the moonlight was shining directly on me in the real world and from it came a beautiful lady with shiny white dress like the one that I had.

"Rona, I am the Moon God! The true creator of all the supernatural things that you know" he says as he sat next me glowing.

I sat up and I stared into His beautiful eyes with silver linings and His body beaming with a blue like fire forming His beautiful shape.

"Greetings! I have always prayed to see you one day, I am honored" I said to His about to kneel down but he held me up and he smiled.

"You see Rona, I will tell you a true story and when you wake up, do remember to follow my words okay?" he says and I nodded a yes to His

"Good child," he says and I kept silent.

"Long ago, I ruled with two powerful beings I called my sons, one of them was actually my real son and the other was part of my experiments in creating other types of werewolves but the other gods did not like this project of mine and since I did, I took the werewolf I had created as my son."

"He was older than my child so I blessed him with gifts to never feel envious of his junior brother who was a god on his own but his heart wanted more than I had given to him and the darkness grew inside of him as he tried to kill my son."

"He was called Alpha Aiden, to become the supreme alpha of the earth, sun, and moon but his eldest brother cave used the powers I had given to him as a weapon of chaos."

"He took the body of my real son Aiden and gave to him the body of the beast-like werewolf that he was and trapped my sons' werewolf in a spirit form. I was so angry as I knew his plot all this while but watched him see if he repents."

"But he failed me, and I regret not destroying him as he was a rejected project, so you must help my son get back his body and so, you must kill Aiden and not the beast because he's my son in him."

"But I love him?" I said already crying.

"I love him too much, so you must kill Aiden so that my son's soul can take back his body permanently and cave can take his body as well."

"Leave the rest to be judged by me, don't forget that every decision I make is for the fulfillment of my project and if you follow my order, you will regain your truest royalty sex for the curse will be broken." he says as he rubs my back and lays me back to the bed to rest as he begins to wear away like stardust.

I woke up in shock looking at the stardust wearing away and disappeared into thin air as I turned on my room light with the air conditioner making me freeze up as I switched it off and leaned back over my bed.

"I can't believe I just had an encounter with the Moon God," I said in my thoughts, overjoyed.

My door flips open and I could already tell who it was as the scent filled my nostrils with sadness blinding my thoughts.

"Are you okay Rona?" Aiden asked and I nodded a yes with my heart beating terribly inside of me.

He stays and he looks at me weirdly.

"I can hear your heartbeat, so what is it?" he asked and I smiled at him with my heart still beating hard like a drum.

"Annoying heart!"

"It was a nightmare, Goodnight, Aiden," I said to him and he finally left.

"Kill him Rona" I heard His voice again and covered myself up using my pillow over my head.

My real mate is Aiden! but I need to help him get his body back so I and he would be one.