
No More Secrets

Before I could speak, Queen Valerie motioned for me to sit across from her at a small table that held a tea service. Two freshly poured cups of tea sat before us.

"Please tell me Finley and Alejo are treating you kindly. I always enjoy their company," the brunette Queen gushed over my shadows.

"They are fantastic! Thank you for lending them to me, Your Majesty," I responded, not sure how to best convey my gratitude.

"Lending? Are you here to return them? Did Alejo try cracking jokes?" With that my nerves left me. I never realized how much Alina was like her mother.

"Your Majesty, don't give away all my secrets!" Alejo teased.

"I would never! Just don't give away mine, either," the sassy royal responded. It was nice to see her outside of a setting with obligations attached.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself for my request. "Your Majesty, my calling on you has nothing to do with these devout guards you've trusted with my safety, but rather the ones that have been entrusted with Princess Alina's."

"Oh really?" The Queen's jovial mood disappeared into a sip of tea. Her brow furrowed with a hint of worry. I took a moment to try and pick my words.

"I think Princess Alina is finding their presence a bit stifling," I started. Was that too weak of wording? I took a sip of tea. To better gauge the Queen's reaction, I needed to make sure my mouth didn't run away without thinking.

"I have noticed that Caderyn has increased her personal guard since Alina's birthday. I think the gnomes visit to wish her a happy birthday really surprised him. No need for her to rush to assemble a council now for visiting dignitaries," Queen Valerie explained.

My expression soured momentarily. The gnomes didn't come to wish Alina a happy birthday. Was that statement for the benefit of the guards and maids present who had no idea what happened in that meeting? Somehow I did not think so. One thing at a time.

"Were you aware, Your Majesty, that the guards confined Alina to her room today? They only let me and Lady Calista see her under false pretenses," I explained. That was probably not the best thing to say. Hopefully I did not get Cali or myself in trouble.

Queen Valerie sat up straighter. "Are you sure she did not put these measures in place herself to have a quiet day?" There was no accusation in the question.

"I am positive. Princess Alina seems particularly uncomfortable with the main guard assigned to her," somehow I managed. The Queen's sweet nature made her easy to talk to and I shared more than I probably should have in front of the maids and guards I did not know standing near the door.

"That is concerning." The Queen's expression twisted into something I could not read. "Why do you think that King Caderyn assigned such a man?"

The savvy monarch knew how to ask the difficult questions. I took a gulp of tea, thinking my answer might get me escorted from the room. "I think the gnomes' ideas for the future unnerved King Caderyn and he is unsure how to proceed." My face pleaded for mercy at speaking so openly.

The Queen sat down her tea on its saucer slowly. It looked like she was figuring out a puzzle. "Sir Jacobson, please feel free to speak openly to me. Did something else happen at that meeting with the gnomes besides well wishes?"

My eyes grew big. How much had King Caderyn kept from his wife?

I looked around the room and saw too many curious eyes. "Does Her Majesty know about the prophecy?" I murmured barely above a whisper.

Seeing how our current audience made me reluctant to speak openly, the Queen stood. "My friends, please excuse Sir Jacobson and myself. We need to speak privately. You all deserve a break, maybe to the kitchens? Marta, please stay nearby outside."

A few maid servants, who I had not noticed were working on various tasks around the room, abandoned their work and headed toward the door. The Queen's guards followed suit. Finley and Alejo joined the parade near the back of the pack.

"Finley and Alejo, please be so kind as to stay," Queen Valerie requested, not demanded. Again I wondered how Caderyn got so lucky. My two shadows took up posts by the door to give us some breathing room.

The door shut behind the company and the queen let out her bated breath. "I feared Caderyn was keeping something from me lately. Please tell me all you know, Sir Jacobson."

For the better part of an hour, I recalled everything that I knew about the prophecy, the Autarch, the archer and our strategy thus far. The Queen, for her part, remained quietly pensive. Only asking questions when absolutely necessary. Her tranquil mask fell into a grimace whenever I mentioned the final scene played out in the prophecy.

I held back nothing from her curious inquiries. She took mostly everything in stride, nodding her understanding. Most of her questions I anticipated, until one that I could not quite answer.

"Your future marriage to Alina is planned in hopes of saving Caderyn? Do you love her?" The queen did not mince words.

I paused and thought about how to respond. "She is one of my closest friends. In that way, I love her deeply. If that's what you mean, Your Majesty."

The queen nodded, "The men of Stag are always true to their sense of duty, even when matters of the heart are concerned."

I think that was a complement. Glad my clan left a favorable impression on her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. What do we do next?" I wanted to know how to proceed. Although I had the Queen's ear, I'm sure that the King would not be pleased with me.

"It seems as though we both have a Swordsman Council meeting to attend. But first, let's go save my daughter