
Chapter 69: Test of the Rose Windmill Cabaret (3)

I ended up spending the morning in the garden, caught by a strange old man. Wearing a straw hat, overalls, and holding tools, he appeared to be a gardener hired by the hotel. It seemed he came to repair the damage we caused with the explosion.

He approached me and, after silently observing my work, suddenly started to nag. I could quickly sense his intention from the words he threw at me. Despite lecturing me on skills and professional spirit, he ultimately just wanted me to do the work as he instructed.

Even though I didn't like his attitude of bossing me around under the pretext of helping, I decided to go along with it. The garden was already in ruins, and there were a few things I wanted to experiment with using the new skills I acquired.

He continued giving orders while occasionally pointing out what I was lacking. Hours passed like this, and suddenly it was lunchtime. Despite feeling it was enough, the old man didn't stop assigning tasks.