
a perfect life hero

there are lot things in this world that can change one person life .its been said it all happens by destiny , the beauty in life shows it . how everything becomes something for a reason, everywhere around theres reasons and meanings . a perfect life is cs u understand the value of love and whats pure and sacred. never wasting away . always holding your self like a race dog waiting for the good race or like a well instructed athletic person waiting for the real good life. getting closer to the next goal ,the next rush just to breath some of that breeze that only happens when u step in the field just to proove yourself what your training means. an imaginary layer of the idea of training starts a proces of condensation . and now you know you have overcome your fears.

Freedom and succes are sort of a lie when u havent face yourself ,when u havent face your face your fears you havent mature.

A part of your fears has gone on this fase, eventhough you just found yourself you start realizing how lost you actually are and you get inmense intense feelings of an empty big sky at night in the field waiting for you wanting you to come home and have dinner to let everything for tomorrow but you just know you must make shure the return is safe cause otherwise she wont find you atractive when you meet her again in this lifetime for the firstime date and she will need you to fill all those big things a family everlong lasting full of dreams of love a relationship require.

u must do it . to get everything clear . to reestart the cycle . to keep growing . to be healthy not just your body but your mind your thoughts, what keeps you motivated. otherwise you loose the fun. and fun not that it be important but is esencial to win the serious bitter old folks dressed in grey suits that will try to control and destroy and eat your family but you know your better you know you can win them all cause the reason why they ll be after you is because they are afraid of what your made of... values..and values make a man a valuable teenager growing in the field to rule and conquer the busines mans not for anyone but for what all that this life can be.

why fight for anyone when you can fight for what you believe what life should be.

then instead of fighting for someone your fighting for everyone.

instead of fighting with a selfish positiion you start fighting from the heart and that becomes as solid as a hammer in your hands cause your fighting using your spirit wich is the ultimate truth.

what anyother goal could be more important than the human realization wich ultimate goal is to connect with all forms of life and life it self then u have began to understand your needs are no longer yours but their needs cause they need you because your needs are now what they need .

Fighting for life.

defending life to all cost from the death.