
Bennett blood

Katherine has some idea of why this doppelganger is here, information is always important and right now she has it and the girl is desperate enough to come to her. She smiles as a plan to leave this place dances in the depths of her eyes. She doesn't come out to the light and just stand right before the light.

"What is it that you want?" She asks with Katherine's usual edge. She can see the surprise at the strength behind the voice. Katherine has been kept inside the tomb for a few weeks now. She should have a dry voice and a slowly decaying body.

"Caroline you should go. As long as I stay on this side of the barrier she can't hurt me."

"If you want anything from me, bring me a vial of Bennett blood. Otherwise go find that which you seek from somewhere else." She turns and leaves the two girls standing there dumbfounded. They can both hear the finality in her voice. They look at each other and Elena takes out a bottle of blood from her bag but there is no movement from the tomb.

"Katherine, I have blood." Elena says with confidence that it is enough to sway Katherine who has been starving for weeks inside a tomb.

"Not the blood I want." The dismissal in the tone is enough to squash whatever confidence Elena had inside her.

Caroline closed the tomb and they left. Katherine is not betting on her anyways. She will find a weak spot on the barrier, even the most powerful of arrays will have a weak spot where thieves like her will enter and do as they wish. The problem with that plan is that her spiritual energy needs to be powerful and steady.

She sends out her spiritual force outside her body towards the barrier. What used to be powerful enough to cover hundreds of miles is now reduced to a pitiful meters of distance. No matter, it is still enough for the current task.

Katherine studies the barrier and is surprise to find cracks all over, this barrier was indeed powerful in it's inception but too much time has passed. The source of power has also dwindled. It was linked to the bloodline of the witch who put it up but the number of descendants has reduced considerably since then.

Katherine inserted her own spiritual force to enlarge the cracks. The process is not as straightforward as it would have been if she had used the traveler method but it is something.

She made sure to focus on the space where the tomb version of a door is. A day later and she can put her hand through, just a little bit more and she will be out of this place. The 'door' opened another day later this time the witch named Bonnie is there.

Katherine ceased all actions just incase the witch can see the gaping whole in the barrier. By the looks of it, the little witch can't see anything.

"What is that smell?" Caroline being a vampire can now smell the stench of Impurities covering Katherine through the small whole on the barrier.

"There's no smell Caroline." Elena says with confusion.

It seems the human can't smell it. Interesting.

"It is good to see you little girls. Are we here to negotiate?" Katherine cut through whatever Caroline was about to say.

"I want to know what you want to do with my blood." Bonnie says with a harsh voice.

"Not important."

"Then I won't give it." Bonnie says.

"It is not up to you is it?" Katherine chuckles lightly. Bonnie frowns at the statement.

"You will do it, for Elena. The same reason you were willing to sacrifice your grandmother's life, the same reason you let 26 blood thirsty vampires ravage the place you call home. You will do it because the information I have in my hands is of great value to possibly save her family and friends which include you. Though it will not save her life." Katharine's cold voice came through.

"What?" Bonnie shout.

"It is who you are Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert's little witch servant. Just like how I had Emily back then." Katherine says with a lazy tone. She is hoping they will get mad and leave so she can go back to opening the barrier.

Bonnie's face turned pale at the insinuation. She turned her face that has hardened to face Elena. "Is that what I am to you?" She regretted asking that question the second she did. It meant that in her heart, she felt underappreciated.

"Don't be ridiculous. Elena is special, she is a Petrova doppelganger, you out to be honored to serve her." Caroline widen her eyes as she heard those words from a woman who sounds just like Elena. Shaking her head as if come to her senses, such a bad dream.

"Katherine stop it!" Elena shout in indignation. "Did you just want me to bring her here so you can turn us against each other?" She tries to salvage the situation by making insinuations but Katherine just laughs light heartedly.

"I only asked for a vial of blood, not the entire person. Most importantly any Bennett will do."

"Which brings us back to the question you are dodging. What do you want with it?" Bonnie's voice became colder.

"Whatever the hell I want. It is my payment after all. If you are not willing to cooperate you can leave. Little witch servant." Katherine says with venom in her tone. She can see the moment anger turned into rage inside Bonnie. Such a fascinating fledgling.

"Bonnie, even if we give her a small vial of your blood, after starving for so long she won't be able to keep it for whatever she wants to do." Elena convinced Bonnie who is stupid enough to buy into such a load of crap.

