
The Fox, Red

Meet The Fox, Red; destined for greatness by the hand of fate to become a beast of legend. But how he uses his power is up to him. Follow Red as he's thrust into a world he never knew existed and learns the ins and outs of his destiny.

TheBirdBlue · Action
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113 Chs

Getting Cleaned Up

My internal clock wakes me up just before the sun peers over the hillside. I wake up expecting Madam Odette to be right by me telling me what to do for the day. I stand and stretch while looking around for Madam Odette but she's nowhere to be seen. There are others about doing their own thing. I see the mole squad getting their stuff together for the day. One of them looks over to see me looking at them. He gives a smile and cheery greeting, "Mornin' mate!" I smile and wave to him. "Don't worry, we'll get ya taken care of!" I don't get what he means.

About an hour passed and still no sign of Madam Odette. I hear the door open from the main house. One of her maids is carrying a platter my way. It's Anne carrying my breakfast. Toast, eggs, bacon, and a glass of orange juice. I sit down at my table as she places it down. She stands up straight to address me, "Madam Odette has instructed me to tell you to meet her at the front door at 10 am. She has provided a watch for your convenience." There is a watch on the platter. The time now is 7:32 am so I have a lot of time. "She has also instructed me to pass along that there has been a change to the rules. You are allowed to speak to the house staff but cannot issue orders to them."

I'm a little taken aback. After so long I'm allowed to be social again. "Is there anything else I can do for you Red?" I open my mouth for a second before I answer, "Um, no. I think I'm fine. Uh… Thank you, Anne." She bows slightly before leaving me for my breakfast. I eat it slowly but I'm still stuck on the rule change. I can now speak to others. It's weird how such a small thing can mean so much. I didn't miss it until it was gone.

With breakfast finished I walk up to the door with everything in my hands. One of the badgers stepped in front of me while the other stepped inside. A raccoon maid steps out to take the dishes from me. I adjust my watch on my wrist as I step down the stairs. Out of an old habit, I have the watch face facing in instead of facing out like most wear it. I still have an hour and a half left but not sure what to do during that time.

It's weird to see the garden in the daylight. I only really get to see it at night when I get back from work. Everyone else seems to be doing their own thing. There are a few maids outside taking care of the gardeners and everyone working outside. I noticed that the mole crew has disappeared from view. I know they got the stumps but beyond that, I don't know what they do. I kind of want to leave everyone alone. They're all working on their things. It's neat to see what's going on and what I've missed. With nothing better, I sit at my table by the overhang watching the world around me waiting for time to pass.

To be safe I arrive at the front door five minutes before we're supposed to leave. Her limo is parked in the circle driveway idling, waiting for Madam Odette. At 9:59 she walks out beckoning me to follow her to the vehicle. At 10 sharp the wheels start rolling. Once out of the driveway she addresses me like she always does; "Red."

"Yes, Madam Odette."

"Did Anne speak with you this morning?"

"Yes, she did. She mentioned that I am now allowed to speak to others but cannot give orders. Am I correct, Madam Odette?"

"Correct. Did she mention anything else?"

"To meet you by the front door at 10 am and to give me this watch."

"Good. We're going to make a few stops today that I need you to accompany me on so there's going to be a change. At the house, you will continue to address me as 'Madam Odette'. In public, around others, you will address me as 'Lady Odette'. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Madam Odette."

"Good. You are still only to speak when spoken to for myself and others. Are you missing anything?"

"I understand, Madam Odette."

In the past three weeks, I have been referring to Madam Odette as such, so much so that it has become second nature to me. I know it's a type of psychological training but I can't fight it. At this point I'm willingly in her care, living by her rules and orders but I've adapted to it. I no longer struggle with the long hours. I can do the physically demanding work she expects to be done. It's quickly become my life. But it's still not the life I was told I would have by coming here.

We drive into town to what looks like an old home. There is a Tailor sign above the door. I'm rather surprised we stopped here, "Come Red."

