
The Frail Wife's Ultimate Revenge

“Darling! It's time to take your medicine. The doctor has prescribed a new one, and you'll be better soon,” he said gently, showing no hint of deceit. He still seemed like the devoted husband deeply in love with me. Knowing the medicine was poisoned, I still had to pick up the bowl. --- I, a privileged daughter from a wealthy family and a top university graduate, was devastated by the disappearance of my first love and fell into the romantic trap set by a handsome hairstylist. I always believed I had wealth, love, and family. To take care of our children, I handed my company over to my husband and became a full-time housewife. Shortly after giving birth to our third child, I fell ill. My husband hired a maid for me, and I spent most of my days in a near-constant state of sleep. Until one day, I discovered that the maid was poisoning me, and my husband not only had an affair but also an illegitimate child. At that point, I realized I was in even deeper trouble. The company's assets were being transferred, fixed assets were mortgaged, and even our joint account was nearly drained. If I divorced him now, I would be left with nothing... For the sake of my children and my parents, I began to fight back despite my frail health. I aimed not only to reclaim everything that was mine but also to make that devil of a man and his mistress pay for their deeds. I was starting my revenge plan...

August_Witch · Urban
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95 Chs

Connections to the Black Market

After the proofreading:

"No wonder she's stayed in my house for eight years, waiting for her day to come!" I laughed at myself. "No wonder she hates me and wishes me dead. It's not just poisoning; she's also been harming me in secret!"


Inara looked at me, puzzled. "Harming you in secret?"


I lowered my head and pointed to the spot where I had been having headaches, showing it to Inara. "This is the evidence of her covert abuse!"


When Inara leaned in to take a closer look, her eyes turned red with anger. "What the hell, Chloe, why didn't you tell me sooner? This bitch... No, we must call the police and get her arrested!" She then pressed down on my head and took a photo with her phone to show me.


In the photo, my scalp was bruised and discolored, with patches of purple and yellow and numerous needle marks. It was shocking to see, even for me. I couldn't believe how deeply I had been asleep back then.


"Chloe, what are you waiting for? Have her arrested and make sure she rots in jail!" Inara hugged my head and started sobbing. "My dear Chloe, how could this happen? How could this happen!"


After a while, I slowly sat up straight, combed my hair with my fingers, and looked at Inara. "And then what? Prison would be too comfortable for her. After a few years, she could start over again. It's too light a punishment. She needs to taste the same misery her mother experienced. She needs to understand what it means to wish for death."


Inara immediately understood my meaning. She grabbed my hands tightly. "Count me in. I'll help you! You're right; she needs to know what it feels like to wish for death."


"Good. First, I need you to help me with something," I said, looking at her expectantly.


"Name it! One thing or a hundred, anything to help you get back at her. I'm in!" I pulled Inara closer and whispered my plan to her. The more she listened, the more excited she became. She pounded her chest and said, "Alright, leave it to me!" Then she added a few details of her own, and we both smiled in satisfaction.


We timed our exit from the teahouse perfectly and prepared to head home. But just as we were about to step out, I saw two men coming out of a bank across the street. They stopped by a car, talking.


I quickly pulled Inara back inside and pointed across the street. Those two men were Sean and his brother, John. John was talking to Sean, who stood with his arms crossed, occasionally responding.


Inara muttered, "Those two are definitely up to no good. A pair of scoundrels."


Just as I was about to say something, another man hurried over. I was shocked to recognize him. "That man is Dylan, a former sales manager from my company who handled the eastern district."


I pointed him out to Inara. "But I fired him for double-dealing. What's he doing with Sean?"


"It can't be anything good. I'll have Gabriel arrange someone to tail Sean and see what he's up to," Inara said darkly. "We need to know our enemy to defeat them."


"Fine, but be careful. John is dangerous and associates with shady characters," I warned Inara. "I suspect that if anyone can connect to the black market, it's John."


We watched as Dylan handed Sean a file folder, bowing obsequiously. Sean took it, glanced at the contents, and nodded at whatever Dylan was saying. Then he opened his car door, placed the folder on the passenger seat, and said something to John.


John and Dylan waved as Sean got into his car and drove off. Inara watched them leave and turned to me. "That was close! Why are we so unlucky, always running into them? Do you think that bastard Sean is going home?"


I was worried about that too. I took out my phone and turned it off. Then I grabbed Inara's arm. "Let's go home," I said, leading the way out of the teahouse.


Inara followed me into her car, looking concerned. "Chloe, are you sure about going back like this?"


I remained silent, my mind racing. I was worried that if Sean went home and found Anna still asleep, he would become suspicious.


Inara, seeing my silence, became anxious. "Should I go back with you? I could say I called and picked you up."


I shook my head. "No, we can't expose you yet. Don't forget about the hospital incident. If Sean sees us together, he'll connect it to that day. Even if John isn't sure it was me, he's suspicious. Otherwise, Sean wouldn't have rushed back that night."


"Then what? I don't feel safe with you going back alone!" Inara was visibly worried.


"I'll handle it," I said calmly. "It's a good chance to see if he'll make a move. If he doesn't, it means they're plotting something bigger."


"God, what if he does make a move? Are you risking your life?" Inara stopped the car, looking at me with concern.


"I don't think he will. It's a good opportunity to test him. Do you think I'm safe without taking risks? I've been on the edge for a long time," I said firmly. "Finding out his true intentions is the most dangerous part."


"Alright, I'll stay nearby. If I don't hear from you in an hour, I'll call the police," Inara said. I nodded, and she resumed driving.


As we passed a hair salon near our community, I suddenly called out, "Inara, stop the car!"


She looked at me, confused. "What's wrong?"


"Back up a bit," I directed. She complied.