"You confuse me with that ripper boy toy of yours. I'm over 500 years old miss Gilbert, show some respect." She says with scorn.

"You don't sound like someone who needs Bonnie's blood. If anything you are stalling or trying to covertly chase us away." Caroline finds some courage. She is scared of Katherine but the barrier between them is encouraging.

"Hello Caroline. Have you've been playing with dogs? You reek." Katherine says in annoyance that she was discovered by a baby vampire, it seems her actions were not subtle.

"Are you avoiding what I just said?" Caroline gains confidence. "You don't want to talk about whatever it is that Elena wants to know and you keep us running in cycles." Caroline concludes. There is silence on the other side of the tomb. Then a chuckle sounded before a full blown laughter came through.

"Eh, you really are a treasure Miss Forbes. So, smart, so hardworking and so bright. Such blinding light is the reason I ended your life. So happy, even when you're not happy, even when you're being overlooked."

"Take now for an example, Bonnie is treating you coldly but, little Birdy told me that she is the reason you got into that accident. She is the one who pretended the device wouldn't work and she is the one who encouraged Damon, who was so eager to please Elena to feed you his blood. The witch is the reason you are a blood sucking monster that she now despise, I wonder if it is because every time she sees you she is reminded of a monster she has turned into after starting to practice magic."

"Please don't pay heed to an old lady in a tomb, she is probably bitter. Hehe." Katharine is having fun looking at the ever changing expressions on the three girls. She misses this feeling of messing with people it's simply the best. Even though she wants to make friends, she will want to have people on their toes. Katherine won't give that up even for potential friends.

Elena sends a look to Bonnie who reluctantly takes out a small plastic cup prickling her hand and then letting the blood spill. Bonnie, believes Caroline's assessment of Katherine and gives her blood. She gives it Elena after staring at her.

Elena sends her an apologetic smile but in the end Caroline and Bonnie left Elena. Elena puts the cup with Bonnie's blood on the floor and used a stick to send it inside the barrier.

"There, my end of the deal. Now fess up." Elena says with a hateful tone. A sigh comes from the tomb and soon a hand covered in black goo comes through and take the blood into the darkness. Elena is shocked and jumps back. She saw it, Katherine's hand that had retrieved the blood is covered in thick black substance making the entire hand look like that of a black monster. 

"What is that?" She shrieked in surprise.

"That, is none of your business." Katherine answered lazily as if unconcerned by what Elena had seen.

The following few minutes, Katherine tells Elena about the tale of Katherine including the massacre of her entire family. She then retreated into the darkness leaving Elena pacing in front of the tomb entrance.

Later on Stefan comes through but Katherine is not in the entrance to witness his rants about how much of a liar she is. When the stone door closes and there has been quiet for an hour, Katherine makes her way to the large stone and started drawing odd symbols, connecting them with a large line making the magic on the barrier flicker and disappear.

Katherine opened the tomb and stepped outside the barrier, she then closed it and made her way outside. She left the rest of the blood on the floor after erasing the drawings on the wall.

Taking a shower, sleeping in the guest room at the Salvatore house for almost two days without anyone finding out. She proceeded to Stefan's room and put on some of Elena's spare outfit.

A light short and a casual tight top. She then took another nap enjoying the comfortable bedding after a few weeks of sitting on hard rocks in meditation.

She might be a beast kin but foxes are known for their relaxed traditions and lavish style of living. To enjoy life as much as one cultivate strength. Another day went by and finally Katherine is ready to join this new world.

Going downstairs she found Damon drinking with the history teacher, Alaric Saltzman. "May I have a glass as well?" She asks. Damon thinks it's Elena at first but something is different somehow he just can't put in the effort to think about it.

He take a drink but before he puts the glass down his movement halted, the hand on the glass tightens with force, the glass shattered making him annoyed.

The truth is he has been learning all these legends and the run in with Mason and his increasing feelings for Elena, it's getting too much and now he has to deal with this bitch who destroyed his life. He speeds finding a random furniture, after breaking it he came back with a pointy wooden stake.

He tries stabbing it into her heart. The speed is fast but Katharine is older even without the fox beast reflexes she is faster and many times stronger. she didn't even glance at him when she took the stake and stabbed it to his neck not even putting down her drink.

Alaric looked at this scene with bated breath. "Jesus!" He exclaimed. He had not gotten a good reading at Damon's next move so everything happened very fast for him who is human. He gulped, this strong? The teacher gets on his feet with what seems to be a fighting stance.

