
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

House of Cards

(Oni- 6'2'' with a brown skin color, with long braided hair, and brown eyes. He has an affinity for fire and specializes in kenjutsu. He carries twin medium swords that he uses in conjunction with his fire affinity. His personality is cold to all, but his teammates who he would give his life for without hesitation. Shini Namikaze gave me him as a character in my story.

Dung (pronounced young)- 5'11' looks similar to Shikamaru, but has very long girlish black hair that is unkempt. He is very lazy and pessimistic often looking at the bad side of things. He hardly shows personality and when he does his teammates get mad at him as he states the worst possible things to think of. He is a ninjutsu specialist that has a high affinity for lightning jutsu. This character was made by adngo714.

Arashi Kajiseito- 6'1'' with golden tan skin, short red hair with gold streaks. He has Sky blue eyes with a gold ring outlining his pupil. Has a dojutsu that enhances the sight of the person who uses it. Wears a normal Jounin uniform and has archers gloves. He has an affinity for fire and lightning jutsu. Uses them in conjunction with his Bow, and is pretty good at using seals for explosives. Happy go lucky joker of the group, but when the fighting starts he becomes quite serious. This character was made by StormFirestar.

Joe Gren- He is a large muscular ninja that has a western appearance and stands at 5'8''. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He is a good Samaritan and often does the right thing for no particular reason at all. His weapon of choice is a large double-edged polearm. He relies completely on taijutsu and is just below the level of Gai.)


Naruto wasn't in too great of a mood as he had been kicked out of the hospital earlier by that slut of a attendant.

'She's lucky that it's illegal for ninja to attack civilians or I would show here what a real demon is capable of.' Thought Naruto as he decided to make his way to a training field to practice.

Not to mention he could probably just go see Hinata later that night. She was only in the hospital for precautionary reasons associated with concussions.

He would actually be able to get some alone time too if she stayed awake all night like people who get concussions are supposed to do.

Anyway back to his training he was using his shadows to improve how in sync he was with them. If they fought against the same person it would be like fighting a team of ninja who had been together for their entire life.

In a sense it kind of was as Naruto had been himself his entire life, but he didn't like to think of it that way.

There were unlimited possibilities when it came to his shadow manipulation. They didn't even have to take the form of himself if he wanted.

After some experimenting he could turn them into animals, but when they became animals he had no idea how to move with them as he wasn't familiar with how they were built.

'Yo, Zeratul how close are the physiology of a human and a Protoss?" asked Naruto as a thought came to him.

"Our species were remarkably similar in how we were built. There are some fundamental differences as we lacked the power of speech and our bone structure was a little different. Overall though we were much more closer in that sense than with the Zerg." Stated Zeratul.

"So would it be difficult for a human to learn how to move like a Protoss?" asked Naruto.

"Yes it would be, but it isn't impossible. I have come across humans who could do almost as much as my species. It took much training, but the results were promising." Replied Zeratul.

"Well then let's hope this works!" said Naruto out loud as he made a hand sign and focused on one of his shadows.

Slowly the shadow began to morph into a taller figure that was pretty skinny. It had bluish gray and scaly skin. It had bright blue eyes and was wearing golden armor that covered most of its body. It had long dreadlocks coming out of its head that reached down to the knee.

It was a Protoss Zealot now and Naruto couldn't believe what he had achieved. He focused his mind completely on the shadow and took control of its movements. This was a mistake however as he took one step and promptly lost control of the body.

"You will need much more training than that to be able to control the body of a Zealot. The leg structure is quiet different so moving is much more different and the balance is weird too." Said Zeratul.

"Thanks for the help, but being able to turn my shadows into Zealots will be really intimidating. Plus by the looks of you guys, you were made for close range combat and being able to move fast." Said Naruto out loud.

"You do realize that you have been talking out loud this entire time?" said Zeratul in his mind.

"Well how else am I supposed to talk to you?" asked Naruto out loud again.

"I am in your mind. All you need to do is think it and I will hear it." Replied Zeratul.

'Oh that makes sense.' Thought Naruto.

"Yes, not get back to training. I want you to focus on the physical aspects of your training. Get stronger, faster, and work on your wind chakra control. Then with the Nara's you will focus on Shadow Manipulation." Said Zeratul.

'That sounds like a good idea Zeratul!' thought Naruto as he made a bunch of shadow clones to work on wind manipulation, while he stuck a large boulder on his back and proceeded to be chased by a bunch of his clones.

It was all-dark along the rooftops of Konoha as Naruto moved from building to building in the shadows. He knew that there were many ninja on patrol in the village since there were numerous other ninja from enemy villages in the village.

Not to mention the Sandaime had flipped out when he discovered what had happened to Hinata in the Forest of Death. However there wasn't anything he could do about it since it was during the chuunin exams and no one was actually taken by Kumo.

So here was Naruto moving along the shadows completely out of sight. He wasn't too fast moving through the shadows, but he had learned that he was completely undetectable like this. Especially at night as during the day one could easily spot his shadow moving across the ground.

However at night he just blended along in the darkness moving unseen through the endless void. He eventually arrived outside Hinata's room and looked inside to see Hinata staring at him through the window, however she couldn't tell it was him as she was just looking out into the darkness.

Her eyes shot open however when she saw a mass of darkness begin to rise out of the roof from the building across the street.

She was about to scream out when she saw that it took the appearance of a certain blonde that she knew and loved. Although she would never be able to bring herself to say it to his face.

She opened the window and allowed him to jump into her room from across the street. "What are you doing here Naruto?" asked Hinata.

"Well I wanted to see how you were doing Hinata. I was worried for you, it was bull how that bastard beat you. I would've been here sooner, but the attendant wouldn't tell me what room you were in and demanded that I leave." Said Naruto in a clearly annoyed voice.

"That's okay Naruto, but why did you come see me now?" asked Hinata.

"Well I knew that you would be up now. Plus it allows us to talk to each other and not have to worry about anyone else interrupting us." Said Naruto with a smile.

This in turn made Hinata blush deeply as she realized that it was true that they were all alone. The things going through her mind would even make a Spaniard blush with embarrassment.

"You okay Hinata? You were spacing out for a second." Asked Naruto as she sputtered out an answer.

"I'm okay Naruto…" she said shyly.

"You have no idea how long it took me to get across the village to see you. I told the Hokage about what happened and he has twice the amount of Shinobi protecting the village, so I had to use one of my shadow jutsu to get here." Said Naruto as he sat on a chair.

