
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Forging One's Fate

"Rinne what?" asked Naruto as he stared at Jiraiya with his purple eyes with five rings surrounding the pupil.

"You have the Rinnegan! The eyes of legend that are said to be a gift from the gods for all of those who possess it!" exclaimed Jiraiya.

"Well you must have seen it before if you know what they are from first glance! If they are to be handed out by the gods then who had them before me?" asked Naruto as Jiraiya began to think.

"So does this mean that I have a Dojutsu like yours Hinata?" asked Naruto curiously.

"I don't know…all Dojutsu do different things. However, most of them usually allow one to see better than someone with eyes that are not a Dojutsu." Stated Hinata as she looked at his eyes curiously.

"Well at least now I see your pretty face even more now Hinata." Stated Naruto causing Hinata to blush. Naruto pulled her hand over and whispered into her ear.

"I kinda like seeing you in this new kind of way." Whispered Naruto causing Hinata to shiver before he gave her kiss on the cheek.

"Aha now I remember their names!" exclaimed Jiraiya.

"You're still here Pervy Sage?" asked Naruto, but Jiraiya just continued.

"It was during the Second Ninja War I trained three kids from Ame to fight to protect themselves. One of them…Nagato activated the Rinnegan while his best friend, Yahiko, was in danger. All that I learned was that it had a variety of powers, but one of them manipulated gravity." Stated Jiraiya.

"So you've just happened to train two of the know users of the Rinnegan? If I didn't know any better I would say it's the way you smell that gives people the eyes." Stated Naruto causing Hinata to giggle.

"What do you mean I smell?"" asked Jiraiya as he started to sniff his arm pits.

"It is kind of self explanatory…you do spend your time in mud a lot." Answered Naruto.

"Shut up Gaki! Anyway it's best if we try and hide those eyes of yours so that other nations don't find out." Stated Jiraiya.

"Can you shut them off like I can with my Byakugan?" Asked Hinata.

"I don't know? How can you shut them off Hinata?" asked Naruto as he looked at his eyes in the mirror.

"When we turn of the Byakugan we just cut off the chakra flow to our eyes." Answered Hinata.

"Is that it?" asked Naruto as he focused on his eyes and cut off the flow. Slowly the Rinnegan faded to be replaced with his bright blue eyes.

"It worked!" shouted Naruto in excitement.

"That's good, last thing we want are for all the nations to come after you to get their hands on those eyes. We should also train you on how to utilize them while we go and search for my student." Stated Jiraiya.

"That's a good idea." Agreed Naruto as he played with turning his eyes on and off. "You know I don't even feel the strain on my chakra system from activating my eyes." Stated Naruto.

"That's because of your fox. By the way Sarutobi wanted to see you as soon as you woke up. He said he had a couple things to discuss with you about the invasion and the exams. If I were you I would go see him as soon as you can." Stated Jiraiya as he got ready to jump out the window.

"Where are you going Pervy Sage?" asked Naruto.

"To do some research…what else?" asked Jiraiya as he gave Naruto a goofy grin before jumping.

"What does he mean by research Naruto?" asked Hinata curiously.

"You don't want to know Hinata…by the way don't go to the Hot Springs until Jiraiya and I leave for our missions. I would rather not have your personal space violated." Said Naruto as Hinata blushed brightly at that information.

"Oh…that Pervert!" yelled Hinata as Naruto laughed at the expression on her face.

"Why do you think I call him Pervy Sage? Anyway we better go see the Hokage now!" said Naruto as he got out of bed and changed while Hinata looked away with a blush.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to come Naruto? I mean the Hokage only wanted to see you." Asked Hinata.

"I'm sure it's alright. Besides whatever he tells me I'm probably going to tell you anyway so better to hear it with than later from me. So lets go!" yelled Naruto as he jumped out the window with Hinata following.

Right after they jumped the doctor entered the room and looked around for his patient. "Um…doesn't he know that he needs to sign out?" asked the doctor as he looked out the window.

Naruto and Hinata quickly made it to the Hokage's tower and walked past the guards straight up to his office. Instead of knocking like a normal person Naruto just walked up the door and kicked it right open.

Inside were Shikamaru and the 3rd Hokage both talking until the doors were slammed open causing Shikamaru to pull out a kunai and the Hokage to just smile.

"Heyyy Jiji!" yelled Naruto as he walked into the room with a big smile on his face and a nervous Hinata following him.

"Ahh Naruto and Hinata! What a pleasant surprise! I was just talking to Shikamaru here about the exams, which includes you. You can stay if you wish Hinata." Smiled the old Hokage.

"Really what do you want to talk to Shikamaru and me about?" asked Naruto as he slapped Shikamaru on his back causing the boy to mumble a bit.

"Well some of the examiners were surprised about the tactics you two used during the exam along with your skills. It has been decided that both of you will both receive the Rank of Chuunin among our ninja." Stated the Hokage with a smile.

Shikamaru looked dismayed at having to be promoted to jounin for reasons that many people could probably guess at. Namely he was too lazy to do the harder missions, which would mean he would have to train even harder than before, and considering that Naruto is a chuunin too the boy would want to train with him.

Hinata smiled at her boyfriend in pure joy for him. He had tried so hard to get where he was and no one deserved it more than he did. No one knew the pain he felt as he was growing up, though Hinata was starting to get a feel for it as she didn't want him to suffer anymore. This was probably one of his greatest days of his life.

"Yes!" shouted Naruto in ecstasy as he pumped his fist in the air with a giant smile on his face. He spun around grabbing Hinata by the arm and pulling her into a kiss making her eep in the process.

"Yes I'm sure you are all happy, but there is more that I have to talk about. Naruto during the invasion you showed great skill and contributed to saving of a number of people with your clones and summoning of Gamabunta. Many of my Shinobi were quite outraged to learn that you would only be getting the rank of chuunin for the invasion so I had to do something that hasn't been done for some time." Stated the Hokage as the three ninja before him looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean Lord Hokage?" asked Shikamaru. 'Please tell me that Naruto will have more responsibility than me in the next few years.'

"Well I am proud to say that I was coerced in making Naruto's promotion a bit more grand. You see Naruto you are this village's first Elite Chuunin in over 20 years for going above and beyond the Call of Duty in the defense of the village." Stated the Hokage as Naruto's mouth dropped.

"What does that mean Lord Hokage?" asked Hinata as Naruto was to awed to speak.

"It basically means that Naruto will have command over any other chuunin on a mission and the half-step from being a Jounin." Said the Hokage.

"But are you sure that I'm ready for a responsibility like that Jij? I just got promoted to chuunin…I don't have the experience." Stated Naruto.

"That was my only argument against promoting you Naruto, but during the invasion your clones performed over 50 official missions in defense of the leaf. Seeing as how all of those memories are in your head now…it's safe to say that you have experience." Stated the Hokage.

"I don't know what to say…" said Naruto.