"Katherine." He says with apprehension.

But his stance says he will fight if need be. This is loyalty, even though he is out classed and out matched he will still fight. There is beauty in the struggle of a weak life form. This is what the old monk called human spirit. It is tenacious and can not be bought he had said.

Damon removes the wooden stake in his throat and threw it on the floor, he speeds to her and grabbed her by the throat. He is attempting to lift her up, but her feet remain planted on the ground as she just smiles at him. She then taps his hand on her throat but Damon doesn't let go.

She rolls her eyes and then hold his hand, as if she is dealing with a child, she easily removes it from her throat. "You can just tell me if you don't want to pour me a drink, no need to be unpleasant Damon."

"How did you get out?!" He hisses. She let go of his hand and took a seat pouring herself another drink.

"I got bored in there, you should at least see your pet if you leave it in a cold dark place by itself. I thought we were going to play master slave naughty games. How disappointing." She likes to play with people's minds the most.

It is easy to see that Damon is seriously considering the implications of her words, does this mean what he had been so proud to pull off when he got her locked up was still just a game to her? Even when she passed out in pain she was just seeing what he will do with her? Had he not won against her at all?

She smiles at him and gets closer, her face is inches away. Her eyes are smiling fondly at him. "I was giving you a win Damon, why are you not pleased with my sacrifice?" She frowns like a child.

"Are you saying you were pretending the entire time?" Damon's eyes would set her ablaze if he could. This crazy bitch would really do such a thing? But why? Had she really been using them as entertainment the entire time?

"Of course not. I was completely at your mercy. Isn't that what you wanted? For the evil one to be defeated at your hands?" She blinks in confusion. Damon is dumbfounded by her words.

"I think I'll be leaving." Alaric tries to leave. Katherine set her eyes on him, pinning him with a hard stare. The look in her eyes is completely different from when she was talking to Damon a moment ago.

"Saltzman. You are a good man, but not good enough for my Izy." She says without mercy.

"Hey!" Damon warns. But Alaric just smiles.

"Why are you talking about her now?" Damon asks but he is not done hating her. He is just stalling so he can get his brother here. Katherine doesn't mind.

"Where is my sire?" Katherine asked while drinking bourbon.

"How did you know she is here?" Damon asked. Damon was hoping Rose would come back and surprise her because Rose is older than Katharine, so she might be able to defeat her.

"I saw her frail body yesterday in bed with you by her side, you looked all tired from taking care of her. I take it Trevor is dead?" Katherine asks with a raised eyebrow not feeling sorry at all. 

"By beheading. Courtesy of Elijah of Mikaelson." Damon said. Still stalling.

"Of course he did. Originals are a vengeful bunch. I wonder when will he make his entrance." She says to no one in particular.

"What? Friend of yours? Sorry I may have killed him." Damon says with a smirk. Expecting to see her surprised face or at least anger or fear. Something other than...

"Hehe.. you are cute. He will come, and Damon, curve your impulses in the presence of the Originals. They fancy themselves royalty." She warned but didn't expect anything to come of it. Damon will do what Damon wants, damn the consequences. This kind of chaotic spirit will prove to be fun in the future, and his love for his brother's girls is a recipe for entertainment.

"Ah, yes. Little birdy told me you fessed up on Elena about your tragic past. How pitiful, is that why you are here? To hand over Elena and Caroline to be sacrificed so he can grant you freedom?" Damon's spiteful words are truly venomous.

"Don't be ridiculous Damon. If that is what I was after, I wouldn't have shown myself to all of you." She said lazily.

"Then what do you want?" Alaric asks trying to hide the anger in his tone.

"Ah, still angry about Jenna's run in with a sharp object? Don't blame me, blame true love." She chuckles.

She was never a soft persimmon even when she was still a princess. This Katherine is right up her alley.

"What you did to her was not necessary." Alaric says through clenched teeth.

"It was a test for my descended. To see if she would like to leave her life within the supernatural world and live a normal life. Her strongest bond is the relationship she has with Stefan. Had she agreed to break it off I would have had her moved away from here, to a quiet place where she will live out the rest of her life. It was a deal I made with her mother after all." Katherine lied through her teeth. Once in a while she will have to come up with these lies to patch up the actions of her predecessor.

"I used the lives of her family to convince her but she remained stubborn. As a result, she will have to go through with the ritual and die. When Nicklaus descend, he will terrorize her, I will look like the Easter bunny in comparison." The drinks are not ideal but it quiets down the cravings for blood.

