
The Frail Wife's Ultimate Revenge

“Darling! It's time to take your medicine. The doctor has prescribed a new one, and you'll be better soon,” he said gently, showing no hint of deceit. He still seemed like the devoted husband deeply in love with me. Knowing the medicine was poisoned, I still had to pick up the bowl. --- I, a privileged daughter from a wealthy family and a top university graduate, was devastated by the disappearance of my first love and fell into the romantic trap set by a handsome hairstylist. I always believed I had wealth, love, and family. To take care of our children, I handed my company over to my husband and became a full-time housewife. Shortly after giving birth to our third child, I fell ill. My husband hired a maid for me, and I spent most of my days in a near-constant state of sleep. Until one day, I discovered that the maid was poisoning me, and my husband not only had an affair but also an illegitimate child. At that point, I realized I was in even deeper trouble. The company's assets were being transferred, fixed assets were mortgaged, and even our joint account was nearly drained. If I divorced him now, I would be left with nothing... For the sake of my children and my parents, I began to fight back despite my frail health. I aimed not only to reclaim everything that was mine but also to make that devil of a man and his mistress pay for their deeds. I was starting my revenge plan...

August_Witch · Urban
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94 Chs

Another Phone  

In the middle of the night, I woke up from hunger and sat up. Beside me, Sean was also awakened. He groggily turned on the light and asked softly, "What's wrong, dear?"


"I'm hungry," I replied listlessly, feeling completely drained.


He got up immediately. "I'll go ask Anna to make you some noodles."


"No," I said lazily. "I want a steak cooked by you. It's been so long since I've had it." I thought to myself, if I wanted something Anna made, I would have eaten it already instead of waiting till now.


"Alright! I'll make you a steak!" Sean got out of bed right away. "Just wait here."


Watching Sean act like the perfect husband, I felt a bit dazed. How could he be the one who wants to harm me?


"I'll go too. I feel uncomfortable lying down and need to stretch." I followed him downstairs, staying close by as he cooked the steak. We chatted casually, creating a warm atmosphere, though each of us was preoccupied with our own thoughts.


The noise downstairs seemed to wake Anna, who came down in her nightgown, the neckline exposing a lot of skin. She probably didn't expect me to be there. When she saw me, her eyes tightened, but she quickly adjusted, pulling up her neckline and heading straight for the water dispenser to get a glass of water.


I raised an eyebrow and quickly said, "Anna, could you fetch me a jacket? It's a bit chilly." Anna had no choice but to put down her glass and go upstairs.


I glanced at Sean, who was pouring wine, and quickly dropped half a tablet of midazolam into her glass of water, giving it a swirl before sitting at the dining table to cut the steak.


Just then, Sean placed the decanter on the table and turned to get wine glasses. I took the opportunity to drop the remaining half tablet into the decanter.


"Why drink wine in the middle of the night?" I complained, putting a piece of steak in my mouth.


Anna returned with my jacket, draping it over my shoulders and sneaking a glance at Sean.


I turned to her nonchalantly, "Anna, care to join us? Have a glass of wine?"


She quickly shook her head. "No, Madam! I'm just thirsty and came to get some water." She then took a big gulp from her glass, clearly to cover her guilt. "I'll head back to bed now. Just leave the dishes, and I'll clean them in the morning."


I smiled at her. "Alright."


Sean's expression was indifferent, maintaining his aloof and abstinent demeanor, completely ignoring Anna.


I cursed him inwardly, thinking what an excellent actor he was.


Suddenly, the steak in front of me lost its appeal.


Sean drank his wine and noticed I'd put down my knife and fork. "Why aren't you eating? Is it not cooked right?"


"It's tasteless," I said seriously. "All these medications are ruining my appetite!" Then I asked, "Eating now won't affect tomorrow's check-up, right?"


"No," he replied confidently.


I was skeptical. Was he really going to take me to the hospital? Sean, ever so considerate, cut the steak into small pieces for me, watching with satisfaction as I finished it. "Good girl," he said, smiling.


By then, I could see his eyelids starting to droop. I stretched and joked, "I feel like a lazy pig. Full and sleepy! My eyelids are fighting each other."


"Sleepy? Then let's go upstairs and sleep," he said, pulling me up. "Your husband is sleepy too!" He led me back to the bedroom, quickly lying down and wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.


In the past, such intimate gestures would have felt sweet and loving; now, they were utterly disgusting, making my skin crawl.


But I gritted my teeth and endured, waiting fifteen minutes before calling out, "Sean!"


He snored like a dead pig, his head heavy on my shoulder. I impatiently shoved his head away. "Your head is so heavy! I can't breathe."


He didn't react. I knew he was in deep sleep.


I pried his arm off me, muttering "idiot" under my breath, and got out of bed, putting on my shoes. I glanced at Sean, still out cold, and quietly left the room.


I checked on Anna in her room; she was in the same state as Sean.


Damn! What a pair of idiots.


I went to the study, found Sean's car keys in his bag, and headed downstairs.


I couldn't stop thinking about the files Dylan had given him during the day. Sean shouldn't know Dylan—Dylan was someone I used long ago, before Sean took over the company.


Seeing Dylan today had shocked me. How did they connect? Birds of a feather, indeed.


I opened the car door and searched inside but didn't find what I was looking for. Instead, I found Sean's phone wedged between the seat and the console. I was puzzled. Why did he leave his phone in the car?


Wait a minute! He had taken a call before bed! I clearly remembered him taking a call after his shower and putting the phone in his pocket.


So, what was this phone? I turned it over, examining it. It looked identical to the one he usually used.


The phone was off. I tried turning it on, and it had a full battery.


Driven by curiosity, I entered Sean's usual password. It didn't work.


I smacked my forehead and tried the password he used for his computer. Sure enough, the screen unlocked.


This was Sean's other phone.


I swallowed nervously. There were very few apps on this phone. I opened the contacts list; there weren't many numbers, all unfamiliar names, none of which I recognized.


This phone must hold Sean's secrets.


Excited, I turned on the Bluetooth and exported all the contacts and their details to my new phone, then deleted the export record.


The photo gallery was completely empty.