
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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307 Chs

Overpowering Strength!

Chapter 239 Overpowering Strength!

North: Artic Capital: The Waste

Mezo Sheeter:

Clanging as our steels harmonize as we swing with fury at one another, actually making me go on the defensive as I parry a lot of his powerful strikes.

Sending me skidding a couple of feet away from him with his robust power than I was expecting, I say with no fibbing seeping out of my throat, your strength is truly something, I knew you would be strong for a swordsman of your magnitude, but even still I feel like you might actually be the first to best me in raw power.

Rushing over to me with his eyes bright with thrill, swinging his sword in a side swiping motion as he tries to cleave me apart, Grazu says with excitement in his tone, I could say the same about you cat. Even though your strength clearly is not at my caliber, it's still nothing to bash.

Evading his wide swings now as he is just using his shear arm strength, thinking to myself while I keep up my quick footed movements, so I don't have to worry about blocking because his strength is that unreal. Pondering one last time in my head, before I state something, I state, his brute strength would have definitely brung Mopu to his knees if he was still a part of the living.

Sliding past one of his downward strikes, still wielding just one of my blades, I state in a critiquing fashion as I am now behind him, quick with a counter to make this bout go in the flow of me as I kick the right back part of his knee, strength is by far your greatest tool for you.

With his right knee touching the ground as he is off balance, even in this down state, switching hands fast to the arm closest to me as he whips his cold blade at me, instinctively ducking the swiping motion that was meant to decapitate me.

Wasting no energy as I immediately kick his shoulder with the blade in it, hitting him as hard as I can to make him release, but not relenting, instantly sheathing my sword, I move in close and unleash a special punching technique at the same spot. Penetrating with precision as I am successful at dislocating his shoulder, forcing him to relinquish his weapon.

Grimacing in agony as his blade has hit the solid ground of this ghetto, showing more fight as he is up right now as he tries to slug me with his good arm, easily able to dodge that half ass swing, I then throw a straight kick to his open face, stunned after receiving the unexpected blow, I then go in and grab his arm and force it behind his back while locking my other arm around his neck.

In the position of dominance with his life in my hands now, I say, this test is done, even though you lack finesse and technique with the blade, and you didn't make me use both of my weapons. You still pass by keeping your life. So, with me lamenting this to you, will you join me for a better cause?

Leering his gaze up at me as my muscular bicep is still firm around his thick neck, Grazu says, if I do decide to travel with you to this land called Dardre, will I have more men under me and still have my freedom?

Quick with my reply at his question, I answer with an aloof tone, yes.

Keeping his no good deed eyes on me as he grins, Grazu says, seems like I'm your new travel buddy then.

End of Chapter 239