"Is that how you came out of the shadows on the roof?" asked Hinata.

"Yep! I learned it before the Chuunin exams, but I haven't been able to use it much. It makes it impossible to sense me, but you can still see the shadow when it moves across the ground so it doesn't work during the day." Explained Naruto.

"But at night it is invaluable as you can practically sneak into anywhere using it as long as there are shadows." Said Hinata as she lay down on the bed and looked at Naruto.

"That's true Hinata. So I have been meaning to ask you something since we got out of the forest." Said Naruto nervously as a blush came to his cheeks.

"What is it Naruto? You can tell me anything…I won't judge you." She said as she gave him a smile.

It was then that Naruto realized that he had to do something before he asked her the big question. How could he ever possibly allow her to go on a date with him if she didn't know some of the most important things about him.

He had to tell her now, before he went any further. This would have to include the Kyubi, his father and mother, and a very sage like being inside him from another planet and time.

"Well there are some things I need to tell you before I ask you the question I was going to initially ask you. You see there are some things about me that most of the village knows except the people of our generation and younger." Started Naruto as he glanced at Hinata to see her looking at him questioningly.

"Whatever it is I'm sure it will not change the way I think of you." Said Hinata as she softly smiled at him.

"Just let me tell you first before you already decide Hinata. You know how the Kyubi was killed by the Yondaime 13 years ago?" asked Naruto, but he was silenced as Hinata began to hug him.

"I already know Naruto! You were chosen as the savior of our village and yet most of it treats you worse than trash!" cried out Hinata as Naruto's eyes widened in surprise.

"What…but how did you know?" asked Naruto as he could honestly not believe that Hinata knew this whole time and was still his friend.

"I overheard people talking about you Naruto…the things they said about you made my blood boil. They have no idea what type of person you really are!" cried out Hinata.

"But I lied to everyone! Why don't you hate me for not telling you myself?" asked Naruto.

"Because I understand how you can be so afraid of rejection Naruto. Each day that pain festers in me and there is nothing I can do about it!" she said as Naruto hugged her back.

"There are two more things I need to tell you Hinata, then I will ask you a question that I want you to answer with knowing all of the facts." Said Naruto as Hinata nodded her head.

"Now the Yondaime is perhaps one of the most noble Kage there ever was and he would never ask anyone to do something that he wouldn't do himself. I have always wondered who my father was and one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. Why would the Yondaime take some random kid from the streets and put so much trust in him." Started Naruto as Hinata went wide eye in realization.

"You see he didn't chose some random kid. He chose the one kid he knew he would always be able to trust. That one kid was his son born just before the Kyubi attacked. That boys name was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze." Said Naruto as Hinata's mind went blank at that information.

"You are the son of the Yondaime?" said Hinata as if it was statement, but she was really just trying to confirm that information.

"Yes I am, it was hidden from me to protect me from my fathers enemies." Answered Naruto.

"But if the village had known you wouldn't be hated like you are Naruto." Stated Hinata.

"Yeah, but I would probably be like Sasuke if they knew. I doubt you would be my friend if I acted like that." Said Naruto as Hinata laughed a little.

"Yeah, but you aren't and that is all that matters. Aren't you mad at your father for sealing the Kyubi in you?" asked Hinata.

"Well at first I was upset, but then I realized that he only did what was best for the village. Although I wouldn't have done the same if I was him." Said Naruto.

"What was the other thing you said that I needed to know about you?" asked Hinata.

"Oh well that my powers come from some eternal source of energy known as the Void. It is basically a bloodline as it will be passed down to my descendants." Said Naruto.

"So is it going to be like the Nara's bloodline then?" asked Hinata.

"It is a little different than the Nara's but it is more potent and suited for combat. The Nara's bloodline is suited more towards support." Said Naruto.

"What was the question you wanted to ask me then Naruto?" asked Hinata as she noticed Naruto blush and look a little uncomfortable.

"Well uh…I was uh…wondering if um…yeah if you uh…wanted to go hang out over this month? You know…alone...just you and me?" Naruto managed to get out.

'Is he asking me if I want to go on a date with him over break?' squealed Hinata in her mind as she believed her dream was coming true as he face turned a bright pink.

"I mean only if you want to go on a date with me." Whispered Naruto as he was so nervous of if she would reject him or not.

"YES! I mean I would love to go on a date with you!" she shouted at first, but then calmed down.

"Really! Thanks Hinata, I'll do something real nice for you too!" said Naruto in an excited tone as he hugged Hinata. She suddenly went limp in his arms and he noticed that she had passed out on him with a smile covering her face.

'Ehh…that is my Hinata.' Thought Naruto as he laid her down in bed and quickly left the room in case someone heard Hinata yell yes.

Naruto got as much sleep as he could that night so that he would be awake to see the Shikaku-Sama. This would be perhaps his first real step to becoming Hokage, if he wanted that hat then he would need support.

What better support to have than the Jounin Commander of Konoha and perhaps one of the greatest strategist ever, at least until Shikamaru grows up a bit. This was going to hopefully be a very good political move in the future.

He had been hearing rumors from older shinobi that the civilian council was gunning for his head and to keep low if he knew what was good for him. They weren't trying to intimidate him, they were just looking out for him as the civilian council could get to anyone.

This was due to the efforts of one man on the council and his name was Danzo Shimura. The man was said to have been Hiruzen's rival and quit the shinobi forces after his one branch of ANBU were disbanded.

However, there were rumors that he still controlled ANBU, but no one could prove this, as the man was paranoid as hell that someone would catch him in the act. There had been a few investigations, but the man had never been charged.

Naruto had even heard that at several points of his childhood the man had offered to take him under his wing and turn him into a weapon for Konoha. That sent shivers down his back just thinking about it.

Those fears of him being a weapon would hopefully end with him becoming friends of the Nara clan. Hopefully they wouldn't blow any of the secrets he was going to tell them, but he never knew when it came to most people.

He dressed in a new uniform he had just bought to look professional to the head of Nara's. It was a black ANBU uniform with a tight urban cameo combat vest for seal tags and smaller weapons. The ANBU uniform had two crests on it to represent his clans, one was the swirl of the Uzumaki and the other was a blue orb surrounded by yellow lightning representing the Namikaze.

He was wearing black ANBU pants with kunai holster on his right leg for convenience and on his knees and elbows were urban cameo kneepads. The uniform he wore also came with a red and black cape that hid his face from view.

He jumped out his window and headed to the Nara compound that was on the other side of Konoha. It was pretty easy to find as it was right by two other compounds that were Chouji and Ino's clans.