"Yes, Madam Odette."

We walk to the front door where she rings the doorbell. A well-aged grey dog opens the door. I can't place the breed but by the face, I would guess he's an Italian Pointer. His hair is curly and his eyes look like he's going blind. He's well-aged but the way he's dressed, it's simple but powerful. He shakes before addressing us, "Ah, Lady Odette. I'm glad you could make it. Do come in."

Once inside I can tell this is a place of business. There are mannequins all along the walls with suits and dresses pinned to them. There's a shelf full of high-quality fabrics next to a small bench full of sewing tools. He kind of waddles when he walks. "I'm glad you came. I just finished his last piece and it's ready to be fitted."

"Excellent, I expect that it has your signature touch."

"Always! I take pride in my work, in every piece I make."

"That's why I come to your Armani."

"You flatter me." He turns to me, "So, this is him?"

"That's him."

"Ha!" He begins walking around me poking and prodding while "Hm" -ing. "I can work with this."

He grabs my hand dragging me off to another room. "Stand here." I stand in the center of the room where he pointed. He disappears for a second to return with clothes draped over his arm and implements in his hands. "Ok, down to your skivvies."

"Wait, what?"

"We don't have all day now. You can't keep Lady Odette waiting."

I end up doing what he demanded leaving on my socks and boxers on. "Ok, put these on." He hands me a dark red button-up shirt. I quickly get it on and button it up. He straightens out the shoulders so they fit right. "Ok, now this." He clips an elastic band to the shirt and goes to my feet. "No, socks off." He quickly takes off my socks grabbing my feet. I almost fell over as he did it but he was quick at it. "I should have known to grab black socks." He stops and looks back, "Better grab shoes too."

He quickly replaces the socks and straps the elastic bands to them. They pull against the shirt but he explains, "These will lightly pull on the shirt keeping it taut but not damage it. They may be uncomfortable but always wear them. I will not have the integrity of my shirts ruined because someone isn't wearing them as they are intended to look."

With everything clasped he grabs my arm and rolls the sleeve up to the middle of my forearm on each side. He steps back, "Arms up and out." I do as he says. "Good, unclip your shirt. He takes the shirt off to another room. I hear a sewing machine before he returns. The shirt goes back on, "Arms out and up." Again, I do as he says. "Good, clip your shirt. He hands me the pair of pin-striped pants, "Put these on." They fit perfectly around my waist. "Don't get any fatter otherwise they won't fit." I chuckle slightly. He stops to look at me, "No, really. Don't"


"Ok, last piece. This one, you better take good care of." He hands me a pinstripe suit vest that matches the pants. He pulls on it fitting it around my neck and shoulders. He pulls on the back, reaches around me to pull on the front, and steps back to admire his work. "Mm! I can work magic of my own. You look presentable enough to be in Lady Odette's presence. You just need to correct that mop you call hair." I'm a little insulted but considering that I haven't been able to scrub for three weeks, I get it. I've slaved myself to that woman.

I walk out first checking my watch. It took us an hour for this excursion. "Well, well. Armani, you sure know what you're doing."

"Well of course. It's my work!"

"Is it made to the order?"

"Of course. He should be very fireproof and cold-resistant. I also went ahead and made it a little more damage resistant to the cloth and him."

The two of them were talking like this was a piece of armor. I look it over but everything about it seems like normal wear. I've just concluded that I will never be able to understand anything that's going on with them. Armani keeps poking me, "He should be good to go. Just need to fix this mop."

"Avicci is our next stop."

"Ah, yes. My brother is a magician with any type of hair. Send him my love."

"Will do. Thank you again. Send the bill to Mark and he will take care of you."

"Of course. Do take care Lady Odette, and… you there."

I went to say something but Madam Odette stopped me, "Come Red. We still have a full day left." I'm forced to follow but for the better. Back inside the limo, I feel strange with these clothes on. My old clothes were tossed because Armani refused to let them see the light of day again. "Ok, Red, new rule; that suit will only be worn when I tell you to otherwise your normal clothes will do."