"Don't say anything…just accept this from your Hokage. Now it is tradition to announce to the village all those who become chuunin during the exams. This will be done tomorrow where we will honor all those who died." Said the Hokage.

"Is it time Jiji?" asked Naruto as both Hinata and Shikamaru looked surprised by what the Hokage was saying.

"It is time Naruto. Now there will be some consequences of you announcing your heritage. Your entry in the bingo books will most likely go up to A-Rank and Iwa will want your head. Then the civilians might deny it." Stated the Hokage.

"Let them deny it…as long as the Shinobi believe me it doesn't matter. If Iwa want's me dead then they will have to worry about a ninja who trains his hardest everyday of his life." Stated Naruto as the Hokage smiled at him.

"Very well you three are allowed to leave." Stated the Hokage, but Naruto and Hinata stayed behind.

"What is it that the two of you want?" asked the Hokage.

"Well after I was put into Itachi's Tsykumoi I went through such emotional damage that it awakened something in me." Stated Naruto slowly.

"What do you mean 'awakened'?" asked the Hokage. He gasped in surprise as Naruto's eyes shifted to those of the Rinnegan.

"The Rinnegan! The eyes of the Sage of Six Paths! Said to be the most powerful of Dojutsu and eyes that sealed away the Juubi!" exclaimed Sarutobi in shock and awe.

"So does that mean you know about what it does?" asked Naruto in excitement as he Sarutobi shook his head.

"No, all that I have learned about the eye is that it is mentioned in manuscripts from the past. One of them had drawing of the eye and that is why I recognized it." Stated the Hokage as Naruto nodded.

"You better go and train those eyes of yours. Everyone will want your eyes if they find out that you have them." Stated the Hokage.

"That can wait for a little while Jiji. First I have to take my girlfriend out to eat before I can even worry about training! Today we feast!" exclaimed Naruto as walked out of the office with a blushing Hinata.

"Where are we going to eat Naruto?" asked Hinata curiously.

"Well sorry if it isn't too nice, but I thought Ichiraku's would be a nice place to go to eat. I haven't seen them for a while and they have always been nice to me." Said Naruto as Hinata smiled.

"That's okay Naruto. They seem really nice." Said Hinata as they made it to the building.

"Hey Old Man Ichiraku! I hope you liked all the money you earned for all my hard work!" boasted Naruto as he entered the shop to see Teuchi and Ayame both smiling brightly at him.

"Naruto! Good to see you kicking but in the exams! I made a killing off the bets, the last one was given back for free since they weren't finished. However I still made a killing in money!" stated the man.

"So Naruto who's that behind you there?" asked Ayame with a smile.

"Oh! This is my girlfriend Hinata Hyuga! Hinata, this is Ayame Ichiraku and her dad Teuchi Ichiraku!" introduced Naruto as Hinata bowed to the two and offered her greetings.

"Polite aren't you? Well that's good someone has to teach this kid some manners." Laughed Teuchi as he went in the back to start making the Ramen.

Hinata blushed the praise and sat by Naruto as Ayame interrogated the two about their relationship. After a few embarrassing things from Ayame, Teuchi came out with their ramen.

While they were eating they were discussing a few things until they came to something Naruto wanted to get off his chest.

"So remember when you said that you considered me an Ichiraku?" asked Naruto as Hinata looked at him in surprise.

"Sure do! Don't tell me you don't want to be an Ichiraku anymore?" asked Teuchi as he frowned at Naruto.

"No! It's just that I learned who my parents were. I was just going to say that despite the fact that I now know my real family you two will always be part of my actual family." Said Naruto as he smiled at them.

"So you finally figured it out huh? I was wondering when you would notice the resemblance you had to him." Stated Teuchi as Hinata and Ayame looked at him surprise.

"Huh? You knew didn't you…all this time?" asked Naruto slowly.

"Yes I did…I was told not to tell you until I you already found out. I actually tried to adopt you before, but the civilians wouldn't allow me too. I'm sorry Naruto I should've tried harder." Stated the man.

"So you were my fathers teammate? I was wondering who it was…" said Naruto as he offered a small smile.

"I can tell you about him some time if you want?" offered Teuchi.

"I would like that…thank you." Said Naruto.

"Wait, who was your father Naruto?" asked Ayame.

"My father was the 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze." Stated Naruto with a proud smile as Ayame gaped like a fish at that piece of information.

"You're the 4th's son! Then why did the Hokage let the village hate you like that? You would've been haled as a hero!" exclaimed Ayame.

"I would be, but I would've probably been killed by Iwa when I was two and besides at least I know who I can trust now." Smiled Naruto as he pulled Hinata closer to him.

"You two make such a cute couple!" gushed Ayame as she went back to her duties.

"Come by any time and I will be glad to tell you about your father." Stated Teuchi with a smile.

"Thanks…I am going to be on a mission for some time so it won't be till I get back. Thanks a lot for believing in me too." Stated Naruto with a big smile.

"Haha don't worry about it kid. Just go take your girlfriend somewhere nice now instead of something like this crummy ramen bar!" laughed Teuchi as Naruto nodded and walked out the bar with Hinata following behind him.

"Here let's go to the Hokage Monumen! I know this great view that will leave you breathless!" said Naruto as Hinata smiled back to reply.

"I would like that Naruto." Said Hinata as Naruto took her hand and the two walked up to the monument.

On the way up they conversed about various things in the village like how everyone did and who they fought. Half way up the mountain Naruto noticed a familiar presence and groaned at who it was.

"What do you want Sasuke?" said Naruto as Sasuke dropped down in front of them.

"Is it true? Was my brother really here during the invasion?" asked Sasuke in a whisper.

Naruto looked at him for a second before responding in a way that clearly defined Naruto's opinion of Itachi.

"Yes he was…the next time I see him I will make him pay for what he did to me." Said Naruto as his eyes steeled over.

"Well you will have to get in line first. I will be the one to kill him…it has to be me and me alone. What did he do to you?" asked Sasuke.

"He showed me a Demon version of me killing everyone I love…you don't have to fight him alone. I will help you when the time comes. We both owe him one now Sasuke." Said Naruto trying to reason with Sasuke.

"I have to be the one to do it to get justice for my clan! He killed them all Naruto!" said Sasuke with a bit of anger.

"He has hurt a lot of people Sasuke. I am one of those people, when the time comes for you to fight him I will help whether you want me to or not." Stated Naruto as he walked by the stunned Sasuke with Hinata at his side.

'Do I need to fight him on my own?' questioned Sasuke as he left them and went back to his house.

"Geeze at this rate we will never get some alone time." Stated Naruto.

"It's okay…I just like being around you Naruto." Answered Hinata.

"Eh really? I didn't think I was that interesting…you on the other hand! I love being around you Hinata, you make me feel wanted. It is the best feeling in the world to me!" said Naruto as he pecked Hinata on the cheek, causing her blush.

"But you make me feel safe and stronger. Whenever I am with you I feel confident and proud of myself. So it should be me thanking you." Retorted Hinata as she gave Naruto a kiss on the cheek.