He arrived there with a few minutes to spare and waited patiently at the gates for Shikamaru to come out and greet him. It was just like Shikamaru to be about five minutes late.

"It's about time you got out here Shikamaru!" said Naruto as Shikamaru lazily put his head out his door.

"Yo Naruto! My dad said that he will meet with you. I can't help but wonder what you wish to speak to him about though." Said Shikamaru as he ushered Naruto into the gates.

"Well I'm not just talking to him. I want you to be in there and listen to what we have to say." Said Naruto as they walked into a formal looking room with two couches in it.

"I thought you clans liked to use mats?" asked Naruto as he sat down on the one of the couches.

"Well you can't sleep on a mat can you?" asked Shikamaru boredly.

"I guess that makes sense for a Nara." Smiled Naruto the door opened. Naruto quickly jumped to his feet and bowed his head to Shikaku.

"So this is Naruto Uzumaki, I was wondering when I would first meet you. Shikamaru has said some pretty strange things about you lately." Said the older Nara.

"Nara-sama, I have come here to discuss two things with you today. I believe what I have to offer will be quite beneficial to your clan." Stated Naruto.

"Really? This doesn't have anything to do with your sudden use of Shadow Techniques have anything to do with this?" asked Shikaku in interest.

"Yes and no, there is something else that I must talk to you about after I tell you about my Shadow Manipulation." Stated Naruto.

"Okay, then what is it that you want to discuss then young Uzumaki." Asked Shikaku.

"I would like to ask for an exchange of techniques and training so that I may improve and so may your clan. I have a large collection of techniques that I am pretty sure are not being used anywhere else." Stated Naruto as Shikaku studied him for a second.

"If that is so then there is little that my clan could actually offer you in forms of training, so what is it that you really want for some of your techniques?" asked Shikaku.

"You are right, I know for a fact that neither you or I will be able to use all of each others techniques, but I believe that in exchange for a few modified versions of my techniques order of protection by an influential clan of Konoha can go far for someone trying to become Hokage." Stated Naruto. Shikamaru couldn't believe what he was hearing from this Naruto.

He knew that the blonde gennin had changed quite a bit lately in the way he acted, but this was just beyond what he was suspecting. Two weeks ago he didn't believe that Naruto had what it took to be Hokage.

Now though he was cunning, smarter, strong, and a politician at heart. He knew that the Nara clan couldn't learn most of his techniques, but the ones he modified were probably very effective still. All he wanted in return was protection and support from his clan…something they probably would've done for much less.

"Those are some generous terms there Uzumaki, we have given support for far less so why do you feel so generous?" asked Shikaku.

"Well to be frank I wasn't sure if you would hate me like everyone else in the village for what I contain. Besides that isn't the only order of business that I wish to discuss with you." Explained Naruto.

"What are you talking about? What is it that you contain Naruto?" asked Shikamaru in curiosity.

"Are you sure you want my son to know Uzumaki?" asked Shikaku.

"Yes, I do believe it is time that a another person of my generation knows of my…burden." Stated Naruto.

"What burden is that Naruto?" asked Shikamaru as he was paying attention fully to Naruto.

"That the Yondaime never killed the Kyubi, but sealed it into his son." Said Naruto. This statement made both Shikamaru and Shikaku go pale, but for different reasons.

Shikamaru just believed that Naruto knew who the Kyubi was sealed into, but Shikakau already knew that Naruto held the Kyubi…meaning he was the son of the Yondaime.

"Is that true Uzu…I mean Namikaze?" asked Shikaku as Shikamaru now went wide eyed again as he realized the implications of what Naruto had just said.

"You are Minato and Kushina's son?" asked Shikaku in shock.

"Of course I am…we both have blonde hair, my mom was due to give birth to me that day, and who else would my father use to seal the greatest of the demons in?" asked Naruto.

"You are they Kyubi's host and the Yondaime's son? Troublesome blondes…" stated Shikamaru as he just sat down again and closed his eyes.

"Anyway that brings me to my next order of business. After I become Chuunin I will be having Sarutobi announce my heritage to village. I will need support from at least three major clans to allow me a seat on the council for the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan that I will create." Said Naruto.

"However if the civilian council tries anything before the exams, I will need your support then. They are greedy and will probably try to put me through the C.R.A. I don't plan on being subjected under their rule so I would like for you to stick up for me if I announce my heritage early." Added Naruto

"So I'm guessing you want me to talk to Chouza and Inoichi about a future alliance between clans? Then you would like to put the civilian council in their place?" asked Shikaku.

"Exactly, I will declare all three clans allies and friends of the Uzumaki-Namikaze. After this all three of your clans will be considered Noble Clans since my mothers clan the Uzumaki are a family of Daimyos from Whirlpool." Stated Naruto as Shikaku looked at him analyzing all that he said.

"Very well…I guess you want me to tell both Inoichi and Chouza about this deal? Besides I wouldn't mind sticking it to those pompous civilians." asked Shikaku.

"That would be best, and this is a SSS-rank secret that no one may know until I announce it to the public." Stated Naruto.

"Very well Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze you are now formerly a friend to the Nara Clan. When do you wish to exchange Jutsu?" asked Shikaku.

"Tomorrow if you don't mind?" asked Naruto.

"No that is no problem at all…by the way there is someone in Konoha who might want to take you as his apprentice. He is Jiraiya the Toad Sage, he trained your father and most likely would jump at an opportunity to train you too." Said Shikaku.

"Oh really, you mean the Godfather that was gone for my entire life?" asked Naruto in a curious tone.

"Umm…yeah he should be around the Hot Springs this time of day." Stated Shikaku nervously.

'I may have just killed Jiraiya…' thought Shikaku as he said good bye to Naruto.

'So my dear old Godfather is here in the Leaf and I know his exact location? I think it is time I got some revenge and make him feel guilty for never visiting.' Thought Naruto as jumped from roof to roof.

It took Naruto just less than a minute to make it to the springs and quickly spotted a wild mane of white hair peeking over the fences of the Hot Springs.

'That pervert! I will make him rue the day he ever peeked on a girl!' thought Naruto evilly.

Naruto quickly sunk into a shadow and started to slowly make his way to Jiraiya. He moved from shadow to shadow to avoid detection and was soon right below the pervert.

"Hidden Leaf Thousand Years of PAIN!" yelled Naruto as he shot out of the shadow and jabbed Jiraiya in the butt. Jiraiya was launched into the air holding his rear end and howling like a girl and landed right in the middle of the girls in the hot spring.

