


Shaun and his friends woke up with their hands tied and with a pointed gun on the side of their head.

"What the fuck!" Steven said in a shocked tone.

"Where are we?" Shaun asked and looked around.

"Oh my!!! I don't want here!!! Bryan I'm afriad!!! I don't want here!!!" Athena shouted. She tried to remove the rope from her hand but nothing happened.

"Shhh...Calm down Athena. We're here for you. I'll protect you no matter what happen. Don't be afraid... " Bryan said to Atena. He's trying to make Athena calm.

"Protect me?? How?! Your hands are also tied. Maybe the one who kidnapped us will do something bad on me... I'm afraid. I want to get out here..." Athena said. She started to crying while she's trying to remove the rope. Bryan wants to approach Athena but he can't because he is tied up too...

"Wait! Wait! Where's Nicole?? And Stacie?? Where are they?" Steven suddenly asked. They all looked around. They noticed that both Nicole and Stacie are not with them.

"Where are them?" Shaun asked.

"Huhuhu... Maybe they did something to Stacie and Nicole. Huhuhuhuhu... I really want to get out of here!" Athena said while she's crying.

*Clap clap clap*

"Hello there!" Mysterious woman greeted and she waved at them.

"Who are you?? Where are we?? What do you need to us?? Where's Nicole and Stacie?? Did you kidnapped Mia too?? Why did you bring us here?? Did I know you??" Shaun, Steven, Bryan, Rence and Athena asked that mysterious woman.

The woman is wearing a mask that's why they can't see her face. They only can see is her lips. The mysterious woman laughed in a fake way.

"Easy... I have an idea! Ahm... Let's play a game. Q and A. You going to ask me some questions then after that I will ask you too. Great idea, Right? 3 question per person. Let's start with you Shaun!" The mysterious girl said with a smile. They all got confuse on what the girl said. Shaun frowned while he's looking at the woman and he still quiet.

"What? Why are you just staring at me?Go ahead. Ask me anything. I will answer it." The mysterious woman said while she's smiling at them. No one spoke to them. The woman sighed.

"What?! Are you going to ask me or I will fire the gun aimed at you?!" The woman asked in irritate tone. It's looks like she's losing her temper.

"Shaun... Just ask her. I think she will answer it." Rence said in a serious tone. While he's looked at the girl.

"What! Are you going to ask or what?!" The woman asked in annoyed tone.

"Okay... I will ask." Shaun said in calm tone.

"Good! Make it fast cause I hate wasting my time!" The woman said. She flipped her hair and sat on the chair beside her. Shaun looked at his friends but they just nodded at him.

"Where's Mia? Did you also kidnapped her? Where are we??" Shaun asked. The woman smirked.

"Oh! That was fast! Hahaha...Where are we?Ahm... That's a secret that I won't tell you. This place is very private... I will give you a clue. This place is so far from your place. Mia? Really? Gosh! Mia! Mia! Mia! I don't know where is she. Hahaha... Just kidding! Of course! I know where is she. But i'm not going to tell you. Because that's also a secret. And YES! I kidnapped her!" The woman answered with a smile.

"Okay! I'm done with you, Shaun. Next! Bryan..." The woman said and she pointed Bryan.

"What do you need on us?? Why you bring us here?? What are you going to do with us?" Bryan asked in a brave way even though he's nervous right now.

"What a brave young man. Hahahaha... What do I need to you?? Nothing. I don't need anything on you. You are the one who need something on me. You need to tell me something. Oh! Wait. I need something! I need to do a revenge. Next question is... Why I bring you here? Ahm, Why? Cause... I will do my revenge here. In this quiet and private place. Last question, What I am going to do with you? Isn't a obvious?! I'm going to shot that freaking head of yours! I will kill all of you! Bwahahahaha!" The mysterious woman answered and she laughed like an evil.

"Next. You! My sweetie... Athena ghurl." The mysterious woman said and she smile at Athena.

"Hey athena... Don't be afraid. Just be brave and ask her. You can do it. We're here for you..." Bryan whispered at Athena. Athena sighed and nodded at him.

"Revenge? Why? Did we do something bad on you?" Athena asked.

"Yezzz! Revenge. Why? Did you do something bad on me? Yes! Of course. You did. You really did. Why are you acting like you don't know?? Why are you pretending like nothing happens?TSS! You such an great pretender! Two face! Artist!" The woman shouted with a pain and anger in her voice.

They did something to her? What is it? Great pretender? Why is she angry?

"Oh! Playboy it's your turn!" The woman shouted again and She looked at Steven.

"Where's Nicole? And Where's Stacie too? What did you do to them?" Steven asked in serious tone.

"Wow! You are real playboy! Like what I answered to Shaun. It's a secret! Bwahahaha... But don't worry you will see them soon... Not now but later. What did I do to them? Ahmm, Secret! That's my suprise on you. You will know soon my playboy." Mystery woman said in happy tone.

"And last, Rence..." The woman said and she looked at Rence.

"I only have one question." Rence said. The woman smile at him.

"Okay. So, what is it?" The woman with a smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Rwnce asked in a calm tone. She smile.

"Short but a nice question. I've been for that question. Since you asked it, I will show my face now." The woman said and she remove the mask that she wearing. Their jaw dropped because of shock when they saw the girl's face.

"You!" They said in a shock tone.

Oh my! Who is she?? Why they got shock when they saw her face?? Where's Mia, Stacie and Nicole?? What would happen next??