
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Power Unleashed

"So we all know the plan?" asked Naruto as he looked at his team and the 5 guards standing over him.

"Yes, leave it to us Naruto!" yelled Lee as the others smiled at him.

"It will work Naruto." Agreed Sasuke.

"Just let us do our part. I'm actually quite impressed that kids like you can come up with such a plan." Stated the leader of the guards.

"Captain, the day we became shinobi was the day we became adults. Never underestimate a ninja because of their age." Stated Naruto with a smirk as the captain smiled at him.

"We will move out at dusk." Said Naruto.

"Hai!" responded everyone in the room.





"Are you sure it is smart of us to leave the island?" asked Prince Michiru as his guards helped him into a small sailing boat.

"We are sure. Once back on the mainland we will head to Konoha and get aid to return you to the throne." Said Naruto as he scanned the tree line looking for any threats.

"But the people will have suffered by then!" yelled Hikaru.

"Don't worry Hikaru we will be back to rescue the village. Guys how is the perimeter!" called out Naruto as he scanned his team.

"All things are clear." Said Sasuke from the beach.

"Okay! Get out of here you guys! We will stay for now then meet with you later." Said Naruto as he pushed the boat away.

"So what are we to do now?" asked Naruto as he grouped around his team.

"I was sure that the enemy would make a move on us by now!" stated Sakura as she sighed.

Suddenly a large white dragon flew from the forest straight towards the ground. Just before the dragon hit one could see five blurs jump away from the explosion created by the dragon.

"I was wondering when this guy would show himself." Muttered Naruto as he landed in the sand and glared at a man standing on a branch.

The man had long blonde hair and a wicked smile on his face as he faced Naruto's team. He had his arms crossed and was eyeing Naruto and his team.

"So you leaf shinobi are going to run for it?" asked the blonde haired man, who Naruto recognized from the bingo books as Deidara of the Exploding Clay…an A-Rank criminal who had just left Iwa.

"Deidara of the Exploding Clay. This guy must have paid you quite a bit for you to do a mission like this. Any chance you will just leave and let my team protect our clients?" asked Naruto as he took out his kunai.

"So you've heard of me! Un! Maybe this will be a good fight afterall…" said Deidara as Naruto smiled.

"Maybe, but I don't intend on taking it easy on you at all. I've never once used my full power in a fight yet. However, I think you are worthy of seeing everything I have." Said Naruto with a smile trying to antagonize Deidara.

"You little punk! You think that you will be able to beat me? Ha! You little run will be nothing than a footnote in the art of my explosions!" laughed Deidara.

'So that's why the Old Man told me to stop saying Art is an Explosion? This bastard! After I am done with him it will be mine! HAHAHA' laughed Naruto in his mind as he got a grin on his face.

"What the hell are you smiling at?" asked Deidara.

"Just the fact that you fell for our plan." Said Naruto as Deidara's eyes narrowed at the blond.

"What plan are you talking about? If you ask me it seems that you are at somewhat of a disadvantage. Your team has been discovered and now you are about to be taken out." Stated Deidara.

"You would be right if you guys had actually attacked my team." Stated Naruto as everyone in the clearing quickly disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "We knew that you were a powerful foe so we lured you out to face me while my team takes care of your comrades." Said Naruto with a smirk as Deidara started laughing.

"Please! That team of yours was nothing, but a couple of brats! My companions will track them down and make short work of them." Laughed Deidara.

"That's if they aren't already down and out for the count." Said Naruto as stared at Deidara.

"You have a lot of balls for a brat. Tell you what! Tell me where the Prince and his son are and I may not kill ya! Huh?' asked Deidara as Naruto just smirked.

"You see that would sound tempting, but sadly…" started Naruto before Deidara froze at what he heard. "You have no idea what you are up against." Came a whisper from Deidara's right ear as the branch exploded.

Deidara landed in the sand and looked at the Naruto standing only 20 meters away from him, before he poofed in a cloud of smoke. 'Kage Bunshin?' asked Deidara as he jumped back to avoid a series of kunai sent at him from the dust created from the explosion earlier.

"You think you're hot stuff because you know one good jutsu! Well let's go!" Yelled Deidara as he stuck his hands into his pockets and pulled them out to reveal two mouths on each of his hands.

"Clay Puppet Warriors!" yelled Deidara as both his hands puked out a two clumps of clay that quickly took the form two tall and lengthy warriors. The quickly made their way over to where the dust had settled to show Naruto and two clones facing the two clay soldiers.

The two clones quickly charged at the soldiers and formed Rasengan that he quickly rammed into the chests of the soldiers causing them to explode on contact.