"That's what you get for peeking on girls, and thanks for being such an awesome Godfather!" shouted Naruto as he laughed and decided to go to Ichiraku's for some ramen.

"Yo Teuchi! One bowl of chicken ramen please?" asked Naruto as he sat at the bar and smiled at Teuchi and Ayame.

"So Naruto I've been hearing some rumors going around about a certain brat making it to the Chuunin Exam Finals. Any idea who it is?" asked Ayame with a knowing smile.

"Let me think? Does he have blonde hair, blue eyes, whisker marks, and the power of being awesome? If so then I guess it could only be me then." Said Naruto as he smirked at Ayame.

"Well you better win brat! I have over 5000$ on you to make it past the first round, that is a 10 to 1 odds. Then I have 8000$ on you making it past the second round, which is 20 to 1 odds. Last I have 10,000 on you winning the finals, which 30 to 1 odds. So if you don't win I'm going to castrate you!" said Teuchi as he brought out the Ramen and put it in front of the flabbergasted Naruto.

"A-are you s-serious?" asked Naruto as processed what Teuchi had just said.

"Of course I am brat! We have been saving up for the past 8 years now so that when you entered the exams you would win it all!" said Teuchi as if he knew it would happen.

"But that is 23,000 dollars! How can you have so much faith in me?" asked Naruto as tears came to his eyes.

"You may not know it brat, but you may be an Uzumaki, but in our hearts you are an Ichiraku too and part of our family." Said Ayame as she smiled at Naruto.

Naruto had tears in his eyes as he looked at the two people who considered him an actual part of their family. He jumped over the bar and hugged both of them as much as he could without hurting them.

"Thank you…I will win I promise that! I will not disappoint you two, believe it!" shouted Naruto.

"Alright just get off me now. I don't really like all the touchy feely things about this!" said Teuchi as Ayame laughed at both of them.

Soon they were back in their respective places and Naruto was just chatting with them about the secret they would learn after the Chuunin exams. Just when Naruto was about to leave a person stepped behind Naruto and grabbed his shoulder.

"Are you the one who vaulted me into the hot springs?" asked the man.

"Are you by any chance Jiraiya of the Sannin?" asked Naruto in response.

"Why yes I am now answer me." Stated Jiraiya forcefully.

"First tell me why I am named after one of the characters in your books." Responded Naruto forcefully as he turned and glared at Jiraiya.

"W-what?" asked Jiraiya as that comment though him off his game.

"You know exactly what I mean, lets talk somewhere else. The Roots in the leaf run deep." Said Naruto cryptically, but Jiraiya got the message as his eyes widened.

Jiraiya ran through a few hand signs and grabbed Naruto before they both disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

They both reappeared on top of the Hokage's monument and Naruto now stared at Jiraiya with an expectant look on his face.

"What?" asked Jiraiya as he didn't like Naruto's face.

"Why is it that this is the first time that I am meeting my Godfather when I have been alive for 14 years now?" asked Naruto.

"How did you know?" asked Jiraiya in shock.

"It wasn't too hard after I finally learned how to use my brain. Now answer my question, if I like it then there will be no hell to pay." Said Naruto in response to his question.

"It's not surprising you found out who your father was. You remind me of him greatly, not just your looks. I'm sorry I wasn't there for most of your life. I know it isn't the best excuse, but I have had to run a spy network through the nations." Said Jiraiya.

"So you are like Konoha's resident spy master?" asked Naruto skeptically.

"Yes I am! I know what the enemy will do before they know it themselves! Not only that, but I am an author of several best selling books through the Elemental Nations." Exclaimed Jiraiya in a proud voice.

"Yeah, I already know about your books. I prefer your first though…it is much better written and seems to be a book written by a man of great values. You should've continued with books like that instead of just working on that smut you call literature." Said Naruto as Jiraiya looked a little ashamed.

"Most people don't believe in such principles anymore. They care more for the smut than books of ideology and a new world." Said Jiraiya in a saddened voice.

"So why have you returned now then?" asked Naruto.

"I returned so that I could report on my findings of Orochimaru and so that I could finally start to train you. Your father wanted you to learn three techniques from me and I intend to do so." Said Jiraiya.

"Well why should I allow you to help me in the first place? I have been doing just fine with Kakashi and myself. I have the Naras helping me on some jutsu during the next month." Said Naruto.

"True, but Kakashi is training the Uchiha now, since he needs it more than you at the moment. I can teach you techniques that would make you the envy of others. Two of them were made by your father, but I can't fully do the last one." Said Jiraiya, trying to convince Naruto to allow him to teach you.

"Yeah I know Kakashi is with Sasuke, but that is needed considering who Sasuke is fighting. I can look after myself, and my techniques are quite sound at the moment…but if you want to make it up too me you better not slack off." Stated Naruto seriously.

Jiraiya's face broke out into a big smile as he started to run through a few hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" yelled Jiraiya, suddenly a poof of smoke separated Naruto and Jiraiya.

When the smoke dissipated a large toad was between the two. It had a large scroll in its mouth. It quickly dropped the scroll and disappeared from the clearing in another cloud of smoke.

"So what is this?" asked Naruto as he eyed the large scroll.

"This here is the Toad Summoning contract! After signing it with your blood you will be able to summon toads to help you with just about anything. The toads have always been allies of Konoha and the boss even helped fight the Kyubi." Explained Jiraiya.

"Well let's get this done then." Said Naruto as Jiraiya opened the scroll. Only two names had been signed yet, they were Minato and Jiraiya.

Naruto bit his finger and signed his name in blood on the scroll. It glowed bright crimson for second before fading into black like it was ordinary ink.

"So now I can summon toads with that jutsu you used earlier?" asked Naruto.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Naruto. It will be some time before you will be able to summon anything big. It is pretty hard to perfect the art of summoning." Explained Jiraiya.

"Well are we going to get to training? You aren't the only person I will be training from, at 8 I do my physical regime, at 11 I will be training with the Naras, and at 3 I can train with you before I will finish with extreme chakra training." Said Naruto as Jiraiya nodded at him.

"Sounds like a sound plan. Right now though I am going to show you the basics of the summoning jutsu, so lets go find a large clearing to train in." said Jiraiya.

"Got it Pervy Sage." Said Naruto as he followed behind Jiraiya. He didn't notice the dreaded look that came over Jiraiya's face when his back was turned.

