
Don't mess with me



A guy stand in the middle of the savage corps.

?# kill him.

They all come at once, blasting me all over. Not leaving a small chance to attack. The punch hit me so hard, the force hit me deep into the ground. They all stop, one of them use his telekinesis to bring me out of the hole. There is bruise all over my body, and it's bleeding. He dropped me.

$: Jeeze I thought you said he is a real deal.

Ellen: am confuse. He is not like this the other time. He is more stronger, he may be pretending.

One of the guys move toward me, kicked me slightly,

@: this dude is weak. Let's finish this off.

Still laying on the ground. Suddenly.

James: laughing,)

All surprised.

James: you guys know that am an Freak right? And I can go berserk any moment. I stood up gradually, don't worry, for your levels. There is no need for that, but I wanna ask two question.

#: go on.

James: giggles) Do you or do you not know me.

All of them: you know him, no I don't, have you seen him before? Not a chance.

#: non of us know you.

James: Have you ever been more suprised.

#: What the Fuck is he talking about, let just end him already.

Four of them came at once. I pull out a flaming dragon sword, ( speed mode) slice them in mid air) They fall in pieces and burnt instantly.

The other were so surprised, they had to think before they move.

James: I guess I beat it. You are more surprised. anyone else.

$: he kill 4 of them in seconds. What is he. Ellen you are right, he is no freak but a devil.

Ellen: call out razor.

A guy came out, with huge body, he rush at me, hit my head with all his strength, it only move my head to the right side, I returned it. My punch pass through him. He fell miserable.

The six of them were so surprised they don't know what to do.

James: don't worry I'll come to you.

I move in speed mode, kill all but Ellen who was still holding on to Dora. Blood is all over me.

James: Ellen, you've seen what I can do, so why don't you just release her. And let this be over.

Am surprised to see her smile.

James: Are you alright.

she remove her earpod. Land on the ground threw the cylinder away breaking it in the process.

James: hey...

Ellen: don't worry, she is a fake.

James: what? Then where is her real body.

Ellen: at the head quarter.

She began to move close to me, removing her armor, left with just a white tight tank, a short And a bare foot.

James: what's going on.

She stood still for some sec, Then suddenly send a punch, I hold my hands up to stop it but was surprised to be blown back with the same full strength as mine, I never thought she packed that kind of punch, so I relax. What hit me most was that I was pushed back by a girl not just back but greatly. I've been sumersulting for almost 1 min, I Dip my hand in the ground to slow my self down, heal my dislocated and broken arm. I saw her coming. I smile

James: finally, this should be fun.

I also move at my top speed, one step of my feet to the ground create an opening on the land and the same goes for her. We collide at our top strength and the force blow up the entire area, The damage is more than a nuclear bomb, I lost both hand and legs same goes for her. I see her far away, she is smiling, we grew out our affected part. I imagine a flaming sword, she create hers using ice,, (Advance lightning speed Mode) and we start sword fighting, I have never learnt sword movement but the way I move my sword feel like am a pro. We were sword fighting for almost 30 min, soon change it to gun, she keep dodging and moving, then at the same time I switch to a very powerful laser beam annihilator, She created a powerful light from her hands, fire at each other in close range, both colides forming a big circular Electrical beam which explode blowing us apart, Stood up Run towards another. About to slam our fist.

Where Dora was sleeping, she suddenly wakes up, vanish from the cylinder.

Elena and I ready our fist, the strength is so powerful my fist create a heat, her fist create an ice almost collide again with greater damage, we almost collide, Dora appear in the middle from nowhere , She create a huge air bomb in the middle, Which separate us, , I lost my self cause the force was return back to me.