
Training Challenge

Lord Holden spent the next two weeks training us in new ways. Hiding in plain sight, how to track animals or humans, as well as how to identify harmful and helpful plants were all lessons that we were slowly mastering.

Carrion must have taken Lord Holden's joke about this movement that scared birds out of the tree to heart. He concentrated his time learning on how to move swiftly without anyone noticing him. He developed skills that were almost terrifying, suddenly appearing nearby without warning.

Alina's most proficient skill was definitely hiding. Although her skill with movement could not compare to Carrion's, she made up for it by being undetectable in the places she would choose to be still. Considering that the Crown Princess would most likely never have to track or scavenge for herself, her camouflage training was a smart choice.

For my part of survival school, I was best at plant identification. It was a skill that translated well from books my mother got me through the years. Although I had very little practice with real plants, the books I enjoyed had fairly accurate renderings. I was glad I had something to bring to the group.

Cali took naturally to tracking. I think she enjoyed the idea of having a scavenger hunt where she might get to use her sword at the end of it. Cali also took her final lesson to heart. She seemed to enjoy not listening to everything that Lord Holden said.

Somehow this playful pastime was my least favorite part of training. Cali would invent ways to circumvent instructions. Lord Holden seemed to take it in good humor.

It made our teacher focus more of his time on Cali and less on everyone else. It doesn't seem fair that she monopolizes his time in such a way when others need to learn too.

My uncle watched all of our training with great amusement. We were his entertainment to pass the time. It also helped that he would take over instruction in the afternoons to make sure our weaponry skills weren't slipping.

Much to Cali's dismay, our sword sparring continued with branches. Alina picked up quite a few moves. She was not by any means able to defeat any of her companions but progress was made. I think she could easily defend herself if absolutely needed.

My uncle also added archery to our training schedule. I rarely used a bow. My form was messy and inconsistent. I could hit a target, but never quite where I aimed.

Alina surprised us all by being the most proficient at the weapon. Only after she bested us did she reveal that at one point she had a tutor who was convinced archery tournaments were the next fad across the kingdom. She learned in an attempt to fit into a trend that never surfaced.

I awoke one morning and counted off the days. Lord Holden arrived exactly two weeks prior. Without any word from the castle, I started to worry. Why hadn't they caught the spies yet? What were they waiting for?

I headed downstairs to start our training. Breakfast had again become dried meat, but at least this dried meat was fresher. I was the last to reach the breakfast table. As I approached, jovial laughter roared from the group.

"Father never told us that story," Carrion smirked. I had not seen pure joy on his face in a very long time.

"My men called him Lord Smelldyn for a bit. But now he knows the difference between raccoon tracks and skunk tracks," Lord Holden explained, looking in turn to each person around the table. Why did it feel like he lingered on Cali?

" The raccoon thief was caught a few weeks later, but sadly the smell in camp took a while to dissipate," Lord Holden chuckled in Cali's direction.

I cleared my throat, joining everyone at the table. "What is the training plan for today?" I cut in.

The sudden change in subject threw off Lord Holden for a moment. Taken aback, the smile of his face fell momentarily replaced with a furrowed brow.

"Oh. Yes, thank you Sir Jacobson for helping us get back to business. I think some practice further from the manor might be helpful. I was thinking that I could take two of you out in the woods to practice your tracking and hiding on the other," Holden offered.

"Thank you, Lord Holden, for that generous offer. I think I would prefer to stay here. Your terrifying arrival during our last outing in the woods has left me weary of traveling too far from the house," Alina admitted.

"I assume that Her Highness's betrothed would like to stay with her?" Holden continued without waiting for my response. "How about the siblings?"

"Sounds delightful!" Cali responded with a mischievous look in her eye. She wanted to put her training to real practice.

"I do not think it is appropriate. We were sent here to protect Princess Alina. We should not take that charge so lightly," Carrion said with his usual lofty attitude.

"Well I guess we can train near the house again today," Lord Holden seemed to admit defeat.

I saw Cali deflate. Her excited energy that filled the room moments before now left a void. I think I could help.

"If Carrion wants to stay and it is all the same to Alina, I will join Lord Holden and Cali," I announced.

My uncle tipped his head as if figuring something out. Cali anxiously looked toward Alina. Carrion rolled his eyes, not bothering to hide his disgust for my offer. Lord Holden seemed to not notice everyone's reactions since his eyes fell fully on Alina.

Alina looked toward Cali with a twinkle in her eye. "I think that sounds like marvelous training, my friends. I will be in good hands with Sir John and Sir Carrion."

That is how I somehow ended up deep in the woods with Cali and Lord Holden looking for me while I hid in a tree.