They both reached the top of the monument and found a nice spot to sit at as they watched the village. Neither said a thing as they gazed at the village for nothing needed to be said. All that mattered to them was the one sitting next to them.

A few hours later the sun had set and the two had reluctantly made their way down to the village. Naruto was escorting Hinata as it was proper for any man to escort their date home.

As they were approaching the compound Naruto got a chill up his spine that he had felt before on many occasions. So acting on instinct Naruto grabbed Hinata and jumped out of the way of three kunai heading towards the two of them.

"Hinata activate your Byakugan and see how many are attacking us!" yelled Naruto as he continued to jump with Hinata as the kunai kept coming.

"There's only one Naruto. I can jump to…go get rid of this jerk!" said Hinata with an edge in her voice. 'How dare this person interfere with my alone time with Naruto!'

"Roger." Said Naruto with a smirk as he dropped Hinata off at a building and pulled out his Kunai.

Thanks to his experience with using the void Naruto could easily sense the Shinobi now that they had given their position away. He skillfully blocked and dodged kunai and shuriken as he made his way to the ninja.

The man was dressed in dark clothing with a hood covering his face preventing Naruto to see who it was. 'Well I'm just going to have to change that.' Thought Naruto with a smirk as he threw kunai at the ninja.

The ninja easily blocked each kunai and closed the distance with Naruto starting a taijutsu bout between the two. He didn't recognize the taijutsu the ninja was using, but he could tell that he was outclassed.

It wouldn't be long before the ninja had exploited his flawed taijutsu…however he wouldn't make it easy. Naruto jumped back after being dealt a rather hard blow to his head and created two shadows to attack the nin in a pincer movement.

Naruto blinked away in a mass of shadows and reappeared 10 meters above the ninja who had just started dodging the attacks of Naruto's two shadows. Quickly he charged a Rasengan in his hand plummeted to the ninja.

The ninja didn't notice Naruto until it was too late and was plowed into the ground with the Rasengan. However, after the attack had dissipated it was replaced with a sign from a nearby shop, completely destroyed too.

Naruto quickly blinked away, barely dodging a kunai aimed for his neck. He reappeared behind the ninja and attacked alongside his two shadows. Thankfully, numbers seemed to have the advantage here as they began to push the ninja back.

Finally spotting another opening, the real Naruto did one handseal before sucking in a large breath of air. "Futon: Great Breakthrough!" yelled Naruto as he shot a condensed blast of air straight into the gut of the ninja.

The ninja flew across the street and impacted with a wall of one of the buildings with a grunt. Naruto approached the ninja wearily and had his kunai ready at a moments notice. Both his shadows came in and tied down the ninja as Naruto pulled back the hood to reveal…

Iruka Umino there with a small, but proud smile on his face to Naruto's shock.

"It seems you passed his test Naruto." Said Iruka with a smile.

"Iruka-Sensei? What test? Why did you attack Hinata and I?" asked Naruto, who was extremely confused.

"It was a C-Rank mission from a concerned father about who his daughter was spending time with." Said Iruka with a smile.

"You mean Hiashi-Sama paid you to attack Hinata and I just to see if I was strong enough to protect his daughter. Well I guess I pass." Said Naruto with a smile.

"Not exactly Uzumaki." Came an emotionless voice from behind him causing his blood to run cold.

Naruto quickly blinked away to dodge the glowing hand that had been aimed at his back. He reappeared on a building overlooking Iruka and Hiashi Hyuga who still looked emotionless.

"You must now defeat me Uzumaki if you want to continue to be in my daughter's presence." Stated the Hyuga Head.

Naruto stared down at Hiashi with determination and got into a ready stance and uttered just three words. "So be it." Said Naruto as he jumped back to dodge the Gentle Fist attacks from an attacking Hiashi.

Naruto's shadows came in to support the original by attacking at close range in order. Naruto used this time to make a third shadow to move to a more open area and prepare a trap for the older Hyuga.

He knew the Byakugan was basically impossible to fool so he wasn't expecting the trap to work. Just to make sure that the two would be able to fight in more open ground where Hiashi wouldn't be able to kill him too quickly. But first.

"Where is Hinata?" questioned Naruto to the older Hyuga.

"She is fine, just back at the compound. She was reluctant till I explained that I would be taking care of you." Stated Hiashi with a devious smile that didn't sit well with Naruto.

Hiashi defeated both clones in no time at all and was charging Naruto before they could reform. Naruto shot Air Bullets at Hiashi, but he just weaved his way through the attacks.

Naruto ducked under an outstretched palm and tried to kick Hiashi away, but the clan head easily diverted the attack and struck a point on Naruto's leg causing it to sting quite a bit.

'Note to self…stay the hell away from him!' thought Naruto as he rolled away and threw a bunch of kunai at Hiashi, who just smirked and blocked all of them.

"Damn." Said Naruto as his two shadows joined the fight by attacking from each side, but Hiashi easily defended himself from the attack using his Byakugan. Naruto finally saw, through the eyes of his third shadow, that his traps were ready.

Now all he had to do was make it about 200 yards to the area the trap had been set up and maybe then he would be able to finish this fight before anyone got hurt. "Futon: Great Breakthrough!" yelled Naruto, making sure to have it cover a larger area than normal.

Thankfully Hiashi couldn't dodge in time and was sent back across the street giving Naruto enough time to make a run for the area the traps were set. He would merge with the shadows, but Hiashi would be able to see the chakra making it a waste.

Through the eyes of the two shadows Naruto could see that Hiashi was already on his tail, but couldn't strike him due to his shadows distracting him with Kunai and low level wind and shadow jutsu.

Naruto finally made it to the clearing and got ready at the center of the field. It was small and covered on all sides by trees. Hiashi jumped down and moved to strike the open blonde, but his hand connected with a mass of shadows showing that it had been a shadow the whole time.

"I have you now Hiashi-Sama!" yelled the real Naruto as he appeared above on one tree's and made the seal for the shadow clone jutsu. "Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu!" yelled Naruto as the tree's were soon covered with about 100+ clones of Naruto.

"Surrender Hiashi-Sama! I have more chakra than you and the only defense you will have is the Kaiten. I know for a fact that a normal Hyuga can do it about 5 times, you on the other hand can do 11 I believe. I on the other hand can do this here about 50 times!" yelled Naruto as a wave of clones jumped and descended on the Hyuga.

"Life's a bang eh?" they all shouted as they all began to glow bright white.

They all exploded in a massive explosion that covered the entire clearing. Naruto waited patiently for the dust to clear and saw Hiashi was nowhere to be found.

His eyes widened in surprise as he felt a hand connect with his back and travel all the way through his boy before it stopped. He smirked in victory a he lost all his color to become a pitch black Naruto.

Tendrils wrapped around Hiashi pinning him to the shadow preventing him from moving at all. "What is this!" he yelled as he fought as hard as he could to get free.

