
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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307 Chs

No Running!

Chapter 67 No Running!

Dardre Kingdom Halls

Roaming the halls quickly from the area that he heard the shocking info from, upon seeing the person who called the shots to have his father killed, gazing forward with panicked eyes, Dante says in his mind, oh man! oh man! I got to find the others and tell them that I heard and saw the person that organized the attack on the kingdom! Running down each hall way in a hurry to find either one of his companions, sharply turning a corner to his right and stopping to an abrupt halt, Dante looks up in fear at a large figure in front of him. Looking down at Dante with a stern gaze, a huge bulky Mr. Olympia sized man with a curly orange afro and long disheveled beard says with a booming voice, where are you running to in such a hurry young solider? Sweating profusely as he looks up at the 6 foot 11 giant, Dante says nervously rubbing his sweaty hands together and says, um um to meet up with some of my comrades sir! Leering down with his purple and orange eyes, rubbing his beard in a contemplating manner, opening his mouth to answer Dante's question he says, Is that so! But you should know the rules of the hall! No running!

End of Chapter 67