'That clay packs quite the punch.' Thought Naruto as he watched the dust settle before a large amount of clay birds flew through the dust towards him.

"Futon: Great Breakthrough!" yelled Naruto as he shot a blast of wind at the birds causing them to fly back through the cloud causing a series of explosions.

Naruto stood still as he waited for Deidara to make another move as suddenly the ground around him exploded as a large centipede wrapped around him body.

"Gotcha! KATSU!" yelled Deidara as he reappeared on top of a large clay bird.

Naruto's body was quickly consumed by the explosion and Deidara laughed into the wind thinking that he had easily defeated the cocky brat. "Haha you really thought that you stood a chance against me?"

"Futon: Drilling Air Bullet!" came a shout from above Deidara.

"What!" yelled Deidara in surprise as he turned his head in time to see Naruto shoot compact ball of air at his bird. Most surprising though was the fact that they were 20 meters off the ground.

Deidara quickly jumped away from his clay bird right before it impacted with Naruto's jutsu. On impact the bird exploded in a massive blast that created a shock wave that could be felt across the island.

Deidara quickly made another bird as he landed on it's back and looked around trying to spot Naruto. Suddenly a flash from his side alerted him to the kunai that was about to impact his side.

Deidara wasn't fast enough and Naruto had drilled the kunai right into Deidara's right lung causing Deidara to cough out blood. "It's over." Declared Naruto.

"That's what you believe!" yelled Deidara as his body slowly started to turn to clay. "Katsu!"

Deidara and the bird exploded suddenly to surprise of Naruto who blinked away just before the explosion overtook him. Naruto reappeared on the beach holding his left arm that was covered with burns from the explosion.

'Crap! I was positive that I got him with that attack!' exclaimed Naruto in his mind as he made two shadows of himself and had them scan for Deidara.

"I have to admit you are pretty good at escaping from my attacks! However, I have noticed that your disappearing act seems to take some time!" came Deidara's voice as he appeared above Naruto riding yet another clay bird. Surrounding Deidara were what seemed like hundreds of smaller clay birds.

'Fool…that's not the only attacks that I have.' Thought Naruto as he made the sign for his old favorite jutsu.

"Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Shouted Naruto as he summoned about 100 clones around him.

"What do you think that is going to be able to do punk?" asked Deidara as he eyed the army of clones.

'Well I hope this works…this is going to cause a huge freaking explosion!' thought Naruto as he started to focus his chakra.

"Get him boys!" yelled Naruto as he pointed at Deidara as his clones jumped into the air trying to get Deidara. Someone would call the act stupid as Deidara was a good 50 meters away flying out of reach of a simple jump, but Naruto wasn't called unpredictable for anything.

"Cute." Muttered Deidara as he gazed at the smirking Naruto. Suddenly his eyes widened as he saw the Blondes blue eyes suddenly shift to a bright purple that easily stood out in the fading light.

"What the hell is up with his eyes? Does he have a dojutsu?" asked Deidara.

Naruto stood behind his clones with his Rinnegan shining with power as he gazed at Deidara. 'First time I actually use it in a real fight.' Thought Naruto as he extanded him palm at Deidara.

"What they hell is he doing?" yelled Deidara as he felt the blond gather a large amount of chakra.

The clones had just reached the apex of their jump as Naruto muttered two words that seemed to echo across the battlefield with a massive amount of force behind them.

"Shinra Tensai!" he muttered as a massive force of gravity slammed into the group of one hundred clones sending them at break neck speeds that caught Deidara by complete surprise.

"NAMIKAZE HELLFIRE MISSLE BARRAGE!" yelled every single clone as they started glowing pure white as Deidara suddenly realized the amount of danger he was truly in against such an attack.

'I can't escape!' he thought as the clones reached the center of the mass of clay figures and detonated from the center out!

Naruto watched as his clones created a massive explosion that lit up the sky in an impressive show of force that one would be able to see for miles all around. He even had to use chakra to shield himself from the shockwave and the heat even made him shield his eyes.

"Damn there is no way he could've escaped from that! Good thing too…my chakra is about at a quarter of my normal strength." Muttered Naruto as he heard laughing coming from a cloud of dust.

It cleared to reveal a heavily injured Deidara covered with burns covering most of his upper body, but the worst was his hair that was half way burnt away. "This isn't the end! I swear that one day I will make you pay for what you have done!" shouted Deidara as he glared at Naruto.

"What makes you believe I will let you escape? Bansho Ten'in!" declared Naruto as Deidara suddenly flew towards Naruto's extended hand. Naruto was ready to finish the fight with a Rasengan in his free hand.