"That is…well I don't know what to call it." Said Naruto as he dropped down from and higher tree covered in sweat and seemed to barely be standing.

"Making that clone takes well over half my chakra so that it doesn't disperse after being hit. It traps my opponents and immobilizes them preventing them from moving." Said Naruto as he limped towards Hiashi with a kunai in his hand.

"You should've known that wasn't me. It wasn't favoring a leg like a normal person would after being hit by a Hyuga on the leg." Said Naruto as he placed a kunai at Hiashi's neck.

"That was quite impressive Uzumaki…However, do not believe for a second that you would've won if I had gone all out." Stated the Hyuga Head, causing Naruto's eyes to darken for a second.

'Don't believe for a second that I was going all out Hiashi!' thought Naruto in his head. "What is your decision?" asked Naruto.

"Very well you may continue to see my Daughter. However, if anything happens to make the Hyuga look bad you will be sought after by me." Stated Hiashi.

'Try me! You have never once cared for Hinata until now you Bastard.' Thought Naruto.

"Thank you Hiashi-sama…now if you don't mind I'm going to bed." Stated Naruto as his eyes closed and he fell down on the ground asleep.

"Iruka I expect you to be able to take him back to his building?" asked Hiashi as Iruka dropped down from another tree.

"Yes I can Hiashi-Sama." Said Iruka as he picked up the boy.

'He was able to defeat both Hiashi-Sama and me with out a rest! He really does deserve the rank of Elite Chuunin…Damn I have to get stronger!' thought Iruka as he made his way through the village.

Naruto stood at the gates holding Hinata in his arms as she didn't want him to leave for a mission that could last up to three months at the max. "Don't worry Hinata, I'm sure we will be back before that." Smiled Hinata.

"I still don't want you to go." Mumbled Hinata as Naruto laughed a bit.

"Well I don't really want to go either, but I need to train with my eyes and we do need the new Hokage." Said Naruto with a smile.

"Yeah, but I don't want to let you go." Mumbled Hinata.

"Gaki! Hurry up! We have to get moving now so we can get far enough away to train!" shouted Jiraiya.

"I have to go Hinata. I'll be back before you know it so don't worry." Said Naruto as he gave a short kiss on the lips and ran after Jiraiya who had already started leaving the village.

"Bout time you caught up Gaki. You can do those sort of things with your girl when you get back. For now though I want you to activate your Rinnegan and tell everything you notice about it." Said Jiraiya as Naruto activated his Rinnegan.

"Well I can see very clearly and if I concentrate hard enough I can see your chakra and the chakra of the plants and even rocks. I didn't even know those things had chakra." Said Naruto, a little confused.

"They don't have what we know as neutral chakra, but they do have Natural Chakra. It comes from all the living things in the universe, what you sense from the rocks are small organisms on it." Said Jiraiya.

"Wait! If there are other sources of chakra, why don't we train to use them?" asked Naruto.

"Because many of these sources of chakra can only be accessed by drawing it away from an external source. Youkai for instance is demonic chakra, but it can be harnessed to fight for short periods of time, but it is poisonous to most bodies." Explained Jiraiya as Naruto nodded.

"And what about Natural Chakra?" asked Naruto.

"That can be harnessed through intense meditation to draw on the natural chakra. I am one of the few in the world who know how to do so. Once someone learns how to manipulate natural chakra they become what is known as a Sage." Said Jiraiya.

"So you were taught by the toads on how to become a Sage and that is why you are known as the Toad Sage." Surmised Naruto.

"That is correct! Maybe one day you might learn how to be a sage from the toads, but you will have to be older first." Said Jiraiya.

"So you said your one student could manipulate gravity in some ways? What did you mean by that?" asked Naruto.

"Well he could repel objects away from him or pull things in by manipulating the gravity field around him. He called the one Shinra Tensei or Almighty Push as nothing even I could do could pierce the attack." Stated Jiraiya.

"So how would I do the attack?" asked Naruto with an excited smile on his face.

"No clue." Stated Jiraiya causing Naruto to frown in disappointment.

"Too bad, I was hoping to be able to do it right away. However, I can try now if you want?" asked Naruto.

"No we will begin your real training tomorrow. We will reach the next village by the end of the day, for now just keep them eyes activated and tell me everything you notice about your vision." Said Jiraiya.

"I can see that you have a brown and red colored chakra and I have a greenish blue chakra along with a dark crimson and a black chakra. I guess the crimson is Kyubi's and black is my shadow chakra." Said Naruto.

"You must be able to tell ones chakra affinity by looking at their chakra color. I am a fire and earth user hence the brown and red chakra, while you are a wind user hence the greenish blue chakra. However, the legend says the Rinnegan allows one to master all elements." Said Jiraiya.

"So that means I won't have an elemental weakness! That is so awesome!" exclaimed Naruto as Jiraiya scowled.

"Don't let it get to your head Gaki!" he shouted, but Naruto didn't listen and was jumping around with excitement.

'Damn Gaki, he's changed so much, but yet he is still a kid. Why did they make him a chuunin anyway?' thought Jiraiya as they continued on.

The next day the two were travelling on a path trying to make it to their first main stop. The two had spent a nice night in an inn where Naruto had questioned Jiraiya about his mother and father.

They had also discussed their training plans for the next few weeks. Each morning before leaving camp they would do a physical work out before moving on. Around noon Naruto would make 50 clones to work on his wind and shadow chakra. He himself would work on the Rinnegan, as his shadow clones couldn't use it at all.

However he learned that his shadows were able to hold the Rinnegan and it even made their moves even more in sync than before to Naruto's surprise and joy.

"How far have you gotten on your Wind Manipulation?" asked Jiraiya as he watched Naruto's clones work on various stages of the chakra control exercises.

"I think that I'm ready for some B-rank jutsu now! But soon I should be ready for A-Rank if I continue at this pace." Said Naruto with a smile.

"That is impressive. You know as a side project you should start working on incorporating your wind chakra into the Rasengan." Said Jiraiya.

"Wait! You can do that?" asked Naruto with excitement.

"Well theoretically you can, but neither your father or I could manage it." Said Jiraiya.

"I guess I'm just going to have to succeed where you failed then Pervy Sage!" exclaimed Naruto with a determined look in his eyes.

"Good luck with that Gaki." Stated Jiraiya, but Naruto just smirked in response.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" yelled Naruto as he made 50 more clones.

"Start working on the new Rasengan boys!" yelled Naruto in triumph.

"That's cheating…" whispered Jiraiya in shock.

Two weeks later the two hadn't gotten any further in their search for Tsunade. They had been to 6 villages and one city that Naruto enjoyed quite a bit, as he spent time playing with the little kids of an orphanage and showed them his ninja tricks.

Naruto's training had also granted him some amazing results. His speed and taijutsu were still chuunin level, but his wind jutsu level was Jounin level at what Jiraiya had said. He had even learned two new jutsu that were B-rank.