"Yes, Madam Odette."

She paused before she smiles, "How does it feel?"

"It's tight but it feels nice."

"Armani does amazing work. He's getting on in years but he hasn't lost his touch. We're going to Avicci next to make you square with the suit."

I nod in acknowledgment before she turns away from me. We arrive at an old-fashioned barber shop along the main road of this small town. We enter as a bell chimes alerting everyone we were there. Two people are waiting and all three chairs are in use. "Ah, I know who that is!" A voice floats from the backroom followed by the dog making it. "Lady Odette, you brought him with, yes?"

"Yes Avicci, this is him."

"Ah Red! Glad to meet you! Come, come. We'll get you taken care of."

I kind of hesitate but follow beyond the black curtain. Two turns later and there is a single chair set up in the middle of the room, "Ok, I don't want to ruin my brother's suit so take off the jacket and the shirt. They will be fine hanging here." I do as instructed hanging them on a hanger out of the way. "Now, let's get you cleaned up." He directs me to a chair to lean my head over a deep sink. "So, Lady Odette. You are a lucky man to be able to be with her. Tell me, what is she like?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Ah, a gentleman never asks and a lady never tells."

"No, it's more that I see her twice a day."

"That is more than most people. She rarely ever leaves that big mansion of hers. I cannot lie, it's easy to tell she has a soft spot for you. You should try to get her out of that house more."

"How young is Lady Odette anyway?"

"Oh, let me think… If memory serves she should have turned 26 recently."

I shake in the chair, "26!"

"Yes, head up please."

He wraps my head in a towel ushering me over to the other chair. He wraps the cover around my neck and starts grabbing the instruments of his profession. "Her parents, I believe left her about $20,000 when they both died. It was their entire savings. After the funerals, she was almost broke. But she took a chance, worked hard, and ended up making her fortune at a very young age."

"How old was she…"

"14. Impressive, I know, but rather sad. Clichéd even but if you look at her now she does what she can to hold onto what she has. Those who work for her are housed on the grounds so she knows they are safe. Her security is top-rated in the world. She cares but shows it weirdly. But I digress. She's a lovely woman, very sought after not just for her money, but her knowledge, advice, and her hand."

"Her hand?"

"Yes! There have been many suitors chasing after her but not once has there been a wild romance. It's rather strange."

I stop to think about her strange actions toward me. The moment in her office where she discreetly exposed part of herself to me. Her admittance of watching me in the fountain. The few times she spoke to me with sultry desire in her voice. But not once has she had a romance with someone? I find it beyond strange. She is an attractive woman, and even though I can't deny that she has the power to have any man she pleases but chooses not to. He brought me back to reality, "Hm? Red? What are you thinking about?"

"I just have a hard time believing that Lady Odette has never…"

"Love is elusive to that woman. But you had a look that said otherwise. Might there have been a change? Eh Red?"

"No, Avicci. Lady Odette has me working all day."

He used his sharp wit, "And night?"

"I sleep."


"A blanket on the ground."

"Pff, you are no fun. But I guess you are right. I do have a question for you though. If she makes you work for her why do you address her as 'Lady Odette' instead of 'Madam Odette' like the others?"

That struck me as strange, "What?"

He elaborated, "When she brings her maids or butlers or bodyguards they all address her as Madam Odette but you are addressing her as Lady Odette. Why is that?"

"Honestly, at the house, it is Madam Odette but she placed a rule that in public it is Lady Odette."

"That is most strange. We will have to talk again Red."

Before I knew it we were done. He removed the cover throwing fur on the floor. I can tell there's a slight difference from before but it was more cleaned up and formed. I do look more presentable but something else catches my eye. It's myself. I can see the solid, defined muscles in my arms and chest. All that physical work she had me doing took effect.

With my shirt and jacket back on Avicci and I head back to the front where Madam Odette is waiting. "Avicci, you take too long."