"That is a load of crap. You just wanted to be a bitch." Alaric adds.

Damon doesn't buy it, if he start to believe her actions had reasoning he might fall into a trap again.

"The truth of the matter is compelling her life away will not work if she is too deep into it. She is way too deep, willing to sacrifice everything and everyone she loves to remain by Stefan's side. There's nothing for me to do. Besides, if I wanted Jenna dead, the instruction would have said 'through the heart.' So I suggest you calm yourself before you die a horrible death again. I haven't fed." Katharine showed her vampire fangs making Alaric shudder but he doesn't show the disgust he feels.

Alaric takes his seat again but he doesn't seem comfortable in the presence of Katherine. "So tell us about this Klaus dude."

"I don't like talking about him." She says flatly.

"If I say pretty please, will you do it?" Damon mocks. "You still haven't told me how you got out." He is genuinely interested in this.

"My father was a traveler."

"What's a traveler?"

"Just know to run if you meet one. Very nasty. Hate witchcraft able to undo witch spells. Don't have access to normal magic so they improvise and make use of alternatives, they love blood magic." Katharine answered.

"They sound great." Damon said. 

"Really? I won't come to your funeral. You are a vampire, magic turned you from a dead corpse into a living dead. They have ways to undo magic. Cross them and you'll be just a boy shot by his father." She looks at his face with seriousness.

"At least now I know how you escaped your little prison time."

"I have travelers blood in my veins Damon. We don't need to be witches, even vampires can practice."

"You would tell me about this but refuse me the story of your life, why?" Damon seems drunk, Alaric left after it got dark.

"The story of my life is a tragedy, telling it will sour the mood. In any case, did you find closure with my defeat?" She asks.

"You are kidding? I spent a century loving and longing for the woman who didn't care if I lived or died. It will take more than just a few day of 'time out' for me to 'get closure' so whatever it is you were hoping to achieve, forget about it." Damon growl.

"It is not true that I didn't care about you. Some might say, I cared too much. But Damon, there is nothing I can do about the past. I came back for a reason and I can not have distractions."

"Why did you come back?" Stefan ask from the door way. Katherine regards him for a second and then looks back at Damon.

"Being loved by a monster will destroy you. Take my advice and let it go. In the near future I will be unleashing something akin to war the likes of which you have never seen, the consequences will be devastating. Pack your bags and leave town." She then turns to Stefan.

"It is too late for you. When the storm hits, you will drown. 100 years I stayed away so you would both be safe from me, from what I was running from, only for the two of you to be dragged in by the ....." She sighs.

"All my careful consideration was wasted on the likes of you." She gave them a disapproving gaze.

"There you go. You have started with your lies again, you expect us to believe that you stayed away from the two of us just so Klaus doesn't get to us? You are such a lying manipulative bitch." Stefan seems agitated but the hate on his eyes is suffocating.

Katherine just looks at him as if looking at a child. "Whatever. Take my advice and move." She stood up and went for the stairs.

She swayed a bit Damon sped to catch her before she fell. She looked at him and saw the torrent of emotions in his eyes. She struggled in his arms.

"You really haven't fed have you?" His face is inches away from hers. She looks at him and laughs. She knew Damon wanted to kill her he also wanted to believe her. Such contradicting feelings.

"There's three of you. So close." She blinks adorably.

"Why the hell haven't you fed? And how are you able to stay so long without feeding? You know I could kill you in this state?" Damon asks. His eyes gaining a dark luster.

"Then go ahead Damon. Death is a mercy." She says and Damon is stunned. She gets out of his hold and walks staggeringly towards the stairs.

The moment she gets to her bedroom she falls face down on the bed. Damon doesn't get to think about it, he gets a text from Rose. He takes Stefan with him and they go to save Elena.

Katherine can hear them leaving the house. The point she was making about Elena being ready to sacrifice everything to be a part of Stefan's world is undermined by her willingness to sacrifice herself in the ritual to save everyone she cares about.

Damon and Stefan get there and save her from herself when Elijah walks in and killed the vampires who were there to take Elena to Klaus.

Elena came back with the brothers to the Salvatore house. Katherine went to look for a couple of blood bags and groggily put them inside a micro wave to warm them when she heard a shrill.

"How the hell is Katherine out of the tomb?!" Elena asks loudly making Katherine drop the bags.