His void manipulation had also improved where he could blink faster than before. Merge with his shadows quicker and even turn invisible for short periods of time by warping the light around him.

Zeratul had said this last ability is similar to a chakra control exercise in which eventually it will be natural to him. However, one could sense his chakra presence if they tried hard enough.

His shadows were doing better than before and took less chakra to use. Thanks to his chakra control and void manipulation lessons with both Jiraiya and Zeratul

Then there was his Rasengan training and let's just say that it wasn't working out too well. He had just started to combine them, but it too way too much chakra to do and the Rasengan would usually explode right after starting.

Last was his Rinnegan, which he had started to understand the gravity control aspects of the eye. It was during a spar where Jiraiya had thrown a kunai at Naruto, that passed by his defenses. Suddenly the kunai had shot off in another direction a few inches away from his skin.

They had realized that at the moment most of the attacks would come naturally during a battle by instinct alone. So he had instead just started working on being able to use the Shinra Tensei on his command, which was coming along nicely.

Strange thing was that despite the fact that his shadows could use the Rinnegan, only one of them were able to do the Shinra Tensei. Although Jiraiya said that the Sage of Six Paths was called so due to the fact that the Rinnegan had six certain abilities. So they theorized that each shadow would only be able to use one of the abilities.

Now they were approaching a large city with a massive castle at the center of it. Jiraiya had stated that Tsunade liked to gamble quite a bit earning her the name "The Legendary Sucker" as she lost quite a bit. Luckily the city they were approaching was said to have many casinos

When they entered the city the first thing they noticed were the decorations around it and advertisements for a festival that very night. Hundreds of stands were up in the city center and bright lights were being set up.

"Now I really wish Hinata was here." Stated Naruto as he looked at the decorations.

"Well If I wasn't sure before, I am now. Tsunade would not miss out on an opportunity like this, there is going to be a lot of gambling tonight." Said Jiraiya.

"You think so? Any chance we can enjoy the festivities? Besides I kind of wanted to buy Hinata something while we were gone." Asked Naruto.

"Yeah, we will be here for at least three days so if you want you can enjoy the festival and buy your girlfriend a gift. Just keep an eye open for Tsunade, you do remember what she looks like in that picture right?" asked Jiraiya.

"Yeah, but wouldn't she be older now?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, she would be older, but she likes to use a genjutsu to make herself look younger so keep your eyes open." Said Jiraiya.

"No problem! Where are we staying?" asked Naruto.

"Let's go find a place now and then you can do what you want." Said Jiraiya.

So that was what brought Naruto to probably the first festival of his life that he wasn't being glared at by a single person…well at least the females. You see Naruto decided not to wear his ninja gear so he was wearing a tight t-shirt and khaki shorts.

This had the effect of having nearly every girl, from the ages of 12 to 16, swooning at the sight of him and blushing and giggling every time he smiled. It was nice, but to him there was only one girl for him and that one girl happened to be over two weeks away in Konoha.

So instead he decided to do a few festival activities from carny stands, souvenir stands, concerts, and last food eating contests that he had won hands down surprising people immensely.

The thing he really wanted to do was buy something for Hinata that wasn't' normally found in the Elemental Countries. So he walked through all the stands looking for something that he believed Hinata would like.

It took him an hour of searching, but he found what he believed would be the perfect gift for his Girlfriend. It was a necklace, but he had never seen the jewels on it before. It was an azure colored stone that the store owner had said was magical and the one who wore it could be tracked by their love to anywhere.

It was an ancient myth coming fro some land across the sea telling of a peasant boy who fell in love with noblemen's daughter. To show his love he found the stone and crafted a beautiful necklace with it and gave it to the girl.

After, that one meeting the girl fell in love with the brave and courageous peasant boy. They dated in secret for a year, before the girl was kidnapped by enemies soldiers.

No one knew where to look, but the peasant boy so he approached the nobleman for permission to lead the search for his daughter. In return he only asked that in return he was allowed to ask her for one favor that she was perfectly liable to refuse if asked.

So he was given a team of 4 men to track down the soldiers and bring the Noblemen's daughter back. For three days they travelled non-stop until they caught up with the soldiers.

Outnumbered 3-1 the peasant boy led his men into combat and slaughtered the enemy and saved his love. When they got back he asked her for her hand in marriage to which she accepted. They lived happily-ever-after yadda yadda yadda.

'Kinda reminds me of Hinata and me.' Thought Naruto with a smile as he spied a casino on the other side of the street.

"I'm feeling lucky." Said Naruto as he walked into the bar only to be stopped by a man saying only 18 year olds or ninja could enter to which Naruto showed him his identification card.

So he made his way over to a poker table and started playing. Immediately he got a feel for the game and started to stack up his winnings. After, one hour he had nearly earned 10 times the amount he started with…that was when things got interesting.

For you see a blonde hair women had spied the crowd that was hanging around a poker table. Getting interested after about 20 men had left the table grumbling about some lucky blonde. So getting up she walked over to the table and saw to her shock a blonde boy no older than 13 with a large pile of chips in front of him.

"So anyone else want to have a go?" asked Naruto with a fox like grin.

Many of the people cheered for the boy as he was a crowd favorite and some of the poker players got angry at his confidence. One of the ones who got angry was none other than the blonde haired girl…also known as Tsunade of the Sannin.

"I'll take you up on that offer." She stated as she sat down. She knew he was a ninja as only ninja were allowed to play in the casino at that age. However, the boy must've gotten rid of his headband.

"Yo, I will also be joining this game bro!" came a voice from a tanned man with sunglasses and horn tattoos on his head. It was ninja from Kumogakure that Tsunade recognized immediately…Killer Bee the Jinchuriki for the 8-Tailed Beast.

The blonde boys narrowed at the tanned man in what Tsunade perceived as anger before his eyes went to here before widening comically. So the boy knew of her? That was new.

However his eyes soon turned towards the tanned man once again. "What is your name Kumo Shinobi?" asked the boy with an edge in his voice that both ninja caught.

"The names Killer Bee, now lighten that tone before I make you flee!" rapped the jinchuriki.

"Not until you Kage apologizes to my village for what your village attempted to do during the Chuunin Exams." Replied the boy in anger.

So the boy had participated in the Chuunin Exams and Kumo must have done something to the boy or someone he cared about.

"Brat! What happens in the exams stays in the Exams! It isn't the fault of any nation for what happens during them." Stated Tsunade.

"It is when one of the villages attempts to kidnap and rape a shinobi of another village. They nearly succeeded in both before I decapitated the one with his pants down." Said the blonde as Killer Bee's eyes widened in surprise.

'Damnit A! You told me that the teams you picked would have perfect control over their emotions!' thought Bee.

"It doesn't matter! We are here to play poker…this village is neutral ground so start playing! Bartender get us a Saki bottle and three cups." Yelled Tsunade.

"Better make that three bottles!" yelled the blonde hair boy making her eyes go wide. 'I like this Brat!' she thought.

