
The Fox Goddess

One of the most successful Women who have Beauty, Power, Money, Fame, and everything that a normal Human could ever hope for died because of a Car Crash Accident. And just as she was accepting her fate, her end would end without her getting the happiness that she wanted to get. A strange but beautiful woman appeared in front of her. Little did she know that she was a Goddess "Child, let me ask you a question. Do you want to change your fate right here and now?" The Goddess asks. The woman of course agreed to this because she still doesn't want to die without being happy like what she wanted. "Very good! I'll give you two choices, be either a Goddess like me or be reincarnated and set out on an adventure in another World." The Goddess smirked as she waited for an answer. Without even thinking, the woman chose to be Reincarnated, but what she didn't expect when she woke up was that she became a Fox. Let's follow her Journey on how she will conquer this new World. Tags: #Reincarnation, #System, #Adventure, #R18, #Comedy, # Yuri, #Romance, #Weak to Strong, #Magic, #Cultivation, #Beautiful MC, #Magic School, #Harem, #Yandere MC, #Dark # #Isekai, #Fox MC, #Vampire, #Revenge, #Betrayal, #Cunning/Manipulative MC.

TOYAPUS · Fantasy
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661 Chs

A Play to Trick Everyone

Yuki didn't hear anything but she merely saw Yaoyao shaking her head before flying out of her hand which was something she didn't expect but it didn't matter too much, but just as she was about to say something, she saw a giant fireball appear in the sky, and just as she was about to counter it with her Ice Magic, she felt something familiar about those flames. Because of this, she hesitated whether to attack it or not, and because of that, she was quickly engulfed in flames, but even with that, she remained fine.

"You… you destroyed everything around us… I take it as your answer." Yuki smiled as she took Yaoyao back in her hands before looking at her with a proud look. She would have never expected her to do this, despite knowing that there were thousands if not millions of civilians around them, Yaoyao didn't hesitate to engulf everyone in flame killing them all at the same time.

The fire of a Phoenix is at least 5x hotter than a Star, but if it comes from a Royal Bloodline or a True Phoenix, it can reach as hot as a Neutron Star. That is what is special about bloodlines in all Races, they can have a natural edge over almost everybody.

Even if the flames that Yaoyao released weren't anywhere near as hot as a Neutron Star, they still razed her entire surroundings, and from within a radius of 1000 miles, there was no more sound to be found. Everyone was dead, but even with that, Yuki was not afraid nor was Yaoyao. Yuki was even proud of Yaoyao because her gamble was right, she was merely trying to test how far she could go if she reached her emotional limits.

If she were to break down and plead for her not to say anything like that or throw her away, it would still be fine, but that would tell her that she was not much of a fighter and that she couldn't train her because she has a weak heart. But if she were actually to fight back, she knows that she would be a fighter, but as for expecting this kind of outcome, it was something she didn't expect to say the least.

"Fufufu… you are still so cute and young, but somehow you are miles ahead of some people in my people." Yuki chuckled to herself as she gently patted the little head of Yaoyao who already went to sleep because of her exhaustion after launching such an attack. She would have never realized that Yaoyao could already exert herself to which she was already capable of annihilating half a country back in her World at least. That was already pretty powerful in her mind considering that Yaoyao was just a newborn.

"It seems that the training that you have done with those two has heavily paid off. I didn't think that you would already get this powerful. I'm excited to see how powerful you can get once you Master your Blood Element too." Yuki smiled to herself as she simply placed Yaoyao inside of her System Storage as countless people were approaching her fast.

She cannot take any risk as even if she is confident with her Illusion Magic, as long as there is someone more powerful than her, they can easily see through it, and they will know immediately that the bird that she is holding is a Phoenix.

When the people rushing over her finally got close enough to where Yuki could see it, she smiled wickedly as she didn't expect that the people coming after her were actually the Nobles and governors, and if she was right there was also a part of a Royal Family there. Without saying anything, she merely changed her clothes to a nightgown, before putting on her Fox Mask again to cover her face.