"Rasengan!" he yelled as he slammed the ball of chakra into the gut of the surprised.

'Gotcha…what is this crap!' thought Naruto as the Deidara that he had just defeated started to turn to clay before exploding with Naruto still holding it.

Naruto appeared twenty meters away with bruises and burns covering his body as his clothes had suffered greatly at the explosion that had nearly killed him. 'I shouldn't have gotten cocky there! Where is he? Did he run then?' thought Naruto as he used to his chakra to summon clones to look for his enemy.

"Hey Boss! I think that his him over the ocean!" yelled one of his clones as Naruto ran over and gazed at the speck in the sky with his Rinnegan.

"Yeah…that is him. He used to clone to distract me while he made his escape." Stated Naruto as he dispelled his clones.

'Guess I should head towards the castle. They should be there by now and should've started fighting. I better save my chakra though...' thought Naruto as he jumped into the forest and started moving towards the council.





Lee and Sakura stood three meters apart facing against their large opponent. The beginning of the fight hadn't gone in their favor exactly due to the enemy ninja using a poison gas on them that slowed their reaction time.

This led to them, more specifically Lee getting a beating earlier in the fight while Sakura started working on a medicine against the poison. Luckily her training for the past few months came through and she had completed it and given it to an exhausted Lee.

"I have this Sakura…go to the others! They need that medicine now more than I need help!" declared Lee as he pulled his pant legs up revealing his weights.

"Okay Lee…be careful." Sakura stated as Lee gave her large grin, that seemed out of place considering the blood and bruises on his face.

"Don't worry my Blossom! The Lotus of the Leaf always blooms twice!" he shouted as Sakura smiled and started to run up the stairs.

"Don't think you are going to get away!" shouted the large man as he dashed at Sakura only to be blocked off by Lee.

"You aren't going anywhere! Your fight is with me now!" stated Lee as he charged at the man and nailed him in the face .

The man flew across the room and landed on his feet while wiping the blood away from his faces. "Lucky hit." Declared the man as Lee smiled at him.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Said Lee as he jumped into the air and flipped in the air while pulling on some chain around his ankles. During the apex of his flis twelve bars flew at the man, but he dodged easily enough.

However, what he didn't anticipate were the bars to cause the floor to partially cave in from the force at which they impacted to the ground.

"Yosh! Now I can move much better!" declared Lee as he disappeared from the man's sight.

"Leaf Hurricane!" yelled Lee as he suddenly reappeared in the middle of a spinning kick that impacted with the arm of the man causing his entire arm to go numb. Lee didn't stop there and brought his other foot around and slammed it into the face of his opponent.

This completely knocked the man back and allowed Lee to score some more unanswered attacks before he could retaliate. Lee knocked the man to the ground and jumped back a few meters while he waited for him to get to his feet.

"You scum! I will crush you!" yelled the man as Lee crouched down.

"This will be my final move!" declared Lee as the ground around him started to crack from the power he was summoning. Slowly veins started to appear on his head and his body turned red.

"THIRD GATE OPEN!" yelled Lee as he disappeared from view.

The man could do nothing more than utter a syllable as he was kicked into the air by Lee. Suddenly he felt agonizing pain as he felt himself get smashed from every direction.

Lee suddenly appeared right above the man as they were at the top floor. Lee's hands were then covered with flames as he procedded to lay a beat down on the man punching him hundreds of times as they approached the floor at an insane speed.

Lee did a flip in midair and slammed his foot straight into the face of the man, creating an audible snap at the moment of contact that broke the mans neck. The force from the blow blew the man through 4 feet of concrete and into the basement where he laid dead and defeated.

Lee appeared on the floor above on his one knee panting from the amount of strain he put on his body while using the gates. "Definitely easier than fighting Gaara." Smiled Lee as he fell onto his back.





Hinata was fairing fairly well against her opponent and would've won by then if there wasn't a gas affecting her senses. However, her speed and skill was far greater than the annoying girl she was facing.

She had even scored a few hits on the girl as she kept using hit and run tactics on Hinata that were starting to take their toll, via poisoned laced kunai. It wasn't fatal, but it was slowing her body even further, but she still had a few cards up her sleave.

"Hinata!" shouted Sakura as she landed by Hinata with a small syringe! "I have the cure for their poison!"

Hinata had wondered why Sakura was with her instead of Lee, but with that statement Hinata instantly understood why Sakura had found her. The syringe in her hand was obviously the cure.

"What how did you already create a cure! I spent years trying to find the perfect blend!" screamed the girl as she glared at the two.