"I guess it would be an honor to drink with the Legendary Sucker and the 8-Tailed Jinchuriki." Stated Naruto.

"So you know of me." Stated Tsunade.

"Everyone knows of you two. Although I don't respect your village, you have earned my respect in learning how to control your beast." Stated the blonde with envy.

"Really? I thought you hated Kumo boy?" asked Bee.

"I do, but she is right. It happened in the exams so there is nothing I can do." Stated the boy.

"So what is your name?" asked Tsunade with curiosity.

"Naruto Uzumaki…Elite Chuunin of Konohagakure." Stated the blonde causing Tsunade's eyes to widen. Of course this was Kushina's child!

"The Shadow of Konoha? You have garnered quite a reputation lately boy." Stated Bee.

"Tell me about it…now lets get this started!" said Naruto as he dealt the cards.

Two hours later there were three drunken Shinobi all singing some weird song while playing the last hands of their decks. Naruto had of course won most of the hands, but Bee won the rest while Tsunade had won none at all…surprise surprise…

"Damn this! All or nothing!" yelled Tsunade at the blonde haired chuunin.

"You have no more money left." Said Naruto perplexed at this. However, Tsunade just smirked in response to this.

"How about this! If you win I will give you this necklace here that was worn by the First Hokage. However, if I win I get all that money!" said Tsunade.

"Deal." Stated Naruto with out a moments hesitation.

So they were both handed out their cards and Tsunade smirked in victory as the cards were 10 of hearts, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, and King of Hearts. "Ha I win!" yelled Tsunade as she laid down the 9 of hearts.

"Not so fast!" said Naruto as he laid down the Ace of Hearts. "I'm pretty sure that I win." Smiled Naruto as he grabbed the necklace from the middle of the pile.

She was about to take it back by force before she heard a voice she was hoping not to hear for sometime. "Well if it isn't my old friend Tsunade! Naruto what are you doing!" yelled Jiraiya.

Naruto was arm in arm with Killer Bee singing Na Na Na Naaa Hey Hey Hey Good Bye over and over again while laughing and pointing at Tsunade.

"That Gaki is drunk as hell!" exclaimed Jiraiya.

"Well what do you expect! He is a ninja after all!" said Tsunade as she sobered herself up with a jutsu.

"Look Tsunade we need you back in the village to become the next Hokage. Sarutobi-sensei can't do it anymore and he trusts the position in your hands." Said Jiraiya.

"No." stated Tsunade as she stood up and left the casino with Jiraiya on her tail.

Meanwhile Killer Bee and Naruto were discussing some important things. "I guesssss not all Kumo ninja are soooo bad!" slurred Naruto.

"Yeah weee aren't at alllll! I will let A know that this Hinata isss off limitssss." Said Killer Bee as Naruto smiled back.

"Yeah! Maybe he can stop being a jerk then!" exclaimed Naruto as Bee laughed back.

"Don't worry about it my new friend! I will be talking to A about you!" said Bee as the two parted ways to finish whatever missions they were on.

That morning Naruto woke without a single pain from drinking that much the night before, but he just wrote it off as the Kyubi. He stood up to see Jiraiya standing there grinning at him like a madman.

"Jeeze you can hold your alcohol kid! All the adults in town now know of you as lucky drunk rich kid now. But seriously we have a problem. I believe Orochimaru is in the city." Stated Jiraiya as Naruto looked shocked.

"How do you know that?" asked Naruto.

"I can smell the snake on Tsunade. He must've come here yesterday and spoken to Tsunade after the Casino when she gave me the slip. He must have offered her something quite important for her to have not killed him on the spot." Said Jiraiya.

"So what is the plan?" asked Naruto.

"We are going to wait and when he makes his move we will attack. Hopefully she joins, but if she doesn't then we will retreat. You will take care of any subordinate that he has with him." Explained Jiraiya as Naruto nodded.

"So what do we do till then?" asked Naruto.

"We train." Smiled Jiraiya as Naruto nodded in determination.

"So mind telling me why you brought this little brat with you." Came the voice of Tsunade from the bedroom door.

"Oh he is my new apprentice, but at the pace he is going it won't be long till he surpasses me." Chuckled Jiraiya as Tsunade gave him a confused look.

"How can a Gaki like him ever surpass you? He looks like a wimp!" exclaimed Tsunade.

"Hmph this wimp as you put it drank you under the table last night Old Lady." Retorted Naruto with a smirk.

"What did you say!" shouted Tsunade as her face turned bright red in anger.

"You heard me Old Lady!" retorted Naruto putting emphasis on Old Lady.

"Brat I am going to crush you into a pulp!" shouted Tsunade.

"Bring it on! I've had worse threats from a squirrel!" yelled Naruto getting to his feet.

"Fine Brat! Outside now!" she yelled as she made her way to the street with Naruto and Jiraiya following behind.

They made it outside where Tsunade made her way to the other end of the street and smirked at Naruto with anxiousness. She held up her pinky and stated with a voice full of confidence. "I will only use my pinky and that is all it will take." She said.

Naruto gaped at her before laughing at her. " A finger? You think that you will be able to beat me with that? Either you're better than they say or you're severely underestimating me!" laughed Naruto.

"You do know her skills right Naruto?" asked Jiraiya with concern.

"Of course! She is supposed to be the greatest medic alive and has super strength that can send anything flying. Don't worry though I don't plan to underestimate her." Said Naruto as he crouched down and undid his weights.

He laid them down at his feel so Tsunade never had an idea that Naruto was wearing quite a bit of weight. Naruto stood up and got into his stance while watching the smug looking Sannin.

"Here I come!" yelled Naruto as he shot at Tsunade.

"Attacking head on will get you know where!" she shouted as she shoved her finger into the ground causing a large stone block to shoot up in front of Naruto.

Naruto quickly moved around the block of stone and was upon the Sannin, yet even if she was using one arm she was still a little faster than Naruto and could keep up. Plus one hit could knock him out so he had to be careful.

Tsunade herself couldn't believe that this Gaki was keeping her on her toes. It was humiliating for her to be bested by a chuunin. So with a heavy heart she was forced to take a swing at the ground with her whole fist to prevent the blonde from landing a devastating blow.

Naruto flew back from the shockwave with an awe filled expression on his face. He knew she was strong, but being able to create a 10 foot crater with one punch was unbelievable.

"Looks like you've already lost Old Lady, but I'm not going to hold you over it. I never would've considered it a win unless you went all out in the first place." Said Naruto with a smile.

"You won't be so lucky this time Brat!" growled out Tsunade as Naruto smiled before blinking away to Tsunade's shock.

"Rasengan!" yelled Naruto as he fell towards Tsunade as she barely was able to bring up a thick slab of rock to block the attack. However, the Rasengan easily drilled through the slab forcing Tsunade to dive away at the last second.

"You learned the Rasengan!" she exclaimed in shock.

"Learned it in less than a week too!" said Naruto with a smile as Tsunade spluttered before she regained a calm expression.