"Oh, news sure spread quickly. Daryl… it's good to see you again, or shall I say to all of you?" Yuki simply turned around when she felt their presence just a few meters away from her, and when she did, everyone couldn't help but gasp after seeing the ethereal beauty right in front of them.

"You know this person, Governor Daryl?" The woman beside Daryl asked but her face was looking at Daryl, it remained rooted in Yuki.

"Yes… She is Yuki Ayase, yes the same Yuki Ayase who broke record after record in the Adventurer Guild, that is her. She was a guest in my Town for one day for some reasons that I can't give out, but believe this everyone. She is not the cause of this tragedy, because she doesn't have a Fire Element, but an Ice Element." Daryl answered and even explained to them and when Yuki heard this, she was also surprised as she didn't expect something like this to happen.

She was even thinking that she would need to explain to all of these people that she was not the cause of this attack which was half true of course. Yuki even changed her clothes just to fool all of them, but it seemed that it wasn't necessary anymore as Daryl already explained. She even thought that Daryl would make things hard for her because he wanted to be petty, but she was wrong.

"Oh… thanks for explaining that. It saves me a lot of trouble. I'll repay this once my restaurant opens, your first meal is on me." Yuki smiled as she removed her Fox Mask to show her sincerity and that was all that needed to blow all of them away as they could finally see her real beauty.

"That is not a problem at all, Lady Yuki. Though I will take up on your offer, I have heard from your Wife that you are a great cook." Daryl simply smiled, but his fist was clenched, and Yuki noticed this.

"Excuse me, but can we stop this conversation for now? I have some questions for you, Lady Yuki. My name is Mephisto Silver, the second prince of Nightingale. I'm sorry if this is the way that we met, but can I ask you how things happened like this? You were the first one on the scene after all." Mephisto asked with discerning eyes as if he didn't believe Daryl's words one bit that she was not the cause of this.

"There is no need to be so hostile of me, second prince. It is true that I was the first one to arrive, but that is because I live quite near here. I mean Soulside Town is near one of the explosions and my house is only a few miles away from it, so when I heard those explosions I immediately got out to check it out, and it got me here near the Capital next. I didn't even have the time to change my clothes." Even with the hostile prince questioning her, she simply chuckled as she explained.

When those words came out of her mouth, everyone finally noticed what she was actually wearing. It was indeed a nightgown and seeing these, the men couldn't help but turn their heads away, while the women blushed before also covering Yuki out of concern.

"Thank you, I'll change my clothes to a more appropriate one. My apologies." Yuki thanked them embarrassedly before finally changing her clothes to what she normally wears when she works.

"I'm done now, sorry if you had to see me like that in our first meeting. I hope this doesn't happen again." Yuki said as she let them turn around again before finally explaining to them what happened, or at least making scenarios so that she wouldn't get blamed for it.

"Well, I think all of us can agree that before there was a huge fireball that appeared. There was an explosion and black hole that happened, before right? When I heard that, I immediately got out to see what was happening, but it was already too late as everything was already destroyed. After that, a giant fireball appeared right in front of me, but it was too late for me to stop it because it was already descending and if I hadn't protected myself, I would have suffered great injuries from it." Yuki said as if she was recalling some things.

But all of them agreed with what she said because it all lined up even if they were not there was the reports were also the same. There were multiple explosions that happened and there was also that black hole that appeared after hearing it, it truly seemed that Yuki was not lying, and Mephisto was simply paranoid.

"Now if some of you are still going to argue that I could have simply tasked someone which also might be true, but of course not. I can say the same to you, I'm not trying to be disrespectful but I'm just being real." Yuki said with a slight smile on her face everyone immediately understood her words and they all just nodded their heads.

"So… who do you guys think could have done this? This is definitely a planned attack, it only attacked certain areas. Do you think that this may be this is the start of a terrorist act or a revolutionary army?" Mephisto asked in a serious tone as he looked at everyone seeking their answers.