'Damn brat has no idea how much he is like his mother and father. I guess I will be training two Hokages in my lifetime…which makes a new record for Konoha!' Thought Jiraiya.

"So Brat the first thing about summoning is that you must focus on what you wish to summon otherwise you won't get the right toad for the job you have. You may get one meant for scouting when you are in a fight or you might get one for fighting when you need a scout. Thankfully this is the easiest part of summoning." Said Jiraiya.

"So as long as I focus on what I want to summon then I should be able to summon it?" asked Naruto.

"Not exactly. Some toads require massive amounts of chakra to summon and some require exact amounts to be summoned so control is very important. However, to summon a boss or one of equal strength it takes a massive amount of chakra to do." Said Jiraiya.

"Okay so what are the hand signs to the jutsu so I can start practicing?" asked Naruto as he was excited to finally start.

After getting the hand signs from Jiraiya, Naruto practiced doing them as fast as he could to get it in his muscle memory and to make it extremely quick.

"Are you going to do the jutsu or just practice with the hand signs all day?" asked Jiraiya.

"Sometimes it isn't the strongest jutsu, but the fastest that wins the day." Said Naruto as he went through the hand signs again.

"That is exactly what your father told me when I taught him this jutsu." Said Jiraiya as he smiled at Naruto.

"Well I think I have the hand signs down now! Let's do this!" Yelled Naruto as he went through the hand signs and called out the jutsu before slamming his hand on the ground.

There was a large cloud of smoke about three times bigger than Jiraiya. When it cleared it revealed a toad the size of a bear with a large shield on its back.

"Jiraiya why did you summon me?" asked the confused toad.

"What? But how did you manage to summon a large toad on your first try?" asked Jiraiya as he kinda ignored the toad for Naruto.

"I've been practicing my control a lot lately. What's your name?" asked Naruto to the toad as he ran up to it.

"You summoned me?" asked the toad with surprise in his voice.

"Yep! You're the first toad I've tried summoning." Smiled Naruto.

"That is quite impressive. What is your name?" asked the toad.

"I asked you first!" said Naruto loudly to remind the toad that Naruto had indeed asked.

"Oh yes my name Gamashiru. Now what is your name?" asked Gamashiru.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! It's nice to meet you Gamashiru." Smiled Naruto as he shook the toads hand.

"So you are the son of Minato? I met him once when I was but a tadpole. He mistakenly summoned me on his very first time. It is nice to know that this might one day be considered to be a family tradition." Said the toad.

"Wow that is awesome! I guess that means I'm better than what my dad was at this age." Said Naruto as he smiled widely.

"Don't get full of yourself brat. Your father learned this jutsu at the age of 10 right after he graduated the academy." Said Jiraiya.

"My father graduated at the age of 10?" asked Naruto, clearly surprised by this information.

"Yes it is along with two others who I took on as my team. One of them died and the other retired after making chuunin at the age of twelfth. He and your father were very good friends even after he retired." Said Jiraiya.

"Really? Who is it?" asked Naruto curiously.

"Sorry, but you won't find out until after the chuunin exams." Said Jiraiya as Naruto pouted.

"Dang…hey I have something that I need to ask you." Said Naruto.

"If it is about your fathers friend then forget it." Said Jiraiya as Naruto scowled at him.

"No, it is about me announcing my heritage after the chuunin exams. I'm going to talk to Jiji about it and ask him if he will. However, I might have to reveal it earlier if the civilian council learns of my shadow bloodline. If that happens will you back me up?" asked Naruto with hope clearly evident in his eyes.

"Kid I wasn't there for most of your life. Now that I'm here I don't plan on leaving you to those wolves. If you reveal your heritage I will stand by you like I should've your entire life." Said Jiraiya as he smiled at Naruto.

"Thanks Pervy Sage!" said Naruto brightly as he sunk into his shadow before Jiraiya's fist connected with his head.

"Going to have to better than that." Said Naruto as his head rose out of the shadow 6 feet away.

"That's a good escape jutsu." Pointed out Jiraiya.

"Yeah, but it is really slow and people can follow my shadow out in the sunlight. Well I'm going to get going to talk to Jiji! Seeya Pervy Sage!" said Naruto as he sunk into his shadow and left the clearing.

"I can't sense his chakra at all when he is in that shadow." Said Jiraiya softly as he left to do more research.

Sarutobi was breezing through the paperwork for the day using a couple of shadow clones. Without having to do the bane of all kages Sarutobi had time to see his family, train, visit the academy, and most importantly read his favorite books.

It just so happened that he was reading the so called book when his window burst open a familiar blonde landed in the room in front of the desk. Quickly Sarutobi stashed the book away so that Naruto didn't see it, but luck was not on his side.

"Are you telling me that you read that smut that Pervy Sage writes too? Why is it that everyone of my teachers is a pervert?" asked Naruto to no one.

Meanwhile the Hokage was processing what Naruto had said and was blushing from being caught in the act. "S-so I'm guessing that you met my student Jiraiya today?" asked Sarutobi.

"Yes and we discussed a few things. You see I'm planning on doing something before or after the chuunin exams. It has something to do with what I discovered a couple of weeks back about how much I resembled the 4th Hokage." Said Naruto. He noticed sweat begin to form on the Hokage's face.

"I realized that there was no way for the 4th to choose a child that could turn either bad or good. So he would have to choose someone from a family that he could trust. There were no clan children born on that day, but there was a child who was born nameless to a nameless family. I realized that that was me." Stated Naruto slowly.

"What are you trying to say Naruto?" asked the nervous Hokage.

"That the only reason for keeping everything such a big secret was to protect the son or daughter of an important man. Now since there wasn't a single clan child born on this day and the rest are still civilians…well that means that it would be a Hokage's child. So I came to the conclusion…that I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." Stated Naruto at the end with such firmness that it surprised the old man.

"You are correct Naruto…please don't hate me for lying, but it was to protect you from your fathers enemies. You would've been hunted everyday of your life by assassins from other villages." Explained the Hokage desperately.

"I understand Jiji…I realized that right away. You have always been there for me in my times of need. I will always see you as my Grandfather." Smiled Naruto.

"Thank you Naruto…would you like to take up the name of your family now that you know about it?" asked the Hokage.

"Yes I will Jiji, but I want to wait until the Chuunin Exams if I may. That is unless the civilian council decides to do something about my new shadow bloodline." Said Naruto.

At this the Hokage started laughing confusing Naruto quite a bit. "That's funny now that you brought it up. The Council wants a meeting to discuss your new bloodline in Konoha and what they should do with it." Said the Hokage.