"Why don't we make another bet?" she asked as Naruto smirked in response.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Naruto.

"Let me think? Hmm I heard you have been learning how to control your elements. I bet that you won't be able to create a jutsu that impresses me by the end of the week." Smirked Tsunade.

"How much are we talking about here?" asked Naruto.

"Just a basic combination. Something not even Jiraiya has been able to do yet Brat." Said Tsunade.

"What are the stakes?" asked Naruto.

"If you win I will come back to the village and hear out Sarutobi-Sensei. If I win I get everything you got last night at the festival." Said Tsunade.

"Deal!" responded Naruto instantly forgetting that it included Hinata's gift until…

"Don't forget though Brat…that includes this pretty little necklace I found in your bag last night." Said Tsunade as she pulled out the gemstone necklace causing Naruto to narrow his eyes.

"If that is how you want to do this then fine. I wasn't going to use Shadow Clones, but now there's something more at risk here." Said Naruto with determination.

For the next week Naruto and Jiraiya trained while keeping tabs on Tsunade to make sure she didn't go to Orochimaru while their backs were turned. Sometimes Shizune, Tsunade's assistant would come with them.

Naruto's jutsu creation was almost complete too. He was working on a combination jutsu that utilized both his shadows and wind chakra. Naruto had completed it on Thursday, but waited to show Tsunade the technique on the last day to make it more enjoyable.

So Naruto found himself resting in his room when Shizune suddenly kicked open the door looking for Jiraiya. "Ne? What do you want Shizune?" asked Naruto.

"It's Lady Tsunade she did something that I didn't believe she ever would do! Where is Lord Jiraiya? I need him right now!" she said, but Naruto just waved her off.

"So Tsunade has made the decision to side with Orochimaru." Came the voice of Jiraiya from the window. He was hunched over and looked pretty much dead on his feet.

"What happened to you Pervy Sage?" asked Naruto.

"Tsunade drugged me. I guess she didn't want us to follow. Shizune get this poison out of my system so I can go stop her from healing that snake." Said Jiraiya as Shizune started to use a jutsu to remove the poison.

"I won't be able to remove all of it. You should be good in an hour though." She said.

"We don't have time to waste. Come on you two we are going after her before she gets hurt." Said Jiraiya as Naruto followed alongside him.

"I thought our plan was to retreat if she went to Orochimaru?" asked Naruto.

"It was until I saw fear in her eyes. This isn't an attempt to help Orochimaru, but to kill him. I don't think she wanted me to get hurt in it all." Said Jiraiya as Naruto nodded.

"So what do you think the odds will be?" asked Naruto.

"Shizune and you will fight whoever he brought along with him. I will be helping Tsunade, if she is in fighting condition, with Orochimaru. Hopefully this ends today." Stated Jiraiya as Naruto nodded.

It didn't take them long to find the area of the battle between Orochimaru and Tsunade. The smell of snakes was everywhere and the area looked like it had been bombed out.

'Are you ready for this Young One?' questioned the voice of Zeratul.

'Yes I am Zeratu….whatever happens in the next hour will only be a test for what is to come. Have any idea what we are up against though?' asked Naruto in his mind.

'I can not help you there, but I believe that you will be able to handle all that is there. You have proven yourself as a warrior of the shadows more than once before. My brethren would be proud of you. Now go forth and finish your mission.' Finished Zeratul as the being cut the connection to Naruto.

'Thank you Zeratul…I will make you proud.' Thought Naruto as his group came upon the sight of a bloodied Tsunade about to be killed by a ninja that Naruto recognized.

'Kabuto is a traitor?' asked Naruto as he threw 5 kunai at the silver haired traitor.

"My is this is reunion of the Sannin today and their apprentices?" asked Orochimaru with a smirk. He stood on a large snake with one of his arms missing, courtesy of Zeratul two weeks earlier.

"I guess you could say that my old friend. Although I doubt we will have anymore in the future." Stated Jiraiya as he quickly dispatched the snake with a Rasengan as Orochimaru jumped back.

"You have no idea how true that is kukuku…" laughed Orochimaru as he engaged Jiraiya. They were pretty even considering the fact that Orochimaru had one arm and Jiraiya was poisoned.

"Come on Old Lady! What is wrong with you?" asked Naruto as he shook Tsunade.

"You should realize by now that Tsunade is rather detached at the moment Naruto-kun. If I were you I'd be worried though." Stated Kabuto with a smirk, but it turned into a frown as Shizune stepped in front Naruto.

"I will be your opponent." She declared as she got into a stance.

"Don't leave me out of this fight. I am after all a chuunin now and not some rookie gennin." Stated Naruto as we stepped up beside Shizune.

"Two to one odds don't seem that fair in my opinion. Oh well I've been itching to fight you for some time Naruto; I will just have to get rid of the girl before I have my real fight with you." Said Kabuto as his hands glowed a dull blue.

"Watch it, those are chakra scalpels. If he hits you the chakra can sever nerves and cut muscles to shreds, but it does no outward damage." Said Shizune.

"So it is like the Juken, but works on the body instead of the chakra system. Focus on dodging instead of blocking and we should be alright." Said Naruto.

"Don't think it will be that easy Naruto-kun!" Yelled Kabuto as he charged the two, but he was forced back as a hail of senbon shot at him from Shizune.

Naruto took the initiative and started to send his shadows at the traitor. Kabuto ducked and weaved his way through the attacks with ease, but he was getting annoyed considering the fact that he seemed to be growling.

"This is starting to get a little tedious." He announced, but neither Naruto nor Shizune seemed to care as they focused on keeping him at a distance.

Kabuto finally made a mistake and was pilfered with senbon from Shizune. He quickly pulled them out and ran a medical jutsu over his harm causing the poison to leak out.

"I guess he is a skilled medic." Stated Naruto as he blinked away.

"Don't think that trick will work against me Naruto." Said Kabuto as he shot his arm backwards to block a strike from him. Just as Kabuto was about to strike again Naruto blinked away and appeared above him.

"How about this then!" yelled Naruto as three shadows grew out around Kabuto.

"Futon: Drilling Air Bullets!" yelled Naruto as he shot three large balls of air at Kabuto.

Kabuto would've dodged, but each shadow had jumped at him and held him tightly preventing him from dodging the balls of air that connected with his chest and face. Each clone let go and joined the original next to Shizune.

"That should've got him." Stated Naruto, but he was then surprised to see Kabuto slowly stand up and face the two ninja. His nose was broken and his face was bruised. He also seemed to be breathing heavily and favoring one of his legs.

"That was an impressive attack…although you will have to do better." He wheezed out as his face started to heal quickly and nose reset it's position.

"How the heck did that just happen?" asked Naruto.

"An old ability of mine that I have enhanced quite a bit Naruto-kun. Although I'm kinda wondering something myself. How can someone like you, a dead last at the academy, become so powerful in such a short time?" asked Kabuto in curiosity.

