
Old Skeletons

Elijah looked at Katherine but didn't find anything wrong. "What did you mean only half of your power?" Elijah couldn't sleep last night and kept repeating their earlier conversation. Katherine didn't hear him as she rushed to pee.

Katherine woke up feeling refreshed but the size of her stomach is very big now. She goes to get clean and dressed then she finds Elijah preparing breakfast for her. "Husband." She smiles at him fondly. However, a fleeting thought made her uncomfortable deep in her heart. She keeps a small smile to hide her sad thoughts from him.

"How are you feeling dear wife?" Elijah's magnetic voice sounded. He gave her a quick kiss before continuing with his work.

She sat down and drank a tonic she made herself. "Katherina what are you drinking?" Elijah wrinkled his brows in distaste at the smell.

"It is to help strengthen our immune system and assist with the development process. It works but it is disgusting." Katherine admits.

"Are we sure this is safe to consume? My wife, can you please not drink any of these things anymore?" Elijah asked worried.

"Okay, you are worried I understand but Elijah, these children's tiny bodies are burdened by the awful vampire magic in your blood and the raging power from your mother's bloodline. They need to be strong and so do I." She says sadly. Her tone and gestures made Elijah take another look, he narrows his eyes at her.

"I have been keeping something from you. These weeks I can feel my power being zapped away from my grasp. I think their bodies are being overwhelmed with the magic and the fox spirit is strengthening their bodies."

"However, I only have two tails that I developed myself the third one was born with the fox spirit. If we want all of them to survive including me, we need external forces." Katherine held his hand and explained.

"Are you going to be okay?" Elijah asked her worried. Katherine showed abit of hesitation before giving him an answer.

"I don't know. Perhaps if I was still part vampire I could drink blood and heal but now my body may not survive the process. We need to be prepared Elijah, you need to be prepared my love." Katherine felt her strength leave her and she leaned on his arm.

"Remember the potion I gave to you? I also took it that must be another factor. I had increased the power of my beast many folds while I was pregnant. Ofcourse I didn't know I was pregnant at that time. Now their fragile bodies are probably struggling to absorb it from my bloodstream."

"Hopefully the babies are born before they suck all my health and I make it alive but ...." Katherine looked at the man who seem to be in pain.

"No buts Katharina, you must come out of this alive or I will be lost, do you hear me? I will be devastated if you left me. How can a man like me even begin to care for a child when my heart will be dead alongside my wife?" Elijah seemed very heartbroken.

"We may be powerful but we can not control this. It all depends on fate." Katherine touched her cheek and felt them wet. She blinks a couple of times and more tears fall down.

"Hey, we will pass through this, when the seventh month passes we will use the scissorian birth to get the babies out." He said suddenly.

"No!" Katherine left his embrace. "I am their mother Elijah How can I deny them the opportunity to be stronger?"

"If you lose your life what would happen to them afterwards? They will need their mother."

"This stage of development is crucial for every infant. If they are denied this chance it may hinder their future achievements. They may become very weak witches and have nosebleeds everytime they perform a simple spell. Then tell me how long will they last in this world full of dangerous creatures?" Katherine asked.

"But giving up your life is an exteme measure Katharina." He said stubbornly.

"It is not. Do you have any idea what a blessing it is to have children grow inside of my previously dead womb? I am grateful for this miracle and If I die then I will watch over my children from the spirit world but I would have given them everything that I could and that will give me peace."

Katherine can not be resurrected if she doesn't die a violent death. If the babies do suck all of her bodies nutrients, it will be the end of her life. This is why she is using the health tonic to assist the babies development so they don't consume her own health in the process of strengthening themselves.

"How come this is happening to you only?"

"It is probably the devine beast blood. That is rejecting their other bloodline inheritance."

Elijah realizes that his kids will have a way to enslave all living beings. This is too much power. As if seeing his worry.

"That power needs to be activated. The devine blood itself is above mortal blood. Don't hear me say I am mortal. With my bloodline alone I can live 300 to 500 years." Katherine boasted but Elijah is not comforted.

"You can't honestly expect me to go through with this, it's ridiculous. You are a powerful fox beasy kin as you said before why would you let yourself be killed like this? You are choosing death over staying alive with me!" Elijah sounds angry now.

"Husband...please calm down and listen to me. I will take the tonics because they work, when I drink them, the speed of my power's deterioration slows down. I just need better ingredients and maybe I can stop the process altogether. Trust me alright?" She pleaded but Elijah has a mountain of issues with women he loves leaving him. He threw the apron and left.

Katherine sighed when someone knocked on the door.


"We have the ingredients you requested." A manly voice sounded from the doorway. Then the handsome face with pale skin and blue eyes came into view.

"Mikel? You are back!" Katherine said in happiness.

"Clan leader, I regressed to level three." Mikel said with sadness. He worked really hard for his power.

Katherine held his hand. "You can still order any lower life forms to do your bidding especially the warewolves. Also, we have the red haired witch or should I say former witch in the dungeon. Use her to sharpen your claws." Katherine offered in a coaxing tone.