"Every person in this house has supernatural hearing you dumb bitch." Katherine frowned an looked at her bags on the floor.

The Salvatore brothers had forgotten about the fact that Katherine was out of the tomb. Elena made an angry face to them. Katherine picked up the blood bags and poured it all inside a cup.

"They didn't let me out, it was you who let me out when you gave me Bonnie's blood. Before throwing around the blame, think about the consequences of your own actions." Katharine looked at her with a bored expression.

"Then why are you here?" She bellowed.

"Is this place marked with your pee? Am I trespassing in your territory little girl?" Katherine asked with an amused smile. The house got quiet and an awkward silence ensued.

"Anyways, what stupid thing did she do?" Katherine asks.

"She went to contact Klaus, offering herself up." Damon answered subconsciously since he is pissed at Elena's action an her brother is just standing there looking calm.

"That's probably my fault. It makes sense though." Katherine says after glancing at Elena.

"What do you mean 'it makes sense?' She just exposed herself to danger." She can see Stefan agreeing with his brother.

"Well, Elena is scared. She is probably thinking if she doesn't commit the same mistakes I did and just meekly offer herself up to the chopping board, she will be spared the same fate that befell me all those centuries ago." Katherine nurses her blood tea.

"I ...." Elena is speechless. It really does seem like Katherine is the only one who can relate to her predicament.

"And had you been dealing with Elijah, though ruthless and just as much of a bastard as the rest, likes to put on a front. He shows the world this noble façade. So had you been dealing with him, he would have accepted your sacrifice and maybe even rewarded you for taking the initiative." Katharine said as she drinks the blood in the cup savoring the contentment it gives her.

"Are you saying that this Nicklaus will spit on her good will?" Stefan asked with what seems to be concern in his face.

"Maybe not but he would not be grateful, he would think it is as it should be. And let me warn you, any interference from the two of you Elena is the one with most to lose."

"What do you mean?" Elena got interested. Katherine just ignored her inquiry. Elena made eye contact with Stefan who understood and coughed.

"Would Klaus still hurt her people even after she offered herself up to him?" Stefan asked confident she will answer but nothing came out of her even after waiting for several seconds.

"Where is Rose?" Katherine asked Damon.

Damon realizes she is ignoring his brother, he is strangely in a good mood. "The moment she saw Elijah she bailed and left us there on our own."

"She has been running from him for 500 years Damon, she didn't mean to run." Elena said with a voice full of understanding.

"So, you were right about Elijah not being dead. How did you know?" Damon ignored Elena and asked Katherine. He can see Elena is jealous and hate that Katherine is here in their home.

"Original Vampires are special, I have seen them attacked, staked and even burnt with fire but come out alive." She said drinking.

"Why were you .... following them?" Elena asked

"Know thy enemy right?" Katharine said as she got comfortable in a couch putting her feet on the couch snuggling inside.

"Are you saying that we can't do anything? That this is a hopeless situation, we should accept our fate?" Damon asks in anger.

"You can do something, but be prepared for the consequences. There was one time when there were scared and ran, when someone came hunting them down. I just didn't get a good look at the enemy, I was too busy staring at a pretty face." This is true Katharine had seen the brother sister pair running away but didn't know from whom.

"You are lying." Stefan, seeing the despair in Elena's face interjects. "You feed us some wild story about a hunter just to waste our time while Klaus comes for Elena. You want us on a wild goose chase." Stefan sounding convinced of his own bullshit becomes even more agitated.

"You seem to have personal interest in seeing the curse broken?" Damon asks with narrowed eyes. He still remembers when she stabbed his throat with a stake, and that was her without feeding and now she is fed from his stash. His brother keeps antagonizing her.

"When is it appropriate to bring down a king?" Katharine suddenly asked making people in the room confused.

"When he is isolated?" Damon said.

"When he is desperate." Elena said.

"Yes, those are all important points. But I like to think, when he think he's won. At the height of his celebratory mood bring them down hard and ruthlessly. The higher someone has reached, the harder they fall. Gravity has always been heartless." Katherine says and the silence in the room is deafening.

"I think you are all focused on the wrong things. You should be trying to find a way to save the frail human snowflake. If she is sacrificed, Klaus gets what he wants and Elena gets to live." Katherine says. She has seen many people come back from death as long as their soul is still intact.

"What do you get from that? I thought you hate him? Why would you want him to break his curse?" Stefan ask trying to discredit her.