"Already?" asked Naruto with wide eyes. 'It's only been one day since the second exam ended!'

"Apparently a ninja witnessed you use your shadows for combat and the Civilians are making a big deal about it." Said the Hokage.

"Whatever, when is the meeting so I can show up and personally put them in their place?" asked Naruto.

"It is in three days at Noon. Be here an hour early so you can walk in with me." Smiled the Hokage.

"Thanks Jiji, I have to go train now! I'll stop by soon though!" yelled Naruto as he walked to the window.

"Wait! About your inheritance your parents left you a mansion, some jutsu, all their possessions, and 345 million dollars. You will receive it the second you are promoted to chuunin." Stated the Hokage with a smile on his face.

"WHAT!" yelled Naruto, this information caused him to stumble back a few steps. Unfortunately he was right by a window when he stumbled back. Thus him falling right out the window and the Hokage on the verge of a heart attack from him learning of his inheritance.

"Damn Jiji!" yelled Naruto as he picked himself off the ground.

"Guess I should go do some extreme chakra control…then go see Hinata!" said Naruto as he jumped through the village to go train.


Naruto's last three days had gone by quickly as he spent most of the time training with Jiraiya, the Nara's, or Hinata now that she was back on her feet. Surprisingly Naruto picked up a few higher-level jutsu from the Nara's while he taught them a new clone that was like a regular bunshin, but still retained the ability to transfer memories.

It couldn't be used for training, but in spying it was invaluable. It cost very little chakra and formed from their shadow.

Jiraiya and him had been practicing the summoning technique and Naruto could easily summon smaller to medium size toads. The largest one he had summoned this far was the size of a small house.

Jiraiya told him that after the council meeting they would go and try to summon Gamabunta. If he managed to do that by the end of the week then Jiraiya would teach him a jutsu that his father created.

Hinata and him had been hanging out every night for the past three days and had been warming up in the mornings together. They weren't really dating, but when Ino had cornered Hinata, to see where she went each morning and night, she started calling them beauty and the beast to Naruto's displeasure.

The only things they had done so far were hug a few times and hold hands when they were alone. He couldn't help be nervous around her. She just made his heart race lately and he loved it.

Back to what was going now, we find Naruto standing outside the council doors with the Hokage on his right and Jiraiya on his left. Inside he could hear banter from many different people about his fate in Konoha.

'Didn't know I was that popular.' Thought Naruto sarcastically.

"Okay I will enter first and Naruto you and Jiraiya will enter when I call for you." Said the Hokage as Naruto nodded. The Hokage entered and all arguing in the room subsided for second before everyone started to scream again, but Naruto couldn't hear what they were saying since the doors had just closed.

"You sure you want to do this brat?" asked Jiraiya.

"Yes I am…I'm tired of them walking all over me in life. Besides I think you might find that I might have more support than what you think." Said Naruto as Jiraiya smiled at him.

They waited for about five minutes before they received word that they were to enter the room. When they entered all the talking immediately stopped, all of the civilian councilmen were glaring at Naruto while the shinobi looked at him with indifference.

"Hokage-sama, what is that thing doing here? I wasn't told that he would be attending this meeting?" asked one of the braver councilmen.

"I'm here since this meeting is all about me and my bloodline. It is in my rights as a ninja of Konoha to attend any council meeting that directly involves me." Said Naruto as the civilians glared at him.

"We are getting side tracked from why this meeting was called. We were discussing the use of the C.R.A. on the boy so that we can have more users of his bloodline in Konoha." Said and injured looking man in the back.

Naruto immediately recognized him as Danzo since the two had talked in the past before. He had even come offering to train Naruto, but the Hokage found out and put a stop to it before it could start.

"We should take seamen samples to impregnate women and make a new clan." Said one of the civilians.

"That is against the laws of Konoha to take seamen from a living bloodline user to be used for breeding. If the C.R.A. is to be used then Uzumaki is the one who has to carry it out." Stated Shibi Aburame.

"What and allow women to be ravished by this thing?" asked the another civilian council member.

"You can all say Kyubi if you want. There is no one in here that doesn't already know the truth. That the Kyubi is sealed in me and you civilians don't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll." Stated Naruto.

"You see! He even admits to being the Kyubi!" shouted the only women council member. Naruto had seen her before when she had picked Sakura up from school…it was her mother.

"My apprentice here did not once state that he is the Kyubi. He is right as I am the our leading sealing expert here I can inspect the seal and can tell that it is just as strong as ever." Said Jiraiya to the shock of everyone, but Chouza Akimichi, Inoichi Yamanaka, Shikaku Nara, and Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Why would you take on that thing as an apprentice when you could take on Uchiha-sama?" asked one of the civilians.

"I don't know…maybe I owe him it." Stated Jiraiya with a smile.

"We demand that you train Sasuke Uchiha!" yelled one of the civilians as the rest nodded in agreement.

"Do you realize who you are trying to order? I am Jiraiya of the Sannin! I have the largest most thorough spy network in the Elemental Nations. I have enough power to fight a Kage and you a bunch of civilians are demanding me to train someone?" said Jiraiya angrily.

"He is right! The civilian council has no say in whom a shinobi trains. They only have a say in the C.R.A. and the creation of clans in Konoha." Said the Hokage.

"It doesn't matter who they want in the C.R.A. as I am not taking on more than one wife. My heart will belong to one person only and that is final." Said Naruto to the outrage of the civilians and Danzo.

"You can't refuse the C.R.A. demon!" yelled one of the civilians.

"Well normally you would be correct, but I was looking through a few documents earlier and found an interesting law about the C.R.A. You see as long as a shinobi has the support of three noble clans and the support of the Hokage then he can opt out of the C.R.A." said Naruto with a wide smile.

"What are you talking about? There is only one noble clan in Konoha and that is us the Hyuga." Said Hiashi Hyuga.

"Well you would be correct, but as of yesterday there are now three more noble clans in Konoha." Said Naruto with a smile.

"How can that be and which clans are they?" asked one of the civilians.

"Well let me think for one second? First there are the Nara, then the Akimichi, and last the Yamanaka clans." Said Naruto as all three stood up.

"I Shikaku Nara, head of the Nara clan give my support to Naruto as a friend of the clan." Said Shikaku.

"I too give my support to the young man." Smiled Chouza with a jovial smile.

"I with my friends give my support to the Gaki." Said Inoichi.

"Your clans aren't Noble Clans so that support doesn't matter." Yelled one of the civilians.

