
The Fox, Red

Meet The Fox, Red; destined for greatness by the hand of fate to become a beast of legend. But how he uses his power is up to him. Follow Red as he's thrust into a world he never knew existed and learns the ins and outs of his destiny.

TheBirdBlue · Action
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113 Chs

One Must End Before Another Begins

For the next 30 days, I received something almost every day. Confirmation of your class schedule! Recommended paths for certain areas of study! Meet your staff and professors! And a few fliers and brochures for some of the extracurricular activities and clubs that they have at the university. The more that came in the more reality set in that this was happening.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was still stuck on the fact that I would be leaving. Anne assured me that she would keep the cabin clean and together while I am gone, for whenever I need to return. She also promised that she would keep working with Penny to learn some new things so she could welcome me back with something homemade. She does go above and beyond. Way further than she needs to.

Madam Odette on the other hand seemed rather reserved recently. I would see her around now and again but she was distant. Her demeanor was always professional. She kept it about the upcoming school semester. She asked if I needed any materials or supplies but I'm capable of buying and providing my own. She did remind me that she offers a reimbursement of sorts to her employees pursuing higher education. I denied it though. I worked hard enough and long enough that I am sitting on sizable savings that will keep me going for quite a while.

The month seemed to fly by. Before I knew it I was getting my last lecture from Madam Odette about what she expects of me. "Even though you are not here, I expect you to act as though you represent me. That means keep your nose clean, stay out of trouble, stick to your studies, and please do your best. You are a smart fox. Tomorrow begins a new adventure."

I nod with an affirmation, "Yes, Madam Odette." I have to assure her that I heard and I'm paying attention. I had heard this speech a few times in the past couple of weeks. She always emphasized that she wanted me to show my best. She staked her pride on this by going to Professor Delula to ensure that I had a chance to take the test to enroll. I still wish I could have made this hurdle on my own. I appreciate the help though. As someone who never had proper training all their life with proper education in magic, it would have been damn near impossible for me to even get the opportunity to take the test.

I will also be going into this with that disadvantage. The professors are given a profile of their students before they start. They know your education and family background (to a degree) so they know where you come from and what you may know. In my case, they redacted and removed the part about my family being related to the NIne-Tailed Fox and that I am the new incarnation of it. I am just a fox with a split tail. A medical oddity that has no advantage or disadvantage. But it was heavily pushed upon me that I learn an illusion spell to hide that. And I did so. I worked on it to where it became second nature. I need it to be so I may focus on what's in front of me rather than hiding.

One more night's sleep. Come morning, I'll take my bag I came with and a few extra things with me. Danny will drive me back to the campus so I can find my apartment and get moved in. My books and materials that I ordered should be dropped off on my desk there before I even arrive. You have to pay a lot of money to attend this place but they make sure that you get every perk that you can out of it. Most purchases from the bookstore are delivered to you wherever you may be. I feel so bougie.

I find myself staring at the ceiling for most of the night. I don't feel tired. I just feel… empty. I worked hard for this but the reason wasn't for a better education. It was to divert a problem away from here. I'm almost certain that Reed sent me that letter. If he's anything like his dad, then he knows I'm here. I can't let him try. I can't let him come here to the manor.

The incident with Marcus plays through my mind again. The anger... The rage… The hate! Never in my life had such a strong emotion overcome me. I don't want to do that again. Uncle Thomas was different. That was survival. That was fear. I can't bring that to the manor.

Are my motives right? Is this the right move? I roll onto my side to look at the window. The curtains block any light from outside but there's a small gap. I reach out and pull it away to see the moon looking in. I stare back at the moon letting the light in. It's about a half moon but the clear sky makes it brighter than normal. I mutter, "Tell me your secrets, moon. What have you seen sitting in the sky for so long?" I close my eyes with a deep breath.

I think I finally fell asleep. I dream of the world I live in. How the planet used to be a piece of rock in space before it evolved. The harsh conditions allowed for life to begin but so many things changed, so many creatures and plants lived and died before we got to today. Cataclysmic events changed everything every time they happened but somehow life continued. It changed to survive every time. It's remarkable that we as creatures are around and in such a diverse arrangement.

I open my eyes to stare back at the moon once more. I look at my watch to see it's only been a minute. I may never sleep at this rate. I let the curtain go to hide the light to blanket my room in darkness once again. I roll back over looking at the door to the cabin. I let out one ping to get a snapshot of what was going on. I make sure that I don't reach the main house. Everything is nice and quiet. The night patrol is doing its thing. They're kept bundled together as they move around to keep an eye on things. The cabins across the way are all tightened up as their residents sleep peacefully.

I can't tell how much I slept but the sun comes up to remind me that today is the day. I get myself together with my bag already packed. I have my suit in a bag hanging up by the door. I go through everything one more time to make sure I have what I need. Clothes; casual and formal? Check. Extra books for reading? Check. Personal possessions? Check. I think that's everything.

I take a step outside to get hit with that brisk, morning air. The rest of the place isn't up yet. Soon they'll be out before the sun, getting the gardens back to life for when spring hits. Right now, this time of year, it still frosts overnight. Anything they set down will freeze and die.