"I was offering a way that will result in less casualties. Personally I just want to achieve that which I traveled, prepared and suffered all this time for. Whether he breaks the curse or not, I will have what I am owed." Chills went up the collective spines of the three. They realized they may not know Katharine Pierce at all.

"What are you planning?" Damon stalks towards her with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He is desperate to save Elena he will even work with the devil himself if need be.

"That is my business. Call the witch servant she will come up with a spell that can save your frail human snowflake. That paranoid bastard will bring his own witch, his own werewolf and vampire to be sacrificed but if you get in his way, he will use one of you."

"And Damon, he will not kill Stefan, he likes him they have history. You on the other hand, not so much." She said and everyone looked at her. Stefan started laughing.

"Your lies know no bound, what is it you are hoping to achieve here? You seem invested in ensuring that this Klaus breaks his curse."

Katherine just ignored him. Damon seems to believe her, something in her expression. "What do you know?"

"Damon, don't believe her crap if I knew this man I'd know it. She's grasping." Stefan tries to interject but his brother ignored him.

"Stefan was dating his sister, Rebekah and became close with Klaus because of how cruel he was. You know how Stefan gets when he is on blood, that version of him appealed to Klaus and they were best of friends but then he had to take his sister and run to erase their tracks, he compelled Stefan to forget about them until he tell him otherwise."

These memories were buried and jumbled inside Katherine's mind but with the cultivator's mind space she was able to organize everything perfectly. Now she can recall any memories she desires.

"If you don't believe me, get a witch to undo your compulsion." Katherine finished her blood tea and started drinking bourbon.

"I don't believe you, vampires can't compel each other." Stefan said sounding angry. But his anger is directed at a wrong person. Katherine only seemed to find him funny.

"You are a ruthless savage creature who revels in the pain of your prey. You have destroyed millions of lives just because you can not control your own appetite. I only gave you my blood so we can meet again. You are the one who chose to feed and complete the transition. But you were not satisfied, you went and forced your big brother into turning so you won't be a monster by yourself."

"You are responsible for your own choices. Even after getting back the memories of my real face you went ahead and completed the transition. I am not responsible for the blood on your hands. That is all on you. I saw you from a distance, I had come back to turn you but then I saw you feed." She smiled when she saw his expression. 

"In order to live with yourself, you separate the Stefan who enjoys the hunt, the kill and the pain you inflict on your victims. Now there are two of you but for how long? Old vampires do not have a humanity switch, what will become of you when you lose the ability to separate the ripper from the one who hunt bunnies?"

"All the hostility is really because you hate yourself. You won't admit to yourself that you are a horrible person Stefan. So you project all the blame on to me, your sire. While in truth, it is yourself you despise. You love Elena because she is good. Pure and innocent. Most Importantly she is kind, it is the darkest of creatures who are most drawn to the light."

The room became silent. "But, for how long will you be able to be with her? She is human now, but the number of accidents surrounding her tells me she will turn at some point and when that happens, she will cease to be human frail snowflake and you will not be able to look at her with the same eyes you look at her now. Do you know why?"

"Because how can a man who doesn't love himself ever hope to love another? To truly accept and love another person for who they are? You are incapable of loving anyone Stefan. The reason is simple, you need a person like her to help you keep a leash on the evil that lays with in you. What will happen when she changes? Can you take it?" She mocked. Stefan wants to say something but she shuts him as she continues speaking. 

"First you will need to learn to accept that no body is just good, or just bad. You yourself have called your brother a monster more times than one can count, but is that all he is? No, he is fire, he is love, Damon is the kind that loves all of you no matter how damaged, no matter how evil. Tell me Stefan can a monster ever hope to fall as deeply as your brother does?"

"So one day, when Elena shows you another side to her, you won't be able to take it. Because you are a child. Well, grow up Stefan." She took another drink.

'Clap' 'Clap' "What a rousing speech. Katharina." His voice clear.

Everyone in the house turned to the door where a figure stood there with a creepy smile. He then pushed one foot to see if it will allow him entry and it did. He then walked in wearing a full suit. "I'm Elijah." He said as he touched the cuffs of his coat.

He walked slowly toward Katherine who stood there with a blank face. Elijah stood in front of her as if a heavenly judge to bestow punishment. He expected her to cower and beg for her life just like the rest, but she looked at him with nothing in her eyes.

The silence stretched on for a while until Elijah spoke. "Katharina." His eyes bore into hers staring her down as if to assert his dominance. But the woman just smiled and licked her lips, her eyes roamed over his body, for a moment he doubted whether he had clothes on.

