

Ken decides to approach his sensei, who is the head of the Explosion Corps, for information about the special task force. He knows that his sensei has access to valuable intelligence and might be able to shed some light on the situation.

One evening, after training, Ken waits for the right moment to speak with his sensei privately. As the other students disperse, he approaches him respectfully.

"Sensei, I have a question," Ken starts, choosing his words carefully. "Have you heard anything about the special task force that the Tsuchikage has formed? There are rumors circulating in the village, and I can't help but wonder what their true purpose is."

His sensei looks at him intently, seeming to weigh his words before responding. "You have a keen mind, Ken. It's true that the special task force is a sensitive topic. They operate in secrecy, and their missions are not disclosed to the public. However, as the head of the Explosion Corps, I do have access to some information."

Ken's heart quickens with anticipation. "Please, sensei, anything you can tell me would be helpful."

His sensei takes a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing. "The special task force was formed by the Tsuchikage himself to deal with threats that are beyond the scope of regular missions. They operate with a high level of autonomy and are tasked with protecting the village from potential dangers, both internal and external."

A mix of sadness and anger washes over Ken. "But the villagers are afraid of them. They see them as a symbol of fear and oppression."

His sensei nods gravely. "Yes, that is the unfortunate side effect of their secrecy. Their actions are not always understood or appreciated by the villagers. It is a delicate balance between maintaining order and causing unrest."

With a heavy heart, Ken decides that the best course of action is to join the special task force and gain insight into their activities from within. He knows that this plan carries significant risks, but he believes it's the only way to understand the true intentions behind the force and protect Iwagakure.

The next day, Ken approaches his sensei again to share his decision. "Sensei, I've thought long and hard about this, and I've made up my mind. I want to join the special task force."

His sensei looks surprised but doesn't protest. "It's a dangerous path you're choosing, Ken. Once you're in, there's no turning back. But I understand your determination. If you're truly set on this, I'll do what I can to help you."

Ken nods solemnly. "Thank you, sensei. I know the risks, but I need to find out the truth. If I don't do something, who will? I can't stand by and watch the village live in fear."

His sensei pats him on the shoulder. "I admire your bravery, Ken. Just promise me one thing – be careful. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment. You must remain vigilant and focused at all times."

"I will, sensei," Ken replies, his resolve unwavering. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect Iwagakure and its people."

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