The path I've worn down crunches under my feet. I kind of wanted to make a proper walkway but I guess the beaten dirt will be enough for now. If I'm gone long enough, it may grow back. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

I walk along the side of the manor to the front. I have an hour before Danny is supposed to take me. I want to sit down for a moment and take in the place. The driveway out front has a ledge I can take a seat on. I set my bags down, and drape my suit over the edge to keep it straight. I look out, down the road into the trees. The air is always so fresh out here. I send a ping out to look at the wildlife that's in the area. A rabbit here and there. A squirrel chasing another squirrel in the tree. A wild fox prowling around. Nothing major to report. One deep breath, "I'm going to miss this place."

To no surprise, there is a response, "You're always welcome to come back." I've been here long enough that now I can guess where she might be. It was only after she revealed her voice that I can hear her footsteps behind me as she moves. She steps over the ledge to take a seat next to me. She hasn't changed into her daily clothes yet. She's still wearing her nightwear under her signature red winter coat.

She exhales as she takes her seat watching her breath in the air. "Are you really that excited to leave that you came out here this early?"

"I couldn't sleep, actually. Nerves or something."

She nods just to acknowledge. "Would you mind if I rode with you today?" I look over with a small smile that even I can't try to hide, "I kind of expected you to. You rode with me here. Only seems right to see me off, doesn't it?" A couple of months of playing poker with her and her friends has allowed me to read some of her tells. The corner of her mouth twitched before she controlled the smile. "I will get changed and meet you here when it's time to leave."

She pats my shoulder as she swung herself over to head back to the house. I heard the door shut as she entered leaving me to my own devices. I just enjoy the quiet until I can hear some of the life of the house echo. I check my watch to see that it's been about 50 minutes since I started sitting here. The door opens to Madam Odette walking out properly dressed this time. She looked ready to go but it was odd for her to be early. She was one for punctuality.

I can guarantee that Danny will roll up the driveway from the garage where his wheels will come to a stop exactly at the top of the hour. He's got that down to a science. It would be surprising but Madam Odette hires those who are experts in their fields or turns them into an expert. And to someone in her position where she needs to be in places on time and in the best condition, having a professional driver that stands out from the rest is a must. No detail was too small for him.

My company took her spot next to me once again. I look forward as I speak to her, "Get everything set up for today? Everyone going to be OK with you gone?"

"Yes, Red. Everything will be fine in my absence."

It's still hard to make small talk. How do you talk to someone of her stature? More so with how our relationship is and how it should be perceived by others. We sat in silence for a few minutes before she broke it. "You know, the entire reason why I had this house built this far out was to enjoy the sights and sounds of being so far away from the city. I wanted to see the stars every night but I haven't gotten to enjoy that like I wanted to."

"You should set aside a time every now and again to do that. A 'corporate holiday' kind of deal where you and everyone else can enjoy it. I imagine a meteor shower would be beautiful out here."

She shifted like she wanted to say something but stopped herself. Was I right about that? Was it a good idea? The silence continued until the moment I predicted. I saw the limousine come around from the garage. I looked at my watch. As the second hand hit the start of a new hour, his wheels came to a stop on the crunching road. "Let's go, Red." She stands up making her way. Danny has the door open for her as she arrives. I have my stuff put into the back except for the suit. That rides with me in the back to stay upright.

I sit, and I can feel the vehicle begin to pull out of the driveway. One turn and we are on the straight road back to town. We ride through in silence to the open road where it'll be an all-day ride to our destination. Once I see the sign for Ammay City Limits, I know that this path is set. Madam Odette closes the window to the driver's section leaving us in private. She grabs herself a drink of water from the bar. "Red, anything you want to talk about? We have quite a while to go."

I am working on something but I don't have anything. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I huff with a sigh, "I don't think I have anything. I'm just beside myself. Things are changing and I am just trying to adjust as I go."

She nods as she takes a drink. The glass clinks against the coaster as she sets it down. "I want to reiterate this, Red. I am proud of you." She sounds like a mother realizing her child has grown up. "You came here knowing nothing and are now choosing your own path. I hope that I've set you up for success."

Maybe she pat herself on the back there. She should though. I have no doubt it's difficult to bring in someone and teach them from nothing. I wish that she didn't go so hard at the beginning. I let my face fall into my paws as I rub my face. There's just something about this whole situation that's rubbing me the wrong way. I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this to protect her.

She and I spend some time going over everything I learned from her over the past couple of months as we prepped for the entrance exam. I stumbled on a few questions. I didn't expect to get all of them right but Madam Odette expects perfection. If the answer I give is incorrect, I am taught the correct answer with a small explanation. I'm shocked she doesn't have the book here to reference. Her pop quiz is done with a few hours left in the drive.

She leans back in her seat, closing her eyes. She's not asleep. She's just resting. Her breathing never changes. If I did the same, I know I would fall asleep. The steady rolling of the tires mixed with the white noise of sitting in the back is a recipe to fall asleep. The back was built to be soundproof. No sound in or out. With the back sealed up like it is now, Danny can't hear anything. But once the space between the back and the driver is removed, he can hear everything.