"Elijah, when you say my name like one would a prayer, it makes me excited. Though I imagine not in the way you were expecting." Katherine says with a smile in her voice.

Elijah stood there, shocked at her behavior. He is aware of how terrified she was of his family, and of him. Yet, here she is making jokes. Everyone else in the room is also quiet, they are frightened of course but this is their home and he is the intruder not that there's much they can do to him.

"I see that you have not seen the error of your ways." His eyes darkened an imperceptible storm brewing in the depths. Elijah is not someone who looses his temper on a whim like his younger brothers. He is upset that she seems to treat him as with contempt but he is not here to argue with her. She is inconsequential to him at the moment.

"I see that it is not just the sound of my name from your lips, but the sound of your voice that makes my knees weak. Yes. Now I remember, it was this voice that comforted me and told me that my betrothed is quite taken by me and that things will be better once we wed. I remember now. Saying good things about your brother to me, just so I'd stay put and be butchered at your beast's leisure." Her expression turned cold.

"It was this gentlemanly noble façade that made me put my guard down. Father always told me pretty things are rotten inside. You and your family are indeed good looking. You are also just as cruel as you are evil. I should have listened to father." She clicked her tongue.

"You have grown rather bold over the centuries Katharina." Elijah's voice sounds low and dangerous, like a warning growl from a vicious predator.

"Ah, you are right. I should be quacking at your feet in fear now that the boogeyman is here. The monsters in the darkness have come to play, what ever will I do?" Her relaxed expression turned chilly as she stared him in the eyes. Her eyes clear.

"You will find that I care very little for your presence, though pretty, it means nothing to me unless of course, you were also involved in my family's massacre?" She look into his eyes that seem to have wavered for a fraction of a second. But returned to neutral just as fast.

Elijah regarded her for a moment before giving out a bemused smile. "You seem to have been surrounding yourself with children for too long, have you perhaps deluded yourself into thinking you can exact revenge on my brother?" He wait for her to answer but she does not. He let out a chuckle.

"If you think that you can defeat my brother you are delusional. The only thing that you will achieve will be your death and that will be mercy after your betrayal." Scornful words came out of Elijah.

He rather enjoys this look on her face as she tries to show a straight face. But her eyes show fury at his disregard. He will enjoy breaking her knew found confidence. He will destroy whatever plan she thinks she has and show her how insignificant her delusions are in the presence of real power.

This wrench she must have been running until her brain distorted if she thinks for a second that she can take him let alone Nicklaus. The audacity.

"Foreplay like this can only lead to sex." Katherine said irritating Elijah into grabbing her throat.

"You're quivering." She added. Elijah removed his hand from her neck and took out a handkerchief from his coat pocket and wiped his hand as if he had touched something foul. Katherine did not seem affected by this action.

"Betrayal. Hehe... you must think yourself something if preserving my life is seen as betrayal to you. Who the fuck do you think you are?!" The swear words sounded like thunderclap in Elijah's ears. The way she looked at him with scorn and that tone is full of distaste.

"Do you own my life? I'm supposed to just lick your shoes and offer my precious Petrova doppelganger blood to that filthy beast you call brother?" Such spiteful words. And she said them with ease. He may be in bad terms with Nick but no one should insult him in his presence. He is about to retaliate when her next words made him halt.

"I am not the one who cursed him and I am sure whomever they are saw him for what he is, a filthy monster that should not be allowed to exist in the same realm as those of heavenly children." Again with the spiteful words. Elijah clenched his jaw.

"I betrayed you? What the hell is it that gave you the guts? You mean nothing to me but a liar and a fraud who says one thing but mean something different. You are vile and despicable but most importantly you are pathetic if you think yourself betrayed by me for wanting to be far away from the likes of you and that runt you call brother." Elijah considers himself a well tempered man but she has gone too far.

She was soon thrown on the walls but she just bounced back up with a smile. "Ow? It appears I've struck a nerve." She was in front of him in a second, she moved fast, Elijah has been alive for a very long time. He is aware how fast a vampire of Katherine's age should be.

However, she just broke that record. She seems slightly faster than a 500 year old vampire. She is still not his match though, so if she plans on taking him on, she better have something else than a slightly faster speed that is still slow in his eyes.

"Enough with the foreplay." She looked at him in the eyes and his eyes dilated as she spoke.