
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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284 Chs

Soul Stealer Mezo!

Chapter 93 Soul Stealer Mezo!

Dardre country: Weldro Kingdom: King Tiozin's Board/ Throne Room

Mezo Sheeter! The three generals say in accompany with one another with fear in their voices. Getting up abruptly with a concerned look on his face as he stares at his king, Mopu says with a baffled tone, your majesty with all do respect sir! Do you believe it's wise to call for Mezo my liege? If the matter is that concerning for you I will face Vic in battle again and I will be victorious the next time I face him my lord! Inching away from the table in his seat, standing up slow and leisurely, tilting his head down as he opens his mouth to answer back to Mopu's plea, King Tiozin says in a calm and disrespectfully sly way, for your information Mopu! The situation is dire and from looking at you! Spouting out your wretched mouth about if I fight him again I'll surely win! If that were the case you wouldn't have let your guard down and lost your god damn eye! Clapping his hands together after degrading Mopu, running in with a bird on his left arm a Weldro servant says, you clapped my lord! Sliding his gaze away from Mopu, and moving it to the servant that ran through the door, his expression turning from a frustrated scowl to a cynical smirk. Out stretching his right arm, rubbing the hawk eagle mixed bird with soft fingers, king Tiozin says, yes I sure did! I have a request! Send this fine creature to relay a message for me for Soul Stealer Mezo Sheeter! I have something I need handled!

End of Chapter 93