"Pretty easy to be dead last when the whole village hates my guts. That's why I'm so powerful now compared to what I was. I grew up and worked my guts to their limits for the past few months. I don't care what others think about me. I decide my own fate not some stupid title given to me by people who hate me." Stated Naruto.

"That is quite interesting there. I was wondering if there was something special about you, but I guess I was wrong." Stated Kabuto in what seemed like a condescending remark, but Naruto could see his eyes brows twitch slightly.

"Enough of this! I am going to end this now and get back home!" yelled Naruto as he charged Kabuto with his clones.

Kabuto charged toward Naruto seemingly to meet the blonde boy head on, but at the last second he smirked and turned directions heading straight towards Tsunade, who seemed to be still in a state of shock.

Shizune tried to step into his way, but he blocked her attacks and lashed out at her knee and elbow disabling her and giving him a straight shot towards Tsunade with Naruto on his heels.

'Damn I'm not going to make it in time!' thought Naruto as he quickly blinked away.

"Sorry Tsunade, but this ends now!" declared Kabuto as he shot his hand towards her chest, but a mass of black shadows appeared in front of him before he connected and heard a grunt of pain.

Kabuto tried to jump back, but was grabbed by a firm hand keeping him from moving. He looked up to see Naruto staring at him with blood dripping from the boys mouth.

"Looks like I won the bet Old Lady." He stated as Tsunade looked at him with wide eyes.

"Void: Shadow Ripper Blast!" yelled Naruto as he shot his other hand into Kabuto's chest. When it connected a large blast of dark energy shot into Kabuto's body. If one looked closely they could see mini blades cutting deeply into Kabuto's chest as he was shot backwards across the battlefield.

"How did you like my shadow and wind combination attack." Laughed Naruto as collapsed backwards and started to cough out blood.

Shizune quickly made her way over to boy and started to try and heal him while pleading with a shocked Tsunade to help heal him.

'Why did he take that attack? He doesn't even know me and yet he did something like that! Why is it that all the good people in the world have to die like Dan and Nawaki? I can't do anything to help anyone, everyone I even start to care for just dies in front of me!' thought Tsunade as she looked at Naruto.

Suddenly images started appearing in her mind of moments between her and Dan and Nawaki. All of them happy moments that usually brought a smile to her face, but now all she got was an empty feeling. It wasn't until the last image showed itself did she finally snap out of a plague that has tormented her for years.

It was a picture of Nawaki smiling at her, but then it morphed to be a picture of Naruto in the same pose as her brother. It was in that moment that she realized that she had to go on and stop living in the past.

"Lady Tsunade! I can't do this! Please help him!" shouted Shizune as Tsunade blinked and shook her head before looking at Naruto.

"Shizune! Give me some of your chakra! If I know what happened to him then there is little time before I can do nothing!" ordered Tsunade as she began to heal the blonde.




"So this is what it is like to die?" asked Naruto as his world crumpled around him.

"There is no such thing as dyeing. One only moves on to their next adventure like I did." Stated Zeratul as he walked up beside Naruto.

"Still I was hoping that I would be able to say good bye to Hinata and tell her how much she means to me. I was also hoping that I would be able to help that furball in losing his hatred." Stated Naruto silently.

"All is not lost Naruto. I have seen your species do things that I never thought was possible. It was a human that decided the fate of three species in their survival. Until you are dead nothing is impossible." Stated Zeratul as Naruto smiled a bit.

"Speak of the devil." Mumbled Naruto as he watched his world begin to reform.

"You just need a little more faith." Joked Zeratul





"I think I stabilized him, but only time will tell. Thank god he has the Kyubi or he would've died." Stated Tsunade as Shizune smiled.

"That's good…It's good to have you back Lady Tsunade." Stated Shizune with a smile.

"Tsunade look out!" yelled Jiraiya as the two women turned to see Orochimaru's head coming towards Naruto with a sword sticking out of his mouth.

Tsunade immediately dove in front of the blade and stopped it from piercing Naruto by just an inch. She coughed as she glared at Orochimaru as he looked at her in amusement.

"Shame, I wanted the Kyubi Brat, but you are satisfactory." Stated Orochimaru, but he eyes widened as Tsunade grabbed the blade and broke it in half to his surprise.

"You should've just left him alone Orochimaru." Whispered Tsunade as she pulled the blade out of her abdomen. "Now I'm going to kill you." She finished as a seal appeared on her forehead and the wound closed up in an instant.

Orochimaru tried to jump back, but was slammed by a fist to the face courtesy of Tsunade. His neck retracted to his body, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge yet another kick from Tsunade.

This beatdown lasted for a few more minutes before Orochimaru was able to make his escape with an injured Kabuto. Both of them left the battle in much worse condition than when it started.

Although the Silver Haired Traitor Kabuto left with a thought on his mind on how someone like Naruto could defy those who sought to control him.

Did that mean that he didn't always have to serve a master in the future? Could he perhaps become his own master?




So here they were on their way back to Konoha with Naruto leading the pack with the 1st's necklace around his neck and a small smile one his face. Behind him were Tsunade and Jiraiya discussing what the other had been up to since they last saw each other and last was Shizune holding her pig…

They soon came within sight of Konoha and Naruto's smile morphed into a full out smile as they approached the gates.

"Oi Gaki! Stop smiling like that! You're starting to give me a headache with all of the happiness!" yelled Jiraiya as Naruto's grin just got bigger.

"Well too bad Pervy Sage! I just can't wait to see Hinata and give her the necklace!" smiled Naruto.

"I still don't believe you won that bet fairly. You weren't supposed to know two elements that well." Grumbled Tsunade.

"Eh don't worry Old Lady at least you got all your money back. Unlike that Killer Bee!" laughed Naruto.

"Wait Killer Bee?" asked Jiraiya.

"Yep, you see normally I would just kill a Kumo nin, but I made an exception for him since he has a Bijuu too." Said Naruto.

"He is also the first to ever fully control a Bijuu that has over 5 tails." Said Jiraiya as Naruto looked back at him in shock.

"Are you joking? I could've learned some tips from him!" whined Naruto as they entered the village.

"Okay Brat you can go find your girlfriend, while we go meet with the Hokage." Said Jiraiya as the three older ninja left Naruto.

"Whatever…and I was going to offer to do the paperwork. Ehh their loss." Laughed Naruto as he made five clones to look for Hinata.

It didn't take long for his clones to find Hinata, she was with her team at one of the many training grounds of the forest training. So Naruto made his way quickly across the village to them.

He got to the training ground and say Hinata standing looking at her teammates sparing. He slowly made his way to a tree above her and fell back so that his face would meet hers when she turned around.

"HELLO HINATA!" screamed Naruto.

"AHHHHHHHH!" screamed Hinata in response. She turned around and sent a devastating hit to Naruto's face sending him flying back into a tree trunk. The whole time he seemed to have a smile on his face.

"N-Naruto…?" asked Hinata as she finally got her bearings.