
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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307 Chs

Don't Let Snakes Get To Close!

Chapter 242 Don't Let Snakes Get To Close!

Dardre Country: King Tiozin's Castle

King Tiozin:

Lamenting on Wifa's honest words about her suspecting Hido on maybe conspiring against me, holding my tongue for a moment as I really recollect now on somethings that Hido does.

Wanting to delve even further in this discussion as we disregard our chess game, I ask with anticipation on her answer, so do you think I should have people watching Hido? Of course, in secret.

Placing both her light purple polished nails on her right kneecap as she rests them there with her posture poised. Even keeled as she has been our whole session together, conversing back to answer my question, Wifa says, I most certainly think you should have someone watching him. Even better I'll deploy some assassins that are exceptionally well versed at hiding in the shadows unnoticed.

Hearing the promptness in her voice, I really start to feel some type of way as I truly might suspect somethings about Hido, especially on him scheming under my nose.

Seeing my expression of slight discomfort and cautiousness, Wifa states, I do not mean to put you on edge my lord. I'm just stating what I feel is possibly going on in our nation and kingdom, and I just want you to be aware of that.

Letting her concerns sink into my mind as she has my safety in her heart, I say with an airy tone, I must thank you for your concern for me Wifa. And I will be a lot more attentive for now on around certain people and their motives toward me. But the day seems to be shortening and I would like to be alone for a while.

Slowly rising from her chair as she looks at me with a blank expression, putting her right hand over her stomach, Wifa bows and says in a formal tone, as you wish my lord, I shall leave you to ponder on the things we've discussed.

Turning away from me, Wifa then begins to leisurely walk away toward the exit of the room, watching her short curvaceous figure stop before the door suddenly, glancing back as she parts one more key of info, Wifa says, don't let snakes get too close to you, my lord.

Opening the door after leaving me with that quote, Wifa vanishes behind the solid wood, having my eyes still fixed on the entrance to the room, I say in a whisper, noted my dear. But that means I must be wary of you as well, until otherwise.

End of Chapter 242