That blade must have been an actual artifact to pose a threat to Mikel who had reached hard skin level 5 at that time. Dark magic practicing witches are really hard to deal with.

"I would much rather have a few golden dew bottles." Mikel deadpans.

Katherine materializes four bottles and gave them to him. "You can also heve this, but Mikel, this elixir will make you very strong so maybe when your mental power breaks through to a very high level. To ensure the sinister aura doesn't overwhelm you. Alright?" Katherine cautioned.

"I will come and take it from you at that time." Mikel pushed the temptation back into her hands.

Katherine became every proud of his maturity. She smiled at him making him swallow at the clan leader's beauty. She has been growing increasingly more charming as the pregnancy progresses. This is why Mikel doesn't stay in the house often.

"Klaus must be sad about my death, I will go console him." He disappeared from his spot as if someone is chasing him. Katherine became stunned.

Hayley walked in with a grey blanket and gave it to Katherine. "I have seen the three rooms for the triplets. That one is for the youngest." Hayley smiled.

"Hayley. I thought Klaus will lock you down and keep you from going out now that the wicked with of the Mikelsons is hell bent on harming your baby." Katherine is surprised at seeing Her all the way here.

"His father came home with Finn to protect Freya and your babies. It is awkward, sorry for saying this but that man is an awful man." Hayley said sitting down.

"Oh? What did the mighty all destroyer say to make the wolf pup show her nonexistent claws? Let me guess, 'Are you the one carrying the beast's spon? Are you aware what you're carrying is an abomination?' And did he get up in your face close enough for you to smell the stench of his breath?" Katherine asked amused.

"You know him?" Hayley felt incredulous even Katherine's expression is spot on.

"I know of him. There is a way to shut him up you know." Katherine said with that temptress voice that sounds like a siren's call from the depth of the abyss.

"Yeah, what's that?" Hayley asked feeling like Katherine is probably going to get her in trouble.

Katherine called Mikel. "I just left, does clan leader miss me already?"

"Bring me Qetsiya. Tell her it is time to pay the piper." Katherine said and dropped the call.

"Who is Qetsiya?"

"Not important. Lets take a walk to the bayou." Katherine pulled her and the two women with large bellies walked in the direction of the place where Katherine was told by Davina to belong to the crescent moon pack.

"This can't be safe." Hayley said looking around uneasily.

"So you feel it? That feeling like you're being watched?" Katherine looked at her. Hayley nodded.

"They are wolves lurking and since I am not their target of interest, I am gonna go on a lim and say they are your people. I can smell your blood on some of them, there is also a creepy woman with a crossbow." Katherine pointed at a certain spot.

A woman came out holding a crossbow pointing it at Katherine. "I am a pregnant woman. Do you really want to make me bleed?"

"You're no ordinary woman." The lady said not putting down the crossbow.

"Do you see why I am teaching my pack the nine forms of art? Wolves are such unrefined people." Katherine shook her head in helplessness.

"Do you want to see just how unrefined I really am?" She took a step forward. Katherine in response materialized a metal bet on her hand. Hayley seeing the familiar bat came infront of the woman and shielded her from Katherine.

"Grandma thinks me helpless? Why don't you try me straighface?" Katherine took a step around Hayley moving menacingly towards the woman.

"Wait, is that why we came here? To pick a fight?" Hayley pulled Katherine back.

"No, I came to get the names of your parents so that I can make Qetsiya bring them back from the other side. You said that animal was intimidating you right? Lets see how he will do that when you are surrounded by the thing he hates the most, a warewolf pack." Katherine said eyeing the woman.

"I thought you are keeping her hostage." The old grandma stopped holding her crossbow with both hands.

"Hold a pregnant woman hostage? I may be a monster but that is just asking for a beating little lady." Katherine frowned.

"Who you calling little lady?"

"You are, little girl." Katherine said mockingly.

"That's it, I'm poking a hole on you." She raised the crossbow again.

"You see what I get for my generosity? Threatened with a medieval weapon by a peasant in the middle of the woods." Katherine took a step but is pulled back by Hayley again.

"This is fun. I must admit, I am enjoying your fat figure....immensely." An dignified voice sounded. Everyone turned to see the beautiful ancient with on the side.

"Qetsiya." Katherine turned to see the witch.

"You look good as always. I am calling in the ten dead you owe me for that little tonic I made for you." Katherine forgot the warewolf grandma on the side.

"Nine, are you forgetting that warewolf Masson pet you had me bring back?" Qetsiya raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. Nine. But only eight for this girl, I have one more I want brought back for my amusement." Katherine said smiling mischievously.

"Make it fast my dear fiance is waiting for me. By the way, your tonic and those mental enhancement pills you gave me worked wonders." She said with happiness.

"Happy to help a girl or in your case an old fossil in need." Katherine laughed but Qetsiya didn't find it funny. The trees around them started breaking and the wind picked up a small tornado around them. Werewolves started whimpering all around their current location.

"Wow wow, Qetsiya. I am with child. If you hurt my child I will imprison your soul in sea of ten thousand swords." Katherine looked at Qetsiya in the eyes with chilling cruelty. "Look me in the eyes and tell me if I am making empty threats."