"It took you years to make something like that? I figured out how to fix in like a minute…that's pretty pathetic of you!" retorted Sakura as she gave the cure to Hinata.

"I'll kill you!" The girl screamed as she charged at Sakura with both Kunai drawn.

"8 Trigrams 64 Palms!" yelled Hinata as she charged at the girl, who was too slow to move and was received every single one of the hits that Hinata delivered. Hinata finished the attack with a chest palm to the chest of the girl that sent a burst of chakra into the heart causing it to shut down.

The girl flew back wards and impacted with the wall as her hair slid off to show that she was wearing a wig. "Glad she shut up." Stated Hinata. It wasn't that she liked killing it was just that she had gotten more use to the fact that she was a ninja and ninjas were forced to kill.





"I never thought I would actually see someone kill there own employer on a mission like this." Stated Sasuke as he stared at the leader of the enemy ninja with his Sharingan eyes activated.

"It doesn't matter anymore I just want to kill you ninja for screwing up my plans!" shouted the man in anger as he charged at Sasuke.

'I have to avoid that arm of his until I can disable it. He seems to be jounin level, but his speed suggests that he is only around chuunin in speed and strength. Most likely he relies heavily on his arm and whatever jutsu he has.' Thought Sasuke as he jumped out of reach of the arm and shot a string of fireballs at the man.

"You won't be catching me with that arm of yours." Stated Sasuke as he continued to fight at a distance from the man.

"Damn you! Doton: Spikes!" shouted the man as he slammed his hand onto the stone roof. This caused a series of spikes to shoot out of the roof and travel the distance to Sasuke.

Sasuke easily predicted the trajectory of the spikes and avoided them with ease as he kept watch on the ninja. Suddenly a bright flash on the other side of the island alerted Sasuke to a massive explosion the lit up the sky for a few seconds.

It seemed to be a massive chain reaction that started at one point and resonated out to a massive semi circle. Soon he felt a small shockwave from the blast and was amazed that an explosion like that was even possible.

"Seems like Deidara is having fun with one of your friends. It won't be long till he joins us here and you all lose." Laughed out the ninja before him.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. If you hadn't noticed there were two types of explosions in that blast. One was white and the others were yellow. I know for a fact that only Naruto has a jutsu that has white light explosions…for all you know that Deidara has already been killed." Retorted Sasuke as he reengaged the enemy ninja.

Sasuke was doing well against the ninja as his Sharingan eyes gave him an easy disadvantage against such opponents that used taijutsu and ninjutsu…especially when they were only mediocre ninja in the first place.

Sasuke kicked him away and jumped back to get distance between himself and ninja and smirked confidently at his opponent. His opponent had received quite a few deep cuts from Sasuke during their bout and was favoring his right leg.

"You wait! Once I get a hold of you, there will be no chance of you winning!" yelled the ninja as his arm started glowing.

"Sasuke!" yelled Hinata and Sakura as they entered the rooftop.

"Hinata! Sakura! I guess you guys handled the ninja you were supposed to fight?" asked Sasuke with a smirk as Hinata and Sakura joined him at his sides.

"Piece of cake Sasuke! Those ninja didn't stand a chance!" declared Sakura as the last opponent growled at the three gennin before him.

"That's impossible my brother and sister would not have been beaten by gennin!" declared the ninja as he gripped his hand even tighter.

"Believe it!" came a voice from behind him as his hand suddenly shattered for an unknown reason and he suddenly felt a kunai pierce his left kidney.

"My team was more than enough to deal with low rate ninja like you." Said the voice again as a boy suddenly materialized out of the shadow casted by one of the torches on the castle.

"Naruto!" cried out Hinata in worry as she saw her boyfriend's state. His clothes were ripped apart and scorched while it appeared that he had suffered burns on his right arm and chest area.

Naruto smiled at Hinata as he pulled the kunai out of the man's kidney and let him fall to the ground dead. "Don't worry Hinata these aren't too ba…" was all he was able to say before he collapsed.

"Naruto!" they called out as they ran to their friends side. Sakura immediately started to diagnose his problem and heal the burns that were covering his body.

"The burns aren't too bad and they should be fine tomorrow, but he is suffering chakra exhaustion…I've didn't even know he could suffer something like that?" stated Sakura as they all nodded.

"Heh you try fighting an A-Class criminal and then traveling across this island in less than five minutes!" was the last thing Naruto said before he fell unconciouss.

"Why does he have all the fun?" asked Sasuke a little irked that Naruto could beat an A-Class ninja.

"What! He's lucky he didn't die!" screamed Hinata as she pulled Naruto up into her chest and held him there.