"As of last night we are." Said Shikaku with a smirk.

"But how?" asked Hiashi.

"What is the one rule for being a Noble Clan Hiashi?" asked Chouza.

"You must be allied to the family of a current or past Daimyo." Said Hiashi.

"Well there you have it. Last night our three clans signed a deal with the heir of Whirlpool Country. He is the last of the line of Daimyo's and a clan here in Konoha that we believed was extinct." Said Shikaku.

"Impossible all of Whirlpool and the their royalty were wiped out during the Second Ninja War!" yelled one of the civilians.

"That is not true as the last of the two clans is in this room right now." Said Jiraiya. Many looked at him in confusion, but the rest of the clan heads and Danzo looked at Naruto in surprise as he smirked a bit.

"I immeditaly petion that Naruto Uzumaki is to be placed in my training program so that I may bring out his full potential!" yelled Danzo.

"No! Naruto isn't some tool that can be used like that!" yelled the Inuzuka Matriarch.

"It doesn't matter anyway as I have taken Naruto on as my apprentice and after the chuunin exams he will be my full time apprentice just like his father was before me." Stated Jiraiya with firmness.

Now the Civilian Council had been wondering what the Shinobi Clan Heads were talking about ever since the heir of two clans was announced to be in the room. If that was the case then why would they start fighting over the rights to train some demon orphan.

However, when Jiraiya announced that he had trained the Demons father. Even they weren't dense enough to not figure out who is father really was.

"Impossible! There is no way that this thing is the son of our beloved 4th Hokage!" yelled Sakiri Haruno…aka Sakura's mom.

At once all of the civilians started screaming about lies the demon made up and how it was manipulating all of the clans into working for it.

"Silence! Naruto is indeed the son of the 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze. His mother was Kushina Uzumaki, the last of the Uzumaki clan and the heir of the throne of Uzu. This makes Naruto the sole heir of the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan, this also makes any clan that is allies with his clan to be of Noble Status." Stated the Hokage making all of the Shinobi be silent, but the civilians persisted.

"What proof of this is there? Minato and Kushina were never even together before the Kyubi attack." Yelled Sakiri again.

"The marriage was done in secret a year and a half before the Kyubi attack during the 3rd Shinobi War. I along with Jiraiya, Tsunade, Yugao, Kakashi, and Hiashi were all present for the marriage. Right here is the documentation if you would like to see it." Stated the Hokage as he handed out fake versions of the marriage license and the birth certificate.

"Well if everything is wrapped up here, I have to get back to training today. Hopefully I'll be able to summon Gamabunta by the end of the day…by the way this is a SSS-rank secret that is punishable by torture and death if you tell anyone." Said Naruto as he smiled at the civilians.

'Take that you dicks.' Thought Naruto as he left with Jiraiya on his tail to begin training.

Naruto and Jiraiya went to one of the largest training grounds that Konoha had to offer in preparations for the next big step that he had in summoning. He had to summon the Toad Boss and make a verbal contract with him so that he could summon the toads in combat.

Jiraiya said that not many could impress the Toad Boss, but those who did gained a valuable ally for life.

"So I just a put a lot of chakra into the Jutsu and I should get the Toad Boss?" asked Naruto hesitantly.

"Something like that…" smiled Jiraiya.

"Not one to give too much away huh?" said Naruto as he went through the seals for summoning while drawing out a massive amount of chakra.

"Summoning Jutsu!" yelled Naruto as he slammed his hand on the ground.

Suddenly he felt himself shoot up into the air as a cloud of smoke surrounded him. He could see nothing, but he could tell that he was at least six stories above the ground on a soft, yet firm ground.

"Jiraiya! Why did you summon me now?" yelled the giant toad, that Naruto must've realized was Gamabunta.

"It wasn't me Gamabunta! It was my new apprentice who summoned you." Shouted Jiraiya as he cowered under the glare of the Toad Boss.

"You expect me to believe that you get an apprentice and in three days he can summon me? Where is this gaki that Gamashiru was talking about anyway?" yelled Gamabunta.

"I'm right here Mr. Boss sir." Said Naruto as he walked in front of Gamabunta's eyes so that he could see him.

"You look familiar Gaki. Has Jiraiya ever introduced us yet?" asked Gamabunta.

"No, but you have seen me before, but that was almost 14 years ago on the day I was born. You helped my father seal a certain angry fox into me and left me at the mercy of Konoha." Said Naruto as Gamabunta's eyes widened.

"Your Minato's child! Look kid I may have helped seal you, but that doesn't mean you can guilt me into believing that you are worthy of using my clan." Said Gamabunta as his one eye glared at Naruto.

"I wasn't counting on it at all Sir. I will earn the right to use the your clan through any means necessary!" said Naruto as he matched Gamabunta's glare with a defiant stare.

"You have guts to stand up to me kid. Okay I will let you use us toads for one battle in the future and if that toad says you are worthy of fighting with us then I will allow you to become a member of the clan." Said Gamabunta.

"You got a deal Sir." Said Naruto as he smiled at Gamabunta.

"Good, Jiraiya next time you summon me it better be for a good reason." Yelled Gamabunta as he poofed away.

Naruto fell and landed in front of Jiraiya who was smiling at Naruto. "I'm guessing that went well then?" asked Naruto.

"That went really well Gaki. He usually makes you ride him for like 3 days straight if you want to join the Toads. Now all you have to do is summon one during a fight and act like you normally do to get them to work with you." Said Jiraiya.

"Well now that we have done that. What kinds of training are we going to do now?" asked Naruto.

"Oh you're going to like this. I'm going to teach you one of your fathers most prized jutsu…the Rasengan." Said Jiraiya as Naruto became wide eyed at the mention of one of the most powerful techniques in the world.

Time Skip Three Days Before the Finals

Naruto had been training harder than ever in the past three weeks. Even with the Naras training him he didn't stop for a single day and practiced a couple of jutsu until he found them up to the skill he needed them at.

Two of them were shadow jutsu that focused on defense and support since he had few defensive attacks. One of them was based off a Nara jutsu and the other was an area affect attack that he thought up after hearing the history of Konoha from the Hokage.

He was pretty sure the Neji would absolutely hate to fight this jutsu as it made a Hyuga face one of their greatest fears. Hopefully, Hinata was lying to him about that.

Speaking of Hinata, he was on his way to pick her up at her Compound so that they could go to the Akimichi's BBQ with the rest of the Rookie 9 as they were celebrating for the people who were moving on.