Qetsiya saw it, the difference between Katherine and the other doppelgangers eyes. Her eyes hold truth. She swallowed and took a step back.

"Hey, I just lost my temper for a bit okay? I am having a hard time managing this new increase in my power." She said trying to diffuse the situation.

The wolves around them felt a chill watching Katherine threatening that beautiful woman who seem even more powerful than the witches they have seen in their cities. The crazy thing is that the witch began to seem very scared of her.

"Don't worry. It happens. Now come and meet the local wolves and bring back the dead people from her family when she finds out who they are from the homeless lady with a crossbow." Katherine beckoned Qetsiya to call on the people as the woman calls their names reading from a book of some king.

"Alright, Hayley have the little girl bring you back when you're done playing in the swamp." Katherine left Hayley who is holding back the raging old woman.

Qetsiya walked with her all the way to her pack house. "You made another one." She can feel the magic energy in this place as her body purrs in delight and her magic becomes happy inside her body.

"Yep. Now here is what I want from you." Katherine told her to bring someone very special to life.

In the evening after Katherine is finished taking a medical bath she received a call from Klaus.

"Hello." She didn't know the number.

"What were you thinking leaving Hayley in the middle of a swamp with a bunch of hillbillies who thinks home birth is an obvious option?" Klaus's angry voice sounded but Katherine just dropped the call.

It rang again. She answered it with the same "Hello."

"Did you just hang up on me?" He growled at her. Katherine sighed.

"Where is my husband?" She asked him but Klaus's anger reached a new limit.

"Before you say something else I will remind you of the consequences each time you lost your temper with me." She paused and then continued.

"Take a deep breath and ask yourself if my time rune language skills have improved since the last time I put you away. The answer is yes, I can make an hour feel like a dacade. Picture it, feel free to use your experience as a reference." She chuckles sinisterly.

"Picture being in a dark space for 3 centuries because you refused a pregnant woman her peace to have a disgusting sandwich while watching a series about beautiful people in a beachfront. Ask yourself if it is worth it. Now, I am going to drop this call, here is an idea and I am just putting it out there, don't call me again." She drops the call and he doesn't call again.

Hayley spent time with the woman as she told her about the fact that her entire pack is cursed to be wolves all the time except on the full moon. They were cursed by Marcel and a witch long time ago.

When the eight people came back from death including her parents it became a happy occasion for the wolves. Happy hauls sounded for a long time which alerted Klaus who sent people to find out what is happening and they were all killed by the angered pack.

Hayley is very thankful to Katherine for allowing her to have a family of her own. Her parents are back and are apparently friends with Marcel. They told Hayley how she was saved by Marcel and sent away when she was a babe.

Klaus came to check what is happening himself when he found Hayley in the midst of celebration and demanded she comes with him. Hayley refused and told him she is safe there with her family.

Klaus became angry and wanted to resort to violence but Elijah stopped him and Hayley told them that Katherine had brought her there to meet her own family since Klaus's father kept saying horrible things to her about her unborn child.

She continued to explain that Katherine helped bring back her dead parents from the other side. These people have not met in many years and she will not be denied a chance to meet her parents. Klaus demanded she gives birth and then do whatever the hell she wants next.

Hayley understanding that is his way of telling her she will not raised her own child became furious and told him she will not return. This is why he was calling Katherine to take his anger out on her. Klaus is not happy to have to contend with more people for the safety of his child.


"Husband." Katherine smiled when she saw Elijah walking in.

"How is my wife?" Elijah gave her a kiss.

"Are you not angry anymore?" She asked him.

"I am choosing to rise above it." Elijah closed his eyes as he hugs her.

"You are not angry that I brought back Hayley's dead parents?" She asked him.

"You did a nice thing. Why would I be angry with that?" He asked her incredulously.

"I can never understand the mind of a Mikealson." She confessed.

"He will come around." Elijah comforted her.

"I hope so. I was just helping her, she was so sad the only grandparents her child has is a couple made of a raging murderous witch and a psychopath who won't spare a moment not to antagonise her. She deserves a normal family, not to mention Klaus is a dick and a terrible wolf. The kid should learn what it means to be a wolf from a wolf."

Elijah held her tightly. "Is that what you wish for? A set of normal grandparents?"

"Yes. But My father was an asshole and my mother was too kind. If I could bring someone back, it would be my mother. But I don't have that option so I will give your brut of a father a chance." She said falling asleep.

The next evening is the dinner that Elijah had told Katherine about. Katherine wore a long beautiful dress that fits even as she is so big she feels like a bus. She had told Elijah to go on and she will come on her own.

"Where is that wife of yours Elijah, I don't see her here even though this is supposed to be a family dinner." Mikael said with a tone full of distaste.

Katherine entered walking with two people. "My ears are ringing. What? An old viking doesn't know women need time to put on make up?" Katherine asked looking at the older man with a smirk.

"Katharina. Who is your friend?" Elijah came to receive his wife and noticed a new face next to her who is looking straight at his father with murderous eyes.