"You can't rush art, my dear. Besides, he was more of a disaster than I expected."

I'm a little offended but I've been outside for three weeks. Even I think I'm kind of a mess. Madam Odette hands Avicci a $50 bill. "You got me there. Send the bill to Mark, he'll get you taken care of."

"How is Mark? I have not seen him in a while."

"He's good. He and his wife just had their second cub so they've been busy."

"Ah! Send him my congratulations."

"I will. Come along Red."

I perk up at my name to follow her out. With a quick look back Avicci shoots me a sly wink. Back in the limo, we roll about five feet before Madam Odette speaks, "So what did you two talk about?"

"Nothing particular Madam Odette."

She knew I was lying, "You sure? I know Avicci likes to talk and I know he likes to talk about me."

"You were brought up but it was very casual Madam Odette."

"How casual?"

"Just what you've had me doing around the grounds and he did ask how you were."

I know I'm lying to her but what Avicci told me sounded sensitive. I'm trying to keep the best poker face I can. Even against all odds, I managed to come up surprised she says, "Avicci will talk to you all day if you let him." I got away without any scars. "But Red, I also know that what is said between you and the barber is as sacred as a doctor and patient, so I'll let it go this time." She did catch me. And now I just feel miserable. "Our next stop is to get you the amenities to live. You worked for me for 20 days, earning $6,000. Consider the suit and haircut a gift for a job well done."

I have $6,000! Working the job I had in high school earned me maybe $300 over the whole quarter. "The one thing that I am requiring you to buy is a king-sized bed." Why a bed? She continued, "Other furnishings are your own choice. You may want to think about a stove, fridge, and other household wares like plates, cups, and utensils."

"I'm confused. Why do I need these things, Madam Odette?"

"You're not using mine. It will make more sense in a few weeks."

I sit in silence until we arrive. It's a massive storefront with storage warehouses. They do a lot of shipping business across the country, "Red, I have an errand of my own to run. Here is what you have." She hands me a hefty-looking envelope before closing the door and riding off. I open the envelope to see a stack of $100 bills. I instantly close it to tuck it away in an inside pocket before I walk in.

"You must be Red." I'm immediately greeted at the door by a well-dressed Mink who looks like he's out of place here. "Lady Odette let us know you would be here. We have a rough list of what you're looking for. She emphasized a king-size bed so we will start with that." I follow him past all the small sections of electronics, appliances, and smaller home furnishings. We arrive at the bedding where he leads me to a corner with some of the most extravagant sets I have ever seen. "Lady Odette recommended one of these five but it is your choice to pick."

I immediately go to the one that has a shelf and mirror on the backboard with small cabinets on the sides. I open them up to see how deep they are and how much space they provide. Looking over it I think how nice it would be to own this. I step back and the mink speaks, "She thought you might like this one. Shall I add it to your order?"

"Uh, sure. How much is it?"

"$5,849 but…" I flinch and waver at the price, "Relax, with the discount it's $1,149."

While still expensive, it's a lot better, "Ok, that… that's a lot better."

"Breath Red. Lady Odette gets a special privilege that she is extending to you."

If that privilege is 80% I'll take it. "Now, she also recommended a fridge, stove, table set with chairs, a desk, laptop, a comfortable chair like a recliner, plates, utensils, cookware, and a washer and dryer if you so choose. Where would you like to start?" I try to process everything before I stutter myself into an answer, "I guess… at the beginning?"

Two hours later I had spent $5,351 and some change. While painful, it left me with a chunk of money. Everything I picked out was ordered with a delivery date set by Madam Odette in advance. I was handed a receipt and walked to the door. Outside, Madam Odette is in her limo waiting. I sat down and we rolled off. "Let me see what you got." I have over the receipt. She quickly glances over everything before handing it back, "You have good taste."

"Madam Odette, can I ask why I bought these?"

"But it would ruin the surprise."

She disabled me with one sentence.