This was also the day where Naruto and Hinata showed everyone that they were sort of going out. Nothing had really happened besides a small kiss and neither of them asked the other out, but it was kinda understood.

So here we find Naruto in a black t-shirt with a large red swirl on the back and khaki shorts., outside the Hyuga Compound. Personally he didn't mind it, but he didn't like exposing himself too much. The shirt was tight and once could tell that he was ripped beneath it.

Ironically his compound was just down the street from the Hyuga's. He hadn't started living in it yet as he still had to wait until he was a chuunin to receive his inheritance, but he didn't mind waiting.

In fact there was no guarantee that he would even be able to become a chuunin in the next exam.

Finally after much reminiscing the gates to the compound opened and Hinata came out with a small blush on her face. She was wearing a white and blue sundress that came to just below her knees.

"Hey Hinata-chan! You're looking lovely tonight." Said Naruto with a blush on his face as he offered her his hand.

"Thank you Naruto-kun." Said Hinata as she took his hand.

The two walked through the streets of Konoha together while engaging in small talk. It didn't take long to get to the BBQ as it was around where all the other compounds were.

Inside were Ino, Sakura, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, and Chouji. Naruto hadn't expected Sasuke to show up as the boy was probably trying his hardest in order to beat everyone in the exams.

"Hey you guys!" shouted Naruto as he pulled a blushing Hinata into the restaurant.

"Naruto what are you doing pulling Hinata in here like that!" yelled Ino.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto as he pulled out a seat for Hinata and sat in the one next to her.

"Don't you see that you made Hinata uncomfortable by pulling her in here like that? How did you even know if she even wanted to come in yet?" asked Ino.

"What do you mean? We've been holding hands ever since I picked her up?" asked Naruto extremely confused by Ino's question. I mean she is the gossip queen of Konoha and she couldn't figure out that they were dating.

"What?" asked Ino.

"Troublesome…Naruto and Hinata have been dating since like two weeks ago. Get in the loop Ino." Said Shikamaru.

"What do you mean get in the loop?" asked Ino.

"Shino and me have both known since the day Hinata came to training with a very large grin on her face that we haven't seen before." Said Kiba.

"Shikamaru told me." Said Chouji.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" asked Ino angrily.

"You never asked." Deadpanned Shikamaru.

While Ino was questioning no one noticed the downcast look that Sakura had on her face until Naruto had to point it out.

"Hey Sakura what's wrong with you?" asked Naruto.

"I don't know Naruto. It's just that I've been training for the past month in hopes of getting Sasuke to notice me, but I don't think he ever will." Said Sakura in a very sad voice.

"Don't worry Sakura! You just have to keep getting stronger and when you kick Sasuke's ass he will have to notice you." Smiled Naruto.

"Thanks Naruto." Said Sakura.

"What do you mean I smell like cabbage!" yelled Ino as she glared at Kiba.

"I mean exactly what I said! You smell like cabbage!" yelled back Kiba as the two glared at each other.

"Jeeze…why don't you two just get a room already?" suggested Shikamaru.

What did you say!" yelled both Kiba and Ino as they slammed their fists into Shikamaru's head.

"Troublesome…" whispered Shikamaru as he rubbed his head.

"So yeah…what do you want to eat Hinata-chan?" asked Naruto as he smiled at said girl.

"I think I might get a salad Naruto-kun." She said shyly.

"You sure? I'm paying you know?" asked Naruto as Hinata nodded a bit.

"Okay…but I'm getting them famous BBQ ribs here!" said Naruto as Hinata smiled at him.

"So are the two of you ready for the exams?" asked Naruto after they had all gotten their food.

"I've been working on anti-poison techniques since my first fighter is a puppet user. They normally focus on using poison in conjunction with blades. I believe that I am ready." Said Shino.

"It's too troublesome to fight…I might just forfeit." Said Shikamaru as the others just sighed at his attitude.

"You do that and we will all kick you butt!" yelled Sakura as she glared at him.

"Troublesome…what about you Naruto? You are after all fighting against Neji and he probably is one of the stronger ninja in the exam." Said Shikamaru.

"I'm not too worried about my fight with Neji. I have been practicing with the best Juken user of our generation after all!" smiled Naruto as he squeezed Hinata's hand, making her blush from his praise.

"That's true." Said Kiba too as he smiled at the blushing Hinata.

"Well I think that is it for tonight! I'm planning on taking these next three days easy so that I'm at my best." Said Shikamaru as he stood up with Chouji and Ino following him.

"You always take things easy!" said Ino.

"So?" responded Shikamaru.

"Well I guess Hinata-chan and I have to get going to since I doubt her father wants her out late." Said Naruto as both he and Hinata got up.

"Very well I guess it is time to leave." Said Shino.

"Yeah, seeya guys later!" said Kiba loudly.

"Bye Shino and Kiba. I hope we see each other at the exams." Said Hinata as Naruto and her left the restaurant after paying.

"So did you have fun Hinata-chan?" asked Naruto as they walked back to her compound.

"Yes I did Naruto-kun. It was nice seeing everyone in a circumstance where we didn't have a chance to die." Said Hinata.

"That's true…well that just means we will have to do this more often. So you are coming to the exam right?" asked Naruto.

"Of course I'm coming the exam. I have to support my boyfriend right?" asked Hinata with a small giggle.

"Haha that is true! I would be so upset if you didn't come that I would let Neji beat me! Or not? I would still beat the snot out of him for stealing that match from you." Boasted Naruto.

Hinata blushed a bit at that and squeezed his hand a bit. This in turn made Naruto squeeze her hand in return starting a small squeeze war between the two that got them smiling.

When they go to the compound they stopped and looked at each other before slowly closing the distance and kissing each other for a few seconds. When they pulled apart Naruto pulled Hinata into his chest softly and held her in his arms for few seconds.

"I feel so safe in your arms." Mumbled Hinata as she pulled him even closer.

"Do you now? I never knew that…I guess I'm just going to have to hold you even more now." Smiled Naruto as he squeezed Hinata a bit harder.

After a few more minutes the two split apart after giving each other one more kiss and bid each other goodbye. Hinata went into her compound and Naruto jumped across the roofs to go back to his apartment.

'Just three more days and I won't have to live in this pig pen anymore.' Thought Naruto as he entered his room.

Unaware to him and the rest of the villages gennin attending the exams; a storm was coming just poised to strike at the village in its weakest hour. Luckily the Hokage was ready for a battle that would most likely be one of his greatest yet.