I've noticed in the few times that I've ridden in the back that no matter the volume of the speaker or location of where they are, everyone can hear everything as though they were sitting right next to them. I would like to be surprised but this is Madam Odette. She plans and thinks in a way that would take me years to come up to her level. And by the time I reach where she is now, she will have left me behind again. She is a businesswoman who knows what she wants and can take into account anyone's preferences, or perceptions. She uses it on me enough.

I stretch out my legs as I try to keep my blood moving. Every time I move I see Madam Odette open her eyes. The ride turns quiet from this point forward. I give in to the quiet, closing my eyes. The stop woke me up as we pulled into a spot where Danny could park. He chose a location off campus to not draw attention. Madam Odette follows me as I haul my stuff with us.

The apartments are fairly close to the main street that is used to come onto campus. There are a few of the admin buildings up front, a couple of the educational buildings, then the apartments just beyond that. It's maybe a half-mile walk from where we parked. A good hike but not an issue. From the papers I got, I am on the second floor of building number two. #205 to be exact. That puts me on the back end of the building. The Resident in charge of the building resides on the first floor and is handing out keys. I grab mine and head on up.

Walking in, it feels rather odd to be here. It's empty for the most part. There's very basic furniture already here. A simple bed in the back room with a dresser. The living room has a desk with drawers next to an outlet with a power strip on it. Everything else is just bare. There's a half kitchen that opens up in the living room. The bathroom is almost the size of a closet with a shower you can barely turn around in. Maybe I've been spoiled.

My order of books is placed on that desk in the living room in three piles. They are all thick. They are all intimidating. They are going to be my life for the next few months as I adapt to this place. One of those books I didn't order. They come with enrollment and acceptance to the school. It's a well-sized book for the code of conduct.

My bag gets dropped by the doorway to the bedroom. The suit gets hung up first while Madam Odette is there. She will want to make sure that it is taken care of. I am as set up as I can be at this moment. I will need to get sheets for the bed but that won't be too hard. I can get a ride to a store and back easily enough.

I slap my paws to my side with an exhale, "Well, this is it. This is home for the next few months." I look around at the empty space trying to figure out what I will do with it. I don't want to furnish it too much. Anything I bring in I will have to take out when the year is over. I can stay here as long as I am a full-time student. That was part of the agreement for living here. Madam Odette looks around nodding as she does. It's a bit larger than the cabin I was staying in at her manor. But this place just doesn't feel the same.

She finally stops at the counter near the kitchen. "You will be on your own, Red. I firmly believe that you will do well though. The structured learning here will serve you well. And of course, if you need assistance, as it is my job to teach you, I will lend my assistance however I can."

"Are you OK with me being here?"

"That is not my place. You made this decision."

"Yes, but I am asking. Your family is tasked with helping me. Are you OK with this?"

She pauses, "I am. There is only so much I can teach. I have to look at this as not just formal education but as social education as well. You'll be around others who know and understand magic. That's not something you can get at the manor."

She's right. I know she's right. It's a point that's been brought up before. Not just by her! I've said it to myself quite a few times. "Madam Odette. With me coming here, and you giving up your teacher and mentor position, where does that leave us?

"I don't think I'm giving up my mentor position. I may be relinquishing my teaching position for the moment. But I will stand by my promise to teach you."

I nod before I ask again, "I still have to ask though, what are we?"

She looks confused. I had a feeling this might fall this way. "Madam Odette. For the last few months, we've been rather close to one another. We've been…" I choke on how to find a word for this where it's polite. "We've been intimate… I want to know, what are we?" Her expression changes. She pulls out her phone to quickly send a message before putting it away. "Red… I don't think…"

"I do think. And I think…"

Just as I cut her off, she stopped me. One finger on my lips to keep me quiet. "Please, don't say it. And please don't make me say it. Focus on your studies. I think that's best. For both of us." The tone of her voice changed. It wasn't stern. It was soft but carried weight behind it. She dropped her paw, giving me a small smile. "I'll check in now and again. I hope you will do the same."

With one more nod, she took her leave. I follow the sound of her footsteps down the stairs. I stand there trying to process what I've been told. With a deep sigh, I let out a ping. The limousine is parked behind the building ready to pick her up. I can clearly see her. She's not stopping me like she normally does. I watch as she gets in, taking her seat in the place she was before. As they pull out, she gives Danny his orders before placing the divider between them.

One more look. One more ping. She covers her muzzle in a sign of distress as she clenches her eyes together. She's shaking. Is she crying? Is she holding back? I can't tell. I've never seen her like this before so I can't read her. It seems her decision didn't shake just me.

I'm sorry Madam Odette. I crossed a line that I shouldn't have and put you in an uncomfortable position you shouldn't be in. I hope you can forgive me. I stop my pings to give her privacy. With her gone, I turn the page to a new chapter in my life. The page is blank and I am on my own to write it. All by myself.