Sasuke got a sweat drop on his face as he saw Naruto smile despite being unconscious as he was pulled into Hinata's chest. "Pervert…" whispered Sasuke as he walked over to the edge of the castle and saw a large detachment of men arrive out of the woods.

"The soldiers are back…guess Naruto moved faster than I thought." Said Sasuke as Sakura walked up beside him.

"Do you think the captain will be able to talk sense into them?" asked Sakura.

"I'm sure he will…besides once they see the prince they will be forced to stand down. Especially since that guy over there won't be around to command them." Answered Sasuke as he pointed at the stone statue of Shabadaba. (Anyone else think his name is stupid?)





"So your saying your going to double the amount of pay for the mission and you will open up a trade agreement with Fire Nation for our services?" asked Naruto as he looked at the happy new King.

"Of course I am! I need to start looking out for my people! Hopefully having Konoha as an ally will help protect them from any threats in the future!" responded Prince Michiru.

"Okay then my team and I will be leaving tomorrow. Thank you King Michiru, I hope your people and you have a long period of prosperity." Said Naruto with a smile.

"Well actually Naruto, I have taken the liberty of to send a letter to your Kage explaining that you ninja need a week of rest here in my nation." Stated the King as Naruto looked confused.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Naruto as his team looked equally confused.

"Where you will be resting is on the Northern end of the island at our White Sands Resort, known for one of the most beautiful beaches in the world!" exclaimed the King ignoring Naruto's question.

"Oh! Yes you are right after all! Sasuke was way too exhausted after his battle after all! Dang Uchiha don't know how to do anything right!" exclaimed Naruto going along with what the king was saying.

"Hey what do you mean I was the one exhausted! You were the one who was unconscious after his battle!" yelled Sasuke in anger.

"Poor delusional boy doesn't even remember the battle!" exclaimed Naruto in sadness.

"I tried to fix the damage Naruto…but it was a little too much." Added Sakura as she looked a little sad.

"Wait? Are you guys serious? Did we actually have another battle that I forgot about?" asked Sasuke in confusion as he never expected Sakura to ever play a joke on him.

"Yosh! There were many enemies Sasuke! It is a shame you do not remember it at all!" exclaimed Lee.

"If I were Sasuke I don't think I would want to remember. It was embarrassing for you to be caught off guard like that." Stated Naruto as Sasuke looked really confused.

"Are they telling the truth Hinata? You never lie!" said Sasuke with one last ray of hope.

"Well I don't see how you couldn't dodge such a large hammer…the guy wasn't even a ninja." Whispered out Hinata as Sasuke's mouth dropped as he finally accepted what happened.

"Then what happened? Somebody tell me? Did I beat any of the ninja?" asked Sasuke hopefully.

"Trust us Sasuke! You don't want to remember that battle." Said Naruto as he took a stock of documents from Prince Michiru, who was barely keeping a straight face.

"Well team it seems we have earned of R&R let's get going! By the way thanks King!" yelled Naruto as his team disappeared.

"Dad…I want to be a ninja. So that I can personally protect our people." Stated Hikaru with a smile.

"Maybe I'll ask Konoha to help us have a small ninja force for the future. You know what I'm going to go on a diet and get fit with you! Maybe we can try and convince your mom to come back home too!" stated Michiru with a smile as Hikaru smiled at him and nodded with excitement.





"Man I am going to miss that beach!" complained Naruto as his team approached the gates of Konoha.

"It was nice to just sit back an relax for the week on the beach. Even though we did train a lot!" yelled Sakura as she glared at Lee, Naruto, and Sasuke. All of whom had the decency to blush at the accusation.

"Well you never know when trouble might occur! It is best to stay at our peaks at all times." Retorted Naruto as Hinata pulled on his arm.

"Don't you think it was a little too much to nearly drown Lee when you trying to teach him how to swim?" asked Hinata.


"Or when you blew up that restaurant?"

"Also when you attacked that shark and started riding on it's back like a surfboard?" added Sasuke at the end with smirk.

"Shut up Teme! You know for a fact that me riding that shark was perhaps one of the most epic things you have ever seen your entire life!" retorted Naruto as he glared at Sasuke.

"Naruto Namikaze!" yelled a ninja as he landed before the team. "The Hokage wants to speak with you urgently! The rest of your team is to wait outside the Hokage Tower while you get a debriefing!" ordered the Ninja as he disappeared.

"Okay, I will meet you guys there!" said Naruto as he blinked away from the group.

"That ninja sounded frantic." Stated Hinata.

"I wonder what happened while we were away?" asked Sakura as the group proceeded to the Hokages tower.