
The Fox, Red

Meet The Fox, Red; destined for greatness by the hand of fate to become a beast of legend. But how he uses his power is up to him. Follow Red as he's thrust into a world he never knew existed and learns the ins and outs of his destiny.

TheBirdBlue · Action
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113 Chs

0059 Sweetness to Normalcy

The bed sheets are familiar as it rubs against my fur. The sensation of the cold as the fire had died out feels just like it always does. The cold floor hits my paws causing a slight jump. A few more logs back over the warm cinders and one small burst of flame gets it roaring again. Everything feels cold. Winter must have hit hard.

I crawl back into the warm sheets while the fire burns. It'll warm the place back up then I can get up for the day. The sheets welcome me back with a warm hug. So does the extra body in the bed. I was not expecting anyone to be here. The resulting jump jarred me awake but she was still comfortably asleep. She grabs the blankets to curl herself back up with them.

I catch my breath when I realize that it's Madam Odette. Now there's the question of why is she here? I think back and I remember the bottle she brought out. A few hours passed and everything just kind of disappeared. We must have finished the bottle. There is no way we didn't at this point. But now I have to wonder what happened after that.

I quickly check the room. That's what I was afraid of. There's a pile of clothes on the chair by my desk. Not all of them are mine. I roll back over to see the half-hidden face of Madam Odette as she's tucked herself into the warm sheets. It clicks. Underneath that blanket is a bare naked Madam Odette. It's a beautiful sight to imagine but I have to ask myself, what did we do last night?

I relax back into my spot where I was before. It's still warm and close enough that I can disturb her to come join me. Even unconscious, she's able to move closer toward my body for heat. She presses herself against me and sure enough, there is nothing between her and I. We are fur to fur naked. It's a sensation I know and enjoy but don't believe I could ever get accustomed to. Just a few more hours like this, please. I doze back into that sweet comfort of sleep as I feel the fire warm the cabin.

I can no longer sleep. My body tells me that it has had enough and that I need to get myself up. I got to shift but a familiar feeling is preventing me from doing so. There's a weight on me that feels nice. Nothing I could do could make it move either until it decides it wants to. Her face is so soft while she sleeps. She keeps a facade up where she projects power. But in this state of rest, she is just like anyone else.

I can't tell what time it is. We should be up. I have to do something so I start poking her cheek. Just enough to irritate. I can see her muscles twitch as she starts to stir. She murmurs with the urge to fight. I keep going until I see her eyes flicker. She begins to take in her surroundings. She quickly realizes that she's not in her bed. "Hmm, we must have had too much, I didn't plan on this." She goes to sit herself up. The blanket falls from her shoulders exposing herself to me.

I must have that look on my face. She looks down and falls flat on the bed to cover herself. She looks around, "I guess it is just us. How did we get into this situation?"

"I don't know. We enjoyed that bottle together and that's all I got."

She nods with a look of curiosity. "Well, I don't think we did anything other than sleep." She rustles around moving to her back. She's still well settled into her spot. "I can tell because my legs don't feel like goo." She's still very playful. The bed shifts as she moves towards me. Her body pressed against mine once more, "We could fix that if you're feeling up to it."

I can't tell if she's just teasing me or not. With the sight before me and the offer on the table, my body just kind of reacts on its own. There's the smile, "I may have only been teasing a little bit but I'm glad you're honest with me." Her paw grabs me as she inches herself closer to my face. "I won't lie, I missed you while you were gone." She started stroking my length as she breathed in my face.

I don't think I could say it out loud but I missed her. Not just… this but in general. Her touch forced a reaction from my body. She cooed in my face as she seemed to become lost in herself. Her paw rubbed along my whole length with a sensation I have missed. Her soft paws felt just right. She bit her lip as she tried to hold something back but it didn't take long for her to break.

Her lips met mine with a force. I could hear her as she murred in my mouth. She pulled herself back panting already. I did what I could to control myself but she made it hard to do that. There was no soft build-up. She was rubbing me ferociously, matching the pace to her breath. "Madam Odette, if you keep this up…"

I don't know what's gotten into her. This was very uncharacteristic of her. She always had a sense of decorum. Right now, she's acting as though she's a hungry wild animal. I try to hold myself back but there's nothing I can do. I'm at her mercy as she grips me. I let out one last cry, "Madam Odette! Please!"

My legs tense as I can feel myself cross that line. The blankets go flying back as she throws them off. I see one thick strand come from my member directly into her mouth. She moved her head at the right time to catch it. The next thing I know, she's swallowing me whole as I pulse. The quick sensation from her dry paw to her wet and warm mouth was a change. It only helped me feel better as I continued to expel what she had brought forth.

She refused to let any of it go to waste. Her eyes were closed as she worked lightly, to pull out anything that may have been left behind. She seemed to savor it. She murred and hummed as she swallowed heavily. I can't remember the last time I took care of myself. I can only imagine what she's dealing with. Is it too thick? Too much? Didn't seem to matter to her. Her eyes were closed tight as she worked me over.

She released me with a pop and deep exhale. She licked her lips before painting wildly, "You've been a bit pent up, haven't you? It shows." When she gets this way, it's almost like she's a different being. Her posh and proper attitude melts away revealing that wild side she keeps hidden. I still wonder if anyone else has gotten to see this side of her.

I must have dozed off for too long. She's got her head on my chest and nose in my face. "Red, you there?" I snap myself back to reality with a shake. "There you are," she grinned, "I was worried I sucked the soul out of you." The weight of her body gives me a comforting feeling. I can feel her soft fur against mine as she shifts and settles herself comfortably.

Her nails twirl in circles on my chest as she looks at me with those baby-doll eyes of hers. Her normal expression is stern with sharp eyes. In these moments, she lets her guard down and starts to relax. Her legs started moving along my abdomen. She knows exactly what she's doing. I can only let her. It's not like I'm going to complain.

I roll us over to get her on her back. She accepts the movement willingly wrapping me up with her legs. There is no need for words. Only actions at this point. Our bodies meet again in a throw of passion. Her eyes roll with a smile as she gets what she wants. I start slow, showing her a little care before I start to work. Her panting matches my rhythm turning from muffled puffing into small squeaks and whines. Before long she's making a noise that rings in my ears with a chime that fills me with an indescribable pleasure.

She calls my name and that puts me over the edge. I bury myself in her, pressing my body against her. She shakes and shivers under me with her claws digging into my back. She's unable to speak words as she gives in to her wants. I rest my head on her shoulder while the two of us try to catch our breath.

This little window gives me time to relax and enjoy the moment with her. I know that before long she'll have to leave and the two of us have to resort to keeping a certain distance, exchanging only glances in passing. I can only watch as she dresses for the day. The cold air hits my face as she takes her leave. She blows a kiss at the last moment before she disappears.

And like that, we return to normalcy.