"With all due respect your Majesty, I think that is too highly unlikely. The rule of the Silver Family has been good for over millennia and of course, there are some things that are bad, but it has been good so far. Even though it has been rough ever since Queen Skadi stepped down, the current King is trying his best to make things better, and it is showing some benefits already." Duke Arthur said with a slight smile on his face.

Even though it may seem that he was simply trying to make Bootlick the prince, what he said was all the truth. The current King did have a hard time over the past few years, but now everything was getting better slowly. So everyone simply nodded their heads at this and dismissed this idea.

But Yuki just laughed at this internally as what Duke Arthur really just did was to show that he was a dog to the empire. Ever since the current King had taken the throne, everything just went downhill for Nightingale as taxes just kept increasing because of this businesses had to do something about it, which was to increase their goods.

The only reason he said that things had been getting better was because of the charity event that the Royal Family had been doing which was just like a slap in the face for everyone, but of course, she didn't care about a single thing about that as a corrupt people like that was all too familiar with her already.

"I think I may have known the reason for this attack, a second prince. Whose lands have been wiped out, sorry for my ignorance but I have been staying in secluded cultivation for quite some time that's why I don't know who is the current Nobles." Yuki simply asked while stating as if she was some old cultivator who just recently showed up.

"They are the Noble Families of Talon, Kuro, Yuan, Wen, Sun, Bolo, and the Zen. Those are the ones whose lands are destroyed. But why are you asking this?" Mephisto asked with a confused tone.

"If I remember correctly, all of these people also joined the party of hunting down the baby phoenix that appeared right, and from the news that I have been hearing they are the ones who managed to land the most damage and have the closest one to capture it. But the Talon Family edged over them slightly as they have a tracker on it." Yuki paused for a second as she watched color fade away from their faces and deep inside she felt laughing, but she still continued.

"Since the Talon Family did the most damage they sustained the most damage as a Black Hole appeared in their Castle and since the phoenix got away, don't you think that it came back to its Mother and… Well you can already guess from that what happened. It got revenge is the short answer, so am I right?" Yuki simply asked as she looked at all of them and just as all of them were to run to go back to their families they were stopped by Yuki who opened her mouth again.

"Before all of you take your leave, I'll also help since I was also affected by this. That fireball wasn't directed to a certain place, it went straight after me, meaning that Mother Phoenix wants me dead. So whatever you guys are planning count me in." Yuki said in a serious tone and immediately the aura around her began to get colder.

"Of course. The more help that we can get the better." Mephisto said with relief that the woman in front of them was not their enemy because he could only imagine what kind of monster was hidden behind that beauty if it got unleashed. Surviving such a kind of attack is simply absurd because not even the greatest general of the Royal Family can tank the hit without taking big damage. But she came out without a scratch.

'Ciel, can you come out again and make another black hole?' Yuki asked Ciel who was casually playing with the phone that was given to her.

'Oh, that is easy Master, but I'm assuming that you don't want me to appear myself. Don't worry, I'll definitely do it.' Ciel proudly answered as she then appeared beside Yuki once more, but of course, she was not seen by anyone but Yuki herself.

'Create it in the Adventurer Guild that is in the Capital, also make it where I can destroy it, I want to play the part of a Hero~' Yuki chuckled while taking Ciel and when she heard this she also laughed since she understood immediately what she was trying to do.

Without saying anything more, another black hole as Yuki's command, and when that happened everyone was alerted because they were close to the Black Hole.

"There's another one! Protect the people!" Mephisto yelled in a panic, but before anyone could act out, they saw that it began snowing, and when they turned around, they saw Yuki holding an Ice Bow in her hands.

"Eternal Freezing Void Bow~" Yuki whispered as she shot the arrow toward the Black Hole.

When the arrow hit the Black Hole it began freezing it and when it finally froze the entire Black Hole, it shattered into a million pieces.